Gallagher Catherine R.
Linking Diffusion Chronometry to Geophysical Indicators of Volcanic Unrest – Insights from the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption
Kahl M, Mutch EJF, Maclennan J, Morgan D, Couperthwaite F, Bali E, Thordarson T, Guðfinnsson GH, Walshaw R, Buisman I, Buhre S, van der Meer QHA, Caracciolo A, Marshall EW, Rasmussen M, Gallagher CR, Moreland W, Höskuldsson Á & Askew RA
Gallagher Catherine, R.
Tracing Mechanisms of Sulphur Release with Cu and Zn Isotopes in Historical Icelandic Flood Lavas
Gallagher CR, Savage PS, Nowell GM, Houghton BF, Thordarson T & Burton KW
Gallagher G.
Protein-Level Proteorhodopsin Expression Patterns in Aquatic Microbes
Gallagher G & Waldbauer J
Mechanisms of Cryospheric Life: Protein Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Electron Transfer in Psychrophilic Hydrocarbonoclastic Marine Bacteria
Magyar J, Asous N, Benzik E, Chou J, Dalchand N, Gallagher G & Salerno G
Gallagher Kerry
Orogenic Exhumation History Using Multi-Mineral Detrital Thermochronology
Giblin JL, Hodges K & Gallagher K
Bayesian Thermal History Modelling of Detrital Thermochronometric Data
Gallagher K, Parra M, Echeverri S & Patiño AM
Helium Trapping in Apatite Damage: Insights from Overly Dispersed (U-Th-Sm)/He Dates
Recanati A, Gautheron C, Barbarnd J, Missenard Y, Gallagher K & Pinna R
Strategies for Joint Inversion of Apatite Fission Track and (U-Th) Data: Application of Fragment and Radiation Damage Models
Wildman M, Gallagher K & Gautheron C
Fractionation of Li and Mg Isotopes in Mantle Derived Materials- Promise, Perils and Progress
Elliott T, Pogge von Strandmann P, Lai YJ, Kasemann S, Ionov D, Takazawa E, Marschall H, Gallagher K & Dohmen R
Diffusively Driven Li Isotope Fractionation
Elliott T, Pogge van Strandmann P, Gallagher K, Kasemann S & Sims K
Putting the data to work - strategies for modelling multiple samples in multiple dimensions
Gallagher K, Stephenson J, Holmes C & Brown R
A new approach to mixture modelling for geochronology
Gallagher K, Jasra A, Stephens D & Holmes C
Quantifying Denudation Rates with Vertical Relief Fission Track Profiles
Raab MJ, Brown RW & Gallagher K
Actinide-Helium Thermochronology; Progress and Promise
Barfod DN, Stuart FM, Persano C, Botor D & Gallagher K
Gallagher Kimberley L.
Microbialite Formation in Two Hypersaline Lakes (Bahamas): Insights into Organomineralization
Dupraz C, Fowler A, Glunk C, Braissant O, Gallagher KL, Stork NJ & Visscher PT
Gallagher L.
Sulfate Reduction and Methanogenesis in Coal Microcosms
Glossner A, Gallagher L, Landkamer L, Figueroa L, Munakata-Marr J & Mandernack K
Microbial Methanogenesis from a Consortium Enriched from the Powder River Basin, WY
Glossner A, Gallagher L, Landkamer L, Figueroa L, Munakata-Marr J & Mandernack K
Gallagher Martin
Novel Findings in the Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe) Project
McFiggans G, Ball S, Carpenter L, Gallagher M, Heard D & Plane J
Gallagher Meabh
Probing PM2.5 Sources with Laser Ablation: A Case Study of Traffic Emissions in Dublin City, Ireland
Gallagher M, McNabola A, Kamber B, Gill L, Ghosh B & Alam MS
The Neoarchaean Surface Sulphur Cycle: New Solutions to Non-Zero Intercept Δ33S – δ34S Arrays
Gallagher M, Whitehouse M & Kamber B
Evaluating the Role of Microscopic Pyrite for Budgets of Vital Metals in Precambrian Carbonate
Gallagher M & Kamber BS
Gallagher Morgan
Molecular (Proxy) Estimates of Changes in Soil Organic Matter Stability with Changes in Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
Hockaday W, Gallagher M, Masiello C, Polley W, Iversen C & Norby R
Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Alters Soil Biochemical Stocks
Hockaday W, Gallagher M, Masiello C, Baldock J, Iversen C & Norby R
Organic Carbon Oxidation State: A New Proxy for the Earth's C and O Cycles
Masiello C, Hockaday W & Gallagher M
Gallagher Shaun
The Development of Reference Material and Calibration Curves for Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Tourmaline by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
Whattam J, Sharpe R, Skelton S, Day MC, Fayek M, Hawthorne FC, Xu C & Gallagher S
Gallagher Steven
Indian Ocean Circulation Changes over the Middle Pleistocene Transition
Petrick B, Auer G, De Vleeschouwer D, Christensen B, Reuning L, Martinez-Garcia A, Gallagher S, Fulthorpe C, Bogas K & Haug G
Gallagher T.
Summer Drought over East Asia during the Warm Pliocene: Evidence from Clumped Isotope and Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Soil Carbonate
Da J, Serach L, Gallagher T, Zhang H, Lu H-Y, Sun C, Huntington K, Sharp Z, Ji S, Wang H, Heitmann E, Ji J & Breecker D
Has Eastern China Always Been Summer-Wet?
Serach L, Gallagher T, Lu H, Zhang H, Wang H, Ji S, Huntington K & Breecker D
Toward Non-Destructive, Semi-Continuous Monitoring of Calcite Precipitation/Dissolution in Soils
Gallagher T, Friedmann E & Breecker D
Positive Feedback Drives Carbon Release from Soils to Atmopshere during Paleocene/Eocene Warming
Cotton J, Sheldon N, Hren M & Gallagher T
Terrestrial Life and Environmental Heterogeneity within the Late-Mesoproterozoic Nonesuch Shale
Gallagher T & Sheldon N
Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonates from Northwest and Southeast China
Gallagher T, Sheldon N & Xiao S
Anoxygenic Cyanobacterial Mats in Middle Island Sinkhole, Lake Huron: An Analogue of the Precambrian
Dick G, Kinsman-Costello L, Sheldon N, Biddanda B, Marcus D, Voorhies A, Snider M & Gallagher T
Gallagher V.
Extending the Utility of Multidynamic MC-Tims by Optimal Use of Redundant Data
Ickert R, Mahajan R, Carter J, Gallagher V, Kelley A & Mark D
Gallaher Shawn
Landscape Change and Metal Transport in Arctic Watersheds
Liddle Broberg K, Barker A, Sullivan T, Barbato R, McInturff G, Saari S, Douglas T, Gallaher S & Smith J
Fe Speciation at the Permafrost-Active Layer Boundary
Barker A, McInturff G, Douglas T, Gallaher S & Smith J
Gallaher Shawn G
Enhanced Constituent Fluxes in the Sagavanirktok River on the North Slope of Alaska during the Summer Thaw Season
Smith JP, Gallaher SG, Barker AJ, Douglas T, Vas DA & O’Banion MS
Galland B.
Sampling an Active Continental Paleo-Margin: A LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Study from the Adrar des Iforas (Mali)
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Caby R, Galland B & Hammor D
Accessory Minerals as Petrogenetic Tracers: Insights from in situ Analyses
Bosch D, Garrido C, Bruguier O, Dhuime B, Bodinier J-L & Galland B
Gallard H.
Where Does the Iodine go? – A Modelling Approach of Iodine 127 and 129 Cycling in Forested Environments
Thiry Y, Tanaka T, Bueno M, Pisarek P, Roulier M, Gallard H, Legout A & Nicolas M
Gallardo L.
Emissions from South American M-Cities
Gallardo L
Gallardo M.
Phase Transitions in Lawsonite and KDP-Type Ferroelectrics: Comparisons of Proton Ordering Mechanisms
Hayward S, Gallardo M & Carpenter M
Gallardo R.
Effect of Soil Sand on 13C CP-Mas NMR Spectra Quality
Yanardag IH, Faz Cano A, Munoz Garcia MA & Gallardo R
Gallarotti N.
Constraining the Origin and Evolution of Organic Carbon-Mineral Interactions within a Fluvial System
Gallarotti N, Bröder L, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Voss B, Haghipour N & Eglinton TI
Gallas A-M.
Lithium Isotope in Micas: An Isotopic Tool for the Classification of Granitic Pegmatites?
Deveaud S, Millot R, Gallas A-M & Robert M
Gallas M.
Experimental Petrology, Geochemistry and Petrography of Mantle Xenoliths from Prahuaniyeu Volcano, Northern Patagonia, Argentine
Gervasoni F, Conceicão R, Bertotto G, Gallas M & Jalowitzki T
Gallastegui G.
Contrasting Appinite and Vaugnerite Suites and Related Granitoids from NW Iberian Massif. Insight into Mantle and Crustal Sources
Galán G, Gallastegui G, Cuesta A, Corretgé LG & Suárez O
Gallati N.
Experimental Evidence for Mass-Independent Fractionation of Even-Mass Mercury Isotopes Related to the Nuclear Volume Effect
Schwab L, Gallati N, Reiter SM, McLagan D, Biester H, Kumar N, Kimber R, Kraemer SM & Wiederhold JG
Kinetic Versus Equilibrium Mercury Isotope Effects during Homogenous and Surface Catalyzed Mercury(II) Reduction by Iron(II)
Schwab L, Gallati N, McLagan DS, Biester H, Kraemer SM & Wiederhold JG
Experimental Determination of Kinetic Mercury Isotope Fractionation during Reduction of Hg(II) by Dissolved Fe(II) and Fe(II)-bearing Minerals
Schwab L, Gallati N, McLagan DS, Kraemer SM, Biester HU & Wiederhold JG