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Goos M. (2015) Geochemistry of Monohydrocalcite and its Potential as Proxy
Niedermayr A, Goos M & Immenhauser A

Gooseff Michael (2014) Quantifying Stream-Groundwater Interactions and Biogeochemical Cycling at Several Spatial and Temporal Scales
Gooseff M, Wlostowski A, Singha K, Ward A, McGlynn B & Burgos W
(2011) Electrical Resistivity Imaging of a Deep Coal Mine Discharge
Burgos W, Fitzgerald M, Larson L, Herwehe L, Singha K & Gooseff M
(2001) Direct Observations of Chemical Weathering and Biofilm Development on Mica Surfaces in the Hyporheic Zone of an Antarctic Dry Valley Stream
Maurice PA, McKnight DM, Leff L, Fulghum J & Gooseff M

Gooseff Michael N (2023) Locating and Quantifying Geothermal Groundwater Discharge to the Colorado and Virgin Rivers Using Continuous Boat-Mounted Helium Measurements
Newman CP, Humphrey EC, Brennwald M, Gardner WP, Palko KM & Gooseff MN
(2021) Linking Innovative Field Measurements to Models: Characterizingreactive Groundwater Exchange along Large Rivers
Briggs MA, Helton AM, Gooseff MN, Barclay JR, Terry N, Moore EM, Haynes A, Jackson K, Bisson A, DiGiorno M, Arntzen E & Chen X

Gooseff Michael N.

Goosens C. (2023) Hawaiian Beaches as Natural Analogues for Long-Term Rates and Impacts of Coastal Enhanced Silicate Weathering
Kreuzburg M, Hylén A, Winardhi C, Cole D, VanHeurck B, DeWolf S, Goosens C, Romaniello SJ, Monserrat F, Cnudde V & Meysman FJR

Goosse H (2000) Modeling the Present-Day CO2 Drawndown in the HNLC Southern Ocean
Lancelot C, Hannon E, Sylvie B, Probst G, Goosse H, Schoemann V & de Baar H

Goosse Hugues (2015) The Role of Sea Ice in the Carbon Cycle of Polar Seas: 1D to 3D Modeling
Moreau S, Vancoppenolle M & Goosse H

Goossens T. (2017) Colloids Mediate Phosphate Leaching in Agricultural Soil: Observations and CD-MUSIC Modelling
Warrinnier R, Goossens T, Verbeeck M, Vanden Nest T, Amery F & Smolders E

Gooya R. (2016) Infiltration Instability Amplifies the Discrepancy between Geometric and Reactive Surface Areas in Rocks
Yang Y, Gooya R, Stipp SLS & Sorensen HO

Gopalan D. (2023) Redox Effects on Phosphorus Release from Goethite Under Oxic Conditions
Gopalan D, Rose AL, Rose T, Rose M, Van Zwieten L & Schefe C

Gopalan K. (2002) P-T-T History of Granulites from the Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica
Ravikant V, Bhaskar Rao YJ & Gopalan K
(2002) Pb-Pb Age of Earliest Megascopic, Eukaryotic Algae Bearing Vindhyan Sediments, India
Gopalan K, Sarangi S & Kumar S
(2000) Mesoproterozoic Age of the Vindhyan Sediments, Central India from Glauconite Rb-Sr Systematics
Kumar A, Gopalan K & Rajagopalan G

Gopel C. (2019) Th/U Systematics of Allende Chondrules with Implications for the Age of the Solar System
Blichert-Toft J, Göpel C, Chaussidon M & Albarede F
(2018) Thermal History of Asteroids Inferred from Hf-W and Mn-Cr Chronometry
Gopel C, Hellmann JL, Birck J-L & Kleine T
(2017) Mn-Cr Isotope Study of Ordinary Chondrites: New Information Derived from Chromites and Bulk Meteorites
Göpel C, Birck J-L & Galy A
(2017) Chromium Isotopic Homogeneity between the Moon, the Earth, and Enstatite Chondrites
Mougel B, Moynier F & Göpel C
(2016) Cr Isotope Composition of the Earth-Moon-Enstatite Chondrite System
Mougel B, Moynier F & Göpel C
(2015) Chromites of Ordinary Chondrites: Chronological Constraints by the Initial Cr Method and New Oxygen Isotope Data
Göpel C, Birck JL, Assayag N, Cartigny P & Galy A
(2013) 54Cr Isotope Anomalies and Mn/Cr Chronology in Chondrites
Göpel C, Birck J-L, Zipfel J, Galy A & Zanda B
(2013) The Absolute Cr Isotopic Ratios of the Components of Carbonaceous Chondrites
Birck JL & Göpel C
(2013) Highly Equilibrated Carbonaceous Chondrites
Zipfel J, Barrat J-A, Göpel C & Linnemann U
(2012) 54Cr and 17 in Carbonaceous Chondrites and an Old 53Cr/53Mn Age of the Paris Meteorite
Gopel C, Birck J-L, Cartigny P, Assayag N & Zanda B
(2011) Mn/Cr Systematics in Carbonaceous Chondrites: Mineral Isochrons Versus Stepwise Dissolution
Gopel C, Birck JL & Zanda B
(2010) Mn/Cr Systematics: A Tool to Discriminate the Origin of Primitive Meteorites?
Göpel C & Birck J-L
(2009) Himalayas Uplift and Indonesian Island Arcs Activity Recorded in the Equatorial Indian Ocean Water: Pb and Nd Isotope Stratigraphy
Meynadier L, Allègre CJ, Gourlan AT, Göpel C, Louvat P & Limmois D
(2009) U-Pb Systematics of the Acapulco Meteorite: Primordial and Recently Mobilized Pb
Gopel C & Manhes G
(2008) Core Formation of the Earth: A Coherent View from Short- Lived and Long-Lived Radioactivities
Gopel C, Manhes G & Allègre C
(2007) Open System Behaviour and Early Chronologies in the Solar System
Allegre CJ, Göpel C, Manhes G & Moreira M
(2007) Mass-Independant Fractionationation during Tims Measurements: Evidence of Nuclear Shift Effect ?
Manhes G & Göpel C
(2000) U/Pb Study of Feldspars: Constrains on the Initial Pb of Equilibrated Meteorites
Göpel C & Manhès G

Gopon P. (2023) Sphalerite as an Unconventional Cobalt Source? Correlative Microcopy and Atom Probe Tomography of Cobalt-Rich Sphalerite from the Dolostone Ore Formation Deposit, Namibia
Bertrandsson Erlandsson V, Gopon P, Waldl H, Misch D, Ellmies R & Melcher F
(2019) Atom Probe Tomography of Lunar Space Weathering Products Returned by Apollo 16
Gopon P, Douglas J, Wade J & Moody M
(2017) Atom Probe Tomography of Carlin Type Gold Mineralization
Gopon P, Auger M, Robb L, Moody M & Wade J

Gora M. (2010) Armalcolite (Mg, Fe)Ti2O5 in the Siberian Platform Floodbasalts
Gora M & Shevko A
(2010) ICP-MS Data of the Southern Ikensky Mg-Rich Basalts (Siberian Platform)
Shevko A & Gora M

Gorai S. (2022) Epigenetic Monazite in Phyllites from the Pb-Zn Sulfide Hosting Zawar Formation, Palaeoproterozoic Aravalli Supergroup, Rajasthan, N-W India
Gorai S, Kumar TV, Kasiviswanadh A, Babu EVSSK & Sreenivas B
(2021) Impact of Acidic Brines in the Formation of Middle Proterozoic Zawar Pb-Zn Deposits, Paleoproterozoic Aravalli Supergroup, Rajasthan, NW India
Gorai S & Sreenivas B

Gorania P. (2023) Metamorphic Evolution of the Low Baric Metapelites of the Champaner Group, Gujarat, Western India: Constraints from Textural Relationship, Geochemistry and Phase Equilibria
Gorania P, Limaye MA & Joshi AU

Goranov A.I. (2022) Fate of Condensed Aromatic Carbon in Iron-Rich Soils: Results for Simulated Fenton Reactions
Goranov AI & Hatcher PG

Göransson H. (2013) Role of Carboxylates Released by Microorganisms and Roots of Alpine Pioneer Plants in Mobilising Phosphorus and Metal Cations during Early Soil Formation
Luster J, Göransson H, Olde Venterink H, Brunner I & Frey B

Gorb L. (2001) Molecular Models of Iron Oxide Interactions with Explosives (TNT, RDX) -- a Density Functional Theory Investigation
Ilchenko M, Gorb L, McGrath CJ, Leszczynska D & Leszczynski J

Gorb Stanislav (2017) Carbonate Matrix Formation Resulting from Nitrogen Remineralization and Enzyme Activity
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Foubert A, Jaramillo D, Löscher CR, Böhm F, Gorb S, Eisenhauer A & Treude T
(2012) Mg-Dolomite Nucleation in Biofilm of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria at Modern Seawater Salinity
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Gorb S, Sanchez-Roman M, McKenzie JA & Treude T

Gorb Stanislav N. (2019) Endolithic Algae Affect Modern Coral Morphology and Chemistry
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Nehrke G, Damm T, Büsse S, Hu M, Leipe T, Vogts A, Gorb S & Eisenhauer A
(2019) Detecting Biogenic Diagenesis in Tropical Corals
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Nehrke G, Damm T, Büsse S, Hu M, Leipe T, Vogts A, Engelkes K, Gorb S & Eisenhauer A
(2019) Element Partitioning in Brachiopods – Implications for Proxy Use and Biomineralisation
Jurikova H, Ippach M, Liebetrau V, Gutjahr M, Krause S, Büsse S, Gorb SN, Henkel D, Hiebenthal C, Schmidt M, Leipe T, Laudien J, Rollion-Bard C & Eisenhauer A

Gorbach N.V. (2018) Petrology and Geochemistry of Mafic Enclaves from Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka
Goltz AE, Krawczynski MJ, Gavrilenko M, Gorbach NV & Ruprecht P

Gorbachev N. (2015) Experimental Investigation of Peridotite-Basalt-(K, Na)2CO3-H2O System: Effect of T on Phase Composition and Solubility of Accessory Minerals in Silicate Melt
Kostyuk A & Gorbachev N
(2013) Experimental Study of Melting, Texture, and Phase Relations of Basalt (Eclogite)-Peridotite-Fluid System at Sub- and Supercritical P-T
Gorbachev N, Nekrasov A, Kostyuk A & Sultanov D
(2013) Is There an Extreme Pressure Dependence of Sulphur Solubility in Hydrous Silicate Melts?
Kostyuk A & Gorbachev N
(2011) Extreme Pressure Dependence of Sulphur Solubility in Silicate Melts (Experimental Data)
Kostyuk A & Gorbachev N
(2007) Slab-Mantle Interaction and Petrogenesis of Interplate Basalts
Gorbachev N, Sultanov D & Nekrasov A

Gorbanenko O. (2018) Environmental and Organic-Matter Characterisation of the Toarcian Lacustrine Da’anzhai Member, Sichuan Basin, China
Xu W, Weijers JWH, Idiz EF, Ruhl M, Gorbanenko O, Tegelaar EW, Jenkyns HC, Riding JB & Hesselbo SP

Gorbatsevich F. (2011) Pressure Dependence of Electrical Resistivity of Cummingtonite from the World’s Deepest Kola Super Deep-Borehole (KSDB-3), Russia
Parthasarathy G & Gorbatsevich F

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