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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Dunlevy E. (2022) Characterisation of Irish Volcanic Ash Layers Using Combined in situ U-Pb and Lu-Hf Analyses of Zircon and/Or Apatite and its Implication for the Growth Rate of the Waulsortian Reef
Koch HA, Chew DM, Hitzman MW, Slezak P, Dunlevy E, Badenszki E & Holdstock M

Dunlop J. (2021) Combined Microstructural Analysis and in situ U-Pb Chronology of Baddeleyite within Shergottites
Staddon LG, Darling JR, Schwarz WH, Stephen NR, Schuindt S, Dunlop J & Tait KT
(2020) Quantitative Microstructural Analysis of Olivine and Ringwoodite
Tait K, White L, Darling J, Kizovski T, Dunlop J & Moser D
(2018) The Shocking State of Ca-Phosphates in Martian Meteorites
Darling J, Tait K, White L, Moser D, Kizovski T, Černok A & Dunlop J
(2018) Evidence for Continuous Continental Crust Generation during the Magmatic Lull
Moreira H, Storey C, Fowler M, Seixas L, Dunlop J & Darling J

Dunlop P. (2012) Unravelling Glacial Sediment Provenance Through Soil Chemistry in the North of Ireland
Dempster M, Dunlop P, Scheib A & Cooper M

Dunn Alexcia (2024) Trace Element Zoning in the Bishop Tuff: Possible Insights from Thermal Gradient Experiments
Dunn A & Lundstrom C

Dunn Andrea (2024) Water Quality Monitoring in the Halton Region: Assessment of Stream Health and Hyporheic Exchange
Beckner-Stetson N, Vriens B, Funk K, Dunn A, Doulatyari B & Barrett K

Dunn B. (2011) Electrochemically-Driven Lithium Isotopic Fractionation
Black J, Perre E, Umeda G, Dunn B, McDonough W & Kavner A

Dunn C.E. (2009) Bioaccumulation of Gold by Macrofungi from the Mokrsko Gold Deposit, Czech Republic
Borovička J, Dunn CE & Řanda Z

Dunn K. (2024) Large Spatial Variations in Redox- and Diagenesis-Sensitive Trace Metals in Sedimentary Carbonates: Insights from Micron-Scale Laser Ablation Study
Singh P, Weaver K, Dunn K, Burns DH, Cantrell D, Morsilli M, Lehrmann DJ & Payne J

Dunn L. (2010) Ultra High-Resolution Elemental XRF Scanning Analysis of Santa Barbara Basin
Dunn L & Hendy I

Dunn P (2006) The next generation of synchrotron fluorescence imaging for geological applications
Ryan C, Siddons P, Moorhead G, Dunn P, Kirkham R, Dragone A, De Geronimo G, Hough R & Etschmann B

Dunn Philip (2017) Characterisation Measurements of 13C/12C Isotope Amount Ratios in Glycine Candidate Reference Materials by MC-ICPMS and EA-IRMS
Malinovskiy D, Dunn P, Holcombe G & Goenaga-Infante H

Dunn Regan E (2024) Diets and Environments of Columbian and Pygmy Mammoths: Isotopic Evidence from Southern California and the Northern Channel Islands
Hannold C, Wang Y, Wang X, Dunn RE & Hoffman J

Dunn Robert (2020) Three-Dimensional Seismic Tomography of the Lower Crust and Mantle along Lau Back-Arc Spreading Centers
Eason D & Dunn R
(2020) The Crustal Structure of the Hawaiian Islands from Marine Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data
Boston B, Shillington DJ, Dunn R, Watts AB, Grevemeyer I, Goméz de la Peña L, Ito G, Wessel P, ten Brink U & Miller N
(2020) Controls on Oceanic Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure by Syn- and Post-Accretion Processes from Multichannel Seismic Data Around and Across the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain
Shillington DJ, Boston BB, Dunn R, Watts AB, Grevemeyer I, Goméz de la Peña L, Ito G, Wessel P, ten Brink U, Miller N & Cilli P
(2016) Exploring the Effects of Spreading Rate and Slab-Derived Water on Melting Processes in the Lau-Havre Backarc Systems
Eason D, Dunn R & Martinez F
(2015) The Lau-Havre Basins: Investigating Backarc Crustal Formation from Fast to Ultraslow Opening Rates
Martinez F & Dunn R
(2015) Crustal and Magmatic System Structure along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
Dunn R, Arai R, Eason D & Martinez F
(2015) Petrogenesis and Crustal Structure along Lau Back-Arc Spreading Centers
Eason D & Dunn R

Dunn Samantha (2024) Petrologic and Geochemical Links in the Jackass Lakes Volcanic-Plutonic Complex, Sierra Nevada Batholith
Dunn S, Memeti V, Cugini B, Durning S, Real J & Quiroz A

Dunn Stuart James (2005) U-Pb Dating of Meteoritic Perovskite
Dunn S, Amelin Y & Nemchin A
(2002) Detrital Zircons from the Jack Hills Metasediments, Western Australia: Provenance Record of the Earth's Oldest Material
Dunn SJ, Nemchin A, Cawood P & Pidgeon R

Krot AN, Nagashima K, Dunn T, Petaev MI, Ma C & Zipfel J

Dunn Thomas (2010) Reservoir Quality of GOM Louisiana Miocene Shelf Sandstones: Clay Coatings are the Key
Thomas A, McCarty D, Sakharov B, Dunn T & Kacewicz M

Dunn Thomas Henry (2021) Controlling Crystallization by Surface Topography
Dunn TH, Lee PA, Meldrum F & Kulak A

Dunne A. (2021) Total Alkalinity Production in a Mangrove Ecosystem Reveals an Overlooked Blue Carbon Component
Saderne V, Fusi M, Thomson T, Dunne A, Mahmud F, Roth F, Carvalho S & Duarte CM

Dunne James (2016) Determining Source Terms for FDNPP Fallout Using 135Cs/137Cs and Pu Isotopes
Dunne J, Richards D, Coath C, Chen H, Scott T, Martin P & Yamashiki Y

Dunne James A. (2022) Applying the Isotope Geochemistry Toolkit to Nuclear Forensics
Dunne JA, Higginson MA, Gilligan CRD & Cross S

Dunne John P. (2015) Interpreting the Oceanic Silicon Stable Isotope Distribution: Insights from Ocean GCMs
de Souza G, Slater R, Dunne J, Hain M, Brzezinski M & Sarmiento J
(2014) Preformed and Regenerated Controls on the Oceanic Silicon Stable Isotope Distribution
de Souza GF, Slater RD, Dunne JP & Sarmiento JL

Dunning Greg (2022) From Cryogenian to Early Cambrian: Evolution of the Cadomian Arc in the North Gondwana Margin (Iberian Massif, Central Portugal)
Henriques SBA, Neiva AMR, Dunning G & Tajcmanova L

Dunning Gregory R. (2013) P-T Evolution of Neoproterozoic and Ordovician Metamorphic Rocks in the Iberian Massif, Central Portugal
Henriques SBA, Ribeiro ML, Neiva AMR, Dunning GR & Tajcmanova L
(2010) Geochemistry and Geochronology of a Precambrian Active Continental Margin at the Boundary between the Ossa Morena Zone and the Central Iberian Zone, Central Portugal
Henriques SBA, Neiva AMR, Ribeiro ML & Dunning GR
(2003) U/Pb, Re/Os, and Ar/Ar Dating of the South Mountain Batholith and its Mineral Deposits
Carruzzo S, Kontak D, Reynolds P, Clarke D, Dunning G & Selby D

Dunning S.G. (2024) Experimental Determination of Hydrogen Solubility in Silicate Magma Oceans
Brugman K, Dunning SG, Badro J, Cody GD, Wang J & Shahar A

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