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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Duroe K. (2018) Iron Accumulation Promotes Phosphate Retention at Redox Interfaces in Arctic and Boreal Soils
Herndon E, Duroe K, Kinsman-Costello L, Mills J, Thompson A, Kane E, Sebestyen S & Wullschleger S
(2017) Iron-Phosphorus Interactions Across Redox Transitions in Tundra and Boreal Wetlands
Herndon E, Duroe K, Mills J, Kinsman-Costello L, Wullschleger S, Sebestyen S & Kane E

Durowoju O.S.

Dürr H. (2015) Domestic Wastewater Inputs of Phosphorus and Nitrogen to the Mediterranean Sea
Powley H, Dürr H, Lima A, Krom M & Van Cappellen P
(2015) Direct Inputs of Nutrients via Groundwater to Near-Shore Zones of Large Water Bodies: Regional Scale Approaches and Impact
Dürr H, Moosdorf N & Van Cappellen P
(2014) Biogeochemical Model Complexity, or There and Back Again
Van Cappellen P, Maavara T, Stojanovic S & Dürr H
(2013) Heavy Metal Contamination in the Semi-Urbanised Laurel Creek Watershed, Waterloo (Ontario), Canada
Lima A, Geller G, Jones J, Van Cappellen P & Dürr H

Durr M. (2008) Formation of Acidic Micro-Environments during Pyrite Framboid Oxidation in pH-Neutral Sediments
Wallace L, Durr M, Wakelin S, Webb D, McPhail B & Welch S

Dürr Tobias (2023) Comparative Chronology of Apollo 16 Impactites and Implications for the Landing Site Stratigraphy
Černok A, Haber T, Dürr T, Rocholl A, Schwarz WH, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Scherer EE & Becker H

Dürr Tobias A. (2021) Impact Origin of 4.33 Ga Old Baddeleyite in a Strongly Shocked Silica Oversaturated Lunar Norite
Dürr TA, Becker H, Schwarz WH & Vanderliek DM

Durrieu G. (2017) Evidencing the Contrasted Impact of Urbanized Rivers Inputs on Coastal Sediments Geochemistry: Insight from Toulon Bay (France) and St-Georges Bay (Beirut, Lebanon)
El Houssainy A, Abi Ghanem C, Durrieu G, Dang DH, Mahfouz C, Omanović D, D'onofrio S, Khalaf G & Garnier C
(2012) Analysis and Modelling of Arsenic Dynamics in Coastal Sediments
Dang DH, Tessier E, Lenoble V, Durrieu G, Le Poupon C, Mullot J-U, Mounier S & Garnier C
(2010) River/Groundwater Mixing Study Using Major and Trace Elements
Potot C, Féraud G, Barats A, Durrieu G, Le Poupon C, Travi Y & Simler R

Dürschlag J. (2017) N2 Fixation Persists throughout the Euphotic Zone of the Ultra-Oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre
Dürschlag J, Martínez-Pérez C, Heinzmann N, Lavik G, Kuypers MMM & Mohr W

Dürselen C.D. (2009) Manganese and Molybdenum: Biogeochemical Tracers for Dynamics of Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in Temperate Tidal Systems
Kowalski N, Dellwig O, Beck M, Grunwald M, Lemke A, Dürselen CD, Brumsack H-J, van Beusekom JEE & Böttcher ME

Dursun T. (2011) Facies and Petrochemical Characteristics of the Tertiary Aged Tekkeköy (Samsun) Area Volcanics, NE Turkey
Dursun T & Arslan M

Duru O. (2018) Genesis and Magmatic Evolution of The Pliocene Aladağ Volcanic System (Kars, NE Turkey)
Duru O & Keskin M
(2015) Geochronology, Geochemistry and Isotope Systematics of a Mafic-Intermediate Dyke Complex in the İstanbul Zone, Northern Turkey
Aysal N, Keskin M, Peytcheva I, Duru O & Akgündüz S

Dury M. (2013) Rates of Consumption of Atmospheric CO2 Through the Weathering of Loess during the Next 100 Years of Climate Change
Godderis Y, Brantley S, Francois L, Schott J, Pollard D, Deque M & Dury M

Duryea A. (2013) In situ Isotopic Analysis of Volatile Fluids from Subsurface Carbon Reservoirs
Camilli R & Duryea A

Ďurža O. (2011) Arsenic Mobility in Coal-Combustion Ashes Mixed with Agricultural Soil
Veselská V, Peťková K, Bolanz R, Majzlan J, Jurkovič Ľ, Lalinská B, Hiller E & Ďurža O

Dusanter Sebastien (2023) RO2 Intercomparison Campaign at SAPHIR Chamber
Schoemacker C, Batut S, Lahccen A, Fittschen C, Fuchs H, Novelli A, Färber M, Dusanter S, Lahib A, Abichou G & Shamas N

Dusanter Sébastien (2023) Evaluation of a Methodology for Ozone Production Rate Quantification in Ambient Air
Abichou G, Lahib A, Jamar M, Chen W, Fuchs H, Novelli A, Färber M, Tomas A & Dusanter S
(2023) Atmospheric Reactivity of Ketolimonene: Ozone Kinetics, Reaction Products and SOA Formation
Roman C, Amarandei C, Negru GA, Arsene C, Bejan IG, Jamar M, Dusanter S, Olariu RI & Tomas A

Duschek K. (2017) Arsenic and Lead Speciation in Geothermal Scalings: Implications on Formation Conditions
Eiche E, Göttlicher J, Steiniger R, Duschek K, Eggeling L, Kölbel T & Neumann T

Dusek U. (2019) Isotopes and Novel Tracers in Atmospheric Research
Masalaite A, Remeikis V, Holzinger R, Rockmann T & Dusek U

Dusel-Bacon C. (2008) Extreme Sulfur Isotope Variation in the Dry Creek Massive Sulfide Deposit, East-Central Alaska
Slack J, Ridley I, Dusel-Bacon C & Fayek M

Dushenko N. (2021) Origin of Sediment Column Profiles of Gases and Organic Matter at a Laptev Sea Gas Seeps Area (Arctic)
Sevastyanov V, Fedulova V, Fedulov V, Kuznetsova O, Dushenko N & Vinnikova A
(2021) Study on Carbon Isotope Effects at Kamchatka Magmatic Rocks and Volcanic Gases
Voropaev SA, Malik N, Sevastyanov V, Dushenko N & Kuznetsova O
(2019) Experimental Degassing of Ordinary Chondrites
Stennikov A, Voropaev S, Fedulov V, Dushenko N & Naimushin S

Dussan L.J. (2009) Integrated Investigation on Petroleum Biodegradation
Santos Neto E, Oliveira V, Reis F, Koike L, Marsaioli A, Vasconcellos S, Sette L, Crespim E, Cerqueira J, Lopes JA, Lima SG, Cruz G, Simioni K & Dussan LJ

Dusseaux C. (2023) Helium Migration in post-Variscan Collision Batholiths: New Insight from the Corsica Island
Dutoit H, Donzé FV, Truche L, Dusséaux C, Dantas Cardoso C, Laurent D & Pik R
(2023) Geo-Sourced Hydrogen Fuels the Deep Biosphere, Could it be a Giant Leap for Mankind?
Truche L, Donzé FV, Dutoit H, Laurent D, Masci L, Taillefer A, Hintzen R, Giampouras M & Dusséaux C
(2022) Exploring for Natural Hydrogen in Peralkaline Nepheline-Syenite Plutons: The Kola Peninsula, NW Russia
Dusséaux C, Pukha V, Mokrushina O, Kalashnikov A, Dominique J, Monnier L, Salvi S, Donzé FV, Truche L, Nivin V & Mikhailova J
(2022) Numerical Modeling of Natural Hydrogen Migration from Deep Sources within Fault Zones
Donzé FV, Bourdet L, Truche L, Taillefer A, Dutoit H, Dusseaux C & Lefeuvre N
(2021) Late Carboniferous Paleoelevation of the Variscan Belt: A Stable Isotope Paleoaltimetry Study in the French Massif Central
Dusséaux C, Gébelin A, Ruffet G & Mulch A
(2019) Characterization of Meteoric Water Infiltration in Variscan Shear Zones
Dusséaux C, Gébelin A, Boulvais P, Gardien V, Dubois M, Ruffet G, Poujol M, Branquet Y, Mottram C, Grimes S & Mulch A
(2017) Deep Penetration of Meteoric Water in Variscan Ductile Shear Zones
Dusséaux C, Gébelin A, Boulvais P, Dubois M, Gardien V, Grimes S & Mulch A
(2016) Fluids in the South Armorican Shear Zone, France
Boulvais P, Tartèse R, Poujol M, Boiron M-C, Branquet Y, Gebelin A & Dusseaux C

Dussin I. (2018) Petrochronological Evolution of Garnet-Free UHT Mafic Granulites in the Guaxupé Nappe (SE Brazil): From Subduction to Collision?
Tedeschi M, Pedrosa-Soares A, Dussin I, Lanari P, Novo T, Piacentini Pinheiro MA, Lana C & Peters D

Düster L. (2011) Translocation of Synthetic Inorganic Nanoparticles in a Water-Saturated Sediment Column
Klitzke S, Apelt S & Düster L

Duster T. (2012) Proton and Metal Adsorption onto Oxidized Graphene
Duster T, Na C, Wang H & Fein J

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