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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

González Cristina (2013) B Content and δ11B from Cultured Diatoms (Thalassiosira weissflogii & T. pseudonana): Relationship to pH<sub>seawater</sub> And Diatom C Acquisition
Mejía LM, Fietzke J, Isensee K, Méndez-Vicente A, Pisonero J, Shimizu N, González C, Monteleone B & Stoll H

González Cristóbal (2019) A Preliminary Evaluation of Volatiles Content in Melt Inclusion in Monogenetic Centers of the Central Andean Volcanic Zone (Northern of Chile)
González C, Hauri E, Saal A, Wang J & Aguilera F

González D. (2018) Simultaneous Removal of Arsenic and Zinc Using an Acidophilic Sulfate Reducing Bioreactor
González D, Hedrich S, Colipai C & Nancucheo I

Gonzalez Erika (2019) Critical Raw Materials Enrichment Processes Associated with Tailings Processing at the Cauquenes Tailings Deposit Plant
Garcia S, Caraballo M, Townley B, Riquelme B, Gonzalez E & Kotthoff K

Gonzalez Eva (2013) Limestone-Based Technosols. A Remediation Technique for Sediments Contaminated by Heavy Metals
Martinez-Sanchez MJ, Garcia- Lorenzo M, Perez-Sirvent C, Gonzalez E, Perez V, Martinez S, Belando MD, Martinez L & Hernandez C

González F. Javier (2021) Occurrences of Polymetallic Nodules in European Seas – Preliminary Results of the MINDeSEA Project
Ferreira PL, González FJ, Kuhn T, Nyberg J, Ruehlemann C, Moniz C & Magalhães V

González Felipe (2015) Increasing Environmental Stress along the Kellwasser Crisis in the Catalonian Coastal Ranges. A Geochemical and Palynological Approach
Moreno C, Sáez R, González F & Melgarejo JC

González Francisco Javier (2023) Evaluation of REY Enrichment in Fe-Mn Crusts from Different Seamounts and Depths in the Canary Island Seamount Province
Marino E, González FJ, Medialdea T, Somoza L, Lobato AB, Reyes J & Bellido E
(2019) Study of the Origin, Migration and Precipitation of Th-U in Acid Rock Drainage (León, Spain)
Santofimia E, González FJ & López-Pamo E
(2019) GeoERA-Mindesea Project: Mapping and Studying Critical Elements in the pan-European Seabed Mineral Deposits
González FJ
(2019) Hydrothermal Input in Fe-Mn Crusts from Canary Islands Seamount Province: LA-ICP-MS Analyses and Fe Isotopes
Marino E, González FJ, Lunar R, Somoza L, Medialdea T, Kuhn T, Wegorzewski A & Oeser M
(2019) Analysing the Distribution of Marine Mineral Deposits Across European Seas: A New Perspective from the EMODnet-Geology Project
Medialdea T, Judge M, González FJ, Somoza L, Terrinha P & Marino E
(2017) Sequential Leaching to Distinguish Genetic Processes in Fe-Mn Crusts from the NE Atlantic
Marino E, González FJ, Lunar R, Somoza L, Medialdea T, Reyes J & Castillo Carrión M
(2015) Strategic Elements REEs and PGEs in Fe-Mn Crusts from the Canary Seamounts: Preliminary Study
Marino E, González FJ, Lunar R, Somoza L, Ortega L, Bellido E & Reyes J
(2011) Microbial Induced Mineralization in Co-rich Ferromanganese Crusts from the Scotia Sea
González FJ, Somoza L, Maldonado A, Torres T & Ortiz JE
(2010) Thermogenic Hydrocarbons in Fe-Mn Nodules from the Gulf of Cadiz: A New Tool for Oil and Gas Exploration
González FJ, Somoza L, Torres T, Ortiz JE, Lunar R, Martínez-Frías J, Medialdea T & León R
(2008) Strontium Isotope Profiles Across Ferromanganese Nodules from the Gulf of Cadiz (Eastern Central Atlantic): Growth History Records
González FJ, Fietzke J, Somoza L, Lunar R & Martínez-Frías J
(2007) Mud-Breccia Clasts and Sediments as Nucleation Sites for Hydrocarbon-Derived Ferromanganese Nodules in Carbonate-Mud Mounds from the Gulf of Cadiz
González J, Somoza L, Lunar R, Martínez-Frías J, Martín-Rubí JA, Torres T, Ortiz JE & Díaz del Río V

Gonzalez Gabriela (2012) Is the Deuterium Isotope Composition of Amber a Reliable Inland Paleoclimatic Indicator?
Gonzalez G, Tappert R, Wolfe A & Muehlenbachs K

Gonzalez Gino (2022) Rare Earth Elements Behavior at Poás Hyperacid Crater Lake (Costa Rica) during a Cycle of Frequent Phreatic Eruptions (2008-2016)
Pappaterra S, Inguaggiato C, Rouwet D, Mora-Amador R, Ramírez-Umaña C, González G, Brusca L, Peiffer L, Levresse G & Bellomo S
(2019) REE Fractionation in Hyperacid Sulphate Waters during the Gypsum Precipitation in Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems
Inguaggiato C, Iñiguez E, Peiffer L, Kretzschmar T, Brusca L, Mora-Amador R, Ramirez C, Bellomo S, Gonzalez G & Rouwet D

Gonzalez Grizelle (2010) Spatial Controls on Carbon Quality along an Elevational Gradient in Northeastern Puerto Rico
Bedison J, Scatena F, Plante A & Gonzalez G

Gonzalez I (2005) Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Micropaleontology of Sediments from El Meleh Lagoon, Tunisia
Prudencio I, Gonzalez I, Dias I, Galan E, Ruiz F, Duplay J, Gueddari F & Ahmed R

González Isabel (2023) Geochemical Behaviour and Potential Health Risk of Mine Waste Reclaimed for Agricultural Purposes in “La Preciosa II” Mine (South of Spain)
Romero-Baena AJ, Delgado J, Barba-Brioso C, Martín D, Campos P, Miras A & González I

González Javier (2016) Hydrothermal Co-rich Mn Nodules and Stratabound Mn Deposits from Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic)
González J, Somoza L, Hein J, Medialdea T, León R, Urgorri V, Reyes J & Martín-Rubí J
(2016) Microscopic Structure and Related Geochemistry of Fe-Mn Crusts from Canary Seamounts (Central East Atlantic)
Marino E, González J, Lunar R, Somoza L & Medialdea T

Gonzalez Javiera (2017) Chollay Plutonic Complex: The Roots of the Andean Triassic Arc?
González J, Oliveros V, Creixell C & Coloma F
(2016) Lithospheric Evolution at the Early Andean Convergent Margin, Chile
Oliveros V, Vasquez P, Creixell C, Lucassen F, Ducea MN, Gonzalez J & Ciocca I

Gonzalez Jhanis (2021) Integrating Additional Information (Such as H, O, N, S and F) Obtained from the Laser Ablation ICP-MS Process: An Introduction to a Novel Integrated (and Upgradable) LIBS System within a 193 nm Laser Ablation System
Koenig A & Gonzalez J
(2019) Laser Ablation-Based Techniques LIBS, LA-ICP-MS/OES and LAMIS: An Ideal Toolbox for Direct Chemical Analysis of Solids
Gonzalez J, Guerrero JC, Sisson C, Oropeza D, Chirinos JR, Chan G, Mao X, Russo RE & Zorba V
(2019) Automated LIBS Analysis for the Factory Floor
Sisson C, Guerrero J & Gonzalez J
(2019) Analysis of Trace-Elements in Durango Apatite via Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Using Femtosecond Laser and Intensified Charge-Coupled Device
Guerrero JC, Sisson C, Gonzalez J & Foster D
(2019) Major- and Trace-Element Analysis of Volcanic Brines by cryo-La-Libs
Berlo K, van Hinsberg V, Lauzeral R, Zwillich F & Gonzalez J
(2019) Elemental Analysis of Zircons via Tandem Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Pandey S, Guerrero JC, Gonzalez J & Mueller P
(2018) C, N, H, O, S and Trace Element Determinations in Organic-Rich Sediments and Some Igneous Rocks Types by Tandem LA-Libs ICP-MS
Gonzalez J, Torres M, Colucci MT, Jacobsen SB & Lee C-T
(2018) Tandem LA-ICP-MS & LIBS; A New Micro-Analytical Technique for the Measurement of Every Element in the Periodic Table
Colucci MT, Jacobsen SB, Gonzalez J, Torres M, Lee C-T, Savard D, Neumann R & Boyce JW
(2015) Elemental Analysis of Basalt Samples by Multivariate Analysis of Tandem LIBS and LA-ICP-MS Data
Gonzalez J, Sylvester P, Souders K, Quarles CD, Colucci M & Russo R
(2014) Determination of Water Concentration in Volcanic Glasses Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Guitreau M, Gonzalez J, Mukasa SB & Colucci M
(2014) Femtosecond Laser Ablation-Time of Flight Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (fs-La- ICP-(TOF)MS) for Elemental Analysis of Fluid Inclusions
Gonzalez J, Oropeza D, Chirinos J, Salvi S, Siebenaller L & Russo R
(2013) Simultaneous Laser Ablation Molecular Isotopic Spectrometry (LAMIS), Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) for Analysis of Geological Samples
Gonzalez J, Chirinos J, Dong M, Oropeza D, Mao X, Bol'shakov A, Yoo J, Sylvester P, Souders K, Longerich H & Russo R
(2012) Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS: High Repetition Rate Diode-Pumped Ytterbium Performance
Gonzalez J, Longerich H, Yoo J & Russo R
(2010) Applications of LA-ICP-MS in Geoanalysis – New Technologies and Future Perspectives
Russo RE & Gonzalez J
(2000) Experimental Approaches for Modeling of the Behaviour of Trace Metals and Radionuclides in Coastal Zones: Application to Cadmium and Cobalt in French Estuaries
Dange C, Charmasson S, Gonzalez JL, Thouvenin B, Boutier B, Chiffoleau JF, Auger D & Chartier E

Gonzalez Jhanis J (2022) Multi Sensor Laser Ablation Analysis of Complex Samples: Data Fusion
Gonzalez JJ

González José María (2019) Mantle-Crust Interation Formed Unique Ores in the SCLM of the Serranía de Ronda Peridotites (South Spain)
Gervilla F, González JM, Marchesi C, Hidas K & Piña R

Gonzalez Joseph Patrick (2022) Experimental Evaluation of Anisotropic Elastic Thermobarometry Applied to Stiff Mineral Inclusions in Soft Hosts: First Evaluation of Zircon Inclusions in Quartz
Gonzalez JP, Thomas JB, Mazzucchelli ML, Angel RJ & Alvaro M

Gonzalez Julio (2021) Geochemical Signature of Glacial Deposits on Öland Island, Sweden
Ladenberger A, Carlsson M & Gonzalez J

Gonzalez L. (2010) Marine-Terrestrial Linkages Associated with Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) Global Change
Ludvigson G, Gonzalez L, Gulbranson E, Rasbury T, Hunt G, Joeckel M, Murphy L & Kirkland J
(2009) Precipitation of Low-Temperature Dolomite from an Anaerobic Microbial Consortium: The Role of Methanogenic Archaea
Kenward P, Goldstein R, Gonzalez L & Roberts J
(2009) Modelling the Sn and W Evolution in Peraluminous Leucogranites from the Central-Iberian Zone
Fernandez-Leyva C, Ruiz C & Gonzalez L

Gonzalez M. (2001) Bioinformatics Approaches to the Detection of Protein Interaction Networks
Blaschke C, Gonzalez M, Oliveros-Collazos JC, Pazos F, Tamames J & Valencia A

Gonzalez P. (2011) Arsenic Biomineral Formation Leads to Partial Encrustation of Thermoacidophilic Archaea
Gonzalez P, Weijma J & Buisman CJN

González R. (2015) The Destruction and Growth of Lower Continental Crust along a Paleozoic Active Margin: An Example from Chiapas, Mexico
Weber B, González R, Cisneros A, Manjarrez R & Martens U

Gonzalez Samantha (2020) Chemical and Isotopic Characterization of a Karst-Dominated Watershed
Abongwa P, Den W & Gonzalez S

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