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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Dang T.H. (2009) Erosion and Impact of Human Disturbance on Sediment Transport in the Red River, Vietnam
Dang TH, Coynel A, Orange D, Blanc G, Etcheber H, Schäfer J & Le LA

Dang X. (2019) Soil Water Content Impact on the Distribution of Archaeal Ether Lipids: Implications for a Redox Proxy
Dang X

Dang Z. (2023) Prediction of Ion Adsorption by Minerals Using Machine Learning Model
Chen K, Guo C, Huang S & Dang Z
(2023) Effects of Kaolinite on the Transport of Ferrihydrite Colloids in Underground Environment
Zeng L, Yi XY, Dang Z & Zhang L
(2023) Sulfur Isotope Insights into Sulfur Biological and Geochemical Process in Metal-Sulfide Mine Tailings
Ye H, Huang B, Huang R & Dang Z
(2020) Investigation of Chromate Coordination Modes and Its Transformation Behaviors on Schwertmannite Interface Under Environmental Disturbance
Dang Z, Li X & Guo C
(2020) Chromate Coordination on Lepidocrocite Facets Affects its Adsorption Behavior: In situ ATR-FTIR, DFT+U Methods and Theoretical Frequency Calculations
Li X, Guo C & Dang Z
(2020) Mobilization of Arsenic during Reductive Dissolution of As(V)-bearing Jarosite by a Sulfate Reducing Bacterium
Gao K, Guo C & Dang Z
(2019) Role of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (SRB) in Fe and S Mineral Transformation in the AMD-Impacted Environment
Jiang M, Guo C & Dang Z
(2019) Microbial Community Variation and Interaction in AMD-Impacted Paddy Soil after pH Elevation
Guo C, Wang H, Jiang M & Dang Z
(2018) A Modified Method for Determination of Sedimentary Sulfur Species and Isotopes in Mining Area
Ye H, Xie Y, Lu G & Dang Z
(2018) Microbial Communities and their Role in Fe(III) Hydroxysulfate Mineral Transformations in a River Affected by Acid Mine Drainage
Bao Y, Guo C & Dang Z
(2018) Arsenic Release in Paddy Soil during Applying Phosphate Fertilizer
Ji Y, Lu G, Guo C & Dang Z
(2017) Relative Roles of H-Atom Transfer and Electron Transfer in the Debromination of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers by Palladized Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron
Wang R, Lu G & Dang Z
(2017) Photodegradation of BDE-15 in Triton x-100 Micellar Solution
Huang K, Lu G & Dang Z
(2017) The Sulfate Reducing Microbial Community Succession Under Different Electron Transfer Routes in Schwertmannite Transformation
Zeng Y, Fan C, Wang H, Guo C, Lu G, Reinfelder JR & Dang Z
(2017) Promoted Dissolutoin of Schwertmannite by Siderophores: Implications for Transport of Chromium
Xie Y, Lu G & Dang Z
(2017) Mineralization and Recrystallization of Cadmium-Doped Schwertmannite Induced by Fe(II)
Fan C, Guo C, Zeng Y, Reinfelder J, Lu G & Dang Z
(2016) Spatial Dynamics of Bacterial Community in Response to Acid Mine Drainage Pollution Gradients along the Watershed of Dabaoshan Mining Area (Southeast China)
Guo C, Bao Y, Wang H & Dang Z
(2016) Dissolution Mechnism of Schwertmannite in the Presence of Dissolved Organic Matter: Implication for Chromate Dynamic Behavior
Xie Y, Lu G, Guo C & Dang Z
(2015) Distribution of Bacterial Communities and Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Diversity in a Paddy Soil Irrigated with Acid Mine Drainage
Wang H, Yang C, Guo C & Dang Z
(2015) Species and Distribution of Sulfur in Paddy Soil Profile Affected by Acid Mine Drainage in Dabaoshan Sulfide Mining Area, South China
Yang C, Wang H, Guo C & Dang Z

Dange C. (2000) Experimental Approaches for Modeling of the Behaviour of Trace Metals and Radionuclides in Coastal Zones: Application to Cadmium and Cobalt in French Estuaries
Dange C, Charmasson S, Gonzalez JL, Thouvenin B, Boutier B, Chiffoleau JF, Auger D & Chartier E

Dangelmayr M. (2020) Thermally Induced Brine Migration in Salt
Dangelmayr M, Boukhalfa H, Caporuscio F & Stauffer P
(2010) Characterizing Soil Organic Matter in a Biostimulated Aquifer and Zones of Natural Bioreduction
Dangelmayr M, Figueroa L & Ranville J

Danger G. (2023) Methanol on the Rocks: Green Rusts Promote Redox Cycling of Greenhouse Gasses
Farr O, Gaudu N, Danger G, Russell M, Ferry D, Nitschke W & Duval S

Dangic A. (2004) The New Geochemical Classification of the Elements and a Complex Model of the Earth’s Geochemical Evolution
Dangic A
(2002) Geochemical Model of Lead in Su-Pergenic Systems: Mobility, Impacts of Cerusite and Fe-Oxyhydroxides
Dangic J & Dangic A
(2002) Geochemical Model of Early Earth`s Surface Systems, Based on Extended Conception of Ionic Potential
Dangic A

Dangic J. (2002) Geochemical Model of Lead in Su-Pergenic Systems: Mobility, Impacts of Cerusite and Fe-Oxyhydroxides
Dangic J & Dangic A

Dangindorj D.

Danhara Tohru (2009) (U-Th)/He Thermochronologic Analysis of the Median Tectonic Line and Associated Pseudotachylyte
Yamada K, Hanamuro T, Tagami T, Shimada K, Takagi H, Iwano H, Danhara T & Umeda K

Danhara Tohru (2013) Correction of Initial-Disequilibrium on U-Th-Pb System for Dating of Young Zircons
Sakata S, Hirakawa S, Iwano H, Danhara T & Hirata T

Danhara Tohru (2016) Fission-Track Dating of Faults with Plastically Deformed Biotites
Sueoka S, Shimada K, Ishimaru T, Niwa M, Yasue K-I, Umeda K, Danhara T & Iwano H
(2016) A Survey on New Standard Materials for U-Pb Dating of Carbonate Using LA-MC-ICP-MS
Yokoyama T, Saito-Kokubu Y, Murakami H, Watanabe T, Hirata T, Sakata S, Danhara T, Iwano H, Maruyama S, Miyazaki T, Senda R, Chang Q & Kimura J-I
(2016) Preeruptive Processes of the Eruption of High-Silica Rhyolite from Toya Caldera, Japan
Tomiya A, Goto Y, Danhara T & de Silva S

Danhara Tohru (2022) In situ U-Th Disequilibrium Dating of Quaternary Zircon Samples Utilising Multiple-Spot Femtosecond Laser ablation-Icp-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
Niki S, Kosugi S, Iwano H, Danhara T & Hirata T

Danhara Toru (2017) A New Approach for Constraining the Magnitude of Initial Disequilibrium in Quaternary Zircons by Coupled U and Th Decay Series Dating
Sakata S, Hirakawa S, Iwano H, Danhara T, Guillong M & Hirata T
(2011) Toward Establishing Precise Chronologies for the Integration of Late Pleistocene Palaeoclimate Archives: An Example from Suigetsu SG06, Japan
Smith V, Mark D, Staff R, Blockley S, Bronk Ramsey C, Bryant C, Nakagawa T, Kim KH, Weh A, Takemura K & Danhara T

Dani H. (2021) Geochemical Alterations and Precious Metals (Au-Ag) in Taghouni Prospect in the Bou Azzer Mining District (Central Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Dani H, El Ghorfi M, El Alaoui AEF & Maacha L

Dani N. (2012) Structural Changing Control of Potassium Saturated Smectite at High Pressures and High Temperatures: Application for Subduction Zones
Carniel L, Conceicao R, Dani N & Stefani V
(2011) Structural Changing Control of Potassium Saturated Smectite at High Pressures and High Temperatures: Application for Subduction Zones
Carniel L, Conceição R & Dani N

Dani S. (2023) Role of Cryptogamic Covers in Metal-Nitrogen Biogeochemical Coupling at the Edge of the Critical Zone
Darnajoux R, Koonin S, Dani S, Haynes S, Magain N, Uchida Y, Lutzoni F & Zhang X

Daniel B. (2013) Iodine Speciation Change by a Mn-Oxidizing Marine Bacteria, Roseobacter sp. Azw-3 k, Through the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species
Li H-P, Creeley D, Daniel B, Grandbois R, Zhang S, Xu C, Schwehr K, Kaplan D, Santschi P & Yeager C

Daniel Caurant (2017) Zinc Salts Action to Reduce the Kinetics of Glass Atmospheric Alteration
Alloteau F, Valbi V, Odile M, Isabelle B, Patrice L, Daniel C, Antoine S & Thibault C

Daniel Christopher (2015) Rates and Trends In in situ Chemical Weathering In a Tropical Soil, Basse Terre Island, Guadeloupe
Murphy M, Sak P, Ma L, Gaillardet J, Daniel C & Brantley S
(2014) Detrital Zircon and Metatuff Age Constraints for Provenance and Mesoproterozoic Orogenic Evolution of Southwest Laurentia
Daniel C, Doe M, Aronoff R, Andronicos C & Jones J
(2010) Integrating Monazite and Xenotime Thermochronology to Determine the Timing and Nature of the Al2SiO5 Triple-Point Metamorphism in the Picuris Mountains, New Mexico, USA
Daniel C & Pyle J

Daniel F. (2000) Effect of Nutrient Concentration on the Selection of Bacterial Communities and Oil Composition during Bio-Remediation of Contaminated Beach Sediments
Milner MG, Jones DM, Swannell RP, Daniel F, Mitchell D & Head IM

Daniel I. (2023) Phosphorylation of Prebiotic Precursors on the Early Earth
Shvetsova A, Daniel I, Fiore M & Strazewski P
(2023) Formation and Elongation of Polyglycine via Unimolecular Reaction in the Gas Phase
Lissillour H, Parrado Ospina L, Comte D, Lavy L, Bertier P, Calabria P, Fillol R, Calvo F, Daniel I, Farizon B, Farizon M & Märk TD
(2022) Deep Earth Water Model for Predicting the Formation of Immiscible Hydrocarbons in Subduction Zones
Huang J, Sverjensky DA, Daniel I & Vitale Brovarone A
(2021) Phosphorylation of Prebiotic Precursors
Shvetsova A, Fiore M, Strazewski P & Daniel I
(2021) Contrasted Pressure Effects on Sulfur-Oxidizing Activity of Thiobacillus Thioparus and Thiobacillus denitrificans
Osman JR, Cardon H, Montagnac G, Picard A & Daniel I
(2021) Formation of Hydrocarbons Favors High Pressure at Subduction Zones Conditions: A Study from in situ Experiments
Huang J, Daniel I, Sverjensky D, Cardon H & Montagnac G
(2021) Redox-Dependent Recycling of Carbon in Subduction Zones: A Petrological and Isotope Study from the Belvidere Mountain Complex Ultramafic Body
Boutier A, Vitale Brovarone A, Martinez I, Sissmann O, Agostini S, Daniel I & Mana S
(2021) Global Hydrogen Production in Subducting Slabs
Merdith A, Daniel I, Vitale Brovarone A, Sverjensky D, Andreani M & Williams S
(2021) Serpentinization in Formate-Bearing Fluids: An Experimental Approach at 300℃-25 MPa
Barbier S, Andreani M, Grossi V, Gaucher E, Sissmann O, Daniel I, Menez B, Antheaume I, Albalat E, Fellah C, Cardon H, Jame P, Saupin X & Bonjour E
(2020) Phosphorus Limitation on Primary Production in Archean Ecosystems
Hao J, Knoll A, Huang F, Schieber J, Hazen R & Daniel I
(2019) Transformation of Carbon during High-Pressure Serpentinization: Implication for Deep Carbon Storage at Forearc Mantle
Tao R, Daniel I, Andreani M, Montagnac G & Carbon H
(2018) Metamorphic “Unconventional” Hydrocarbons in Subduction Zones
Vitale A, Martinez I, Sverjensky DA, Daniel I & Piccoli F
(2018) From Adsorption to Reaction: A Study of Nucleotide-Mineral Interactions
Pedreira-Segade U, Daniel I, Michot L & Rogers K
(2018) Influence of Trace Elements on the Adsorption of Nucleotides onto Clays: Implications for the Origin of Life
Hao J, Mokhtari M, Pedreira-Segade U, Michot L & Daniel I
(2017) Influence of the Liquid-Liquid Transition in Water on the Solvent-Solute Properties in Carbonate Solutions at High Pressure
Facq S & Daniel I
(2017) Compatibility of Amino Acids in Ice: Implications for the Origin of Life in a Freezing World
Hao J, Giovenco E, Pedreira-Segade U & Daniel I
(2017) Effects of Salinity on the Adsorption of Nucleotides onto Phyllosilicates
Pedreira-Segade U, Michot L & Daniel I
(2017) Global Serpentinization and H2 Production at Mid-Ocean Ridges: 200 Ma to Present
Garcia del Real P, Daniel I, Andreani M, Wright N & Coltice N
(2016) Aqueous Acetate Coexisting with Immiscible Fluid Isobutane at Subduction Zone Pressures
Huang F, Daniel I, Cardon H, Montagnac G & Sverjensky D
(2016) Adsorption of Nucleotides onto Ferromagnesian Phyllosilicates: Significance for the Origin of Life
Daniel I, Pedreira-Segade U, Feuillie C, Pelletier M & Michot L
(2016) Polymerization of Glycine Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Pedreira-Segade U, Cros M & Daniel I
(2015) Solubility of Aragonite in Aqueous Fluids Under HP-HT Conditions
Facq S, Daniel I, Petitgirard S, Cardon H & Sverjensky D
(2014) Kinetics of Serpentinization in Aluminium- and Carbonate-Rich Hydrothermal Fluids
Pens M, Andreani M, Daniel I, Perrillat J-P, Hernandez J-A & Cardon H
(2014) Kinetics and Mechanism of Dehydration of Lawsonite and Blueschist
Daniel I, Perrillat J-P & Reynard B
(2013) Aqueous Carbonate Speciation in Equilibrium with Aragonite Under Subduction Zones Conditions
Facq S, Daniel I & Sverjensky D
(2011) Microbial Iron Reduction Under Deep Subsurface Pressure Conditions
Picard A, Testemale D, Hazemann J-L & Daniel I
(2011) High-Pressure Microbiology in the Synchrotron Light
Daniel I, Picard A, Testemale D & Hazemann J-L
(2011) Kinetics and Mechanism of Antigorite Dehydration: Implications for Subduction Zone Seismicity
Chollet M, Daniel I, Koga KT, Morard G & van de Moortèle B
(2010) Microbial Selenium and Iron Reduction Under High Pressure
Picard A, Daniel I, Oger P, Testemale D & Hazemann J-L
(2010) Solubility of Carbonate in Aqueous Fluids at HP-HT: A Combined X-Ray and Raman Spectroscopic Study
Daniel I, Petitgirard S & Sanchez-Valle C
(2009) Zr Speciation and Partitioning in SiO2-rich Aqueous Fluids and Silicate Melts
Louvel M, Sanchez Valle C, Petitgirard S, Cardon H, Daniel I & Cauzid J
(2008) Rheology of Serpentines, Seismicity and Mass Transfer in Subduction Zone
Reynard B, Hilairet N, Daniel I & Wang Y
(2004) In situ Investigation Under High Pressure and Temperature of the Limits of Life
Oger P, Picard A & Daniel I
(2004) From Hard to Soft Matter Using SR X-Ray Micro-Imaging
Simionovici A, Lemelle L, Golosio B, Chukalina M, El Goresy A, Daniel I, Oger P & Gillet P
(2004) Boron Isotopic Fractionations in High P-T Aqueous Fluids from in situ Vibrational Spectroscopic Data
Sanchez-Valle C, Reynard B, Daniel I, Martinez I & Chervin J
(2004) Trace Element Distribution between Antigorite and Fluid Near the Dehydration Conditions
Koga K, Reynard B & Daniel I
(2002) Experimental Study of Carbonate Aqueous Solutions at High Pressure and High Temperature
Martinez I, Sanchez Valle C, Daniel I, Philippot P, Reynard B & Simionovici A

Daniel J.W.R. (2012) Evaluation of 224Ra as a SGD Tracer in Long Island Sound
Garcia-Orellana J, Cochran JK, Daniel JWR, Rodellas V, Bokuniewicz H & Heilbrun C

Daniel K. (2009) Equilibrium Mercury Isotope Fractionation between Dissolved Hg(II) Species and Thiol-Bound Hg
Wiederhold JG, Cramer CJ, Daniel K, Infante I, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R

Daniel P. (2011) A Role of Plant Biomass-Derived Black Carbon in Electron Transfer Processes?
Wanzek T, Keiluweit M, Daniel P, Baham J & Kleber M

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