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Daëron Mathieu

Daëron Mathieu (2021) Calibration of the Dual Clumped Isotope Thermometer for Carbonates
Fiebig J, Bernecker M, Schneider G, Bernasconi SM, Boch R, Daëron M, Dietzel M, Jautzy JJ & Guo W
(2021) The Contribution of the Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Ratio, Clumped and Conventional Stable Isotope Paleothermometers Combination for Palaeoceanographic Studies
Peral MY, Bassinot F, Daëron M, Blamart D, Bonnin J, Jorissen F, Kissel C, Michel E, Waelbroeck C, Rebaubier H & Gray WR
(2021) Clumped Isotopes All Grown Up: How the Use of Carbonate Reference Materials Solves Long-Standing Issues of Δ47 Standardization and Calibration
Bernasconi SM, Daëron M, Bergmann K, Bonifacie M & Meckler AN
(2021) Revisiting Isotopic Fractionations Associated with Phosphoric Acid Digestion of Carbonates
Daëron M & Guo W
(2021) Direct, Precise Measurements of Oxygen-17 Anomalies in CO2 Using VCOF-Crds
Chaillot J, Kassi S, Casado M, Landais A & Daëron M

Daëron Mathieu (2022) Rapid Measurement of Carbonate Clumped Isotopes Using Tunable Infra-Red Laser Spectroscopy
Yanay N, Wang Z, Dettman D, Quade J, Huntington K, Schauer A, Nelson DD, McManus J, Thirumalai K, Daëron M & Sakai S

Daëron Mathieu (2023) Study of Bryozoan Mineralogic Polymorphisms and Isotopic Signature: From the Individual Scale to that of the Whole Colony
Pesnin M, Thaler C, Medjoubi K, Daëron M, Nomade S & Rollion-Bard C
(2023) Synglaciogenic Late Ediacaran Cap Carbonate of Hormuz Formation (Southern Iran)
Adineh S, Petrash D, Závada P, Heuss-Aßbichler S, Bruthans J & Daëron M
(2023) Automated for the PyPL: Using Bare-Metal Python to Build Robust Sample Preparation Lines and Much More
Daëron M
(2023) Validating the Use of VCOF-Crds for Precise & Accurate Triple Oxygen Isotope Analyses of CO2, H2O and Carbonates
Chaillot J, Daëron M, Pesnin M, Clauzel T, Casado M, Landais A & Kassi S
(2023) Making the Case for Reconciled Δ47 Calibrations Using Omnivariant Generalized Least-Squares Regression
Daëron M
(2023) Do We Need to Have Mineral-Specific Δ47: Calibrations and/Or Acid Fractionation Factors and/Or Community Standards ?
Bonifacie M, Anderson N, Bergmann K, Katz A, Calmels D, Siebert J, Horita J, Bernasconi SM, Daëron M, Fosu BR & Jautzy JJ

Daëron Mathieu (2024) New Planktonic and Benthic Clumped Isotope Records on the Mid-Pleistocene Transition: Towards Better Constraints on the Seawater Temperatures and δ18O
Peral M, Müller IA, Nana Yobo L, Caley T, Malaizé B, Extier T, McClymont E, Blamart D, Bassinot F, Daëron M, Goderis S, Claeys P, Hodell D, Abrantes FF, Alvarez Zarikian C & Scientific Party E3

Daewel U. (2021) Modeling Marine Mercury Cycling – A Discussion of Current Capabilities, Uncertainties and Limitations
Bieser J, Daewel U, Kuss J & Schrum C
(2014) Radium Isotopes as a Tracer of Sediment-Water Column Exchange in the North Sea
Burt W, Thomas H, Pätsch J, Omar A, Schrum C, Daewel U, Brenner H & de Baar H

Dafflon Baptiste (2012) Monitoring Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation in the Subsurface
Fujita Y, Gebrehiwet T, Henriksen J, Taylor J, Dafflon B, Hubbard S & Smith R

Dafflon Baptiste (2015) Noninvasive Characterization of Biogeochemical Hotspots Using Induced Polarization Imaging
Wainwright H, Flores-Orozco A, Bücker M, Dafflon B, Chen J, Hubbard S & Williams K

Dafflon Baptiste (2019) Biogeochemical Controls on River Water Quality Under Transient Hydrological and Thermal Conditions
Dwivedi D, Arora B, Newcomer M, Dafflon B, Faybishenko B, Nico P & Williams K

Dafflon Baptiste (2020) A Scale-Aware Modeling Framework to Quantify Subsurface Geochemical Exports and River Water Quality
Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Newcomer M, Arora B, Özgen-Xian I, Nico P, Faybishenko B, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Fox P, Williams K & Hubbard S
(2020) Advancing Understanding, Modeling, and Scaling of Hyporheic Zone Terrestrial Aquatic Interfaces and their Impacts on Watershed Function
Newcomer M, Bouskill N, Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Maier U, Arora B, Nico P, Faybishenko B, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Carroll R, Fox P, Williams K & Hubbard S

Dafflon Baptiste (2021) A Scale-Adaptive Framework to Predict Water and Nutrient Fluxes Across Land-Water Interfaces
Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Arora B, Newcomer M, Ozgen I, Faybishenko B, Nico PS, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Fox PM, Williams KH & Hubbard S

Dafflon Baptiste (2022) Developing Insights into River Corridor and Watershed Hydro-Biogeochemistry Across Scales
Dwivedi D, Ozgen I, Steefel C, Arora B, Newcomer ME, Faybishenko BA, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Fox PM, Williams KH & Hubbard S

Daftsis E. (2015) New Insights into the Mineral Chemistry of Au-Bearing pyrite/As-Pyrite/arsenopyrite Concentrate from Olympias Deposit, Kassandra Mines (Chalkidiki, Greece)
Godelitsas A, Tzamos E, Filippidis A, Sokaras D, Wenk T-C, Griego G, Papadopoulos A, Stoulos S, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Daftsis E & Dimitriadis D

Dag S. (2007) Environmental Pollution Originated from Open Dumping of Solid Waste in the Cities of Eastern Black Sea
Ersoy H, Firat Ersoy A, Dag S & Berkün M

Dag Kristian D.K.D. (2005) Travertine Formation and Other Pattern Forming Processes on Sloping Surfaces
Jamtveit B, Hammer O, Mark B, Simon D, Dag D & Jens F
(2005) Travertine Terrace Growth Dynamics
Hammer Ø & Dag Kristian DKD

Dagan G. (2015) Aerosol Effect on Warm Clouds within the Limits of the Thermodynamic Conditions
Altaratz O, Koren I & Dagan G

Dagar A.K. (2024) How did the Wolf Crater Complex Form on the Moon?
Moitra H, Pathak S, Gupta S, Dagar AK, Rajasekhar RP & Bhattacharya S
(2024) Lunar Floor-Fractured Crater: An Indicator of Shallow Crustal Magmatism on the Moon
Pathak S, Moitra H, Bhattacharya S, Dagar AK & Gupta S

Daggitt M. (2020) Multiple Background Corrections for U-Th Disequilibrium Dating of Zircon – Visualisation and Reduction via Crayfish
Marsden R, Kirkland C, Danišík M, Evans N & Daggitt M

Dagnelie Romain (2016) Which Phase Drives Adsorption of Organic Acids on Sedimentary Rocks?
Rasamimanana S, Dagnelie R & Lefèvre G

Dagnelie Romain V. H. (2015) Interest of Large Scale Experiments to Strengthen Upscaling Approach
Dagnelie RVH & Giffaut E

Dagnelie Romain V.H. (2023) Using Gamma Probes to Improve in situ Diffusion Experiments in the Callovian-Oxfordian Argillaceous Rock
Agnel MI, Hautefeuille B, Dagnelie RVH, Thory E, Lettry Y, Parisi M & Vinsot A

Dagsson-Waldhauserova P. (2021) Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of Icelandic Dust
Baldo C, Formenti P, Nowak S, Chevaillier S, Cazaunau M, Pangui E, Di Biagio C, Doussin J-F, Ignatyev K, Dagsson-Waldhauserova P, Arnalds O, MacKenzie AR & Shi Z
(2021) Identification and Granulometric Characterization of (Giant) Saharan Dust in Sedimentary Units
Varga G, Roettig C-B, Dagsson-Waldhauserova P, Gresina F, Rostási Á & Kovács J

Dahab K. (2012) Modeling Groundwater Recharge and Seawater Intrusion in the Quaternary Coastal Plain Aquifer of the Wadi Watir Delta, Sinai, Egypt
Eissa M, Thomas J, Pohll G, Hershey R, Shouakar-Stash O, Daowud M, Dahab K & Gomaa M

Dahan O. (2022) Introducing the OZCZO – Australian Critical Zone Network: What can We Learn from the Soils ‘down Under’ About the Near-Surface Biogeochemical Cycles and Pedogenesis
Farkas J, Thompson S, Andersen M, Chittleborough D, Mayer W, Leopold M, Cleverly J, Beringer J, Marshall A & Dahan O

Daher N. (2014) Long-Term Source Apportionment of Ambient PM2.5 in the Los Angeles Basin: A Focus on Emissions Reduction from Vehicular Sources
Hasheminassab S, Daher N, Ostro B & Sioutas C

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