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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gonnermann Helge M. (2018) Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation in Rhyolite
Hajimirza S, Gonnermann HM, Gardner JE & Giachetti T

Gonsior M. (2020) Coupling of Bacterial Diversity and Dissolved Organic Matter Chemodiversity
Zhao Z, Gonsior M, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Zhan Y, Zhang R, Jiao N & Chen F
(2018) Molecular Characteristics of Water Column and Sedimentary Dissolved Organic Matter in Boreal Swedish Lakes (DOM)
Hertkorn N, Gonsior M, Harir M, Enrich-Prast A, Bastviken D, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Conrad R
(2017) Novel Metalorganic Compounds Revealed in Meteorites
Ruf A, Kanawati B, Yin Q-Z, Moritz F, Harir M, Lucio M, Shilobreeva S, Gabelica Z, Gougeon RD, Quirico E, Haack H, Gonsior M, Jenniskens P, Hinman NW & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2017) Sediment Pore Water DOM Characterization during Anaerobic Degradation (Amazon, Brazil)
Valle J, Gonsior M, Harir M, Hertkorn N, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Enrich-Prast A
(2013) Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry of Natural Organic Matter from Hydrothermal Springs
Dvorski S, Harir M, Hertkorn N, Hinman N, Gonsior M, Cooper W & Schmitt-Kopplin P

Gontharet S. (2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G
(2017) U-Pb Zircon Ages and Geochemical Analyses of French Guiana Recent Coastal Sediments Under Amazon Influence
Philippe S, Dörr W, Marko L, Courcot L, Lesourd S, Caillaud J, Gontharet S, Gardel A, Bory A & Henry F
(2017) Seasonal Variability of Sedimentary Organic Matter Dynamics and Microbial Communities in a Tropical Intertidal Mud Bank (French Guiana)
Gontharet S, Simon W, Denis L, Mathieu O, Artigas LF, Bouloubassi I, Chevalier N, Courcot L, Duong G, Gommeaux M & Klein V
(2013) Distribution and Sources of Organic Matter (OM) in a Tropical Intertidal Mud Bank of French Guiana
Gontharet S, Mathieu O, Lévêque J, Milloux M-J, Lesourd S, Philippe S, Caillaud J & Gardel A
(2007) U-Th Stratigraphy of a Cold Seep Carbonate Crust
Bayon G, Henderson G, Bohn M, Gontharet S & Pierre C

Gontier A. (2016) U-Series Disequilibria in Primary Minerals of Granitic Soil
Rihs S, Fries D, Gontier A, Pelt E, Lemarchand D, Chabaux F & Turpault M-P
(2014) Are Shallowest Soil Horizons Suitable for U-Series Soil-Production Rates Determination?
Rihs S, Gontier A, Pelt E, Lemarchand D, Chabaux F & Turpault M-P
(2013) Insight into the Use of U- and Th-Series Nuclides for Soil-Production Rates Determination
Gontier A, Rihs S, Pelt E, Turpault M-P, Lemarchand D & Chabaux F
(2013) Insight into Biotite Weathering Rate Using U-Series Isotopes
Rihs S, Gontier A, Turpault M-P, Lemarchand D, Voinot A & Chabaux F

Gontijo ROGÉRIO (2018) Origin, Geochemistry and Petrology of the Aptian Salt Seal of the Giant South Atlantic Oil Province
Szatmari P, Figueiredo M, Florencio C, Gontijo R, Zambonato E, Farias F & Menezes Santos R

Gontijo Rogerio C. (2020) Evaporation or Serpentinization? Origin of the Cretaceous South Atlantic Salt Giant
Szatmari P, Rigoti CA, More Lima C, Fontaneta GT, Lima NM, Zambonato E, Figueiredo MF, Florêncio CP, Menezes MR & Gontijo RC

Gonza¡lez F. (2012) Black Shales and Massive Sulfide Deposist in the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Sa¡ez R, Moreno C, Gonza¡lez F & Almodovar GR

Gonzaga L.C. (2022) Micro- and Nano-Pore Structure and Composition of Microaggregates from a Tropical Soil
Hesterberg DLR, Ferreira TR, Pólo CC, Rabelo RS, Tolentino H, Pérez CA, Roose T, Gonzaga LC, Carvalho JN, Bordonal RDO & Pavinato PS

Gonzaga-Cayetano M. (2009) Carbonaceous Component of an Asian Aerosol Plume: Tracking the Chemical Signature during Transport
Gonzaga-Cayetano M, Jung J, Batmunkh T, Damduy A, Lee K, Kim DG & Kim YJ

Gonzales A. (2017) In situ Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of H-Bearing Phases in the Matrix of CM Carbonaceous Chondrites
Piani L, Yurimoto H, Remusat L & Gonzales A

Gonzales J. (2020) REE Patterns in Ca-Al Rich Phases of CV Chrondrite Meteorites
Gonzales J, Gemma M & Ebel D

Gonzales Matt (2017) Quantifying Shale Weathering Processes by Li Isotopes
Steinhoefel G, Brantley SL, Fantle MS, Gonzales M & Liu W

Gonzales Matthew (2018) Using Big Groundwater Data to Understand Regional Water Chemistry
Brantley SL, Wen T, Niu X, Zheng G, Gonzales M & Li Z
(2014) Implications of CaCO3 Phase Heterogeneity for Interpretation of the Ca Isotopic Fractionation Factor: An in situ Study
Gonzales M & Fantle M
(2013) Using Isotopic and Morphological Evidence to Determine Biogenicity of Gypsum Precipitates in the Frasassi Caves, Italy
Harouaka K, Gonzales M, Eisenhauer A & Fantle M
(2011) Effect of Ionic Strength on Ca Isotope and Sr Incorporation into Calcite
Watkins J, DePaolo D, Ryerson F & Gonzales M

Gonzales-Cano A. (2017) Use of Isotopic Tracers (D, 18O) for the Study of Water Transport within Stained-Glass Windows Alteration Layer
Sessegolo L, Verney-Carron A, Saheb M, Drici A, Remusat L, Gonzales-Cano A, Loisel C & Chabas A

Gonzales-Clayton B. (2016) Two-Stage Exhumation of Greater Himalayan Rocks: P-T-t-D Results from Mid-Crustal Rocks of Central and Eastern Bhutan
Gordon S, Zamora C, Kauffman R, Long S, Agustsson K, Gonzales-Clayton B & Kylander-Clark A

Gonzalez Adriana (2017) Fe Biomineralization in the Meromictic Lake Pavin
Miot J, Duprat E, Remusat L, Benzerara K, Jézéquel D, Cordier L, Viollier E, Skouri-Panet F, Férard C, Poinsot M, Rivas-Lamelo S, Gonzalez A, Pont S & Berg J

Gonzalez Ana (2017) Variations in Marine Microbial Phosphorus Uptake Rates and Cellular Allocation Strategies
Popendorf K, Duhamel S, Raney S & Gonzalez A
(2016) Arsenic and Sulfur Cycling in Microbialites of La Brava, Atacama: Analog-Extraordinaire for Precambrian Biogeochemistry?
Visscher P, Philippot P, Sancho-Thomas M, Somogyi A, Farias M, Gonzalez A, Rasuk C & Contreras M

González ÁNGELES (2017) Investigation on the Crystal Structure of CO2CO3(OH)2 by DFT and X-Ray Diffraction
Gonzalez-Lopez J, Cockcroft JK, González Á, Jimenez A & Grau-Crespo R

Gonzalez Aridane (2019) Organic Matter Effect on Fe(II) Oxidation Kinetics in the Labrador Sea
Santana-González C, González-Dávila M, Santana-Casiano M, Gladyshev S, Sokov A, González A & González-Santana D

Gonzalez Aridane G. (2023) Copper-Binding Ligands in Fram Strait and the Greenland Shelf (GEOTRACES Cruise GN05)
Arnone V, Santana-Casiano JM, González-Dávila M, Sarthou G, Krisch S, Lodeiro P, Achterberg EP & González AG
(2023) Can Subaerial Lava Form Iron Rich Buoyant Plumes in the Ocean?
González-Santana D, González AG, González-Dávila M, Arnone V & Santana-Casiano JM
(2021) Iron and Copper Complexation in the Macaronesian Coastal Waters
Arnone V, González-Dávila M, González AG & Santana-Casiano JM
(2019) Zinc Isotopes in Calcite – A New pH Proxy
Mavromatis V, Gonzalez A, Dietzel M & Schott J
(2019) The Role of Polyphenols on the Fe Chemistry in Seawater
González AG, Santana-Casiano JM, González-Dávila M, Pérez-Almeida N & Sarthou G
(2017) Iron-Binding Ligands in the North Atlantic Ocean and Labrador Sea along the GEOVIDE Section (GEOTRACES GA01)
Tonnard M, Gonzalez AG, Whitby H, Bowie AR, van der Merwe P, Planquette H, Boutorh J, Cheize M, Menzel J-L, Pereira Contreira L, Shelley R & Sarthou G
(2017) The Impact of Fe and Cu on the Natural Phytoplankton Communities and on the Complexing Organic Ligand Pool Through Incubation Experiments at the Vicinity of Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean)
Gonzalez AG, Sarthou G, Chever F, Bowie A, van der Merwe P, Cheize M, Sirois M, Bucciarelli E, Obernosterer I, Catala P & Blain S
(2017) The Effect of Cu on the Fe Redox Cycle: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species
Gonzalez AG, Santana-Casiano JM, Perez-Almeida N & Gonzalez-Davila M
(2015) A New Look at the Thermodynamic Control of the Isotope Composition of Mg and Zn in Calcite
Mavromatis V, Gonzalez AG, Fujii T, Baldermann A, Dietzel M & Schott J
(2014) The Use of Mosses as Bioindicators for Zn Pollution: Physico-Chemical Characterization and Stable Isotopic Fractionation
González AG, Pokrovsky OS & Viers J
(2013) Oxidation of Cu(I) in Seawater at Low Oxygen Concentrations
Perez-Almeida N, Gonzalez-Davila M, Santana-Casiano JM, Gonzalez AG & Suarez De Tangil M
(2013) The Effect of Copper in the Oxidation of Fe(II) in Seawater
Gonzalez-Davila M, Santana-Casiano JM, Gonzalez AG, Perez-Almeida N & Samperio G
(2013) Metal Adsorption on Mosses: Towards a Universal Adsorption Model
González AG & Pokrovsky OS
(2011) Fe(II) and Organic Exudates Interaction in Seawater
Santana-Casiano JM, González AG, Pérez N & González-Dávila M
(2011) Oxidation of Fe(II) in Natural Waters at High Nutrient Concentration
González AG, Santana-Casiano JM, Pérez N & González-Dávila M
(2009) Speciation of Fe Adsorbed on and Incorporated into Soil and Aquatic Bacteria: XAS Structural Study
Gonzalez A, Pokrovsky O, Shirokova L, Pokrovski G, Jimenez-Villacorta F, Gonzalez-Davila M, Santana-Casiano M & Emnova E

Gonzalez B. (2023) Respiration Partitioning Across the Yakima River Basin
Kaufman M, Delgado D, Barnes M, Boehnke B, Chen X, Cornwell K, Forbes B, Fulton S, Garayburu-Caruso V, Goldman A, Gonzalez B, Grieger S, Hammond G, Jiang P, Laan M, Li B, Li Z, McKever S, Mudunuru M, Muller K, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Pelly A, Peta K, Regier P, Renteria L, Roebuck A, Scheibe T, Son K, Torgeson J, Hall R, Zheng J & Stegen J

González Carolina (2019) Evolutionary Mechanisms and Dynamics of Extreme Acidophiles
González C, Neira G, Vergara E, Cortez D, Valdés J & Holmes D

Gonzalez Catherine (2017) POCIS Evidence Yaoundé's Rivers Pesticides Contamination
Branchet P, Cadot E, Sebag D, Fenet H, Ngounou Ngatcha B & Gonzalez C

Gonzalez Christian (2013) An Integrated Geochemical, Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Approach to Model Arsenic at a Fluvial Confluence
Guerra P, Escauriaza C, Gonzalez C, Pizarro G, Morales V & Pasten P
(2012) Chemical-Hydrodynamic Control of Arsenic Mobility at a River Confluence
Guerra P, Gonzalez C, Escauriaza C, Bonilla C, Pizarro G & Pasten P

Gonzalez Christopher (2020) Experiments or Theory? Aqueous Fluids in the Deep Earth
Brugger J, Etschmann B, Gonzalez C, Guan Q, Mei Y & Raiteri P
(2016) Decarbonation of Subducting Slabs: A Petrological-Thermomechamical Modeling Approach
Gonzalez C, Gorczyk W & Gerya T

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