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Fayol N. (2013) Gold Associated with Neoarchean Alkaline Intrusion, Lac Bachelor, Abitibi, Canada
Fayol N, Jébrak M & Harris LB

Fayon A.K. (2024) Investigating How Deformation and Pressure Influence the Behavior of Helium in Apatite
Guo H, Fayon AK, Tremblay MM, Zeitler PK & Idleman BD
(2024) Temperature-Sensitive Trapping of Helium in Apatite: Insights from 4He/3He Diffusion Experiments
Guo H, Tremblay MM, Zeitler PK, Idleman BD & Fayon AK
(2024) Coupled U-Pb and (U-Th)/He Dating Techniques Investigate the Timing and Genesis of Hematite Ore Mineralization and Subsequent Thermal Histories
Allerton ZP, Courtney-Davies L, Danisik M, Fayon AK, Hudak GJ & Teyssier C

Fayon F. (2020) The Effect of Ti and Other Minor Elements on the Reactivity of Granulated Ground Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) in Blended Cements
Blotevogel S, Steger L, Bornhöft H, Deubner J, Doussang L, Fayon F, Hart D, Kaknics J, Montouillout V, Patapy C, Saldi G, Schott J & Cyr M

Fayziev A. (2018) Genetic Features of the Formation of Gold-Sulphide Mineralizations in the Chore Ore Field
Safari N, Fayziev A, Vazirov K & Malakhov F

Faz N.A. (2023) Microbial Activity and Response to Temporal and Chemical Gradients in the Gulf of Mexico
Faz NA, Laaker EM, Sylvan JB, Robinson RS & Estes ER

Faz Cano A. (2011) Effect of Soil Sand on 13C CP-Mas NMR Spectra Quality
Yanardag IH, Faz Cano A, Munoz Garcia MA & Gallardo R
(2011) Dissolved Organic Carbon and Soil Respiration Release in Undisturbed Columns from SE Spain
Buyukkilic-Yanardag A, Gómez-Garrido M, Estévez Rodríguez MD, Yanardag IH & Faz Cano A
(2011) Contaminated Soil Diagnosis by Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Underground Storage Tanks of Different Petrol Stations in SE Spain
Rosales RM, Martinez P & Faz A

Fazel A. (2004) Early-Middle Jurassic Mafic Dykes from Western Dronning Maud Land (Antarctica): Identifying Mantle Sources in the Karoo Large Igneous Province
Riley T, Leat P, Curtis M, Millar I & Fazel A

Fazeli H. (2018) CO2-H2O-Basalt Interactions – Reactive Transport Experiments and Simulations
Hellevang H, Nooraiepour M & Fazeli H

Fazelvalipour Arash (2011) Assessing the Seismic Hazard for Some Parts in Hormozgan Province, Southern Iran
Fazelvalipour A, Vejdani Y & Fazelvalipour A

Fazelvalipour Ardalan (2011) Assessing the Seismic Hazard for Some Parts in Hormozgan Province, Southern Iran
Fazelvalipour A, Vejdani Y & Fazelvalipour A

Fazio C. (2003) Isotopic Composition of Kr in Presolar Mainstream SiC Grains
Fazio C, Gallino R, Pignatari M, Mutti P, Amari S & Lewis R

Fazio G. (2023) A Shift in Redox Conditions Near the Ediacaran/Cambrian Transition and its Possible Influence in Early Animal Evolution, Corumbá Group of Western Brazil
Caxito F, Sperling EA, Fazio G, Adorno R, Denezine M, do Carmo DA, Giorgioni M & Uhlein G

Fazio V. (2022) Cataloguing and Organisation of Geochemistry Laboratories Capabilities Through the AuScope Geochemistry Network Laboratory Finder
Golodoniuc P, Florin GJ, Fazio V, Prent AM, Li Y, Hodgekiss S-A & Klump J

Fazioli F. (2022) What is the Potential Impact of Commercial Russian Chrysotile on Human Health?
Di Valerio S, Vaiasicca S, Cianfruglia L, Armeni T, Marcheggiani F, Tiano L, Di Giuseppe D, Gualtieri A, Procopio AD, Fazioli F & Pugnaloni A
(2021) Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Potential of Asbestos Fibers from Environmental Outcrops
Vaiasicca S, Di Valerio S, Cianfruglia L, Armeni T, Fazioli F, Procopio AD & Pugnaloni A
(2020) Asbestos Induced Toxicity: in Vitro Different Effects of Different Fibres
Di Valerio S, Ramini D, Mensà E, Fazioli F, Marzioni D, Gualtieri AF & Pugnaloni A

Fazli S.

Fazlnia A. (2019) Late Cretaceous A-Type Magmatism in Northwestern Iran Reveals an Episode of Extensional Tectonics
Pang K-N, Fazlnia A & Lee H-Y

Fazzini M. (2013) Isotopic Composition of Precipitation in Ferrara Province
Marchina C, Vaccaro C, Fazzini M, Di Roma A & Bianchini G

Feakins Sarah (2018) Southern California Hydroclimate over the Last 150 kyrs: New Results from the Searles and Death Valley Basins
McGee D, Olson K, Stroup J, Chen CY, Lowenstein T, Smoot J, Janick J, Lund S, Peaple M, Feakins S, Serrato Marks G & Litwin R
(2018) Plant Wax Evidence for Monsoon Precipitation and the Expansion of C4 Ecosystems in the Late Miocene
Feakins S, Vidal E, Cho P, Wu MS, Ponton C & Galy V
(2017) Mio-Pliocene Variations of the Indian Monsoon Recorded in the Bengal Fan (IODP Exp354)
Galy V, Feakins S, Ponton C, Galy A & France-Lanord C
(2017) Late Cenozoic Climate and Carbon-Cycle Dynamics from the Arabian Sea (IODP 355)
Newton K, Bendle J, Edgar K, Liddy H, Feakins S, Clift P, Tauxe L, Kulhanek D, Scardia G, Warny S & Anand P
(2017) Observing Biodegradation of Complex Organic Substrates by Site-Specific Isotopic Analyses
Lloyd M, Trembath-Reichert E, Feakins S, Schimmelmann A, Mastalerz M, Sessions A & Eiler J
(2016) Transport of Soil Organic Carbon in the Upper Catchment of the Amazon River Traced by Branched GDGTs
Kirkels F, Ponton C, Feakins S, West J & Peterse F
(2016) A 30ka Hydroclimatic Record from the Pamir
Aichner B, Mischke S, Pausata F, Zhang Q, Heinecke L, Feakins S, Sachse D, Mahmoudov Z & Rajabov I

Feakins Sarah J. (2020) Plant Wax Isotope Signatures of Neotropical Vegetation Biomes in Soils Across Brazil
Häggi C, Bertassoli DJ, Akabane TK, Sawakuchi AO, Chiessi CM & Feakins SJ
(2020) The Carbon Budget of the Himalayan Orogeny from Source to Sink
France-Lanord C, Derry LA, Feakins SJ, Galy A, Galy V, Girault F, Lupker M & Tachambalath A
(2015) First Occurrence of Archaeal Tetraether Lipids with 5 to 7 Cyclopentane Moieties in a Mesophilic Setting
Inglis GN, Naafs BDA, Feakins SJ, Lahteenoja O, Ponton C, Collinson ME, Rohrssen M & Pancost RD
(2014) A Tale of Two Molecules: Leaf Wax and Lignin
Feakins S, Ponton C, Feng X, West J & Galy V
(2014) Leaf-Wax N-Alkane δ13C Appears Insensitive to Available Moisture
McInerney F, Freeman K, Polissar P, Feakins S, Lynch D & Doman C
(2014) The Northeast African Environmental Context for Ardipithecus
Liddy H, Feakins S & Sieracki A
(2014) Leaf Wax N-Alkane Stable Isotope Ratios Determine Sediment Sources in the Arun River, Eastern Nepal
Hoffmann B, Bookhagen B, Feakins SJ, Barthold F, Olen S, Adhikari DP & Sachse D
(2014) Tracking Organic Carbon Across the Andes-Amazon Transition with Terrestrial Biomarker Isotopes
West AJ, Ponton C, Feakins S & Galy V
(2013) Hydrologic Variability in Coastal Southwest USA
Feakins S, Kirby M, Wu MS & Heusser L

Featherstone A.M. (2006) Discerning Effects of Trace Elements on Marine Surface-Water Ecosystems - A Perspective
Butler ECV, Wake BD & Featherstone AM

Febbrari I. (2021) Li Isotope Analytical Protocol and Standard Development Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
Talavera C, Craven J, Cayzer N, Hayward C & Febbrari I

Fechtelkord M. (2023) Experimental Determination of Boron Isotope Fractionation between Silicate Melts and Hydrous Fluids, with Application to Understanding Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Genesis
Rauscher J, Wunder B, Wilke M, Trumbull RB, Jahn S, Sieber MJ, Scicchitano MR, Fechtelkord M, Michaud J, Pohl F & Appelt O
(2019) NMR Studies of Fluorine Defects in Forsterite and Wadsleyite
Gruetzner T, Christopher B, Svyatoslav S, Fechtelkord M & Klemme S
(2007) OH/F Local Environment in Metamict Titanite by 1H and 19F MAS NMR Spectroscopy
Wennekamp J, Fechtelkord M & Groat L
(2007) Characterization of Hydrous Species in Hydrous and Nominally Anhydrous Minerals by 1H Solid State NMR Spectroscopy
Lingner L, Fechtelkord M & Dohmen R
(2007) Ordering of the Al Cation Distribution in the Octahedral Sheets Related to the Ordering of Al in the Tetrahedral Sheets of Phlogopite Studied by {1H} 29Si CPMAS NMR Spectroscopy
Langner R & Fechtelkord M

Fecteau K. (2024) Anticipating Temporal Variability in Hydrothermal Ecosystems Using Geochemical Tracers
Debes RV, Barnes T, Fecteau K & Shock EL
(2020) Organic Compounds as Geochemical Tracers in Planetary Exploration
Robinson K, Bockisch C, Gould I, Fecteau K, Seewald J & Shock E
(2014) The Importance of Non-Phosphorous Containing Lipids in Thermophilic Archaea and Bacteria Inhabiting Terrestrial Hot Springs
Schubotz F, Boyd E, Lipp J, Boyer G, Fecteau K, Shock E & Summons R

Fedele L. (2013) Wehrlitization Processes within the Upper Mantle beneath the Northern Pannonian Basin (Hungary)
Patko L, Aradi LE, Liptai N, Bodnar RJ, Fedele L, Kovács Z, Cesare B, Vaselli O, Fioretti AM, Jeffries T & Szabó C
(2012) Copper Partitioning in CO2-Bearing Melt-Vapor-Brine Systems
Tattitch B, Candela P, Piccoli P, Bodnar R & Fedele L
(2010) Application of Fluid Inclusions and Mineral Textures in Exploration for Epithermal Precious Metals Deposits
Moncada D, Bodnar RJ & Fedele L
(2010) Evolution of H2O and CO2 Contents in Silicate Melt Inclusions during Post-Entrapment Crystallization
Esposito R, Steele-MacInnis M, Fedele L & Bodnar RJ
(2007) CO2-bearing Fluid Inclusions of Upper Mantle Xenoliths (Tihany, Western Hungary): Minimum Trapping Pressure Estimation and Trace Element Analysis
Berkesi M, Szabó C, Bodnar RJ & Fedele L
(2004) Geochemical Environmental Maps of Soils of Campania Region Urban Areas, Italy
de Vivo B, Lima A, Albanese S, Cicchella D, Fedele L & Frattini P

Fedenko J. (2020) Lithologic and Topographic Controls on Weathering in Temperate Coastal Rainforest, Southeast Alaska
Dere A, D'Amore D, Lybrand R, Spinola D, Fedenko J & White T

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