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Dohrmann Anja (2019) Microbial Redox Reactions during Underground Storage of Hydrogen
Dohrmann A & Krüger M

Dohrmann Anja Bettina (2022) Microbial Hydrogen Transformation during Underground Hydrogen Storage
Dohrmann AB & Krüger M

Dohrmann I. (2017) Widespread Diffusion of Oxygen from Oceanic Crust into Overlying Sediments in the NE Pacific Ocean – Early Diagenetic Consequences and Significance for Biogeochemical Cycles (RV SONNE SO240)
Kasten S, Versteegh G, Koschinsky A, Villinger H, Dohrmann I, Filsmair C, Fronzek J, Hartmann J, Kleint C, Preuss I, Ritter S & Kuhn T

Dohrmann R. (2015) Geochemical Evolution of Bentonite Clays within the First Alternative Buffer Material Test (ABM) – A Reactive Transport Modeling Study
Wallis I, Idiart A, Dohrmann R & Post V

Doi H. (2017) The Global Survey of Subseafloor Sedimentary Microbiomes
Hoshino T, Doi H, Wömer L, Morono Y, D'Hondt S, Hinrichs K-U & Inagaki F

Doi K. (2010) Transcriptional Analysis of the Response to Supersaturated Silicic Acid in Thermus Thermophilus
Fujino Y, Ohshima T, Yokoyma T & Doi K
(2010) Characterization of a Silica-Induced Protein in Thermus Thermophilus Related to Biosilicification
Doi K, Fujino Y, Ohshima T & Yokoyama T

Doi T. (2005) Depth Profile of Iodine and Bromine in Pore Waters Collected from the Nankai Trough
Doi T, Muramatsu Y, Matsumoto R, Takeuchi R, Tomaru H & Fehn U
(2003) Manganese in the Marginal Seas
Doi T, Obata H & Maruo M

Doichinova V. (2013) The Influence of Urbanisation on Forest Soils: Comparing Variability and Mobility of Potentially Toxic Elements and Carbon Sequestration between Urban Regions in Scotland and Bulgaria
Hursthouse A, Doichinova V & Zhiyanski M

Doiron Kelsey (2020) Records of Climate Change from Sediments in Vietnamese Maar Lakes
Doiron K, Schimmelmann A, Nguyễn-Văn H, Nguyễn-Thùy D & Brassell S
(2019) The Role of Geocatalysis in Abiogenic Methanogenesis: Evidence from Biomarker Transformations in a Maturity Transect of the Devonian New Albany Shale
Doiron K, Brassell S, Schimmelmann A, Drobniak A & Mastalerz M

Doiron Kelsey E (2023) Evolutionary Lineages of Alkenones Recorded in Cretaceous and Paleocene Sediments from the Transkei Basin (Iodp Site U1581)
Doiron KE, Brassell SC, Bijl PK, Wagner T, Herrle J, Uenzelmann-Neben G, Bohaty SM, Childress LB & Science Party IE3
(2022) Absence of Memory Effects in Shale Maturation Experiments with ‘Heavy Water’ 2H2O
Doiron KE, Schimmelmann A, Mastalerz M, Sauer PE & Brassell SC
(2022) Temporal Variations in the Sedimentary Records of Botryococcenes
Doiron KE & Brassell SC

Doisineau B. (2019) Insights on Late Accretion from Platinum Metal-Silicate Partitioning
Siebert J, Suer T-A, Remusat L, Borensztajn S, Doisineau B & Fiquet G

Doisneau B. (2018) Insights into Water-Rock Interactions in Carbonaceous Chondrites from µ/Nano-Xrd-Ct
Elmaleh A, Wright JP, Baptiste B, Tarantino SC, Doisneau B & Troadec D

Dokala B. (2015) Silicon Isotopes and Biogeochemical Processes in Indian Estuaries
Mangalaa KR, Cardinal D, Thil F, Dokala B & Sarma VVSS

Dokken T. (2012) Benthic S18O Signature of Dense Brine from Sea Ice Formation in the North Atlantic
Dokken T, Omar A & Li C
(2009) Surface Warming and and Ice-Rafting in North-Atlantic during MIS3: A Possible Link?
Jonkers L, Prins MA, Moros M, Dokken T & Brummer G-JA
(2009) New Mg/Ca Calibration of Benthic Foraminiferal Species: Mapping of the Tropical Thermocline Dynamics
Tisserand A, Dokken T, Scao V, Jorissen F, Fontanier C & Gherardi J-M

Doktycz M. (2010) Silver Nanoparticles: Biosynthesis and Comparative Toxicity on Gram -ve and Gram +ve Bacteria
Suresh AK, Pelletier D, Brown S, Gu B, Wang W, David A, David J, Phelps T & Doktycz M
(2010) Microbial Interactions with Engineered Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
Doktycz M, Suresh A, Wang W, Brown S, Gu B, Allison D, Joy D, Moon JW, Phelps T & Pelletier D

Dokuchits E. (2023) Fluid and Melt Inclusions as a Proxy for Physicochemical Conditions of Charoitite Formation, Murun Complex, Siberia, Russia
Dokuchits E, Jiang S-Y, Stepanov AS, Zhukova IA, Xiong S-F, Hussain A & Nkwazema OC

Dokuz A. (2021) Precious and Base Metal Crustal Fertility during Construction of the Eastern Pontides Arc, NE Turkey
Turlin F, Moritz R, Karsli O, Keskin S, Sönmez SU, Dokuz A & Aydin F
(2017) The Early Mesozoic Tectonothermal Events in the Eastern Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey
Karslı O, Aydin F, Uysal İ, Dokuz A, Kandemir R & Oğuz S
(2015) Petrology of the Late Cretaceous Volcanism in the Eastern Blacksea Region, NE-Turkey: Petrographical and Geochemical Constraints
Aydin F, Uysal I, Sen C, Oguz S, Baser R, Kandemir R, Dokuz A & Sari B

Dokyu M. (2016) Partitioning Behavior of Volatiles between Apatite and Melt in Natural Andesitic-Rhyolitic Magmas
Dokyu M, Kogiso T, Sano Y, Takahata N, Ishida A, Koike M, Kawakami T & Yasuda A

Dolado J. (2017) Formation of a Quasi 2D-Layer of Protons in Hydroxides at High Pressure
Dupuis R, Dolado J, Surga J, Benoit M & Ayuela A

Dolan A. (2012) Global Warmth during the Pliocene: A CO2 Paradox?
Haywood A, Lunt D, Dolan A & Hill D

Dolant A. (2021) Mixing the RiverLab and Deep Learning for Augmenting Critical Zone Monitoring
Dolant A, Floury P, Blanchouin A, Nespoulet R & Cordier L

Dolch K. (2011) On the Multitude of Niches for Bacteria and Archaea in an Acidic Biofilm
Ziegler S, Dolch K, Majzlan J & Gescher J

Dolci G. (2019) Life Cycle Assessment of a CO2 Negative Emission Process Through H2 from Biomass, Ocean Liming and CO2 Storage
Beccari Barreto B, Campo F, Caserini S, Dolci G & Grosso M

Dold B. (2021) REE Enrichment in the Karst Bauxites of Sierra de Bahoruco (Dominican Republic)
Villanova-De-Benavent C, Proenza JA, Aiglsperger T, Abat LT, Domènech C, Rodríguez J, Ramírez A & Dold B
(2019) Reductive Dissolution of Magnetite from Iron Mine Tailings: Potential Impacts in Coastal Environments
Palau J, Benaiges R, Offeddu F, Urmeneta J, Soler J, Cama J & Dold B
(2019) Reductive Dissolution of Fe(III) Oxides by Shewanella Loihica Under Submarine Tailings Disposal Conditions
Benaiges-Fernandez R, Palau J, Offedu FG, Cama J, Urmeneta J, Soler J & Dold B
(2019) The Genesis of Exótica, Chuquicamata, Chile
Pinget M-C, Dold B & Fontboté L
(2019) Sourcing of Critical Elements and Industrial Minerals from Mine Waste to Solve the Mine Waste Problem
Dold B
(2017) Fe and Cu Isotope Fractionation in Acidic Mine Tailings: Modification and Application of a Sequential Extraction Method
Roebbert Y, Rabe K, Lazarov M, Schippers A, Dold B & Weyer S
(2017) Dynamics of Arsenic in Pozuelos Basin, Central Andes, Argentina
Murray J, Nordstrom DK, Dold B & Kirschbaum A
(2016) Evolution of a Peraluminous REE Enriched Garnet Granite Towards a World Class HREE Enriched Ion-Exchange Deposit, Penco, Chile
Dold B, Belmar A, Marquardt M & Albornoz A
(2015) The Importance Mineralogy and Geochemistry in Biomining
Dold B
(2013) Acid Rock Drainage in Antarctica – Importance for Global Iron Cycling in the Southern Ocean
Dold B, Gonzalez-Toril E, Aguilera A, Lopez-Pamo E, Cisternas ME & Amils R
(2013) Zinc Melanterite Formation from Acid Mine Drainage in Pan de Azúcar Mine (Zn-Pb-Ag), Northwest Argentina
Murray J, Kirschbaum A & Dold B
(2013) Metal Mobilization by Iron- and Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria in a Multiple Extreme Mine Tailings in the Atacama Desert, Chile
Korehi H, Blöthe M, Sitnikova MA, Dold B & Schippers A
(2008) Geochemical Evolution of Marine Shore Mine Tailings in an Hyperarid Climate
Bea Jofré SA, Ayora C, Carrera J & Dold B
(2008) Tailings Deposition in Hyper-Arid Climate: Stable Isotopes as Tracer of Geochemical and Mixing Processes
Smuda JG, Spangenberg JE & Dold B
(2006) Stable Isotope Composition of Waters from Porphyry Copper Mine Tailings in Different Climatic Environments, Chile
Spangenberg JE, Dold B, Vogt M-L & Pfeifer H-R
(2006) Tracing Water and Dissolved Sulfate Sources in Active Mine Tailings Using S, H and O Isotopes
Smuda J, Spangenberg JE & Dold B
(2004) Hydrogeochemistry of the Active Tailings Impoundment Talabre, Chuquicamata, Chile
Dold B, Vogt M, Spangenberg J & Kobek M
(2002) Study of Water-Soluble Sulfates in Tailings Profiles from Porphyry Copper Deposits by Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes
Dold B & Spangenberg JE

Dolder F. (2013) Tracking High-Ph Reaction Fronts in MX-80 Bentonite Using Infiltration Techniques and 4D CT
Dolder F, Mäder U & Jenni A

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