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Gorbunov A. (2015) Mineral Chemistry in Mineralised Layers and Barren Rocks of East Pana Intrusion, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Gorbunov A, Veksler I, Asavin A, Anosova M & Kazymov K

Gorbushina Anna (2019) Mg Isotope Fractionation in Organisms: Why Fractionation Factors Depend on Mg Uptake
von Blanckenburg F, Pokharel R, Uhlig D, Schuessler JA, Gerrits R & Gorbushina A
(2019) Attachment of the Rock-Inhabiting Fungus K. Petricola A95 to Olivine Enhances Mineral Dissolution by Preventing the Precipitation of Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides
Gerrits R, Pokharel R, Breitenbach R, Feldmann I, Radnik J, Wirth R, Schuessler J, von Blanckenburg F, Gorbushina A & Schott J
(2016) Do Fungi Change the Rate and Mg Isotopic Composition during Mineral Dissolution?
Pokharel R, Gerrits R, Floor GH, Schuessler JA, Gorbushina AA & von Blanckenburg F
(2015) IsoNose – Isotopic Tools as Novel Sensors of Earth Surfaces Resources – A New Marie Curie Initial Training Network
von Blanckenburg F, Bouchez J, Bouman C, Gaillardet J, Gorbushina A, James R, Kamber B, Oelkers E, Tesmer M & Ashton J
(2010) Fungal Growth on Bare Rock Surfaces – Where Does the Carbon Come from?
Gorbushina A
(2009) How Biological Interactions and Physical Stresses Influence Fungal Biogeochemical Impact
Gorbushina A
(2009) Iron, Sulfur and the Global Carbon Cycle
Krumbein W & Gorbushina A
(2005) Sub-Aerial Rock-Inhabiting Communities: Role in Land Colonization and Contribution to Biogeochemistry of Rock Surfaces
Gorbushina AA
(2003) How and Why Do Rocks Turn Black – A History of Surface Biogeochemistry
Gorbushina A, Krumbein W, Rullkoetter J & Volkmann M

Gorbushina Anna A. (2023) The Role of Melanin in Fungal Fe Uptake, Mineral Weathering and Metal Corrosion
Gerrits R, Henehan MJ, Frick DA, von Blanckenburg F, Schumacher J & Gorbushina AA
(2021) The Effect of Fungal Iron Uptake on Olivine Weathering Studied by Genetic Approaches in the Rock-Inhabiting Fungus Knufia Petricola
Gerrits R, Henehan MJ, Feldmann I, Radnik J, Agudo Jácome L, Lisec J, Schott J, Schumacher J, Gorbushina AA & von Blanckenburg F

Gorby Y. (2014) Electric Cable Bacteria in Hudson River Sediments
Gorby Y, Hynes A & Lis L
(2014) Bioelectrical Approach for Controlling Mineral Formation in Landfill Leachates
Bohuski M & Gorby Y
(2011) Conductive Filaments and Electric Fields Associated with Electric Currents in Marine Sediment
Nielsen LP, Risgaard-Petersen N, Gorby Y, Revil A, Wanger G, El-Naggar M & Yuzvinsky T
(2010) Can Direct Extracellular Electron Transfer Occur in the Absence of Outer Membrane Cytochromes in Desulfovibrio vulgaris?
Elias D, Zane G, Auer M, Fields M, Wall J & Gorby Y
(2010) Electronic and Biogeochemical Properties of Bacterial Nanowires
Gorby Y, Wanger G, Yuzvisnki T, Fields M & El-Naggar M
(2008) Microbial Nanowires and their Possible Role in Metal Oxidation
Gorby Y, Burgos W & Inskeep W
(2007) Bacterial Nanowires: Extracellular Electron Transfer and Mineral Transformation
Gorby Y
(2007) Bacterial Interactions with Solid Substrates: Applications for Microbial Fuel Cells, Carbonate Surfaces and Metal Oxide Reduction
Bretschger O, Obraztsova A, Sturm C, Zhang L, Gorby Y, Chang IS, Kim BH, Mansfeld F, Nealson K & Luttge A
(2005) Modification of Hematite Surfaces during Colonization by a Dissimilatory Fe(III) Reducing Bacterium Under Controlled Hydrodynamic Conditions
Geesey G, Gonzalez-Gil G, Amonette J, Romine M & Gorby Y
(2005) Imaging and Analysis of Biominerals and Nanostructures Associated with Bacterial Membranes
Dohnalkova A, Kennedy D, Marshall M, Gorby Y, Elias D & Fredrickson J
(2005) Display and Retraction of Outer Membrane‚ Cytochromes by Shewanella oneidensis in Response to Electron Acceptor Availability
Gorby Y, Biju V, Pan D, Mclean J, Saffarini D, Fredrickson J & Lu P
(2004) Shewanella’s Surface Physicochemistry and Adhesiveness to FeOxides
Korenevsky A, Gorby Y & Beveridge T
(2004) Lipopolysaccharide and Surface Proton Binding Characterization of Shewanella sp
Phoenix V, Korenevsky A, Berveridge T, Gorby Y & Ferris F
(2002) Regulation and Assembly of Extracellular Polymeric Substances by the Facultative Metal Reducing Bacterium Shewanella oneidensis Strain MR-1
Gorby Y, McLean J, Pinchuk G, Hill E & Dohnalkova A
(2001) Physiological Responses and Environmental Implications of Fe(II)-induced Inhibition of Microbial Iron Reduction
Gorby YA, Liu C, Beveridge TJ, Ferris FG & Zachara JM

Gorczyca Z. (2018) Assessing the Origin of Water Appearances in Salt Mines: Triple Isotope Analyses (δ2H, δ18O, δ17O) of Heavy Brines from the Klodawa Salt Mine, Central Poland
Dulinski M, Pierchala A, Rozanski K, Gorczyca Z, Czub R & Marzec M

Gorczyk W. (2019) Integrating Isotopic Signatures and Geodynamic Numerical Models to Fingerprint Geodynamic Settings
Kohanpour F, Kirkland C, Gorczyk W, Occhipinti S & Lindsay M
(2016) Decarbonation of Subducting Slabs: A Petrological-Thermomechamical Modeling Approach
Gonzalez C, Gorczyk W & Gerya T
(2013) Intra-Plate Tectonics and Magmatisim as a Consequence of Mantle Lithosphere Delamination
Gorczyk W, Vogt K & Hobbs B
(2011) Intra-Cratonic Lithospheric Deformations – Heterogeneities, Faulting and Rayleigh-Tylor Instabilities
Gorczyk W, Hobbs B, Zhu G, Ord A & Gessner K
(2007) Melting and Mixing Processes in Mantle Wedges
Gorczyk W, Gerya TV, Connolly JAD, Burg J-P & Yuen DA

Gordanic V. (2013) Hydrogeochemical Radiation Burden in the Ambience of Natural Radioactivity in the Hills of Vrsac
Spasic Jokic V, Gordanic V, Vidovic M & Jovanovic D
(2013) Hydrogeochemical Characteristics in the Basin Area of the ”Rovni” Accumulation – Influence of the Natural Radionuclides
Gordanić V, Vidović M, Spasić-Jokić V, Jovanović D & Seke A
(2013) Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Water Source in the Area of Lazarevo Village (From the Aspect of Balneology)
Vidović M, Gordanić V, Spasić-Jokić V, Ćirić A & Seke A
(2011) Geochemical Features of the Fluvial Plain Sediments from the Riverbank Profiles of the Metallogenic Area of Eastern Serbia– Ecological Significance
Gordanic V, Vidovic M, Jovanovic D & Ciric A
(2010) Overbank Sediments Used for Regional Geochemical Mapping and Research of Environmental Contamination
Gordanic V, Spasic-Jokic V, Ciric A & Jovanovic D
(2008) Regional Geochemical Mapping – Ecological Significance
Gordanic V, Ciric A & Jovanovic D
(2007) The Use of Overbank Sediments Data for Geochemical Mapping and Contamination Assessment: Results from Selected Floodplains of Serbia
Gordanic V, Ciric A & Jovanovic D

Gordeev V. (2010) Arsenic and Mercury Enrichments in the Sediments of the Geothermal Springs of Playa Santispac, Concepcion Bay, Baja California Peninsula
Leal-Acosta ML, Shumilin E, Sapozhnikov D, Gordeev V & Mirlean N

Gorden G. (2007) Uranium "Stable" Isotope Fractionation in Nature: A Potential Paleo Redox- and Bio- Tracer?
Weyer S, Anbar A, Gerdes A, Arnold G, Gorden G, McManus J & Boyle E

Gordeychik B. (2023) Boron and B-Sr-Nd Isotopes as Tracers of FME and Volatile Enrichments in the Mantle Source of Kamchatka Arc Basalts
Brennan E, Savov IP, Agostini S, Churikova T, Gordeychik B, Iveson AA, Morgan DJ & Humphreys MCS
(2020) Differences of the Crystallization and Diffusion Trends by Fo-Ni Variations
Gordeychik B, Churikova T, Shea T, Andreas K, Simakin A & Wörner G
(2018) The Impact of Melting of Metasomatized Subarc Mantle on the B Isotope Systematics of Arc Volcanics
Tomanikova L, Savov I, Harvey J, De Hoog C-J, Churikova T & Gordeychik B
(2016) Geochemistry of High-Mg Andesitic Rocks in NE Kamchatka
Nishizawa T, Nakamura H, Churikova T, Gordeychik B, Ishizuka O, Bogdan V, Ueki K, Toyama C & Iwamori H

Gordilho Barbosa R. (2022) 3.64 – 2.80 Ga Crustal Differentiation in the Northern São Francisco Craton, Brazil
Gordilho Barbosa R, Ferreira ACD, Leitzke FP & Vieira Conceicao R
(2021) Eoarchean to Mesoarchean Crustal Evolution of the Northern São Francisco Craton, Brazil: Geochronological and Isotopic Perspectives
Gordilho Barbosa R, Vieira Conceicao R, Leitzke FP, Barbosa J, Tusch J, Münker C & Ferreira ACD
(2020) Paleoproterozoic Granitic Magmatism in the Northern São Francisco Craton: New Perspectives from Geochemistry, U-Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotopes
Gordilho Barbosa R, Lana C & Zincone S
(2019) Paleoproterozoic I-And-S-Types Granitic Magmatism in the Northern São Francisco Craton, NE Brazil: New Perspectives from Geochemistry, Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotopes
Gordilho Barbosa R, Stevens G & Lana C
(2018) Paleoproterozoic Granitic Magmatism in the Contendas-Mirante Region, Bahia, Brazil
Gordilho Barbosa R, Stevens G & Lana C

Gordon Alex (2010) Nitrogen Reduction on Metal Sulfide Surfaces Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Strongin D, Gordon A & Schoonen M

Gordon Alexander (2014) Nano to Macro-Porosity of Eagle Ford and Marcellus Shales: Characterization of Porosity Evolution
Gordon A, Stack A, Anovitz L, McFarlane J, Littrell K & Rother G

Gordon Gwyneth (2023) Progressive Planetary Oxygenation: Multiple Lines of Evidence Confirm an Archean Oxidation Event at 2.5 Ga
Anbar AD, Buick R, Gordon G, Johnson A, Kendall B, Lyons TW, Ostrander CM, Planavsky NJ, Reinhard CT & Stüeken EE
(2018) Oxygen Oases Were Persistent and Widespread Before the GOE
Ostrander C, Nielsen S, Owens J, Kendall B, Gordon G, Romaniello S & Anbar A

Gordon Gwyneth W. (2019) Evaluating Spaceflight-Induced Bone Loss in Astronauts Using Ca Isotopes
Romaniello SJ, Gordon GW, Skulan J, Smith SM, Zwart SR & Anbar AD
(2017) Mo Isotope Evidence for a Global Expansion in Marine Euxinia ~ 2.5 Billion Years ago
Ostrander C, Kendall B, Romaniello S, Gordon G & Anbar A
(2016) Molybdenum Isotopes in Marine Hydrothermal Mn Deposits
Goto K, Shimoda G, Anbar A, Gordon G, Harigane Y, Senda R, Suzuki K & Hein J
(2016) Mo Isotope Analysis of the ~2.7 Ga Roy Hill Shale – More Evidence for Archean Oxygen?
Ostrander CM, Roy M, Gordon GW, Romaniello SJ, Olson SL, Lyons TW & Anbar AD
(2016) Variations of U and Mo Isotopes Across the Deep Sea Permian-Triassic Boundary
Takahashi S, Gordon G, Ozaki K, Yamasaki S, Kimura K, Anbar A & Tada R
(2015) Developing a Clinically Useful Calcium Isotope Biomarker
Anbar A, Gordon G, Skulan J, Smith S & Fonseca R
(2015) Ca Isotope Fractionation during Bone Formation
Gordon G, Skulan J & Anbar A
(2015) U Isotope Variations in a Dolomitized Jurassic Carbonate Platform (Tithonian; Southern Germany)
Herrmann A, Gordon G & Anbar A
(2014) Uranium Isotope in Ferromanganese Crusts: Implications for the Marine 238U/235U Isotope System
Goto K, Anbar A, Gordon G, Romaniello S, Shimoda G, Takaya Y, Tokumaru A, Nozaki T, Suzuki K, Machida S, Hanyu T & Usui A
(2014) Iron Cycling in Neoproterozoic Ferruginous Oceans
Dahl TW, Anbar AD, Gordon GW & Canfield DE
(2013) Molybdenum and Uranium Isotope Dynamics in a Paleozoic Epicontinental Black Shale
Herrmann A, Algeo T, Romaniello S, Gordon G & Anbar A
(2013) Understanding Controls on Ca Isotopes in Human Blood and Urine
Channon M, Gordon G, Shollenberger Q, Morgan J, Smith S & Anbar A
(2013) Early Detection of Osteolytic Lesions in Multiple Myeloma Using Natural Ca Isotopes
Gordon G, Skulan J, Channon M, Fonseca R & Anbar A
(2011) The Extent of Oceanic Anoxic Events Revealed by Correlated Mo- and U Isotope Records
Weyer S, Montoya Pino C, Gordon G, van de Schootbrugge B, Oschmann W, Pross J & Anbar A
(2011) Rapidly Assessing Changes in Bone Mineral Balance Using Natural Stable Calcium Isotopes
Morgan JLL, Gordon G, Romaniello S, Skulan J, Smith S & Anbar A
(2010) Of Modern Lakes and Ancient Oceans: Trace Metals and their Isotopes in an Anoxic African Rift Lake
Severmann S, McManus J, Poulson-Brucker R, Owen J, Lyons T, Anbar A & Gordon G
(2009) Do δ98Mo Values in Marine Euxinic Sediments Reflect Seawater?
Dahl TW, Anbar A, Gordon G, Rosing MT, Frei RE & Canfield DE
(2009) Multiple Geochemical Proxies Reveal a Late Cambrian Ocean Anoxic Event
Gill B, Lyons T, Dahl T, Saltzman M, Gordon G & Anbar A
(2008) Redox Renaissance
Anbar A & Gordon G
(2008) Molybdenum Isotope Variations in a Redox-Stratified Lake; Removal Mechanism and Preservation in Euxinic Sediments
Dahl TW, Anbar AD, Gordon GW, Rosing MT, Frei RE & Canfield DE
(2008) Evidence from Mo Isotopic Compositions for “A Whiff of Oxygen” Before the Great Oxidation Event
Duan Y, Arnold GL, Gordon GW & Anbar AD
(2007) Mo Isotope Variations in Meromictic Lake Cadagno
Dahl TW, Anbar AD, Gordon GW, Frei R & Canfield DE
(2007) A Whiff of Oxygen Before the Great Oxidation Event?
Anbar A, Duan Y, Lyons T, Arnold G, Kendall B, Creaser R, Kaufman AJ, Gordon G, Garvin J & Buick R
(2006) Evaluation of the Mo isotope paleoredox proxy in Late Cretaceous ocean sediments
Gordon G, Anbar A, Macleod K & Lyons T
(2006) Temperature dependence of Mo isotope fractionation during adsorption to δ-MnO2: implications for the paleoredox proxy
Wasylenki L, Anbar A & Gordon G
(2006) The isotopic expression of Fe shuttling in modern and ancient euxinic sediments: implications for the rise of oxygen
Severmann S, Lyons TW, Duan Y, Anbar A, Gordon G & McManus J

Gordon J. (2020) Assessing Microbial Sulphur Oxidation Intermediates Cycling in Mine Water Mesocosms
Gordon J, Colenbrander Nelson T, Whaley-Martin K, Twible L, Kumar S, Bozzo A, Apte SC & Warren LA
(2011) Origin of Iron Layer in Sediment of Lake Superior: Abiotic vs. Biotic
Dittrich M, Gordon J, Raoof B, Chesnyuk A, Quazi S, Fulthorpe R, Bollmann J & Katsev S

Gordon K. (2022) Matrix Effects in MC-ICP-MS: An Isotopic Case Study for Pb
Frères E, Weis D & Gordon K
(2020) Whole-Rock Fe Isotope Compositions as a Tool for Exploring the Origin and Alteration of Hawaiian Shield-Stage Lavas
Bilenker L, Weis D, Williamson N & Gordon K
(2018) Self-Induced Matrix Effects in MC-ICP-MS
Frères E, Bilenker L, King E, Fourny A, Patton G, Weis D, Zhao Y, Freedman P & Gordon K
(2016) Effect of Oxide Formation on the Accuracy of Nd Isotopic Ratios Measurements in MC-ICP-MS
Frères E, Weis D, Newman K, Amini M & Gordon K
(2014) Trace Element Characterisation of USGS Reference Materials by HR-ICP-MS and Q-ICP-MS
Schudel G, Weis D, Lai V & Gordon K
(2013) Interlaboratory Calibration of Zn Elemental and Isotopic Compositions for Organic and Inorganic Reference Materials
Mattielli N, Shiel A, Gordon K, Petit J, Weis D & Couder E
(2013) “Tuning the Torch” of the Nu Plasma II-Es MC-ICP-MS
Weis D, Gordon K, Xing L, Burrows A, Cohen R & Freedman P

Gordon L. (2020) Interfaces, Interphases, and Graded Single Crystals in Dental Enamel
DeRocher K, Smeets P, Goodge B, Zachman M, Balachandran P, Stegbauer L, Cohen M, Gordon L, Rondinelli J, Kourkoutis L & Joester D
(2018) Atomic-Scale Chemical Implications of Phase Separation, Solid State Transformation, and Recrystallization in Feldspathic Phases and Glasses
Kizovski T, White L, Tait K, Langelier B, Gordon L, Harlov D & Norberg N

Gordon Robert (2019) Investigating the Geochemistry of Selenium in the Residual from Biologically Treated Mine-Impacted Waters
Volden L, Kirste D, Gordon R & Bianchin M

Gordon Robert A. (2014) Non-Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering to Analyze Carbon Chemistry in Unaltered Samples
Mishra B, O'Loughlin E, Cooper W, Jastrow J, Gordon R, Balasubramanian M & Kemner K
(2012) The in situ Occurrence of Bacteria on Gold Grain Surfaces: Implications for Bacterial Contributions to Gold Nugget Structure and Chemistry
Shuster J, Johnston C, Magarvey N, Gordon R, Banerjee N & Southam G
(2012) Iron L- and M- Edges of Iron Containing Minerals Measured by X-Ray Raman Scattering
Nyrow A, Sternemann C, Wilke M, Mende K, Sahle C, Simonelli L, Gordon R, Hiraoka N, Wieland F, Tolan M & Tse J
(2009) A Micro-X-Ray Spectroscopic Investigation of CL Colors in Albite from the Georgeville Granite, Nova Scotia
Dalby KN, Anderson AJ, Mariano AN, Gordon RA & Mayanovic RA

Gordon S.M. (2016) Two-Stage Exhumation of Greater Himalayan Rocks: P-T-t-D Results from Mid-Crustal Rocks of Central and Eastern Bhutan
Gordon S, Zamora C, Kauffman R, Long S, Agustsson K, Gonzales-Clayton B & Kylander-Clark A
(2015) P-T-Time Paths and Tectonic Significance of Eclogite in Migmatite
Whitney D, Roger F, Teyssier C, Rey P & Gordon S
(2013) Split-Stream ICP-MS Migmatite Geochemistry: Significance for the Rheologic Evolution of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
Gordon SM, Whitney DL, Teyssier C, Fossen H & DesOrmeau J
(2013) Timescales of Partial Melting and UHP Exhumation, Papua New Guinea
DesOrmeau J, Gordon S, Little T & Bowring S
(2011) Partial Melting and its Role in Elemental Recycling: Insight from Pamir Metasedimentary Xenoliths
Gordon SM, Kelemen P, Hacker BR, Luffi P & Ratschbacher L
(2009) U-Pb, O, and Ti Zircon Depth Profiling Analyses: Understanding Mid-Crustal Processes
Gordon SM, Grove M, Whitney DL, Schmitt A & Teyssier C

Gordon Terry (2020) Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposure – Implications for Human Health on Earth and Beyond
Harrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Vander Kaaden K, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T
(2017) Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses to Acute Meteorite Dust Exposures – Implications for Human Space Exploration
Harrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T

Gordon Timothy (2014) Unspeciated Organic Emissions from Combustion Sources and their Influence on the Secondary Organic Aerosol Budget in the United States
Jathar S, Gordon T, Hennigan C, Pye H, Pouliot G, Adams P, Donahue N & Robinson A
(2014) Total Particulate Matter from Mobile Sources in Los Angeles
Gordon T, Presto A, May A & Robinson A

Gordon-Smith D-A. (2017) Radon Tracers of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Jamaica
Paulino S, Gordon-Smith D-A, Buddo D, Bokuniewicz H, Rapaglia J & Zaggia L

Gore C. (2015) δ34S Analyses of Human Hair and Single Red Blood Cells
Magee C, Rug M, Allbon G & Gore C

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