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Goodge John (2013) Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic Igneous Crust of Central East Antarctica: Age and Origins Revealed from Glacial Clasts
Goodge J, Fanning M, Vervoort J & Fisher C

Goodhue L. (2005) The Geomicrobiology of Surficial Geochemical Anomalies
Goodhue L, Hamilton S & Southam G

Goodhue R. (2020) Quantitative Analysis of Free Mica in Sand and Hardened Concrete Blocks by SEM-EDS
O'Connor L & Goodhue R
(2017) Quantitative Major Element (Stoichiometric) Analysis of Pyrite from Varying Irish Quarry Sources
Dornan T & Goodhue R
(2015) Giant Submarine Impact Basins: Proliferation of Life after a Deadly Impact
O'Sullivan E, Goodhue R & Kamber B
(2011) δ13Ccarbonate Chemostratigraphy of the Carrapateira Outlier (Lower Kimmeridgian), Southern Portugal
Borges M, Goodhue R, Fernandes P, Pereira Z, Matos V & Rodrigues B
(2011) Preliminary Account of the Silurian Carbon Isotope Record (δ13Corg) from the Barrancos Region, Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal
Lopes G, Fernandes P, Goodhue R, Pereira Z & Piçarra JM
(2010) Carbon Isotope Record (δ13Ccarbonate) of the Middle to Late Jurassic (Callovian – Oxfordian) from the Algarve Basin, Portugal
Borges M, Fernandes P, Rodrigues B & Goodhue R
(2008) Productivity and Sediment Supply from the E-O Boundary in Tanzania
O'Halloran A, Nicholas CJ & Goodhue R

Goodkin Nathalie (2023) Glacial-Interglacial Variability in Indian Ocean Antarctic Intermediate Water Circulation
Umling N, Stirpe C, Sikes EL, Yang S-C, John SG & Goodkin N
(2019) A Coral-Based Method to Reconstruct Past Variation in Land-To-Ocean Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux
Kaushal N, Yang L, Martin P, Tanzil J, Lee JN & Goodkin N

Goodkin Nathalie F. (2015) Inter-Annual Variations of Skeletal Geochemistry Reflect Monsoon Variability in a 450 Year Long Coral Record from the South China Sea
Bolton A, Goodkin NF, Druffel ERM & Hughen KA
(2015) Ocean Circulation and Biogeochemistry Moderate Inter-Annual and Decadal Surface Water pH Changes in the Sargasso Sea
Goodkin N, Wang B-S, You C-F, Hughen K, Grumet-Prouty N & Doney S
(2015) Influence of pH on Boron and Carbon Isotopes in Coral Skeletons
Martin P, Yang TT, Stewart JA, Foster GL, Wang B-S, Fan T-Y, You C-F & Goodkin NF

Goodknight G. (2015) Regional Importance of Organic-Rich Sediments to Uranium Mobility in the Upper Colorado River Basin
Noël V, Bargar J, Boye K, Cardarelli E, Bone S, Lezama-Pacheco J, Williams K, Dam W, Bush R, Dayvault J, Linard J, Kautsky M, Johnson R & Goodknight G

Goodman Aaron J (2023) Nanogeochemical Methods to Investigate Critical Metal Occurrence in Stream and Groundwater Environments
Goodman AJ, Bednar AJ & Ranville JF

Goodman Angela (2012) Neutron Diffraction, Excess Sorption and Infrared Study of CO2 Inter-Action with Na-Rich Montmorillonite at CCS P-T Conditions
Krukowski E, Goodman A, Rother G, Ilton E, Guthrie G & Bodnar R

Goodman H. (2012) Taking Control of Subsurface Behavior with Smart Gels -an Oil & Gas Exploitation Perspective
Goodman H

Goodman M. (2018) Using 87Sr/86Sr Ratios of Carbonate Minerals to Quantify Dust Fluxes from Desert Playas to the Urban Wasatch Front, Utah, USA
Goodman M, Carling G, Fernandez D, Nelson S, Rey K & Hale C

Goodman Steve (2007) Bugs in Stress: Microbial Control of Surface Reactivity in a Stress Field
Sturm C, Waters M, Arvidson R, El-Naggar M, Goodman S, Nealson K, Luttge A & Udwadia F

Goodman Steven (2015) What Does Nature Tell us About Anthropogenic Aerosol Indirect Effect?
Yuan T, Remer L, Yu H, Pickering K, Oreopoulos L, Wilcox E, Bian H, Ziemke G, Albrecht R & Goodman S

Goodman-Tchernov B. (2019) Description of Evolving Ferruginous Oxygen Minimum Zones from the Eastern Mediterranean during Sapropel S1 – A Potential Predictor for Modern Climate Change
Zirks E, Schmeidl G, Goodman-Tchernov B & Krom M
(2018) Evidence for an Evolving Sub-Oxic Water Mass in the Eastern Mediterranean (EMS) Interacting with the Nile Flood during Sapropel S1; Effect on P Geochemistry
Krom M, Zirks E, Zhu D & Goodman-Tchernov B
(2017) Evidence for an Evolving Sub-Oxic Zone in the Eastern Mediterranean during Sapropel S1 Partly Controlled by the Increased Nile Flood; A Sensitive Record of Regional Paleoclimatic Change
Zirks E, Goodman-Tchernov B & Krom M

Goodrich C. (2020) Noble Gases in an Almahata Sitta Sample Rich in C1 Like Material
Riebe M, Busemann H, Goodrich C & Maden C
(2019) Origin of Diamonds in Ureilites
Nestola F, Barbaro A, Morana M, Christ O, Brenker F, Domeneghetti MC, Dalconi MC, Alvaro M, Goodrich C, Fioretti AM, Leoni M & Shaddad MH
(2013) Transmission Electron Microscopy of Iron Metal in Almahata Sitta Ureilite
Mikouchi T, Yubuta K, Sugiyama K, Aoyagi Y, Yasuhara A, Mihira T, Zolensky M & Goodrich C

Goodship A. (2022) 3Ts and Li-Batteries: Regional Zonation and Li Potential of Rare Metal Pegmatites in the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa
Borst AM, Acke J, van der Does L, Goodship A & Kwizera D

Goodwell A. (2018) Understanding Multivariate Causal Dependencies from Time-Series Observations
Kumar P, Jiang P & Goodwell A

Goodwin A. (2010) Structure Model of Synthetic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Reeder R, Goodwin A, Michel FM, Phillips B, Keen D & Dove M
(2003) Origin of Archean Adakites and NEBA from the Upper Keewatin Assemblage, the Lake of the Woods Greenstone Belt, Western Wabigoon Subprovince, Superior Province
Ujike O & Goodwin A

Goodwin C. (2017) Quantification and Molecular Characterization of Mineral Associated Organic Carbon as Influenced by Redox Oscillations
Afsar M, Goodwin C & Jin Y

Goodwin D.H. (2011) Rapid Age Determination of Oysters Using Shell Mg/Ca Ratios
Spence B, Gillikin DP, Goodwin DH, Byrne D, Roopnarine P & Anderson L

Goodwin N. (2009) Fluid Origins in Orogenic Au Mineralization Defined by Noble Gas-Halogen Systematics, Alpine & Otago Schists, New Zealand
Goodwin N, Burgess R, Craw D, Sumino H, Teagle D & Ballentine C
(2008) Combined Noble Gas-Halogen Study of Mesothermal Au Fluid Origin, Alpine & Otago Schists, NZ
Goodwin N, Ballentine C, Burgess R, Craw D, Sumino H & Teagle D
(2007) A Noble Gas Approach to Fluid Origin in Mesothermal Gold Deposits, Otago & Alpine Schists, New Zealand
Goodwin N, Ballentine C, Burgess R, Craw D, Sumino H & Teagle D

Goodwin T. (2011) Establishing Baseline Geochemical Conditions at Historic Gold Mines for Risk Assessment and Remediation
Parsons M, Goodwin T & Little M

Goody D.C. (2020) Removing the Barriers for Measuring Phosphate Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Low P Concentration Freshwater Samples
Barbecot F, Tcaci M, Helie J-F, Surridge BWJ & Goody DC

Goolsby E.

Goordial Jackie (2015) Organic and Isotopic Biomarkers of Antarctic Endolith Microbial Communities
Brady AL, Goordial J, Davila AF, Whyte L & Slater GF

Goordial Jacqueline (2018) Active Microbial Groups in Oceanic Crust
Orcutt B, D'Angelo T, Goordial J & Jones R
(2018) Energy in the Deep Subsurface and as Extraterrestrial Habitability Analogs
Jones R, Goordial J & Orcutt B

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