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Chen Ming (2022) Constraining Elemental Partitioning and Isotope Fractionation of Mantle Minerals with in situ Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction
Zhang D, Xu J, Dera P, Chen B, Chen M, Eng P & Prakapenka V

Chen Ming-Ni (2020) Source Apportionment of PM10 in the Urban-Rural Fringe Area of Central Taiwan Using Chemical Properties and Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Ratios
Wu P-C, Huang K-F, Hsu C-F, Chen M-N & Liang M-C

Chen Mingming (2017) Light Effect on N2 Fixation and Diazotroph Derived Nitrogen Net Release of Field Trichodesmium
Lu Y, Wen Z, Shi D, Chen M, Zhang Y, Li Y, Tian J & Kao S-J

Chen Na (2022) Evaluating the Chemical Reactivity of Dusts from Mining and Upgrading of the Athabasca Bituminous Sands (ABS) in Alberta, Canada Using Trace Elements in Moss and Snow
Barraza F, Chen N, Javed MB, Noernberg T & Shotyk W
(2022) Trace Elements in Peat Bog Surface Waters and Sphagnum Moss Porewaters: Indicators of Dissolution of Atmospheric Dusts from Open Pit Mining and Other Industrial Activities
Shotyk W, Barraza F, Butt SA, Chen N, Cuss CW, Devito K, Frost LV, Grant-Weaver I, Javed MB & Noernberg T
(2021) Trace Elements in Surface Water of Ombrotrophic Bogs Indicate the Dissolution of Dust Particles Generated by Mining Activities in Northern Alberta
Butt SA, Shotyk W, Barraza F, Chen N, Cuss CW, Frost L, Grant-Weaver I, Javed MB, Oleksandrenko A & Pei L
(2021) Size Distribution of Trace Elements in Sphagnum Mosses within the Athabasca Bituminous Sands Region
Chen N, Shotyk W, Barraza F, Belland R, Javed MB, Cuss CW & Grant-Weaver I

Chen Nai-Chen (2023) The Modern Freshwater Component in Baltic Sea Glacial Clays
Chen N-C, Mörth C-M, Hong W-L, Roth F, Andrén T, O'Regan M, Stranne C, Huang T-H, Gyllencreutz R, Regnell C, Linderholm A, Humborg C & Jakobsson M

Chen Nan
(2010) Application of Lead Isotopic Mapping to Pollution Sources
Chang X-Y, Chen N, Fu S-M, Tu X-L & Zhu B-Q

Chen Nengsong (2021) Late Mesoproterozoic Low-P/T–type Metamorphism in the North Wulan Terrane: Implications for the Assembly of Rodinia
Wang L, Johnston ST, Chen N & Xia B
(2020) Porphyroblastic Andalusite Zoned Microstructures Respond to Multiple Pulse Magma Emplacements?
Chen N, Chen B & Yang T
(2019) Preservation Rate of 2.3 Ga Detrital Zircon on Sedimentary Section and Implication for Tectonics
Chen N & Zhang L

Chen Nengwang (2018) Hydro-Biogeochemical Controls on Ammonium Behaviors Across the River-Estuary Interface: Addition or Removal
Yu D, Chen N, Krom M, Cheng P, Yu F, Hong H & Gao X
(2016) Nutrient Delivery and Cycling in the Jiulong River-Estuary System, China
Chen N

Chen Ning (2020) Selenium Oxyanion Uptake on Iron Oxides and Pyroaurites: Probing Mechanisms Using 18O Tracing
Larese-Casanova P, Yue P, Schellenger A, Chen N, Peak D, Bompoti N, Chrysochoou M & Onnis-Hayden A
(2019) From Waste to Resource: The Use of Schwertmannite to Remove Oxoanions
Peiffer S, Klug M, Marouane B, Chen N, Obst M, Eberhardt J, Susan R & Diana B
(2019) Adsorption Mechanism of Selenite and Selenate on Schwertmannite
Marouane B, Chen N, Obst M & Peiffer S
(2019) Structural Controls on Cu2+ Sorption Behavior in Biogenic Birnessite
Liu Y, Li Y, Chen N, Ding H & Lu A
(2017) Sub-Nanoscale Characterization by XANES of Vanadium Speciation in Oil Sands Fluid Petroleum Coke
Chen N, Nesbitt J & Lindsay M
(2013) Synthesis of Symplesite (Fe<sub>3</sub>(AsO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>8H2O)
Xu L, Jia Y, Jiang D, Chen N, Reid J & Demopoulos GP
(2012) Synchrotron XAS and Single-Crystal EPR Study of Arsenic Speciation in Struvite
Lin J, Chen N & Pan Y
(2008) EXAFS Characterization of Poorly Crystalline Ferric Arsenate Undergoing Transformation to Scorodite
Chen N, Le Berre J-F, Warner J, Cutler J, Jiang D, Rowson J & Demopoulos G

Chen P (2005) Boron Isotope Variation and its Environmental Implication in Wuquan River Estuary, Hainan Island, China
Ge C, Jiang S, Ling H & Chen P
(2005) Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Cretaceous Basalts in South China and Constraint on Pacific Plate Subduction
Chen W, Chen P, Xu X & Zhang M
(2005) Petrogenesis of Mesozoic Strongly Peraluminous Granites in South China: Implication for Tectonic Domains Transform
Sun T, Zhou X, Wang Z, Chen P, Li H, Zhou H & Shen W
(2004) Petrogenesis of Early-Jurassic Syenite-Granite Complex in Nanling Range, South China
Chen P, Zhou X, Xu X, Fan C, Sun T, Chen W & Zhang M
(2003) Geochemistry and Tectonic Implication of A-Type Granites in Mid Nanling Range, South China
Chen P, Zhou X, Hua R & Xu X
(2003) Geochemistry of Three Metallogenic Types Related to Mesozoic Continental Crust Remelting Type Granitoids in the Nanling Range, South China
Hua R, Chen P & Zhang W

Chen Pei-Hao (2016) Boron Isotope Systematics in Small Mountainous Rivers of Taiwan
Huang K-F, Liu Y-H, Wang R-M, Huang J-C & Chen P-H
(2016) The Influence of Weathering Processes on Riverine Uranium Isotopes in Small Mountainous Rivers of Taiwan
Wang R-M, Huang K-F, Huang J-C, Chen P-H & Shih Y-T

Chen Peijun (2018) Solid-Liquid Equilibria in the Aqueous Subsystems of K-Rb-Cs-So4-H2O
Zeng Y, Yu X, Peng Y, Feng S, Zhuge F, Chen P, Wu L & Sun J

Chen Peiyuan (2020) Groundwater Recharge and Hydrogeochemical Evolution of Longdong Loess Basin, NW China
Ling X, Ma J & Chen P

Chen Pengcheng (2018) Functional Microbial Communities Involved in Nitrate Reduction and Fe(II) Oxidation Commonly Present in Different Paddy Soils
Li X, Chen P, Li S & Li F
(2015) Iron and Arsenic Redox Cycling in Paddy Soil
Li FB, Huang W, Hu M, Li S & Chen P

Chen Ping (2019) Geochemistry of a Source Rock – Dominated Late Triassic Coals: A Case Study of the Dabaoding Coal Mine in Panzhihua, Sichuan Province, Southwestern China
Chen P, Hu Y, Chen J & Sha J
(2016) Geochemistry of Trace Elements in Neogene Lignite from the Mengtuo of Lincang, Western Yunnan, China
Chen J, Chen P & Yao D
(2016) Studies on Difference of Chemical Constitutes of Ambient Particles Emitted from Xuanwei Coal Combustion, Bottom Ashes and Raw Coal Samples by Using of ATOFMS
Lu S, Liu P, Chen P, Liu M, Zhang W, Wang Q, Wang Q & Yonemochi S
(2010) Characteristics of Coal Petrology and its Genesis of Jurassic Coal in Ordos Basin in China
Huang W, Xiao X, Tang X & Chen P

Chen Qi (2023) PGE Transport in Sodium Silicate Melt: Insights from X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Chen Q, Huffaker J, Newville M, Lanzirotti A & Lundstrom C
(2023) Solubility of PGE in a Sodium Silicate Fluid
Huffaker J, Chen Q & Lundstrom C
(2021) Xenon High Pressure Crystal-Chemistry, Partitioning, and Isotopic Fractionation: What Does that Tell us About Atmosphere Formation on Earth and Mars
Sanloup C, Chen Q, Rzeplinski I, Bureau H, Horlait D, Shen G, Farla R, Gilabert E & Glazyrin K
(2021) Xenon Behavior in Deep Crust
Chen Q, Sanloup C, Bureau H, Glazyrin K & Farla R
(2020) Linking Microbial Population Succession and DOM Molecular Transformation in Synechococcus-Derived Organic Matter Addition Incubations
Wang Y, Xie R, Chen Q, Cai R, He C, Guo W, Shi Q, Jiao N & Zheng Q
(2016) Molecular Markers of Secondary Organic Aerosol in Mumbai, India
Fu P, Aggarwal SG, Chen J, Li J, Sun Y, Wang Z, Chen H, Liao H, Ding A, Umarji GS, Patil RS, Chen Q & Kawamura K
(2016) In situ Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of Nitrogen Speciation in Hydrothermal Fluids
Chen Q & Ni H

Chen Qian (2021) Trace Element Composition and Stability of the Hydroxysulfate Mineral Schwertmannite
Chen Q, Cohen D & Andersen M
(2020) Enhanced Cooling of the Mantle Caused by the Launch of Modern Plate Tectonics
Liu H, Johnson T, Chen Q, Lu Y & Sun W

Chen Qiang (2012) Early Diagenesis of Redox-Sensitive Elements in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence
Chen Q, Mucci A, Sundby B & Minarik W

Chen Qianglu (2020) Variation of Geochemical Occurrences of Rare Earth Elements in Shale during Simulated Hydrocarbon Generation
Ma L, Chen Q, Wang J & Yang Z
(2020) The Nature of Fluid in Strike-Slip Faults, Shunbei Ultra-Deep Oil Field, Tarim Basin
You D, Cao Z, Han J, Qian Y & Chen Q

Chen Qianqian (2017) Sedimentary δ13Corg and Pigments in Coastal Ponds of Ross Sea, East Antarctica and their Paleoenvironmental Implication
Liu X, Chen Q, Wei Y, Jin J & Nie Y

Chen Qing (2011) DIE Model and Compensation Method Applied in Through-Casing Resistivity Measurement
Chen Q
(2011) Research on Geochemistry Model of Nanhe W-Mo-Cu Deposit in Southwest Section of Qinzhou-Hangzhou Metallogenic Belt
An Y, Zhou Y, Lv W, Tan X, Chen Q, Bai M & Zhang Y

Chen Qingcai (2020) Sources and Characteristics of HULIS and Other Organic Aerosol Components in Beijing: Results from offline-Ams and FT-Ir Analyses
Zhou R, Chen Q, Chen J, Fu P, Deng Y, Vodicka P, Deshmukh D, Kawamura K & Mochida M

Chen Qinghu (2020) Terpenoids in the Surface Soils from Different Ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau
Bai Y, Chen Q, Fang X, Chen C & Liu X

Chen Qingtang (2020) Geochemical Features of Cretaceous Crude Oil and Oil-Source Correlation in Guaizihu Sag, Yin’gen-E’ji’naqi Basin,China
Wang P, Jiang H, Chen Q & Shi D

Chen Qu (2019) Seasonal Variations of Molecular Distribution and Carbon Isotopic Compositions (13C and 14C) of N-Fatty Acids in Aerosols of Qingdao, China
Chen Q, Yu M, Hou P, Eglinton TI, Haghipour N, Wacker L & Zhao M

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