Darab John
Studies of Nuclear Waste Form Glasses with Synchrotron Radiation
Shuh D, Lukens W, Icenhower J, Darab J, Tyliszczak T, Bluhm H, McKeown D, Buechele A, Muller I & Pegg I
Darabi Gholestan F.
Application of the Correspondence Analysis to Determine Anomalous Elements and Samples
Darabi Gholestan F, Ghavami-Riabi R & Asadi-Haroni H
Daraio C.
Sources and Properties of Carbon in Earth's Oldest Rocks
Arrhenius G, Daraio C, Misra A, Rudee L, Perez S, Lepland A & van Zuilen M
Daraktchiev M.
Anelastic Processes in Minerals at High Temperature: Examples of Quartz and Spinel
Redfern S, Peng Z, Walsh J & Daraktchiev M
Daraoui A.
Large-Area Input, Inventories, and Transport of 129I and 127I in Germany
Daraoui A, Schwinger M & Riebe B
Daras P.
Application of Deep Learning Algorithms for the Forecasting of Electrical Conductivity Under Different Saline Hydrogeochemical Environments
Pisinaras V, Nikolaidou A, Semertzidis T, Daras P, Guler C & Kurt MA
Darbellay B.
Origin and Behaviour of Excess Argon in the Monte Mucrone Metagranitoïd, Sesia Zone, Italy, Western Alps
Darbellay B, Baumgartner L, Cosca M & Putlitz B
Mushroom Garnet from the Mt. Mucrone, Italian Alps
Darbellay B, Robyr M & Baumgartner L
Darbha Gopal
Retention of Latex Colloids on Calcite as a Function of Surface Roughness
Darbha G, Schäfer T, Luttge A & Fischer C
Darbha Gopala Krishna
From Biochar to Iron-Modified-Biochar: Ecofriendly Composites for the Remediation of Nanoplastics and Metal Ions from Contaminated Waters
Ganie ZA & Darbha GK
Interaction of Emerging Contaminants (Nanoplastics) with Minerals of Varying Weathering Sequence in Aquatic and Subsurface Environments
Choudhary A & Darbha GK
Antioxidants from Fruits Waste to Generate Super Reactive Redox-Active Nano-Adsorbents: Continuous Filtration of Polluted Surface and Groundwaters
Khandelwal N & Darbha GK
Influence of Primary Mineral (Feldspar) and Weathering Originated Secondary Minerals (Kaolinite and Gibbsite) on Fate of Nanoplastics in Riverine Environment
Choudhary A & Darbha GK
Geochemical Understanding of Metallic Species in the Environmental Matrices and Strategic Modifications of Natural Surfaces for Aqueous Sustainability
Khandelwal N & Darbha GK
Treatment of Chromite Ore Processing Residue Leachate Contaminated Water with Modified Nano-Calcium Hydroxy Phosphate Mineral Surfaces
Rajak JK, Khandelwal N & Darbha GK
The Genotoxicity Effect of Nanoplastic as a Factor of Other Contaminants in Adult Zebrafish (Danio Rerio)
Singh N, Bhagat J & Darbha GK
Deciding Geochemical Factor for Incorporation of Metal Ions in Vacant Sites of Non-Stochiometric Hydroxyapatite
Khandelwal N & Darbha GK
Understanding the Fate of Nanoplastics and Nanopesticides in Riverine and Agricultural Environments
Singh N, Tiwari E, Khandelwal N & Darbha GK
Particle Retention on Granite in a Synthetic Fracture Flow Cell
Stoll M, Darbha GK, Huber F, Schill E & Schäfer T
Radionuclide Mobility Determining Processes Investigated by STXM
Schäfer T, Huber F, Temgoua L, Claret F, Darbha GK, Chagneau A & Jacobsen C
Probing the Reactivity of Clay-Edge Sites (Aluminol to Silanol) Towards Mineral Surfaces
Darbha GK, Lützenkirchen J & Schäefer T
Retention of Colloids at Rough Rock Surfaces
Fischer C, Darbha G, Michler A & Schäfer T
Retention of Colloids at Rough Mineral Surfaces: An Analog Study
Darbha G, Michler A, Schafer T, Luttge A & Fischer C
Darby Stephen
Silicate and Carbonate Weathering in the Mighty Mekong River Basin
Relph K, Tipper E, Bickle M, Parsons D, Darby S & Robinson R
Darby Steve
Using Oxygen and Sulfur Isotopes to Partition Sources of Riverine Sulfate
Relph K, Stevenson E, Turchyn S, Antler G, Bickle M, Baronas J, Parsons D, Darby S & Tipper E
Darbyshire D.P.F.
Multiple origins of negative δ13C anomalies in the Neoproterozoic: The Tambien Group, Ethiopia - a Bitter Springs Stage to Sturtian (~800-735 Ma) sequence
Jenkin GRT, Alene M, Leng MJ & Darbyshire DPF
Darchambeau F.
NO3- Reduction is Fe-Dependent in a Ferruginous Chemocline
Michiels C, Darchambeau F, Roland F, Morana C, Lliros M, Garcia-Armisen T, Thamdrup B, Borges A, Bouillon S, Canfield D, Servais P, Descy J-P & Crowe S
New Insights into Iron-Based Photosynthesis
Thompson K, Lliros M, Borrego C, Kenward P, Darchambeau F, Borges A, Canfield D & Crowe S
Photoferrotrophy and Fe-Cycling in a Freshwater Column
Llirós M, Crowe SA, García-Armisen T, Darchambeau F, Morana C, Borrego CM, Triadó-Margarit X, Bouillon S, Borges AV, Servais P, Canfield D & Descy JP
Darchdorjgochoo O.
Comparative Geochemical Evolution of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Rare – Metal Granites in Baikal Region and Central Mongolia
Antipin V, Darchdorjgochoo O & Kushch L
Darclife T.
Factors Controlling the Distribution of Microbial Lipids in Marine Subseafloor Sediments
Hinrichs K-U, Meador T, Buttigieg P-L, Teske A & Darclife T
Dardé B.
CSD, Crystal Shape and Connectivity in Synthetic Basalt from 3D Reconstruction by X-Ray CT Image
Ottavi-Pupier E, Dardé B, Monnier L, Nakamura M, Okumura S, Tsuchiyama A, Uesugi M & Uesugi K
Dardenne K.
Anaerobic Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Compacted Bentonite Exposed to Natural Opalinus Clay Porewater: Bentonite Alteration Study
Morelová N, Schild D, Heberling F, Finck N, Dardenne K, Metz V & Geckeis H
Sorption of Eu(III) and Am(III) on Magnetite in NaCl Brine
Vozarova N, Finck N, Schild D, Dardenne K, Montoya V & Geckeis H
Neptunium Biogeochemistry Across the Nuclear Waste Legacy
Law G, Williamson A, Thorpe C, Bots P, Boothman C, Shaw S, Livens F, Rothe J, Dardenne K, Denecke M, Lloyd J & Morris K
Neptunium Biogeochemistry and the Manganese Cycle
Law G, Thorpe C, Shaw S, Atkins A, Peacock C, Livens F, LLoyd J, Denecke M, Dardenne K & Morris K
Selenide Retention by Mackinawite: A Multi-Edge XAS Approach
Finck N, Dardenne K & Bosbach D
Selenium Retention by Iron Sulfides
Finck N, Dardenne K & Bosbach D
U(VI) Sorptive Reduction on Magnetite Nanoparticles
Schäfer T, Huber F, Schild D, Smyrek A, Dardenne K & Rothe J
Uranium and Neptunium Interactions with Biogenic Iron Minerals
Law G, Geissler A, Lloyd J, Burke I, Livens F, Denecke M, Dardenne K & Morris K
Actinide Uptake by Powellite
Bosbach D, Dardenne K, Roemer J, Vinograd V & Stanjek H
Ln(III) Coprecipitation with Trioctahedral Smectite Hectorite
Finck N, Schlegel ML, Stumpf T, Walther C, Dardenne K & Bosbach D
Structural Incorporation of Trivalent F Elements into the Trioctahedral Clay Mineral Hectorite
Finck N, Dardenne K, Schlegel M & Bosbach D
Uranyl Uptake at the Calcite (104) Single Crystal Surface – A Spectroscopic and Microscopic Study
Bosbach D, Denecke M, Dardenne K, Rothe J & Fanghaenel T
Cm(III)/Eu(III)- Coprecipitation with Trioctahedral Smectite (Hectorite)
Pieper H, Bosbach D, Panak P, Dardenne K, Rothe J, Denecke M & Fanghänel T
Dardon A.
Rutile/Mineral and Rutile/Liquid Partition Coefficients for HFSE, REE and Actinides: Results from Natural Eclogites and Partial Melting Experiments
Dardon A, Schmidt MW, Chazot G, Tiepolo M & Vannucci R
Dare Sarah
Progress Towards micrometer-3D Analysis Using a femtosecond-La-Icp-TOF-MS System
Savard D, Dare S, Bedard LP, Barnes S-J & Petrus JA
The Use of Trace Elements in Fe-Oxides in Deducing the Fractionation History of a Silicate Magma: A LA-ICP-MS Study
Meric J, Dare S, Barnes S-J & Beaudoin G
Improved Calibration Technique for Magnetite Analysis by LA-ICP-MS
Savard D, Barnes S-J, Dare S & Beaudoin G
Are the 'Magnetite Lava Flows' of El Laco (Chile) Magmatic? Comparison of Trace Elements in Magnetite with Other Magmatic Fe-Oxide Deposits
Dare S, Barnes S-J, Beaudoin G & Meric J
Formation of Platinum-Group Minerals from an Evolving Sulfide Liquid at Sudbury, Canada
Dare S, Barnes S-J, Prichard H & Fisher P
Pd Diffusion into Pentlandite Evidence from Laser Ablation
Barnes S-J & Dare S
The Application of Chrome-Spinel in the Tectonic Discrimination of Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks: New Developments from the Analysis of Gallium
Dare S, Pearce J, McDonald I & Styles M
Dare Sarah A. S.
Developing Apatite as an Indicator Mineral for Exploration: Insights from Layered Intrusions
Kieffer MA & Dare SAS
The Distribution of Trace Elements in Sulfides and Magnetite from the Jaguar Hydrothermal Nickel Deposit: A Potential Link between IOA and IOCG Deposits within the Carajás Mineral Province?
Mansur E, Dare SAS & Ferreira Filho C
Geochemical Variation of Magmatic Fe-Ti-P Mineralization Associated with Proterozoic Massif-Type Anorthosites from the Grenville Province, Quebec: Tracking Magma Differentiation Using Oxide, Apatite and Plagioclase Chemistry of the Vanel Anorthosite Suite
Miloski P, Dare SAS & Morisset CE
Development of an Extended Matrix-Matched Calibration Protocol for Fast, High-Resolution, Quantitative Chemical Mapping of Major and Trace Elements of Polymineralic Samples by Laser-Ablation Coupled to Time-Of-Flight-Mass-Spectrometry (LA-Icp-TOF-MS)
Savard D, Dare SAS, Bédard LP, Barnes S-J & Petrus J
Daresta B.
Chemical Characterisation of the Organic Fraction of PM for an Urban, Rural and Remote Site of the North of Italy
Perrone MG, Sangiorgi G, Lo Porto C, Ferrero L, Ferrini B, Lazzati Z, Daresta B, De Gennaro G & Bolzacchini E
Dargaud Olivier
Structural Role of Zr in Silicate Glasses and Melts
Calas G, Dargaud O, Galoisy L, Cormier L, Menguy N, Ferlat G & Newville M
Dargaud Olivier
Multimodal and Multiscale Microscopies to Study Biomineralization and Crystallization Processes
Menguy N, Benzerara K, Li J, Cormier L, Dargaud O & Radtke G
Dargent M.
Reactivity of U(VI) with H2, CH4 and C Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Dargent M, Truche L & Dubessy J
Darilek J.
Effect of Land Use Conversion from Rice Paddies to Vegetable Plots on Phosphorus Fractionations in Soil
Huang B & Darilek J