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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Ellis Nicholas Michael (2022) Early Eocene Global Gross Primary Production from Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Fossil Teeth
Ellis NM & Passey BH

Ellis R. (2001) Chromium Mobility, DOC, and Microbiological Populations
Long DT, Icopini G, Ellis R, Marsh T, Merlin C, Thacker H & Forney L

Ellis T. (2019) Groundwater and Aquifer Sand Concentrations of Arsenic along the Ravi River in Punjab, Pakistan
Mushtaq N, Farooqi A, Khattak J, Hussain I, Mailloux B, Ellis T & van Geen A
(2018) Fluoride Distribution in Aquifers of the Indus Basin, Punjab, Pakistan
Ali Khattak J, Farooqi A, Hussain I, Mailloux B, Ellis T & van Geen A
(2017) Developing and Deploying a Field kit for Lead in Soils in NYC and Peru
Landes F, Ponce-Canchihuamán JC, Inauen J, Markowski K, Ellis T & van Geen A
(2017) A Comparison of Arsenic Retardation in Reduced Holocene Sediment and Oxidized Pleistocene Sediment
Mozumder MRH, Bostick BC, Islam MA, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM, Ellis T, Mailloux B & Van Geen A

Ellison Eric (2012) Hydrogen Production from Low Temperature (55-100ºC) Water-Rock Reactions
Mayhew L, Ellison E, McCollom T & Templeton A

Ellison Eric (2015) Modern Peridotite Alteration in Oman Hyperalkaline Aquifers and Implications for Microbial Habitability
Miller H, Matter J, Kelemen P, Ellison E, Conrad M & Templeton A

Ellison Eric (2018) Mineralogic Signatures of Low Temperature Alteration in Atlantis Massif Serpentinites?
Mayhew L, Ellison E & Templeton A

Ellison Eric T (2023) Investigating Controls on H2 Availability in Groundwaters during Active Serpentinization in the Samail Ophiolite
Templeton AS, Ellison ET, Nothaft DB, Boyd E, Colman D, Fones E, Spear J, Hoehler T, Kubo M & Glombitza C
(2023) Amino Acid Synthesis Driven by Ferroan Brucite-Mediated Chemistry
Chimiak LM, Hara E, Ellison ET, Eiler J, Sessions A, VanderVelde D & Templeton AS
(2022) Sulfur Biomineralization of Peridotites Undergoing Low-Temperature Serpentinization
Templeton AS, Ellison ET, Glombitza C, Hoehler T, Rempfert K, Caro T, Kashyap S, Sepulveda J & Boyd E
(2022) Initial Results from the Oman Drilling Project Multi-Borehole Observatory: Petrogenesis and Ongoing Alteration of Mantle Peridotite in the Weathering Horizon
Kelemen P, Leong JA, de Obeso JC, Matter J, Ellison ET, Templeton AS, Nothaft DB, Eslami A, Evans K, Godard M, Malvoisin B, Coggon JA, Warsi N, Pezard P, Cho S, Teagle D, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E & Al Sulaimani Z
(2019) Experimental Insights into the Formation of Iron-Rich Clays on Early Earth and Mars
Johnson J, Hinz I, Templeton A, Theuer S & Ellison E
(2019) Fe-Oxidation, Hydrogen Generation and Microbial Activity in Peridotites Undergoing Serpentinization
Templeton A, Ellison E & Mayhew L
(2019) Fe(II)-bearing Brucite Reactivity during Low-Temperature Serpentinization in Oman
Ellison ET, Mayhew LE, Zeigler SKD & Templeton AS
(2017) Coupled Fe, S, N, and CH4 Cycling in Subsurface Serpentinizing Systems
Templeton A, Rempfert K, Miller H, Nothaft D, Ellison E & Mayhew L
(2017) Microscale Spectroscopic Imaging of Interfacial Fe Redox Reactions in “Hard-Rock” Systems
Templeton A, Ellison E, Mayhew L & Trainor T
(2017) Mineralogy and Fe Chemistry in Atlantis Massif Serpentinites
Mayhew LE, Ellison ET & Templeton AS

Ellison L. (2014) Biomass-Burning Aerosol Emissions from Measurement to Modeling
Ichoku C, Ellison L, Wang J & Yue Y

Ellmer F. (2018) Magnesium Isotope Signatures in Long-Term Arable Field Trials in Germany
Wang Y, Wu B, Berns AE, Bol R, Schweitzer K, Ellmer F & Amelung W

Ellmies R. (2023) Sphalerite as an Unconventional Cobalt Source? Correlative Microcopy and Atom Probe Tomography of Cobalt-Rich Sphalerite from the Dolostone Ore Formation Deposit, Namibia
Bertrandsson Erlandsson V, Gopon P, Waldl H, Misch D, Ellmies R & Melcher F
(2021) Sulfide Trace Element Geochemistry and its Implications for Metamorphism and Ore Formation: An Example from a Sediment-Hosted Cu-Co Mineralization in Northwestern Namibia
Bertrandsson Erlandsson V, Wallner D, Ellmies R, Melcher F & Raith JG
(2011) Mid and Heavy REE in Carbonatites at Lofdal, Namibia
Do Cabo V, Wall F, Sitnikova M, Ellmies R, Henjes-Kunst F, Gerdes A & Downes H

Ellouz N.

Ellouz-Zimmerman N. (2012) Top-Down Growth of Travertine Veins Revealed from U-Th Dating at Little Grand Wash (Utah)
Hamelin B, Deschamps P, Gratier J-P, Frery E, Ellouz-Zimmerman N, Royne A, Renard F & Dysthe D

Ellouz-Zimmermann N. (2017) Fluid Circulation Through Active Faults in a Transpressive Setting – Haiti
Wessels R, Ellouz-Zimmermann N, Bellahsen N, Battani A, Rosenberg C, Leroy S & Momplaiser R

Ellwein A. (2023) Sub-Millennial Scale Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Critical Zones in Utah, USA Using Laminated Soil Carbonate Rinds
Cerling T, Huth T, Marchetti D, Passey BH, Ellwein A, Mahan S, Bard E, Rostek F, Tuna T, Blum T & Holder RM
(2020) Soil Pendant Carbonate Record of Climate Change in the Holocene and Late Pleistocene
Cerling T, Huth T, Marchetti D, Bowling D, Ellwein A, Passey B, Fernandez D, Valley J & Orland I

Ellwood Michael (2022) Nickel and Zinc Cycling in the Southern Ocean: Insights from Isotopes
Lemaitre N, Planquette H, Jeandel C, Ellwood M, Hassler C & Vance D
(2022) Responses of Microbial Residents to New Versus Regenerated Fe in a Cold-Core Eddy (Southern Ocean)
Fourquez MA, Stzrepek R, Ellwood M, Hassler C, Cabanes D, Eggins S, Pearce I, Deppeler S, Trull T, Boyd P & Bressac M
(2021) Elucidating Biogenic Components of the δ53Cr Cycle in the Modern Ocean
Janssen D, Rickli J, Abbott A, Ellwood M, Twining B, Ohnemus D, Nasemann P, Gilliard D & Jaccard S
(2018) The Cycling of Zn and Cd Isotopes in Multiple Sectors of the Southern Ocean from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition
Sieber M, Conway T, de Souza G, Ellwood M & Vance D
(2016) Trace Metal and Iron Isotope Cycling in the Meromictic Lake Cadagno
Hassler C, Vance D, Moisset S, Pascal L & Ellwood M
(2016) The Distribution of Dissolved Trace Elements Across a Zonal Section of the Southwest Pacific Ocean
Bowie A, Ellwood M, van der Merwe P, Wuttig K, Townsend A, Baker A, Thomas M, Hassler C & Boyd P
(2016) The Distribution of Dissolved Iron and Nutrients Across a South Pacific Zonal Section
Ellwood M, Bowie A, Hassler C, Law C, Nodder S, Maher W, Moffett J, Resing J, Sander S, Sedwick P, Townsend A, van der Merwe P, Woodward M, Wuttig K & Boyd P
(2015) Tracing Zinc Bioavailability in the Tasman Sea Using Zinc Isotopes
Samanta M, Ellwood M, Strzepek R, Sinoir M & Hassler C
(2013) A 30ka Sponge-Diatom Silicon Isotope Record of Dissolved Silicon Concentration in Subantarctic Mode Water
Rousseau J, Ellwood M, Neil H, Bostock H & Fallon S
(2013) Tracing Changes in the Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron during the Annual Subtropical Spring Bloom East of New Zealand
Ellwood M, Boyd P, Nodder S, Hutchins D, Wilhelm S, Lohan M & Milne A
(2009) The Zn Isotopic Composition of Diatom Frustules, a Proxy for Zn Availability in Ocean Surface Seawater
Andersen MB, Vance D, Archer C, Ellwood M, Allen C, Hellenbrand CD & Anderson RF
(2009) Silicon Isotopic Fractionation in Marine Sponges: A New Paradigm and Model for Understanding Silicon Isotopic Variations in Sponges and Diatoms
Wille M, Sutton J, Ellwood M, Maher W, Eggins S & Kelly M
(2008) The Zn Isotopic Composition of Diatom Frustules: An Archive of Past Trace Metal Depletion in HNLC Zones?
Andersen MB, Vance D, Archer C, Ellwood M, Hillenbrand C-D, Allen C & Anderson R
(2006) Germanium incorporation into sponge spicules: development of a proxy for reconstructing inorganic germanium and silicon concentrations in seawater.
Maher B, Ellwood M, Kelly M & Dedekker P
(2006) Total Antimony And Antimony Speciation Measurements In Environmental Matrices
Krikowa F, Maher B, Foster S & Ellwood M
(2006) Zn isotopes as a new tracer of metal micronutrient usage in the oceans
Vance D, Archer C, Bermin J, Kennaway G, Cox E, Statham P, Lohan M & Ellwood M

Ellwood Michael J (2023) Crustose Coralline Algae Dissolution Buffers Coral Reef Environments
Branson O, Ellwood MJ, Cornwall C, Maher W, Sun Y, Holland KD, Goodarzi P, Martin H & Eggins S
(2023) Reappraising the U Isotope Composition of Seawater and Deep-Sea Corals: Implications for Paleo-Environmental Reconstructions
Tissot FLH, Kipp MA, Li H, Ellwood MJ, John SG, Middag R & Adkins JF
(2023) Nickel Cycling in the Ocean: Insights from Isotopes and Metagenomics
Lemaitre N, Faure E, Ellwood MJ, Hassler C, Maignien L & Vance D
(2023) Strontium, Acantharia and Carbon Export, What’s the Connection?
Sun Y & Ellwood MJ
(2023) Extreme Variability of Iron Bioavailability in the Southern Ocean
Fourquez MA, Janssen DJ, Conway TM, Cabanes D, Ellwood MJ, Sieber M, Trimborn S & Hassler C
(2023) Microbial Competition for Iron in the Southern Ocean
Strzepek RF, Latour P, Ellwood MJ & Boyd PW
(2019) Iron Biogeochemistry Differs within and Outside of a Southern Ocean Eddy
Ellwood M, Strzepek R, Strutton P, Trull T, Fourquez M & Boyd P
(2019) Chromium Biogeochemistry and Stable Isotope Distribution in the Southern Ocean
Rickli J, Janssen DJ, Hassler C, Ellwood MJ & Jaccard SL
(2019) Iron Cycling in the Upper Southern Ocean – Insights from Fe Isotopes
Sieber M, Conway T, De Souza G, Ellwood M & Vance D
(2019) Variability of Arsenic Species throughout Rice Plants
Martin H, Maher W, Duncan E, Ellwood M & Krikowa F

Elmaleh Agnès (2021) Biomineralization of (Fe, Mn)-rich Silicates in an Oxic Environment by Oxygenic Photosynthesizers
Benzerara K, Ciobanu M, Elmaleh A, Iniesto M, Jézéquel D, López-García P, Menguy N, Skouri-Panet F, Tavera R & Moreira D
(2019) Mineralogy of Serpentines at the Sub-Micron Scale
Elmaleh A, Wright J, Tarantino S & Baptiste B
(2017) High-Pressure Serpentinization, Deep H2 and Abiotic Methanogenesis
Vitale Brovarone A, Martinez I, Elmaleh A, Compagnoni R, Consuma G, Chaduteau C, Ferraris C & Esteve I
(2016) Serpentinization in Carbonaceous Chondrites: A Nanoscale Mineralogical Study
Elmaleh A, Bourdelle F, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Leroux H, Caste F & Fialin M
(2013) Crystal Chemistry and Magnetism of Fe-Serpentines Based on XMCD
Elmaleh A, Arrio M-A, Juhin A, Sainctavit P, Tarantino SC, Zema M, Auzende A-L, Smekhova A & Rogalev A
(2009) Metals Pollution of the Ancient Harbor of Tyre (Lebanon)
Elmaleh A, Galy A, Allard T, Day JA, Marriner N & Morhange C
(2004) Structural and Magnetic Role of Iron in Obsidians
Galoisy L, Calas G, Elmaleh A & Tisserand N

Elmaleh Agnes (2018) Insights into Water-Rock Interactions in Carbonaceous Chondrites from µ/Nano-Xrd-Ct
Elmaleh A, Wright JP, Baptiste B, Tarantino SC, Doisneau B & Troadec D
(2017) An Experimental Approach of Asteroidal Water-Rock Interactions: Mineral Formation in a Fe, Si-Rich System Under Anoxygenic Conditions
Elmaleh A, Caste F, Menguy N, Bourdelle F, Gloter A, Lloret E, Belkhou R & Brest J
(2017) Soil Formation from Mining Residues: Example of Weathering of Spoil Tips, Hauts-De-France Region
Lloret E, Bourdelle F, Verbeke A, Mosser-Ruck R & Elmaleh A
(2015) Crystal Chemistry of Fe-Serpentines in Chondrites: A Nanoscale Study
Elmaleh A, Bourdelle F, Caste F, Benzerara K, Leroux H & Devouard B

Elmeknassi S. (2017) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Signals Associated with the End-Permian Mass Extinction Recovery
Thomazo C, Elmeknassi S, Brayard A, Vennin Z, Olivier N, Escarguel G, Bylund KG, Sansjofre P, Killingworth B & Cartigny P

Elmer F.L. (2006) A mineral equilibria study of the hydrothermal alteration at Magdala gold deposit, Stawell, Victoria, Australia
Elmer FL, Dugdale AL & Wilson CJL

Elmessbahi H. (2013) Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interactions (Middle Atlas, Morroco): Geochemical Highlights
Fernandez L, Bosch D, Elmessbahi H, Bodinier J-L, Dautria J-M & Verdoux P

Elming S-Å. (2011) Sequestering of Phosphorus during Freshening of a Silled Marine Basin; Role of Manganese
Ingri J, Sutterasak T, Widerlund A & Elming S-Å

Elmore A. (2014) Ostracod Trace Element Proxies: More Complexity, Less Certainty
Branson O, Redfern S, Molina S, Elmore A & Elderfield H
(2014) Ventilation and Stratification of the Southwest Pacific Ocean Across the Last Glacial Termination
Sikes E, Elmore A, Cook M, Allen K & Guilderson T
(2011) Deglacial Southern Ocean Ventilation History from a Benthic Foraminiferal δ13C Transect
Elmore A, Sikes E, Cook M, Schiraldi B & Guilderson T
(2009) Nd Isotopes in the Norwegian Sea: Glacial-Interglacial ISOW Variability?
Scrivner A, Piotrowski A, Elmore A, Wright J & Rosenthal Y
(2009) Neodymium Isotopic Composition of North Atlantic Fe-Mn Oxides
Elmore A, Piotrowski A, Wright J & Scrivner A
(2008) Neodymium Isotopic Reconstruction of Past North Atlantic Surface and Deep Water Compositions
Scrivner A, Piotrowski A, Elmore A & Wright J
(2008) Stable Isotopic Tracers for Variations in Surface and Deep Water Circulation in the North Atlantic Since ~ 13 ka
Elmore A, Wright J & Henderson S

Elmore D. (2005) Incorporation of <+>129<$>I from Nuclear Sources into Lacustrine Sedimentary Organic Matter: A Case Study in the Great Lakes
Rao U, Muramatsu Y, Kruge M & Elmore D
(2005) Near-Conservative Behavior of <+>129<$>Iodine in the Orange County Aquifer System, California
Schwehr K, Santschi P, Moran J & Elmore D

Elmore S. (2010) Clay Mineral Evolution
Hazen R, Bish D, Elmore S & Sverjensky D

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