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Dunphy D. (2013) Role of Material Properties on TiO2 Nanoparticle Agglomeration
Zhou D, Keller A, Ji Z, Dunphy D & Brinker J

Dunshee A. (2020) Sulfur Cycling at the Surface Water-Groundwater Interface in Riparian Wetlands
Ng G-HC, Santelli C, Rosenfeld C, Dunshee A, Kaplan D, Kemner KM, Torgeson J, Srivastava S & Yourd A

Dunwell J.M. (2020) Cadmium Isotope Fractionation Reveals Genetic Variations in Cd Uptake and Translocation by Theobroma Cacao and Role of NRAMP5 and HMA-Family Transporters
Moore RET, Ullah I, de Oliveira V, Hammond SJ, Strekopytov S, Tibbett M, Dunwell JM & Rehkämper M

Dunworth L. (2000) Melt Variations in the Oslo Rift as Recorded by Melt Inclusions Hosted by Pyroxene Phenocrysts
Kirstein L, Dunworth L, Nikigosian I & Touret J

Duo T. (2011) Contaminant Transport Modeling in the Candidate VLLW Disposal Site
Cai X, Wang Y & Duo T

Duong G. (2017) Seasonal Variability of Sedimentary Organic Matter Dynamics and Microbial Communities in a Tropical Intertidal Mud Bank (French Guiana)
Gontharet S, Simon W, Denis L, Mathieu O, Artigas LF, Bouloubassi I, Chevalier N, Courcot L, Duong G, Gommeaux M & Klein V

Duong L. (2021) Shifting Paradigms for Diversity, Inclusivity, and Engagement in Geosciences
Duong L, Hidalgo PJ & Kabengi N

Duong T.Q. (2024) Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover in Groundwater along a Hill Slope Transect
Duong TQ, Hildebrandt A & Thullner M

Duperray S. (2023) Long-Term Atmospheric Mercury Measurements on Amsterdam Island in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Collignon L, Angot H, Magand O, Bertrand Y, Duperray S, Laffont L, Sonke JE & Dommergue A

Dupeyron J. (2023) Micropyrite: A Promising biosignature?Insights from Modern and Ancient Sediments
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Dupeyron J, Alleon J, Pasquier V, Remusat L, Thomazo C, Olivier N, Benzerara K & Bernard S
(2023) Formation Pathways of Precambrian Sedimentary Pyrite: Insights from in situ Fe Isotopes
Dupeyron J, Decraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J & Busigny V

Dupla X. (2021) Managing Climate Change and Expectations: What is Enhanced Rock Weathering Realistically Capable of?
Dupla X & Grand S

Duplay J. (2005) Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Micropaleontology of Sediments from El Meleh Lagoon, Tunisia
Prudencio I, Gonzalez I, Dias I, Galan E, Ruiz F, Duplay J, Gueddari F & Ahmed R
(2000) Evolution of Ca-K Exchange in Clays with Temperature: The Role of Hydration Processes
Lassin A, Duplay J & Tardy Y

Duplessy J.C. (2000) Ocean Sediment Isotopic Records of the Last Deglaciation Contain Key Information on the Interactions between Climate and Thermohaline Circulation at the Global Scale
Labeyrie L, Cortijo E, Waelbroeck C, Paterne M, Kallel N & Duplessy JC

Duplissy J. (2009) Source Apportionment and Chemical Features of the Organic Aerosol Using Aerosol Mass Spectrometers
Baltensperger U, DeCarlo P, Alfarra R, Chirico R, Heringa M, Dommen J, Duplissy J, Prevot A, Tritscher T, Weingartner E & Donahue N

Dupliy E. (2014) Synthesis of Fluid Inclusions: Experimental Tests on Achieving Equilibrium
Derrey IT, Botcharnikov R, Albrecht M, Dupliy E & Holtz F

DuPlooy L.E. (2024) Biogeochemical Controls on Mobilization of Labile Carbon from Wood in Denitrifying Bioreactors: Insights from Multi-Modal Synchrotron Analysis of Wood Degradation
Sang Y, DuPlooy LE, Petrovic I, Yang L, Smieska L & Reid M

Duployer B. (2015) Preliminary Experimental Investigation of Chromite Dissolution in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt Melt
Zagrtdenov N, Borisova A, Toplis M, Tenailleau C & Duployer B

Duponchel L. (2015) Combined Use of TEM/EDX, microRaman and AFM for Characterizing Single Atmospheric Particles
Choël M, Unga F, Simonetti R, Derimian Y & Duponchel L

Dupont A. (2004) Similar Sources for the Apuseni Mts and Banat (Roumania) Late Cretaceous Banatitic Magmatism
Vander Auwera J, Berza T, Dupont A, Marincea S & Pin C

Dupont C. (2016) Tracking the Rise of Eukaryotes to Ecological Dominance with Zinc Isotopes
Tang T, Love G, Zumberge A, Reinhard C, Dupont C, Asael D, Rooney A, Owens J, Gill B, Rainbird R, McCrow J, Lyons T & Planavsky N
(2011) Rapid Expansions in Biological Metal Utilization
Dupont C

Dupont L. (2014) Origin of the C4 Grass Savannah in South-Western Africa
Schefuss E, Hoetzel S, Rommerskirchen F & Dupont L

Dupont de Dinechin M. (2023) Lithium in Felsic Magmas: A Volcanological Perspective
Dupont de Dinechin M, Balcone-Boissard H, Martel C & Rusiecka M

Duporte G. (2021) Evaluation of Barcelona Soil Capacity for Sorption and Degradation of Emerging Contaminants
Garcia-Rios M, Duporte G, Gomez E & Luquot L

Dupouy C. (2017) Long Term Study of Biogenic Dissolution of Reef Carbonates in New Caledonia: What Assumption for the Future?
Grange JS, Husset M-C, Butscher J, Dupouy C & Tribollet A

Duprat E. (2023) The Mineralogical and Chemical Composition of Microbialites as Environmental Proxies: Lessons Learned from the Integrative Analysis of Modern Microbialites from Ten Mexican Lakes
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Beyssac O, Daval D, Muller E, Thomazo C, Tavera R, López-García P, Moreira D & Duprat E
(2022) Lake Pavin is a Microbial Mineralization Oasis
Lefevre CT, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Busigny V, Mangin CC, Mehta N, Travert C, Bolzoni R, Bidaud CC, Mathon FP, Jézéquel D, Viollier E, Skouri-Panet F, Duprat E & Monteil CL
(2022) Intracellular Formation of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate by Bacteria: From Molecular Actors to Environmental Impacts
Benzerara K, Gaëtan J, Mehta N, Millet M, Duprat E, Skouri-Panet F, Travert C, Leloup J, Halary S, Moreira D & Callebaut I
(2021) Biomineralization of Intracelllar Amorphous Calcium Carbonates (ACC) by Bacteria: Molecular Mechanisms, Evolutionary History and Environmental Significance
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Bolzoni R, Cassier-Chauvat C, Caumes G, Chauvat F, Dezi M, Diop I, Duprat E, Gaschignard G, Görgen S, Lefevre C, López-García P, Menguy N, Monteil C, Moreira D, Skouri-Panet F & Callebaut I
(2021) Microbial Ecology of Intracellular Calcium Carbonate Biomineralization by Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria
Gaëtan J, Mehta N, Duprat E, Bruley A, Skouri-Panet F, Gugger M, Bernard C, Duval C, Leloup J & Benzerara K
(2020) Biomineralization of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) is Widespread in Bacteria
Benzerara K, Bidaud C, Bolzoni R, Duprat E, Menguy N, Monteil C & Lefevre C
(2019) Phosphorus Sequestration by Magnetotactic Bacteria in the Water Column of Lake Pavin: Insight into the Biological and Environmental Controls
Bidaud C, Benzerara K, Billard H, Colombet J, Duprat E, Jézéquel D, Lefèvre C, Lehours A-C, Menguy N, Poinsot M & Skouri-Panet F
(2018) Direct and Indirect Biomineralization of Iron in the Ferruginous Lake Pavin
Berg J, Duverger A, Jézéquel D, Duprat E, Poinsot M, Skouri-Panet F, Laberty-Robert C & Miot J
(2017) Fe Biomineralization in the Meromictic Lake Pavin
Miot J, Duprat E, Remusat L, Benzerara K, Jézéquel D, Cordier L, Viollier E, Skouri-Panet F, Férard C, Poinsot M, Rivas-Lamelo S, Gonzalez A, Pont S & Berg J
(2017) Deciphering the Functional Potential of Microorganisms for P Cycling: A Genomics Perspective on Metal-Phosphate Biomineralization
Caumes G, Benzerara K, Chan Sock Peng E, Cosmidis J, Skouri-Panet F & Duprat E
(2017) Cyanobacterial Intracellular Carbonatogenesis: Phylogenetic Distribution, Mechanisms and Environmental Implications
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Blondeau M, Cam N, Caumes G, Coutaud M, Gorgen S, Dewever A, Diop IS, Callebaut I, Cassier-Chauvat C, Dezi M, Duprat E, Ferard C, Gugger M, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, POinsot M, Sachse M & Skouri-Panet F
(2017) Chemistry Versus Biology – “True” and “False” Biosignatures Formed Through Biomineralization and Organomineralization Processes
Cosmidis J, Templeton A, Benzerara K, Skouri-Panet F, Duprat E & Macalady J
(2017) Diversity of Phosphatases in the Biomineralizing Bacterium Ramlibacter Tataouinensis: An in Vitro and in Silico Study
Skouri-Panet F, Benzerara K, Cosmidis J, Ferard C, Caumes G, De Luca G, Heulin T & Duprat E
(2017) Microorganisms are Major Drivers of the P Geochemical Cycle in Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France)
Duprat E, Benzerara K, Lefèvre C, Monteil C, Jézéquel D, Menguy N, Viollier E, Guyot F, Férard C, Miot J, Poinsot M, Rivas-Lamelo S, Skouri-Panet F & Trcera N
(2016) Microbial Calcification in the Rock Record: Learning from Field- and Laboratory-Based Studies Down to the nm-Scale
Benzerara K, Cam N, Cosmidis J, Duprat E, Li J, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, Saghaï A, Skouri-Panet F & Zeyen N
(2015) Microbial Molecular Processes Involved in Biogeochemical P Cycle in the Water Column of Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France)
Rivas-Lamelo S, Duprat E, Benzerara K, Miot J, Skouri-Panet F, Poinsot M, Ferard C, Jézéquel D & Viollier E

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