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Durkin C. (2019) Diagnosing Export Pathways in the Biological Pump: A First Look at Sediment Trap Data from the EXPORTS North Pacific Field Campaign
Estapa M, Durkin C, Omand M & Buesseler K

Durkin K. (2016) Finding the Source of the Latitudinal Compositional Variation in the Izu-Bonin Arc System
Durkin K, Castillo P, Abe N, Kaneko R, Tamura Y, Straub S & Yan Q
(2015) Geochemical Variation of the Pacific Crust Subducting beneath the Izu-Bonin Arc and its Implications for the Generation of Arc Magmas
Durkin K, Castillo P, Straub S, Abe N, Garcia E, Yan Q, Kaneko R & Tamura Y
(2015) Bulk-Rock and Mineral Major Element Chemistries of the Pacific Crust Subducting into the Izu-Bonin Trench
Abe N, Kaneko R, Castillo PR, Straub S, Durkin K, Garcia E, Yan Q & Tamura Y

Durlet C. (2021) The Role of CO2 Hypogean Fluids in Marine Ecosystems and Carbonate Buildups in an Hyper-Extended Basin. Focus: The Aptian-Albian of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Spain
Pascault O, Durlet C, Saucède T & Virgone A

Durmus E.S. (2011) The Geochemical Characteristics of Beach Sediments of the Finike Gulf (Southwest Turkey)
Durmus ES, Ergin M, Karakas Z, Sozeri K, Eser-Dogdu B & Onal Z
(2011) A Study on the Beach Sediments of The Gulf of Fethiye (SW Turkey), Focus on Geochemical Data
Onal Z, Eser Dogdu B, Ergin M, Karakas ZS, Sozeri K & Durmus ES

Durner W. (2017) Parameter Determination of Thermodynamic Sorption Models
Britz S, Noseck U, Lützenkirchen J, Durner W & Zachmann D
(2017) Surface Complexation Modelling: Sorption of Ni on Quartz and Orthoclase
Fricke J, Britz S, Noseck U, Biester H, Durner W, Brendler V & Stockmann M
(2016) Eu(III) Reactive Transport Modeling: The “smart-Kd” Appraoch
Britz S, Noseck U, Durner W, Iden S, Zachmann D, Brendler V & Stockmann M

Durning S. (2024) Petrologic and Geochemical Links in the Jackass Lakes Volcanic-Plutonic Complex, Sierra Nevada Batholith
Dunn S, Memeti V, Cugini B, Durning S, Real J & Quiroz A

Duro L. (2022) New Developments of the ThermoChimie Database
Colàs E, Riba Tort O, Rodríguez J, López-García M, Pérez D, Begg JD, Duro L, Fuller A, Bower W, Brassinnes S & Madé B
(2021) Supporting Tools in the Development of the ThermoChimie Database: Traceability, Usability, and Consistency
Perez D, Colas E, López-García M, Riba Tort O, Begg JD, Duro L, Fuller A, Bower W, Brassinnes S & Made B
(2021) Spent Fuel Alteration 1D Model Integrating Water Radiolysis and Reactive Solute Transport – Simulation of Cr/(Cr+Al)-doped UO2 Fuels Leaching Experiments
Riba Tort O, Coene E, Silva O & Duro L
(2021) Long-Term Subsurface Disposal of Sludges from Uranium Processing. Reactive Transport Simulations
Roman-Ross G, Duro L, Minet M, Gran M, Jordana S, Valls A & Garcia D
(2020) Experimental Evidence for Coffinite Formation from UO2+x
Alby D, Szenknect S, Mesbah A, Lin J, Duro L, Lopez-Garcia M, Zetterström-Evins L, Wang C, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Bruno J
(2019) Sorption Behaviour of di- and Trivalent Radionuclides on Oxidesurfaces at High Salt Concentrations
García D, Lützenkirchen J, Petrov V, Siebentritt M, Huguenel M, Camels L, Schild D, Lefèvre G, Rabung T, Altmaier M, Kalmykov S, Duro L & Geckeis H
(2017) Mechanisms for UO2 Alteration to Coffinite: Reconciling the Laboratory and Natural Analogue Evidences
Bruno J, Duro L & Zetterström Evins L
(2013) Waste Characterisation of a Uranium Conversion Facility
Fernandes T, Duro L, Schäfer T, Masqué P, Delos A, Flinois J-S & Videau G
(2013) Assessment of the Evolution of the Redox Conditions in a Low and Intermediate Level Nuclear Waste Repository (SFR1, Sweden)
Duro L, Domènech C, Grivé M, Roman-Ross G, Bruno J & Källström K
(2012) Uranium Mobility in the Process Waste of a Conversion Facility (France): Static Experiments
Fernandes T, Duro L, Masque P, Delos A, Flinois J-S & Videau G
(2009) Experimental Studies on Th(OH)4<sub>(am)</sub> Solubility in Presence of ISA, Gluconate or EDTA
Colàs E, Grivé M, Rojo I & Duro L
(2009) Comparison of Iodine and Selenate Retention Mechanisms onto Cementitious Materials
Rojo I, Colàs E, Grivé M, Rovira M & Duro L
(2009) Kinetic Behavior and Redox Buffer Capacity of Pyrrhotite
Grivé M, Clarens F, De Pablo J, Rojo I & Duro L
(2009) Experimetal Study of the System U(VI) – Organic Compounds – H2O as a Function of pH at 25℃, 0.1MPa
Sabater C, Nguyen-Trung C, Grivé M, Pourtier E, Kiprop A, Richard L & Duro L
(2007) Uptake of U(VI) by Hydrated and Degraded Cement
Colas E, Grivé M, Gaona X, Duro L, Rojo I, Rovira M, Martí V & de Pablo J
(2007) The Effect of LMW Organic Ligands on Plutonium and Uranium Solubility Under Hyperalkaline Conditions
Montoya V, Grivé M, Gaona X, Duro L & Giffaut E
(2007) Modelling of Radium-Barium Sulphate Co-precipitation in the Near Field of a HLNW Repository
Grivé M, Grandia F, Merino J, Duro L & Bruno J
(2007) The Building-Up Exercise of a Thermodynamic Data Set on ISA-Actinide System
Gaona X, Montoya V, Colas E, Grivé M, Duro L & Giffaut E
(2007) Modelling of Denitrification Plumes Induced by Organic Matter Injection in Aquifers
Grandia F, Domènech C, Jordana S, Coscera G, Arcos D, Duro L, Guimerà J & Bruno J
(2005) Presentation of the Funmig Integrated Project within the 6TH FP of the EC
Buckau G, Duro L, Kienzler B & Bruno J
(2004) Sorption and Reduction of Uranium at the Surface of Anoxically Produced Steel Corrosion Products
Duro L, Rovira M, de Pablo J, El Aamrani S, Grivé M & Bruno J
(2004) Evaluation of Current Zr(IV) Solubility Data and their Influence on the Stability of Aqueous and Solid Hydroxides
Domènech C, Duro L, Ripoll S, Bruno J & Giffaut E
(2004) Radionuclides Sorption onto Mineral Surfaces. The Role of Carbonate as the Linkage between Uranium and Iron Cycling
Grivé M, Duro L, de Pablo J & Bruno J
(2002) Modelling an in situ Test of PCE Oxidation Using Permanganate
Jordana S, GUIMER¿ J, Duro L, DOM»NEC JA & Subirana JM
(2000) Experimental and Modeling Study of the Interaction between Uranium(vi) and Magnetite
El Aamrani F, Casas I, De Pablo J, Duro L, Grivé M & Bruno J
(2000) Sorption of Selenium onto Natural Iron Oxides
El Hatimi A, Martinez M, Duro L & de Pablo J

Durocher J. (2012) U Distribution and Speciation in Fe-Bearing Alteration Minerals at the McArthur River U-Deposit
Durocher J, Schindler M, Fayek M, Ng R, Kyser K & Jiricka D
(2012) Characterization of U-Bearing Phases at a U-Tailings Facility in Sask. Canada
Schindler M, Durocher J & Kotzer T
(2010) Uptake of Metals and Metal-Bearing Particulates by Silica-Rich Coatings
Schindler M, Mantha N & Durocher J

Duroe K. (2018) Iron Accumulation Promotes Phosphate Retention at Redox Interfaces in Arctic and Boreal Soils
Herndon E, Duroe K, Kinsman-Costello L, Mills J, Thompson A, Kane E, Sebestyen S & Wullschleger S
(2017) Iron-Phosphorus Interactions Across Redox Transitions in Tundra and Boreal Wetlands
Herndon E, Duroe K, Mills J, Kinsman-Costello L, Wullschleger S, Sebestyen S & Kane E

Durowoju O.S.

Dürr H. (2015) Domestic Wastewater Inputs of Phosphorus and Nitrogen to the Mediterranean Sea
Powley H, Dürr H, Lima A, Krom M & Van Cappellen P
(2015) Direct Inputs of Nutrients via Groundwater to Near-Shore Zones of Large Water Bodies: Regional Scale Approaches and Impact
Dürr H, Moosdorf N & Van Cappellen P
(2014) Biogeochemical Model Complexity, or There and Back Again
Van Cappellen P, Maavara T, Stojanovic S & Dürr H
(2013) Heavy Metal Contamination in the Semi-Urbanised Laurel Creek Watershed, Waterloo (Ontario), Canada
Lima A, Geller G, Jones J, Van Cappellen P & Dürr H

Durr M. (2008) Formation of Acidic Micro-Environments during Pyrite Framboid Oxidation in pH-Neutral Sediments
Wallace L, Durr M, Wakelin S, Webb D, McPhail B & Welch S

Dürr Tobias (2023) Comparative Chronology of Apollo 16 Impactites and Implications for the Landing Site Stratigraphy
Černok A, Haber T, Dürr T, Rocholl A, Schwarz WH, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Scherer EE & Becker H

Dürr Tobias A. (2021) Impact Origin of 4.33 Ga Old Baddeleyite in a Strongly Shocked Silica Oversaturated Lunar Norite
Dürr TA, Becker H, Schwarz WH & Vanderliek DM

Durrieu G. (2017) Evidencing the Contrasted Impact of Urbanized Rivers Inputs on Coastal Sediments Geochemistry: Insight from Toulon Bay (France) and St-Georges Bay (Beirut, Lebanon)
El Houssainy A, Abi Ghanem C, Durrieu G, Dang DH, Mahfouz C, Omanović D, D'onofrio S, Khalaf G & Garnier C
(2012) Analysis and Modelling of Arsenic Dynamics in Coastal Sediments
Dang DH, Tessier E, Lenoble V, Durrieu G, Le Poupon C, Mullot J-U, Mounier S & Garnier C
(2010) River/Groundwater Mixing Study Using Major and Trace Elements
Potot C, Féraud G, Barats A, Durrieu G, Le Poupon C, Travi Y & Simler R

Dürschlag J. (2017) N2 Fixation Persists throughout the Euphotic Zone of the Ultra-Oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre
Dürschlag J, Martínez-Pérez C, Heinzmann N, Lavik G, Kuypers MMM & Mohr W

Dürselen C.D. (2009) Manganese and Molybdenum: Biogeochemical Tracers for Dynamics of Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in Temperate Tidal Systems
Kowalski N, Dellwig O, Beck M, Grunwald M, Lemke A, Dürselen CD, Brumsack H-J, van Beusekom JEE & Böttcher ME

Dursun T. (2011) Facies and Petrochemical Characteristics of the Tertiary Aged Tekkeköy (Samsun) Area Volcanics, NE Turkey
Dursun T & Arslan M

Duru O. (2018) Genesis and Magmatic Evolution of The Pliocene Aladağ Volcanic System (Kars, NE Turkey)
Duru O & Keskin M
(2015) Geochronology, Geochemistry and Isotope Systematics of a Mafic-Intermediate Dyke Complex in the İstanbul Zone, Northern Turkey
Aysal N, Keskin M, Peytcheva I, Duru O & Akgündüz S

DuRussel K.L. (2024) Characterizing the Response of Riverine Particulate Organic Carbon to Storm Events in the Upper Sangamon River Basin, Illinois, Using Elemental and Stable Isotope Analyses
DuRussel KL, Blair NE, Bauer E, Wennerdahl H, Haken JM, Rhoads BL & Salas CR

Dury M. (2013) Rates of Consumption of Atmospheric CO2 Through the Weathering of Loess during the Next 100 Years of Climate Change
Godderis Y, Brantley S, Francois L, Schott J, Pollard D, Deque M & Dury M

Duryea A. (2013) In situ Isotopic Analysis of Volatile Fluids from Subsurface Carbon Reservoirs
Camilli R & Duryea A

Ďurža O. (2011) Arsenic Mobility in Coal-Combustion Ashes Mixed with Agricultural Soil
Veselská V, Peťková K, Bolanz R, Majzlan J, Jurkovič Ľ, Lalinská B, Hiller E & Ďurža O

Dusanter Sebastien (2023) RO2 Intercomparison Campaign at SAPHIR Chamber
Schoemacker C, Batut S, Lahccen A, Fittschen C, Fuchs H, Novelli A, Färber M, Dusanter S, Lahib A, Abichou G & Shamas N

Dusanter Sébastien (2023) Evaluation of a Methodology for Ozone Production Rate Quantification in Ambient Air
Abichou G, Lahib A, Jamar M, Chen W, Fuchs H, Novelli A, Färber M, Tomas A & Dusanter S
(2023) Atmospheric Reactivity of Ketolimonene: Ozone Kinetics, Reaction Products and SOA Formation
Roman C, Amarandei C, Negru GA, Arsene C, Bejan IG, Jamar M, Dusanter S, Olariu RI & Tomas A

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