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Duprat H. (2009) The Pb-Nd-Sr-Hf-Isotopic Mantle Signature of the Kap Washington Group Volcanics, North Greenland
Duprat H, Holm PM, Thorarinsson S, Tegner C & Barfod G

Duprat J. (2023) Flux of Small Interplanetary Dust Particles at Dome C (Antarctica):A Fresh Look with Helium Isotopes
Fenisse G, Bekaert DV, Blard P-H & Duprat J
(2022) Localized Aqueous Alteration of an UltraCarbonaceous Antarctic MicroMeteorite: Earliest Stages of Cometary Alteration
Dobrică E, Engrand C & Duprat J
(2019) 60Fe Abundance in Micrometeorites
Fitoussi C, Raisbeck G, Duprat J, Engrand C, Wallner A, Wang X & Froehlich M
(2016) Light Element Isotopic Composition in Ultra-Carbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorites
Duprat J, Engrand C, Bardin N, Dartois E, Baklouti D, Benzerara K, Delauche L, Dobrica E, Marie G, Guerquin-Kern J-L, Kakazu Y, Leroux H, Quirico E, Remusat L, Slodzian G & Wu T-D
(2008) Upper Limits on the Irradiation-Induced Short Lived Nuclei in Comets
Duprat J & Tatischeff V

Dupraz Christophe (2013) High-Spatial Resolution Imaging of the Distribution and Inter-Element Correlation of Metals in Modern and Ancient Stromatolites
Sforna MC, Philippot P, van Zuilen M, Somogyi A, Medjoubi K, Visscher PT & Dupraz C
(2012) Microbialite Formation in Two Hypersaline Lakes (Bahamas): Insights into Organomineralization
Dupraz C, Fowler A, Glunk C, Braissant O, Gallagher KL, Stork NJ & Visscher PT
(2012) Micron-Scale Imaging of the Distribution of Bio-Available Metals (Fe, Zn, Ni, Co) in Modern and Ancient Microbial Mats
Sforna MC, Philippot P, Van Zuilen M, Somogyi A, Medjoubi K, Visscher P & Dupraz C
(2011) The Role of Extracellular Organic Matter (EOM) in the Nucleation and Growth of Microbial Carbonates
Dupraz C

Dupraz Christophe (2015) Putative Biogenic Signature found in Extremely REE Enriched Black Substance, Ytterby Mine, Sweden
Sjöberg S, Rattray J, Callac N, Allard B, Skelton A, Dupraz C, Ivarsson M, Karlsson S & Sjöberg V
(2015) Distribution and Morphologies of Modern Microbialites of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Bouton A, Vennin E, Pace A, Bourillot R, Thomazo C, Visscher P, Dupraz C, Boulle J, Désaubliaux G & Brayard A
(2015) Factors Controlling Development of Microbialites in Past and Ancient Environments
Vennin E, Bouton A, Raphaël B, Pace A, Brayard A, Olivier N, Thomazo C, Visscher P, Dupraz C & Désaubliaux G
(2015) Modern and Past Microbialites: How do They Form? What Have We Learnt? From a Modern Perspective
Dupraz C
(2015) Microbial and Physicochemical Steps Leading to the Mineralization of the Great Salt Lake Microbialites
Pace A, Bouton A, Bourillot R, Vennin E, Visscher P, Dupraz C, Thomazo C, Galaup S & Kwasniewski A

Dupraz Christophe (2017) Chemical Controls on Ikaite Formation
Tollefsen E, Stockmann G, Skelton A, Mörth C-M, Dupraz C & Sturkell E

Dupraz Sébastien (2011) Unraveling Microbes-Minerals Interactions in the Deep Biosphere
Ménez B, Gérard E, Brunelli D, Pasini V, Le Campion P, Dupraz S, Marinozzi M-C, Amor M & Guyot F
(2011) Carbon Isotope Fractionation Associated with CaCO3 Precipitation Induced by Ureolysis
Millo C, Dupraz S, Ader M, Guyot F, Thaler C & Ménez B
(2009) Variable 13C Fractionation during CaCO3 Precipitation Induced by Ureolytic Bacteria
Millo C, Dupraz S, Ader M & Menez B
(2008) Experimental Study of Biomineralization Processes Relevant to CO2 Geological Sequestration
Dupraz S, Parmentier M, Ménez B & Guyot F
(2007) A Bacterial Model for Studying Interactions between Microorganisms and CO2 Injected in the Subsurface
Dupraz S, Parmentier M, Menez B, Gouze P, Leprovost R & Guyot F

Dupraz Sébastien (2013) Reactivity of Cement and Steel Interfaces in Geological Carbon Storage
Dupraz S, Fabbri A & Grataloup S

Dupraz Sébastien (2017) Pore Scale Processes Governing Biofilms Location in a Dual Porous Media: Effects on Cr, Cu, Pb, and As Mobility
Caurel C, Rozenbaum O, Dupraz S, Battaglia-Brunet F, Garrido F & Bruand A
(2017) Structure and Dynamics of a Basalt Hosted Subsurface Microbial Consortium Facing CO2-rich Groundwater in an Analogous Flow-Through Experiment
Lecoeuvre A, Moore R, Lecourt L, Ménez B, Ranchou-Peyruse A, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Dupraz S, Stéphant S & Gérard E
(2017) Study of Deep in situ Biomining of Copper Ore
Stephant S, Dupraz S, Lach A & Guignot S
(2017) Biogeochemical Behavior of As in a Soil Contaminated by the Destruction of Arsenical Shells from the Great War: A Mesocosm Study
Thouin H, Battaglia-Brunet F, Norini M-P, Dupraz S, Le Forestier L & Gautret P

Dupre B. (2013) Zn Isotope Fractionation in Pristine Larch Forest Developed on Permafrost-Dominated Soils in Central Siberia
Viers J, Prokushkin A, Pokrovsky O, Kirdyanov A, Zouiten C, Oliva P & Dupre B
(2011) Numerical Study of Weathering Fluxes at the Catchment Scale in a Boreal Watershed: A Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Geochemical Mechanistic Approach
Orgogozo L, Goddéris Y, Pokrovsky O, Viers J, Labat D, Prokushkin A & Dupré B
(2010) Indirect Determination of the North-Pacific Ocean Hg MIF Baseline
Dupre B, Sonke J & Point D
(2009) Origin of Chemical Fluxes Carried by Boreal Rivers: Evidence from Major and Trace Element, U and Sr Isotope Data in Two Siberian Rivers
Bagard M-L, Chabaux F, Pokrovsky OS, Prokushkin AS, Viers J, Derenne S, Templier J & Dupré B
(2008) Chemical Weathering of Mafic Rocks in Boreal Environment (NW Russia)
Vasyukova E, Oliva P, Pokrovsky O, Viers J, Martin F, Dupre B & Bychkov A
(2007) Historical Variations in Zinc Stable Isotope Compositions of Smelter Polluted Sediments
Sonke J, Sivry Y, Viers J, Audry S, DeJonghe L, Andre L, Aggarwal J, Schafer J, Blanc G & Dupre B
(2007) Modelling Continental Weathering: From the Lab to the Field
Godderis Y, Schott J, Francois L, Dessert C & Dupre B
(2007) Modeling the Effect of Aging on Deccan Traps Weathering and CO2 Consumption
Dessert C, Godderis Y, Schott J & Dupre B
(2007) Dynamic of Pedogenic Carbonates in a Climatic Gradient: The Kabini River Basin, Deccan Plateau, South India
Violette A, Riotte J, Braun J-J, Barbiéro L, Ruiz L, Oliva P, Sekhar M, Mohan Kumar MS, Subramanian S & Dupré B
(2007) Study of Trace Elements Reactivity in Polluted Soils: Measure of Cd, Zn, Cu and Pb Lability by Using DGT and Isotopic Dilution Methods
Sivry Y, Denaix L, Fabrègue M, Riotte J, Zouiten C, Sappin-Didier V & Dupré B
(2006) Low- and High-Temperature weathering budgets in Kamchatka Peninsula
Dessert C, Gaillardet J, Dupre B, Schott J & Pokrovski O
(2006) Use of Cd and Zn isotopic variations in a sedimentary core to trace anthropogenic contamination
Sivry Y, Dupré B, Sonke J, Viers J, Audry S, Schäfer J, Blanc G & Riotte J
(2006) Study of Labile Cd pool in contaminated soil using Stable Isotope Analysis, Radioactive Isotope Dilution and Sequential Extraction
Sivry Y, Riotte J, Munoz M, Sappin-Didier V & Dupré B
(2005) Basalt Weathering Laws and the Impact of Basalt Weathering on the Global Carbon Cycle
Dessert C, Dupré B, Gaillardet J, Goddéris Y, François L & Schott J
(2005) Links between Climate, Paleogeography and Silicate Rock Weathering: A Cretaceous vs Present day Comparative Study with the GEOCLIM Model
Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Tombozafi M, Pierrehumbert R, Gaillardet J, Kump L & Dupre B
(2005) Chemical and Physical Weathering in the Kabini River Basin, South India
Braun J, Ruiz L, Riotte J, Mohan Kumar MS, Murari V, Sekhar M, Barbiero L, Descloitres M, Bost A & Dupré B
(2004) Zn Isotopic Composition of Fumarolic Gases from Merapi Volcano (Indonesia), Preliminary Results
Nonell A, Toutain J, Polve M, Munoz M, Viers J, Sortino F, Gainville R & Dupre B
(2004) New Insights on Metal Biogeochemistry in Tropical Environment: The Role of Vegetation in Metal Cycles at a Small Watershed Scale
Oliva P, Viers J, Dupre B, Gainville R, Ndam J & Freydier R
(2004) The Use of Zn Isotopes to Constrain the Biogeochemical Cycling of Metals in Watersheds
Viers J, Oliva P, Freydier R & Dupre B
(2004) Constraining Basalt Erosion Through River Data and Numerical Modeling
Dessert C, Godderis Y, Dupre B & Gaillardet J
(2004) Modelling Long Term Climatic and Geochemical Consequences of the Karoo-Ferrar Traps Eruption (183 Ma)
Donnadieu Y, Godderis Y, Cecca F, Pierrehumbert R, Ramstein G, Dessert C & Dupré B
(2002) Snowball Earth and Basaltic Traps
Godderis Y, Nedelec A, Donnadieu Y, Francois L, Grard A & Dupre B
(2002) Chemical Weathering Rates in the Subarctics: The Exemple of the Mackenzie River System
Gaillardet J, Millot R & Dupre B
(2002) The Role of Basalt Chemical Weathering on the CO2 Cycle
Dupre B, Dessert C, François L, Godderis Y, Allegre CJ & Gaillardet J
(2001) The Control of Silicate Weathering Fluxes: Evidences from Small River and Large River Studies
Gaillardet J, Millot R, Dupré B & Allègre CJ
(2001) Chemical Weathering in a High Elevation Watershed in the French Pyrenees: New Insight on the Mineralogical Controls and Fluxes during Weathering in a Granitic Environment
Oliva P, Dupré B, Martin F, Darrozes J & Escalier J
(2001) ??Erosion of Deccan Traps Determined by River Geochemistry. Impact on Global Climate and 87Sr/86Sr Ratio of Seawater
Dessert C, Dupré B, FranÁois LM, Schott J, Gaillardet J, Oliva P & Chakrapani G
(2001) Studies of Basaltic Weathering Law and Elements Fluxes to Ocean
Dupré B, Dessert C, FranÁois LM, Schott J, Gaillardet J & Allègre CJ
(2000) Potamochemistry and the Gross Erosion Processes of Continents
Allègre C, Dupré B & Gaillardet J
(2000) River Geochemistry and Chemical Weathering of Shields: From Subarctics to Tropics
Gaillardet J, Millot R, Dupre B & Allègre C
(2000) Geochemical Characteristics of River Fluxes in the Cuyuni Tropical Basin (Southern Venezuela): Importance of the Organo-Colloidal Control on Elements Behavior
Tosiani T, Loubet M, Dupre B, Marrero S, Berger G, Yanes C & Ramirez A
(2000) Silicate Weathering Rates Inferred from Sr Isotopes Systematics in the Mackenzie River Basin, Canada
Millot R, Gaillardet J, Dupré B & Allègre CJ

Dupré S. (2017) Origin of Authigenic Carbonates from the NW Continental Margin of Madagascar (Marine Expedition Pamela-Moz01): A Mineralogical and Geochemical Investigation
Richet N, Sansjofre P, Dupré S, Lebeau O & Stefan L

DuPreez L. (2022) Domaining of Downhole Geochemical Data – An Automated Approach Applied to the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex
Buckle T, Motta JG, Hughes HSR, Andersen JCØ, Lloyd A, DuPreez L & Acheampong K
(2022) Litho- and Chemo-Stratigraphy of the Critical Zone at Sandsloot, Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex: A Data Science Approach
Brooksby KC, Hughes HSR, Andersen JCØ, Lloyd A, DuPreez L & Acheampong K

Duprey J-L. (2012) Bioaccessibility of Trace Metals on Mining and Smelting Impacted Dusts: Importance of Particle Size on Children Exposure
Goix S, Oliva P, Castet S, Duprey J-L, Point D & Gardon J

Duprey N. (2022) Photosymbiosis on a Mid-Devonian Reef: Evidence from Coral-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes
Jung J, Zoppe SF, Söte T, Duprey N, Foreman A, Sigman DM, Haug GH, Vonhof H & Martinez-Garcia A

Dupuis Celine (2012) Iron Oxide Compositional Variations in Tills along Ice-Flow Paths: Case Studies from Sue-Dianne IOCG, and Thompson Ni-Cu Deposits, Canada
Dupuis C, Sappin A-A, Pozza M, Beaudoin G, McMartin I & McClenaghan B

Dupuis Christian (2009) Silicium Isotopes as a Proxy of Weathering Processes during the PETM
Rad S, Basile-Doelsch I, Quesnel F & Dupuis C

Dupuis G. (2021) TorchMinusOne: A Tool for Deterministic Geophysical Inversion
Manzuri Shalmani S, Shamsipour P, Aghaee A & Dupuis G

Dupuis M. (2008) Electron-Transfer Reactions at Water- and Cytochrome-Iron Oxide Interfaces
Kerisit S, Dupuis M & Rosso K
(2005) On Charge Transport in Iron Oxides
Rosso K & Dupuis M
(2004) Electron Transfer in Iron Oxides: Theoretical Assessment of Electron Hopping Rates
Rosso K & Dupuis M

Dupuis R. (2018) Importance of a Fully Anharmonic Treatment of Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation Properties
Dupuis R, Benoit M, Tuckerman M & Méheut M
(2017) Importance of a Fully Anharmonic Treatment of Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation Properties of Dissolved Species as Evidenced by Li+(aq)
Dupuis R, Benoit M, Tuckerman M & Méheut M
(2017) Formation of a Quasi 2D-Layer of Protons in Hydroxides at High Pressure
Dupuis R, Dolado J, Surga J, Benoit M & Ayuela A
(2013) Silicon Isotope Fractionation Implying Liquid Phases at 300K: The Importance of Configurational Disorder
Dupuis R, Benoit M & Méheut M

Dupuy A. (2012) Geochemical Characterization of Mineralized Groundwaters in the Aquitaine Basin (SW France): Lateral and Vertical Variability of the Eocene Formations, Hydrodynamic and Geochemical Processes of Acquisition of the Mineralization
Malcuit E, Negrel P, Petelet-Giraud E, Atteia O, Franchesci M & Dupuy A

Dupuy C. (2021) Coupling between Sediment Biogeochemistry and Phytoplankton Dynamics in Anthropised Freshwater Marshes of Charente Maritime, France
Moncelon R, Dupuy C, Pineau P, Bénéteau E, Philippine O, Robin F-X & Metzger E

Dupuy D.I. (2023) Predicting Redox Conditions in Groundwater at a National Scale Using Random Forest Classification
Tesoriero AJ, Wherry SA, Johnson TD & Dupuy DI

Dupuy F. (2023) Bioaugmentation Essay on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Spicked Microcosms with Mixture of Soil Bacteria
Martin N, Dupuy F, Grybos M, Le Guet T & Joussein E

Dupuy M. (2021) Dissolved Gases Monitoring to Disclose Regional Hydrogeochemical Interactions Processes Involved in Mineral Water Genesis in Non-Active Zone: The Case of Corsica Island
Dupuy M, Garel E, Labasque T, Chatton E, Vergnaud V, Aquilina L, Santoni S, Mattei A & Huneau F

Duque C. (2022) Data-Driven Quantification of Subterranean Estuaries Role in Ocean Chemistry
Kiro Y, Michael H & Duque C
(2020) Identifying and Quantifying Long-Term Seawater Circulation in Coastal Aquifers
Kiro Y, Michael H, Duque C, Yechieli Y & Reznik I

Duque D. (2023) Enhanced Weathering in the Tropics. A Southern World Solution for the Global Climatic Cathastrophe
Silva-Tamayo JC & Duque D

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