Fuchs Sebastian H
The Crucial Role of Hydrocarbons in the Formation of Gold and Uranium Ore in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
Fuchs SH, Schumann D, Martin RF & Couillard M
Fuchs Y.
Hydrogen Concentration in Mantle Xenoliths from the Veneto Volcanic Province (NE Italy)
Carraro A, Bureau H, Visonà D, Raepsaet C, Fuchs Y & Khodja H
Fuchser Jens
Molecular Microstratigraphy via Laser-Desorption Ionization Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (LDI-FT-ICR-Ms)
Dittmar T, Abiven S, Niggemann J & Fuchser J
Molecular Characterization of Soil Organic Matter by Laser-Desorption Ionization Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (LDI-FT-ICR-Ms)
Abiven S, Fuchser J, Schmidt MWI & Dittmar T
Fuchser Jens
Increasing Spatial Resolution of Lipid Biomarker Analysis by LDI FT-Icrms
Wörmer L, Elvert M, Fuchser J, Lipp JS & Hinrichs K-U
Fuchsman C.
N Isotope Isotopic Effects in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone
Devol A, Fuchsman C, Casciotti K & Buchwald C
Fuck R. A.
In-situ U-Pb dating and geochemical constraints on UHT metamorphism in the Brasilia fold belt
Möller A, Moraes R, Hellebrand E, Kennedy A & Fuck R
P-T Path of Sapphirine-Quartz Bearing Granulites, Ana?polis-Itauc?u Complex, Central Brazil
Moraes R, Brown M & Fuck RA
Fuck Ra
Fuck Reinhardt
Plume-Subduction Events Recorded by KS2 Kimberlite Indicator Minerals from Juína, Brazil
Jalowitzki T, Gervasoni F, Sumino H, Klemme S, Berndt J, Dalla Costa M & Fuck R
Spectroscopic Characterization of Brazilian Emeralds from Tocantins State: Preliminary Results
Cavalcanti D, Nogueira Neto J, Fuck R, Barbosa P, Souza V & Lima M
Fuck Reinhardt Adolfo
Significance of Appinitic Suite Occurence in Tocantins Province, Center of Brazil
Leite AG, Fuck RA, Dantas EL & Ruiz AS
Metasomatized Mantle Xenoliths from Canastra-1 Kimberlite, Southern Edge of the São Francisco Craton
Braga LG, Jalowitzki T, Rocha MP, Gervasoni F, Mazzucchelli M, Giovanardi T, Novais Rodrigues E, Dalla Costa M, Fuck RA, Rubiano GM, Bertotto GW & Santos RV
Fudge C.
Analyzing Nitrogen in Cordierites and Other Phases by SIMS
Hervig R, Fudge C & Navrotsky A
Fueda K.
Volatilization of B4C Control Rods in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactors during Meltdown: B-Li Isotopic Signatures in Cesium-Rich Microparticles
Fueda K, Yamasaki S, Horie K, Takehara M, Saito T, Shiotsu H, Ohnuki T, Law GTW, Grambow B, Ewing R & Utsunomiya S
Fuellenbach L.C.
How Nanominerals Form and their Role in Contaminant Cycling
Benning LG, Perez JPH, Navaz-Rubio S, Stawski TM, Hoevelmann JE, Tobler DJ, Thomas AN, Fuellenbach LC, Oelkers EH & Freeman HM
Fuenlabrada J.M.
Spreading of the Paleothetys Aulacogen Behind the Variscan Orogen: Alkaline Gabbros from the Pelagic Devonian Basin of Minorca Island
Timoner C, Arenas R, Rojo-Pérez E, Fuenlabrada JM & Moreno JA
Fuentes B.
Soil Colloidal Characterization Regarding P and Corg in the Atacama Desert
Moradi G, Trbojevic L, Missong A, Mörchen R, Fuentes B, Lehndorff E, Amelung W, Bol R & Klumpp E
Fuentes D.
Selective Analysis of Petroleum from Single Fluid Inclusions Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses
Volk H, Fuentes D, Miese C, Fuerbach A, Koehler W, Bärsch N & Barcikowski S
Laser Micropyrolysis-GC/MS of Biomarkers in Authigenic Carbonates
Bauermeister J, Volk H, Fuentes D, Gong S, Leefmann T, Hoffmann V-E, Reitner J & Thiel V
Fuentes F.
Very Low-Grade Hydrothermal Metamorphism of Cenozoic Volcanics in Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica
Fuentes F, Chavez G, Bastias J, Aguirre L & Hervé F
Zeolites and Mafic Phyllosilicates in Livingston Island, Antarctica
Bastias J, Fuentes F, Aguirre L, Hervé F, Fernandoy F & Demant A
Fuentes Guzman E.
A Pliocene Fungal Consortium in Epithermal Steam-Heated Grounds (Ixtacamatitlan, Mexico)
Fuentes Guzman E
Fuentes-Lopez E.
On the Hygroscopic Behaviour of Marine Particles Enriched with Biogenic Nanogels
Fuentes-Lopez E, Coe H, Green D & McFiggans G
Fuentes-López J.M.
Rare Earth Origin in the Mine Waters of the Iberian Pyrite Belt: Preliminary Results Based on Leaching Tests
León Cortegano R, Macías F, Fuentes-López JM & Nieto JM
Fuerbach A.
Selective Analysis of Petroleum from Single Fluid Inclusions Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses
Volk H, Fuentes D, Miese C, Fuerbach A, Koehler W, Bärsch N & Barcikowski S
Fueri E.
Stable Isotope (C-N) and Noble Gas (Ne-Ar) Evidence for Recycled Plume Components at the CIR
Barry P, Hilton D, Fueri E, Murton B, Hemond C & Dyment J
Helium Isotope Studies in Seismically-Active Regions of Turkey and California
Hilton D, De Leeuw D, Fueri E, Gulec N, Mutlu H, Tryon M & Brown K
Fuerst M.
Investigation of Biominerals in the Human Knee of Advanced Osteoarthritis
Lammers L, Fuerst M & Wiesmann H-P
Fuerst P.Q.
Thermodynamic Description of Fe(II) Solubility and Hydrolysis in Dilute to Concentrated KCl Systems
Fuerst PQ, Cevirim-Papaioannou N, Gaona X, Altmaier M & Geckeis H
Fuessel J.
Are Sinking or Suspended Particles Hotspots of Marine Microbial Nitrogen Cycling?
Lam P, Fuessel J, Tribe H, Turnbull I, Baylay A, Hemsley V & Trimmer M
Nitrite Oxidation and Nitrite-Oxidisers in the OMZs: Significance and Twists
Fuessel J, Lam P, Luecker S, Yilmaz P, Spieck E, Daims H & Kuypers M
Fufa Negari G.