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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gorton M. (2012) Polymict Eucrite NWA 5232: Composition of Clasts
van Drongelen K, Tait K, Gorton M & Nicklin I

Gorur A. (2012) Wiring the Cell Wall: Surface Multiheme C-Type Cytochromes from Thermincola Potens and Implications for Dissimilatory Metal Reduction by Gram-Positive Bacteria
Carlson H, Iavarone A, Gorur A, Boon SY, Tran R, Melnyk R, Mathies R, Auer M & Coates J

Goryachkin S. (2012) Endolithic (Bio)weathering and Rock Varnish in East Antarctica as early-Earth Analogs of Protosoils
Goryachkin S, Cherkinsky A, Mergelov N & Shorkunov I

Goryainov S (2004) Transformations of NaA Zeolite at High P-T Conditions
Goryainov S, Secco R, Huang Y & Liu H

Goryainov Sergey (2016) High-Pressure Raman Study of Nyerereite from Ol Doinyo Lengai
Rashchenko S, Goryainov S, Romanenko A, Likhacheva A, Korsakov A & Moine B

Goryl M. (2020) Comparison of Miocene Ambers of Tropical Borneo Paleoenvironments and Potential Extant Plant
Simoneit BRT, Smolarek-Lach J, Goryl M, Bucha M, Rybicki M & Marynowski L
(2020) Reconstruction of Upper Cretaceous Paleoflora Based on Resin-Derived Biomarkers. Example from the North Sudetic Basin, Poland
Goryl M, Marynowski L, Bucha M & Simoneit BRT

Goryniuk M. (2007) Geochemical Variability within the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Adelaide Fold Belt, South Australia
Tappert R, Foden J, Wills K & Goryniuk M

Gosar M. (2022) Characterization of Dry Atmospheric Deposition Following a Dust Event and its Importance for Ombrotrophic Peatlands
Pezdir V, Gaberšek M & Gosar M
(2021) SEM/EDS Characterization of Atmospheric Solid Particles Deposited on Peatland
Pezdir V, Gaberšek M & Gosar M
(2020) Peat Morphology and Geochemistry of Šijec Bog (Slovenia)
Pezdir V, Čeru T & Gosar M
(2013) Geochemical Mapping in Urban Area of an Old Mercury Mining Town (Idrija, Slovenia)
Bavec Š, Gosar M, Biester H & Grčman H
(2013) GEMAS Results at a Regional Scale: The Alps
Dinelli E, Lancianese V, Albanese S, Birke M, De Vivo B, Gosar M, Hasliger E, Hayoz P, Reitner H & Salpeteur I
(2008) Historical Ore Processing in Idrija – Case Study of a Unique Mercury Waste Disposal Site
Teršič T, Gosar M & Biester H

Goscombe B. (2006) Linking metamorphism, deformation and geochronology of accessory phases: examples from the Kaoko Belt, Namibia
Foster D, Coyner S, Mueller P, Kamenov G, Gray D & Goscombe B

Gosling William (2014) Pollen and Spore Chemistry as a Long-Term Record of Ultraviolet-B Radiation Flux
Jardine P, Fraser W, Lomax B & Gosling W

Gosling William (2015) A Biogeochemical Proxy for Solar Irradiance; Proxy Development and Application to Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
Fraser W, Jardine P, Julier A, Gosling W & Lomax B

Gosling William (2017) Reconstructing Past Ultraviolet Irradiance Using Pollen and Spores Chemistry
Fraser W, Jardine P, Lomax B & Gosling W

Gosnell Kathleen (2015) Seasonal Dynamics of Mercury and Methylmercury in Plankton of Long Island Sound (USA)
Gosnell K, Mason R, Balcom P & Ortiz V

Gosnell Kathleen J. (2023) Distribution of Particulate Trace Metals along the GEOTRACES GP21 South Pacific Ocean Transect
Gosnell KJ, Jasinski D, O'Sullivan EM, Poehle S, Galley C, Kiko R, Steiner Z & Achterberg EP

Gosnell Kati (2009) Global Patterns of Dust Deposition Deduced from Dissolved Al in the Surface Ocean
Measures C, Landing B, Buck C, Brown M, Hiscock B, Grand M, Hatta M & Gosnell K

Gosnold W. (2013) Noise in Heat Flow Data
Gosnold W

Gospodinov M. (2007) Doping-Induced Structural Phenomena in Pb-Based Relaxors
Bismayer U, Mihailova B, Paulmann C, Malcherek T, Güttler B & Gospodinov M

Goss A. (2011) Neogene Central Andean Adakites, Frontal Arc Migration and Forearc Subduction Erosion at 27º-28.5ºS
Kay S, Goss A & Mpodozis C

Goss Greg (2019) Implications of Recycling Flowback and Produced Water on Microbial Community Composition and Scale Formation
Flynn S, Zhong C, von Gunten K, Nesbø C, Warchola T, Snihur K, Sun C, Laniol B, Konhauser K, Martin J, Goss G & Alessi D

Goss Greg G. (2015) Comprehensive Approach to the Characterization of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Wastewater
Flynn SL, He Y, Pereira A, Folkerts E, Martin JW, Goss GG & Alessi DS

Goss J.P.

Gosse Jessica (2022) Identification of Biomineralization Processes and Bacterial Species Forming the Speleothems of Iron Curtain Cave, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
Koning K, McFarlane R, Gosse J, Lawrence S, Carr L, Van Wagoner N, Boddy C & Cheeptham1 N

Gosse John (2005) Glacial Erosion and Till Dispersion Using the Source and the Sink: A New Cosmogenic Nuclide Application
Staiger J & Gosse J
(2005) Five Ways to Examine What Isn‚t in There with Cosmogenic Isotopes
Gosse J, Baker S, Pazzaglia F, Brandon M, Karlstrom K, Pederson J & Finkel R
(2002) Glacier Erosion Factory: Using 26Al/10Be, Soils, and Geomorphology to Study Relief Development
Gosse J & Willenbring J
(2002) Production Rates of 10Be and 26Al in Mid-Latitudes and High Altitudes
Klein J & Gosse J

Gosselin K. (2017) Shallow Ponds Affect Carbon Storage in Temperate Salt Marsh Ecosystems
Spivak A, Gosselin K, Gonneea M & Sylva S
(2017) A Biogenic Input of Heptadecane in Surface Waters Prior to and during the Anthropocene
Reddy C, Gosselin K, Nelson R, Sylva S, Aeppli C, Sharpless C & Valentine D

Gosselin M. (2016) Role of Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in Air-Ice-Ocean Exchange of Climatically Important Gases (CO2 and DMS) in the Arctic: Preliminary Results of Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Physical-Biogeochemical Model Simulations
Hayashida H, Mortenson E, Monahan A, Steiner N, Blais M, Gale M, Galindo V, Gosselin M, Gourdal M, Hu X, Levasseur M & Mundy CJ

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