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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Dutoit H. (2024) Abiotic Synthesis of Methane in Ultramafic Rocks: Just let Them Dry!
Dutoit H, Truche L, Donzé FV, Magnin V & Martin R
(2023) Helium Migration in post-Variscan Collision Batholiths: New Insight from the Corsica Island
Dutoit H, Donzé FV, Truche L, Dusséaux C, Dantas Cardoso C, Laurent D & Pik R
(2023) Geo-Sourced Hydrogen Fuels the Deep Biosphere, Could it be a Giant Leap for Mankind?
Truche L, Donzé FV, Dutoit H, Laurent D, Masci L, Taillefer A, Hintzen R, Giampouras M & Dusséaux C
(2022) Numerical Modeling of Natural Hydrogen Migration from Deep Sources within Fault Zones
Donzé FV, Bourdet L, Truche L, Taillefer A, Dutoit H, Dusseaux C & Lefeuvre N

Dutour C. (2022) Assessment of the Urban Pressures on Rare Earth Element Contaminations in Coastal Wetlands Subjected to Submersion Risk: Case Study of La Rochelle (France)
Dutour C, Lerat A, Maneux E, Gorse L, Labassa M & Coynel A

Dutour-Sikirić M. (2021) Geochemical Evidence for Water Column Sulfidic Holomixia in the Sediment of a Marine Lake
Ciglenečki-Jušić I, Čanković M, Marguš M, Mateša S, Simonović N, Dutour-Sikirić M & Mikac N

Dutra Maia P. (2007) Distribution and Speciation of Mercury in the Curuai Floodplain Lakes and Role of the Water Exchanges with the Amazon River, Brazil
Dutra Maia P, Maurice Bourgoin L, Tessier E, Cossa D, Amouroux D, Perez M & Moreira Turcq P

Dutreuil S. (2021) The Regulation and Stability of Earth’s Chemical Cycles: Theories and Politics of the Earth, 19th and 20th Century
Dutreuil S

Dutrey A. (2015) Recent Results of the Chemistry In Disks Consortium
Chapillon E, Dutrey A, Henning T, Guilloteau S, Hersant F, Pietu V, Reboussin L, Semenov D, Teague R & Wakelam V

Dutrieux Adeline (2018) Magmatic Processes and Mantle Melting Under La Picada Stratovolcano (CSVZ, Chile)
Vander Auwera J, Namur O, Dutrieux A, Ganerød M, Coumont V & Bolle O
(2017) Diagenetic Overprinting on Metalliferous Sediments at the TAG Hydrothermal Field (MAR, 26°N)
Dutrieux A, Lichtschlag A & Murton B

Dutrieux Adeline M (2019) Duration of Hydrothermal Activity at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26°N
Dutrieux AM, Lichtschlag A, Moreton S & Murton B

Dutrizac J. (2009) Characterization of Compounds and Minerals in the Fe-AsO4-SO4 System: Implications for Arsenic Control in Metallurgical Wastes
Paktunc D, Dutrizac J & Poirier G
(2008) Solubilities of Synthetic Scorodite and Ferric Arsenate: Implications for Stabilization of Arsenic in Mining and Metallurgical Wastes
Paktunc D & Dutrizac J
(2001) Mineralogical Studies of Mine Wastes and of Neutralization Potential
Jambor JL, Dutrizac JE & Groat LA

Dutrow B. (2020) Copper-Bearing Tourmaline Provenance from Chemometrics of LIBS and EMP Data
Dutrow B, Farnsworth-Pinkerton S, Henry D & McMillan N
(2019) Garnet Coronas Formed by Mineral – Melt Interactions
Dutrow B, Foster CT & Hoffmann AA
(2017) Developing Spatial and Penetrative Thinking Skills Through Technology
Dutrow B & Ormand C
(2017) Fibrous Tourmalines as Indicators of Fluid Compositions
Dutrow B & Henry DJ
(2015) Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy as a Basis for Enhanced Provenance Studies
Dutrow B, McMillan N, Curry J & Henry D
(2014) Tourmaline: The Perfect Accessory
Dutrow B & Henry D
(2013) Deciphering Crustal Evolution from Metamorphic and Geochemical Signatures in Calc-Silicate Gneisses
Fukai I, Dutrow B, Henry D, Mueller P & Foster D
(2012) Monopolar and Highly Asymmetric Nucleation at Low Temperatures: Insights from Tourmaline
Henry D & Dutrow B
(2011) B-Bearing Fluids: Caught in the Act
Dutrow B, Henry D, Gable C, Travis B & Foster T
(2010) Course-Embedded Projects in Undergraduate Geoscience Education: Research Experience, Communication Skills and Programmatic Assessment
Henry D & Dutrow B
(2010) Time-Dependent 3-D Modeling of Contact-Regional Metamorphism Suggests Reactions Occur in < 1 Ma
Dutrow B, Foster CT, Gable CW & Travis BJ
(2007) Keynote Introduction to Symposium S40
Maresch WV & Dutrow BL
(2007) Tourmaline in Evaporites and Metaevaporites: Perspectives from Namibian Metasediments
Henry D, Sun H, Dutrow B & Slack J
(2005) Heat and Mass Transport Modeling and Rates of Metamorphic Processes
Dutrow B, Foster CT, Gable CW & Travis BJ
(2004) Heating Rates and Mineral Textures as Indicators of Fluid Flow during Metamorphism
Dutrow B, Foster C, Gable C & Travis B
(2001) The Influence of Meta-Stable Reactions on Textures during Regional-Contact Metamorphism
Foster Jr. CT & Dutrow BL

Dutruch L (2017) Tellurium Environmental Behaviour at the Continent-Ocean Interface: Preliminary Scenarios for Hypothetical Radionuclide Releases
Gil-Diaz T, Keller V, Schäfer J, Eiche E, Mößner C, Pougnet F, Dutruch L, Bossy C, Derriennic H, Coynel A & Blanc G

Dutruch Lionel (2022) Tin and Organo-Tin Species along the Gironde Fluvial-Estuarine Continuum: Spatial Distribution and Solid/Liquid Partitioning during Two Contrasting Hydrological Conditions
Pougnet F, Gil-Díaz T, Dutruch L, Schäfer J, Blanc G & Coynel A
(2018) Assessment and Fluxes of Rare Earth Elements in the Garonne River (SW France, 2003-2017): Increasing Gd Anomaly?
Lerat A, Coynel A, Dutruch L, Pereto C, Capdeville M-J, Blanc G & Schafer J
(2017) Assessment of Rare Earth Elements Anomalies in an Urban Area: Study Case of Bordeaux, France
Lerat A, Coynel A, Capdeville M-J, Granger D, Blanc G, Schafer J, Bossy C, Dutruch L & Chambolle M
(2017) Platinum Bioaccumulation Kinetics in Marine Bivalve (Oyster Crassostrea gigas) – A Potential Sentinel Species for TCEs
Abdou M, Schafer J, Dutruch L, Bossy C, Zaldibar B, Medrano R, Izagirre U, Catrouillet C, Hu R, Coynel A, Gil-Diaz T, Lerat A, Blanc G & Soto M

Dutt  K. (2020) Implicit Bias and Racism in the Geosciences
Dutt  K

Dutta A. (2024) Effect of Physicochemical Parameters on Biotransformation of Organic Compounds in Riverine Ecosystem
Basapuram G, Duttagupta S & Dutta A
(2024) Optimizing Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Detection in Surface Water Samples Through Derivatization in Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Duttagupta S & Dutta A

Dutta M. (2024) How the Regional Economy and Associated Emissions are Affecting the Aerosol Acidity and its Intrinsic Property (Oxidative Potential) over a Pristine Island of a Tropical Mangrove Ecosystem
Ghosh A, Chatterjee A, Dutta M & DAs SK

Dutta R. (2022) On the Link between Experiments and Interior Models: The Example of Carbon Enriched Systems
Miozzi F, Tracy SJ, Driscoll P, Yang J, Dutta R & Walter MJ
(2019) High-Pressure Phase Transitions Beyond Post-Perovskite in Neighborite, NaMgF3
Dutta R, Greenberg E, Prakapenka V & Duffy T

Dutta S. (2022) A Novel Analytical Pyrolysis Technique for Investigating the Presence of N-Bearing Biopolymers in Fossils and its Potential Applications in their Molecular Taphonomy in Deep Time
Umamaheswaran R, Dutta S, Kumar S, Singh H, Khan MA & Bera S
(2017) Degradation of Organic Matter in the Surface Sediments of the Ganga River Estuary, India
Samanta S, Satpathy S, Dirghangi SS, Dalai TK, Dutta S & Kumar S
(2017) Organic Geochemical Characterization of Gondwana Coal Deposits in India: Evaluation of Depositional Environment, Thermal Maturity and Hydrocarbon Generation Potential
Dirghangi S, Patra S & Dutta S

Dutta T. (2013) Greenhouse Gas (CO2, N2O, CH4) Emissions from Llobregat (Barcelona) Riverbed Sediment: Effects of Soil Moisture and C, N, Fe Substrates
Dutta T, Rubol S, Vall SA & Tirado J

Dutta U. (2017) Evidence of Diffusion Driven Coronae Formation during Pan-African Orogeny in Dolerite Dykes from Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT)
Banerjee M, Banerjee A, Solanki BK, Dutta U, Bhui U, Anand R, Sengupta P, Mukhopadhyay D & Atlas ZD

Dutta Gupta S. (2017) Mobility of Pesticides in Groundwater of Western Bengal Basin Aquifers
Dutta Gupta S, Mukherjee A, Bhattacharya J & Bhattacharya A

Duttagupta S. (2024) Effect of Physicochemical Parameters on Biotransformation of Organic Compounds in Riverine Ecosystem
Basapuram G, Duttagupta S & Dutta A
(2024) Optimizing Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) Detection in Surface Water Samples Through Derivatization in Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Duttagupta S & Dutta A

Duttine M. (2023) Reassessing the Role of Magnetite during Natural Hydrogen Generation
Martinez I, Geymond U, Briolet T, Combaudon V, Sissmann O, Duttine M & Moretti I

Dutton A. (2020) A Geochemist’s Perspective on the Pace, Magnitude, and Drivers of Sea-Level Change
Dutton A
(2020) Planning for our Place Amid Rising Seas
Dutton A
(2013) Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Complexity of the Last Interglacial Sea Level Highstand
Dutton A
(2011) The Evolving Landscape of U-Series Sea Level Chronologies
Dutton A

Dutton K.G. (2018) Effects of Siderophore on Pyrite Oxidation
Cerkez EB, Dutton KG, Kukulka MA, Valentine AM & Strongin DR

Dutton M. (2012) Speciation of Nickel in Workplace Aerosols Using X-Ray Near Edge Structure Spectroscopy
Van Loon L, Dutton M & Hamilton C
(2008) Molecular Characterization of Nickel Species in Aerosols: Comparison of Synchrotron XANES and Sequential Leaching
Warner J, Ajiboye S, Throssell C, Keller N, Spiers G & Dutton M

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