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Gonzalez Santiago (2016) Coupled Cycling of Iron, Manganese and Phosphorus in the Water Column of the Black Sea and its Implications for Phosphorus Burial
Dijkstra N, Kraal P, Seguret M, Rijkenberg M, Gonzalez S & Slomp CP

Gonzalez Alvarez I. (2021) Biogeochemical Interactions between Iron and Nutrient Cycling in a Saline Inland Lake
Margalef Marti R, Sebilo M, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Gonzalez Alvarez I, Mazière C, Guibert M, Tessier E, Lauga B & Amouroux D

González Chávez J.L. (2023) Mercury Speciation in Fish Tissue from a Regional Market in Mexico, City. A Human Health Risk Assessment
Hernández-Mendiola E, Romero FM & González Chávez JL

Gonzalez de la Huebra A. (2004) Effect of Corroded Engineering Barrier on the Alteration Process of the Spent Fuel Matrix Under Repository Conditions
Quiñones J, Gonzalez de la Huebra A & Martinez Esparza A

González de Vega C. (2021) Isotope Fractionation of Fe by Hypervelocity Impacts Evidenced by Australasian Microtektites
Chernonozhkin SM, González de Vega C, Artemieva N, Soens B, Belza J, Bolea Fernandez E, van Ginneken M, Glass BP, Folco L, Genge MJ, Claeys P, Vanhaecke F & Goderis S

González de Zayas R. (2017) Biological, Mineral and Elemental Diversity of Extant Microbialites
Valdespino P, Hu P, Cerqueda D, Merino-Ibarra M, López LM, Pi-Puig T, González de Zayas R, Falcón L & Holman H-Y

Gonzalez Fairen A. (2013) Kinetic of H2O2 Generation and Decay during Pyrite Water Reactions
Gil Lozano C, Fernandez-Dávila A, Losa Adams E, Gonzalez Fairen A & Gago-Duport L
(2013) Basalt Weathering on Mars: Insights from Li-Isotope Fractionation Models
Losa Adams E, Gil Lozano C, Diz P, Gago Duport L, Fernandez.Dávila A & Gonzalez Fairen A
(2013) Abiotic O2 Availability on an Early Alkaline Ocean Through Halogen-Induced Superoxide Species
Gago-Duport L, Fernandez Bastero S, Gil Lozano C, Losa-Adams E, Fernandez.Dávila A & Gonzalez Fairen A
(2011) Kinetics of Free Radical Formation at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Gil Lozano C, Fernández Davila A, González Fairén A & Gago Duport L

González Guadarrama María De Jesús (2013) Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Chapala Lake
González Guadarrama MDJ, Villanueva Estrada RE & Prol Ledesma RM

Gonzalez Guadarrama Maria De Jesus (2023) Elimination of Pb in Aquatic Systems Employing Biomaterials and Adsorption Processes
Armienta MA & Gonzalez Guadarrama MDJ

Gonzalez Holguera J. (2021) Dynamics of Carbon Cycling by Soil Bacteria in Presence of Manganese Oxides
Zelano IO, Spangenberg JE, Gonzalez Holguera J & Pena J
(2019) Oxidation of Bioavailable Carbon Substrate by Mn Oxides
Zelano IO, Gonzalez Holguera J & Pena J
(2017) Oxidation of Glucose in Biogenic MnO2 Suspensions
Gonzalez Holguera J & Pena J
(2015) Coupled Biotic-Abiotic Oxidation of Organic Matter by Biogenic MnO2
Gonzalez Holguera J & Pena J
(2015) Photoreduction of δ-MnO2 Nanosheets
Pena J, Marafatto F, Strader M, Gonzalez-Holguera J, Scwartzberg A & Gilbert B

González Jiménez Jose María (2017) Mantle Plume-Supra-Subduction Zone Mantle Interaction: Evidence from Chromitite (Loma Caribe Ophiolite, Dominican Republic)
Farré de Pablo J, Proenza JA, Aiglsperger T, González Jiménez JM, García Casco A, Colás V, Villanova de Benavent C & Longo F
(2017) Using Stable Isotopes of Cr to Monitor PGE Enrichment in Lateritic Soils Developed Under Cold and Humid Climates
Rivera J, Reich M, Schoenberg R, González Jiménez JM, Barra F, Proenza J, Aiglsperger T & Carretier S

González Jiménez José-María (2018) Sulfur XANES Investigation of Upper Mantle Metasomatic Apatite
Tassara S, Reich M, Konecke B, González Jiménez J-M, Fiege A, Simon A, Morata D & Barra F

González la Fuente J.M. (2023) Study of the Pozzolanic Activity of Hydrochar as a Substitute for Cementitious Materials
Marques Sierra AL, Santos MM, Suárez M, Amado-Fierro A, González la Fuente JM & Centeno TA

Gonzalez Moguel R. (2020) Mobilized Permafrost Carbon is Concentrated in Particulate Matter and Ebullition Methane in Northern Quebec Thaw Lakes
Gonzalez Moguel R, Douglas P, Bass A, Pilote MP & Garnett M

Gonzalez Ramos Y. (2018) Advances in Tunable Infrared Laser Direct Absorption Spectroscopic Measurements of Clumped CH4 Isotopologues
Gonzalez Ramos Y, Ono S, Formolo M, Shorter J, Nelson DD, Dyroff C & Olszewski WJ
(2017) Using Tunable Infrared Laser Direct Absorption Spectroscopy Technique for Precise 12CH2D2 Measurements
Gonzalez Ramos Y, Ono S, Shorter J, Nelson D, Formolo M & Lawson M

Gonzalez Sainz P. (2019) Metal Organic Framework Advanced Adsorbents to Revalorize Metal Ions from Mining and Industrial Wastewater Sources
Fernández de Luis R, Copello G, García A, Gonzalez Sainz P, Tovar G, Torres D, Valverde A, Quintero YM, Serrano Larrea E, Fidalgo Marijuan A & Arriortua Marcaida M

González Sanz F.J. (2019) Geochemical Zoning of the Ab-Bagh Sub-Seafloor Replacement SEDEX-Type Zn-Pb Deposit, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone of Iran
Movahednia M, Rastad E, Rajabi A & González Sanz FJ

Gonzalez Valdes A.C. (2018) Trophic Relationships in Modern Microbial Mats Determined Using Protein Stable Isotope Fingerprinting
Gonzalez Valdes AC, Mohr W, Tang T, Sattin S, Parenteau MN, Jahnke LL, Grim SL, Dick GJ & Pearson A

Gonzalez-Alvarez I. (2022) The Preservation of Denticular Dissolution Textures Through Secondary Mineral Overgrowth and Replacement in Intensely Weathered Regolith
Bamforth T, Xia F, González-Álvarez I, Tiddy C, Hu S & Pearce M
(2022) Regional Scale Mineral Prospectivity Mapping of Carbonatite-Alkaline Complex Related REE Deposits in Northeast India
Aranha M, Porwal A & González-Álvarez I
(2022) The Importance of Rare Earth Element Ion Adsorption Deposits: Their Significance, Genesis, Global Distribution and their Environmental Impact
Russo SC, González-Álvarez I & Mei Y
(2022) The Discovery of the Ondurakorume Carbonatite, Namibia: Insights on Exploration of Critical Metals (REE) in Australia
Lynham L, González-Álvarez I & Hu S
(2022) Australian Carbonatites: Insights on Geological Characteristics, Exploration Proxies and the National Prospectivity for Undiscovered Carbonatites and Associated Critical Metal Mineralisation
Chandler R & González-Álvarez I
(2021) Ultra-Depleted Residual Mantle Peridotites in Ophiolites from Papua New Guinea: Earth’s most Depleted Melting Residues
Barrett N, Jaques AL, Pearson DG, González-Álvarez I & Walter MJ
(2019) Neotectonics and Geochemical Dispersion Processes in Australia: A Proxy to Assist Mineral Exploration
Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Krapf C, Noble R, Fox D, Reid N, Ibrahimi T, Foss C, Dutch R, LeGras M, Lau I & Pinchand T
(2017) Geochemical Mineral Exploration Under Cover: Considerations, Challenges and Innovative Approaches
Gonzalez-Alvarez I, King A, Smith G, Klump J, Butt CRM & Fraser R
(2017) Central European Carbonatites Under Cover: Insights for Mineral Exploration from the Tajno Alkaline Intrusions, NE Poland
Wiszniewska J, Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Kusiak MA, Petecki Z & Legras M
(2015) Intense Weathering and Geochemical Dispersion in a Tertiary Palaeochannel System: The DeGrussa Cu-Au Deposit Marker, Australia
Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Salama W, leGras M, Hilliard P & Beckley R
(2015) Geochemical Characterization of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt: A Supra-Subduction Zone Ophiolite Analogue?
Barrett N & Gonzalez-Alvarez I
(2014) Trace Element Dispersion and REE-HFSE Fractionation in a Deeply Weathered Profile: The Albany-Fraser Orogen Margin, Western Australia
Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Salama W, Anand R, Sweetapple M, Abdat T, leGras M & Walshe J
(2014) Geochemical Characterization of Regolith in the NE Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia
Salama W, Gonzalez-Alvarez I, Anand R & Abdat T
(2014) REE and HFSE Mobility in the Formation of Calcsilicates: Bangemall Supergroup, Western Australia
Gonzalez-Alvarez I & Pirajno F
(2011) Weathering Intensity in the Mesoproterozoic and Modern Large-River Systems: A Comparative Study in the Belt-Purcell Supergroup
Gonzalez-Alvarez I & Kerrich R
(2006) Nd-monazite Occurrence in North America: Mesoproterozoic Siliciclastic Rocks of the Belt-Purcell Supergroup
Kusiak MA & Gonzalez-Alvarez I

Gonzalez-Arango C. (2023) Plio-Pleistocene Climate and Environmental Reconstruction in the Bogotá Basin, Northern Tropical Andes of Colombia
Pérez-Ángel LC, Sepúlveda J, Russell JM, Snell K, Mora-Páez H, Eaman K, Parrado A, González-Arango C & Maloney A
(2019) An Improved Regional Branched GDGT-Based Soil Temperature Calibration for the Tropical Andes of Colombia: Towards a Global Calibration for the Tropics
Perez-Angel L, Sepulveda J, Rajagopalan B, Montes C, Molnar P, Snell K, Dildar N & Gonzalez-Arango C

Gonzalez-Arismendi G.P. (2015) High-Resolution Geochemical Characterization of Ombrotrophic Peat Bogs from Northern Alberta
Gonzalez-Arismendi G, Huang H, Weerawardhena P, Silva RC, Snowdon RW, Radovic J, Larter SR & Oldenburg TBP
(2015) FTICR-MS – Towards Reaction Systems Models in Petroleum Geochemistry
Oldenburg TBP, Silva RC, Radovic J, Snowdon RW, Gonzalez-Arismendi GP, Brown M & Larter SR

Gonzalez-Cano A. (2019) Mass Independent Fractionation in of Titanium Isotopes
Robert F, Tartese R, Gonzalez-Cano A & Chaussidon M
(2019) Water Storage in Ca-Clinopyroxene at Great Depths, an Experimental and Analytical Study Using nanoSIMS
Bolfan-Casanova N, Bureau H, Gonzalez-Cano A, Demouchy S & Kodja H

González-Castanedo Y. (2009) Origin of Rare Earth Elements in Atmospheric Aerosols
Gonzalez Castanedo Y, De La Rosa Diaz JD, Alastuey Uros A & Querol X
(2009) Geochemical Map for Major and Trace Elements in PM10 of Andalusia (South of Spain)
de la Rosa JD, Alastuey A, Querol X, Ramos JL, Gonzalez-Castanedo Y, Sánchez de la Campa AM, Fernández-Camacho R, Contreras J, Godoy F & Lozano A
(2009) 10 Years of Arsenic in Atmospheric Particles in Southwestern of Spain
Sánchez de la Campa AM, de la Rosa JD, Alastuey A, Querol X, Ramos JL, González-Castanedo Y, Fernández-Camacho R, Rodríguez S, Sánchez-Rodas D, Stein A & García-Orellana I

González-Chavez G. (2010) Seasonal Variation in the Mg/Ca Ratio and δ18O of the Planktonic Foraminifera, Globigerina bulloides: Results from the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Eastern Equatorial North Pacifc
Wejnert K, Thunell R, Tappa E, Machain M, Machain-Castillo ML, Argáez FRG, Nava XA & González-Chavez G

González-Dávila M. (2023) Copper-Binding Ligands in Fram Strait and the Greenland Shelf (GEOTRACES Cruise GN05)
Arnone V, Santana-Casiano JM, González-Dávila M, Sarthou G, Krisch S, Lodeiro P, Achterberg EP & González AG
(2023) Can Subaerial Lava Form Iron Rich Buoyant Plumes in the Ocean?
González-Santana D, González AG, González-Dávila M, Arnone V & Santana-Casiano JM
(2021) Iron (II) Oxidation Kinetics Variability in the Atlantic Ocean and Development of an Improved Theoretical Equation
González-Santana D, Gonzalez-Davila M, Lohan M, Artigue L, Planquette H, Sarthou G, Tagliabue A & Santana-Casiano JM
(2021) Iron and Copper Complexation in the Macaronesian Coastal Waters
Arnone V, González-Dávila M, González AG & Santana-Casiano JM
(2019) Organic Matter Effect on Fe(II) Oxidation Kinetics in the Labrador Sea
Santana-González C, González-Dávila M, Santana-Casiano M, Gladyshev S, Sokov A, González A & González-Santana D
(2019) The Role of Polyphenols on the Fe Chemistry in Seawater
González AG, Santana-Casiano JM, González-Dávila M, Pérez-Almeida N & Sarthou G
(2017) The Effect of Cu on the Fe Redox Cycle: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species
Gonzalez AG, Santana-Casiano JM, Perez-Almeida N & Gonzalez-Davila M
(2017) Changes in the Redox and Acid-Base Properties of the Seawater due to the Hydrothermal Emissions of the Tagoro Submarine Volcano
Santana-Casiano JM, González-Dávila M, Santana-González C & Fraile-Nuez E
(2017) Carbonate Characteristics and Buffer Capacity of Water Masses along the North-Atlantic Section 59.5ºN as a Response to Ocean Acidification
Gonzalez-Davila M, Gonzalez-Santana D, Santana-Casiano JM, Gladyshev S & Sokov A
(2013) Oxidation of Cu(I) in Seawater at Low Oxygen Concentrations
Perez-Almeida N, Gonzalez-Davila M, Santana-Casiano JM, Gonzalez AG & Suarez De Tangil M
(2013) The Effect of Copper in the Oxidation of Fe(II) in Seawater
Gonzalez-Davila M, Santana-Casiano JM, Gonzalez AG, Perez-Almeida N & Samperio G
(2011) Fe(II) and Organic Exudates Interaction in Seawater
Santana-Casiano JM, González AG, Pérez N & González-Dávila M
(2011) Oxidation of Fe(II) in Natural Waters at High Nutrient Concentration
González AG, Santana-Casiano JM, Pérez N & González-Dávila M
(2009) Speciation of Fe Adsorbed on and Incorporated into Soil and Aquatic Bacteria: XAS Structural Study
Gonzalez A, Pokrovsky O, Shirokova L, Pokrovski G, Jimenez-Villacorta F, Gonzalez-Davila M, Santana-Casiano M & Emnova E
(2004) Oxidation of Iron (II) Nanomolar with H2O2 in Seawater
Gonzalez-Davila M, Santana-Casiano M & Millero F

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