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Chen Cynthia (2012) Osmium Contamination of Seawater Samples Stored in Polyethylene Bottles
Sharma M, Chen C, Blazina T & Landau K
(2008) Signals of Anthropogenic Os in Surface Waters from Precipitation
Chen C & Sharma M

Chen D (2006) Zircon Lu-Hf and U-Pb isotopic compositions in ultrahigh-pressure eclogite from Dabie orogen, Eastern Central China
Chen D, Ni T, Deloule E & Li B
(2005) Synchronized Study on Micro-Scale U-Pb Ages and Oxygen Isotopes for Metamorphic Zircons from Dabie-Sulu Orogen, Eastern Central China
Chen D, Deloule E, Xia Q, Li B & Ni T
(2004) Early Cooling History of Huangzhen Eclogite from Southern Dabieshan: Comparative Study of U-Pb, Ar-Ar Ages and Garnet Diffusion Kinetics
Chen D, Cheng H, Deloule E & Li B
(2004) Geochemistry of Pore Waters as Indicators for the Potential Gas Hydrate Occurrence in the South China Sea
Yang J, Jiang S, Yang T, Xue Z, Ling H, Chen D, Wu N & Liu J
(2003) Micro-Scale Zircon Oxygen Isotopic Compositions and U-Pb SIMS Dating from Dabie-Sulu Orogen, China
Chen D, Deloule E, Li B, Cheng H & Xia Q

Chen D.h. (2009) Geochemical Characteristics of Cold Seep Carbonates as Records of Gas Venting in Shenhu Area, Northern South China Sea
Ge L, Jiang SY, Yang T, Yang JH, Swennen R, Chen DH, Liu J & Wu NY

Chen Daizhao (2017) Zn-Sr Isotope Evidence for Sea-Level Falls and Constraints on the Frasnian-Famennian Mass Extinction
Wang X, Liu S-A, Chen D & Zhang L

Chen Dan-Dan (2016) The Redox Status of Outer-Membrane C-Type Cytochromes in a Cell Suspension of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Wu Y-D, Chen D-D, Liu T-X & Li F-B
(2016) A Diffuse-Transmission Spectral Method for Quantifying Outer Membrane C-Type Cytochromes in Intact Cells
Luo X, Liu T, Li F & Chen D
(2016) The Contributions of Biotic and Abiotic Processes in a Nitrate-Dependent Fe(II) Oxidation System
Chen D, Li F, Liu T, Luo X & Li X

Chen Dan-Ling (2014) Stability Pressure of the Supersilicic Garnet in the SiO2 Saturated System — Constraining the Peak Pressure of the UHP Gneiss from the Songshugou Area in the North Qinling
Liu L, Zhang J, Wu Y, Cao Y & Chen D
(2014) Mineral Geochemistry of Garnet, Apatite and Rutile in a Leucosome Intergrowth with UHP Eclogite from the North Qaidam of NW China
Chen D, Ren R & Liu L
(2011) The Inclusions of Carbonates in UHP Eclogite from the South Altyn Tagh, Northwest China: A New Constraint for its Peak Metamorphic Pressure
Liu L, Cao Y-T, Wang C, Chen D-L, Kang L & Yang W-Q
(2011) Atoll Garnet in the Yukahe UHP Eclogite: Evidence for Melt/Fluid Activity during the Eclogitic Facies Metamorphism
Chen D, Liu L & Liu X
(2010) Nb and Ta in the Rutiles from Eclogite in the Yuka, the North Qaidam UHP Belt in NW China
Zhao J, Chen D, Liu L & Zhu X
(2010) Multistage Metamorphic Evolution of Garnet Peridotite from Altyn Tagh UHP Terrane, NW China: Records Related to Slab Subduction and Exhumation History
Wang C, Liu L & Chen D
(2010) The Retrograde Partial Melting of the Xitieshan UHP Eclogite from the North Qaidam, NW China
Chen D, Liu L, Sun Y & Zhu X
(2010) Dating of Multi-Stage Metamorphism Events: Constraints on Episodic Zircon Growth from Retrograded Eclogites of the South Altyn Tagh, China
Liu L, Chen D, Wang C, Cao Y, Kang L, Yang W & Zhu X
(2008) Geochemistry and Geochronology of the North Qaidam UHP Terrane, NW China
Chen D, Liu L & Sun Y

Chen Dandan (2019) Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Fractionation during Nitrate-Reducing Fe(II) Oxidation Mediated by Acidovorax sp. Strain BoFeN1
Chen D, Kappler A, Chen G, Cao F, Li F & Liu T
(2018) The C-Type Cytochromes in Extra Polymer Substances Dominate Biological Cr(VI) Reduction
Luo X, Wu Y, Liu T, Li F & Chen D
(2018) Chemodenitrification: An Important Route to Emit Greenhouse Gas N2O Under Anoxic Conditions
Chen D, Liu T, Li F & Zhao W
(2017) Fe(II) Oxidation by Nitrite Under Anoxic Conditions: pH Effect and Secondary Minerals
Chen D, Liu T & Li F

Chen Danling (2016) Muti-Stage Metamorphic Evolution of the North Qinling Belt: Constraints from Petrology and Zircon U-Pb Study on Zhaigen and Songshugou Retrograde Eclogites
Liao X, Liu L, Gai Y & Chen D
(2016) The Subducted Mesoproterozoic Oceanic Crust in the North Qaidam: Constraints from Geochemistry, Zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Study on Yuka Talc-Bearing Eclogite
Ren Y, Chen D, Gong X & Liu L

Chen Daogong (2008) Re-Os and Lu-Hf Isotope Evidence for the Genesis of Pyroxenite from Northern Dabie Ultrahigh Pressure Complex Belt, Eastern Central China
Chen D, Meng Q, Ni T & Zhi X
(2007) Zircon Lu-Hf Isotope and its Significance to Ultra-High Pressure Metamorphic Rocks from Dabie Terrain, Eastern China
Chen D, Deloule E, Li B & Ni T

Chen Deping (2021) Super Critical Fluids in Quartz Phenocrysts of Porphyritic Granitic Dyke in the Dongping Gold Deposit, Northern China
Xu J, Chu H, Chen D, Wei H & Zhang G

Chen Dima (2017) Decoupled Distribution of Plant- and Microbial-Derived Organic Carbon in Mongolian Grassland Soils
Ma T, Zhu S, Chen D, Bai Y, Wang Z & Feng X

Chen Donghua (2020) Reconstruction and Quantitative Evaluation of Porosity Evolution during Diagenesis -- Implication for Carbonate Reservoir Development
Yang L, Yu L, Chen D, Li C, Liu K, Li Z, Tang X, Gao Z, Liu D & Yang W

Chen Dongxia (2016) Origin of Discharged Water from a Shale Gas Reservoir of the Xujiahe Fm in the Sichuan Basin, China
Liu C, Chen D & Liu K

Chen Dongyu (2023) Effect of Lithium on Seven Phytoplanktonic Species and their δ7Li
Chen D, Oberhänsli F, Rabouille S, Orani AM, Sdiri K, BEN-Gharbia H, Thibon F, Weppe L, Montanes M, Metian M & Vigier N
(2021) Exploring the Role of Environmental and Ecological Parameters on Lithium Isotope Composition of Marine Carbonates
Chen D, Thibon F, Weppe L, Felbacq A & Vigier N

Chen Duofu (2023) Quantification of the Sources of Sedimentary Organic Carbon at Methane Seeps: A Case Study from the South China Sea
Li N, Jin M, Peckmann J, Chen D & Feng D
(2023) Elevated Nutrients and Surface Chlorophyll-A Associated with Natural Methane Seeps Inthe Haima Cold Seep Area of the Qiongdongnan Basin, Northern South China Sea
Di P, Li N & Chen D
(2021) Probing the Sedimentary DOM in the Deepest Sector of Earth’s Surface
Hu T, Luo M, Wünsch UJ, Xu Y, Fang J & Chen D
(2020) Characteristics of the Dissolved Organic Matter in Mariana Trench Sediments
Hu T, Luo M & Chen D
(2020) Elemental and Mineralogical Compositions of Sediments in the Atacama Trench
Luo M, Chen Y, Chen D, Wenzhöfer F & Glud R
(2020) Carbonate-Associated Sulfate in Seep-Bivalve Shells: A New Proxy for Isotope Composition of Seawater Sulfate
Gong S, Feng D & Chen D
(2018) Triple Sulfur Isotope Relationship during Sulfate Reduction via Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Peng Y, Gong S, Bao H, Feng D, Cao X, Crockford P, Roberts H & Chen D
(2018) The Impact of Gas Seepage Activity on Iron Release from South China Sea Subsurface Sediments
Li N, Feng D, Wang H & Chen D
(2017) Sedimentary Characters of Surface Sediments in the Southern Mariana Trench, Western Pacific
Luo M & Chen D
(2017) More Reducing Bottom-Water Redox Conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Southern Challenger Deep (Mariana Trench, Western Pacific) Driven by Enhanced Productivity
Luo M & Chen D
(2017) Provenances, Distribution, and Accumulation of Organic Matter in the Southern Mariana Trench Rim and Slope: Implication for Carbon Cycle and Burial in Hadal Trenches
Chen L, Luo M & Chen D
(2016) Lipid Biomarkers and their Stable Carbon Isotope Investigation of Ancient Seep Carbonates from SW Taiwan
Guan H, Chen D & Wang Q
(2016) Carbonate-Associated Sulfate Provide the Geological Record of Sulfate-Driven Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Feng D, Peng Y, Bao H, Peckmann J & Chen D
(2014) New Insights into Ce Anomalies and Mechanisms of Trace Metal Enrichment in Seep Carbonates
Hu Y, Feng D, Peckmann J, Roberts H & Chen D
(2013) Pockmark Activity Inferred from Pore Water Geochemistry in Shallow Sediments of the Pockmark Field in Southwestern Xisha Uplift, Northwestern South China Sea
Luo M & Chen D
(2012) Timing and Source of Cold Seeps at the Northern Slope of South China Sea: Evidence from U/Th Dating and Sr Isotopes
Tong H, Feng D, Cheng H, Yang S, Wang H, Min AM, Edwards RL & Chen D
(2012) The Analysis of solution-ICP-MS of Rare Earth Elements of Carbonate Minerals in Carbonate Rocks
Chen L, Li C & Chen D
(2011) Carbonate Rocks from Fluid and Gas Expulsion Sites of the Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico: Analysis and Interpretation
Bian Y, Tong H, Feng D, Roberts H & Chen D
(2011) Late Cretaceous Hydrocarbon Seep Carbonates from Kardoi Village, Tibet, China
Tong H, Bian Y, Feng D & Chen D
(2010) Redox Variations Indicated from Rare Earth Elements of the Authigenic Carbonates from Cold Seeps of the Gulf of Mexico
Bian Y, Feng D, Lin Z, Chen D & Roberts H
(2010) U/Th Dating of Cold-Seep Carbonates: Timing and Duration of Fluid Seepage
Feng D, Cheng H, Roberts H, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G & Chen D
(2010) Contribution of Methane Seeps to the Post-Marinoan Cap Carbonate? Evidence from Carbon Isotope and Petrology in Yangtze Gorges Area, South China
Lin Z, Feng D, Liu Q & Chen D
(2010) Sedimentary and Geochemical Evidence for Methane Seep from a Dolomite Chemoherm in the Nantuo (Marinoan) Glacial Deposit, Zunyi Area, SW China
Liu Q, Feng D, Lin Z & Chen D
(2010) A Kinetic Model for Hydrate Precipitated from Venting Methane Gas at Seep Site: Application to the Southern Summit of Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Margin off Oregon
Cao Y, Su Z, Chen D & Cathles LM
(2008) Gas Vents Through Pockmarks and its Effect on Gas Hydrate Stability Below Seafloor
Su Z, Cathles L & Chen D
(2008) Rare Earth Element of Cold Seep Carbonates: A Comparative Study
Feng D, Chen D, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G & Roberts H

Chen E.H. (2012) Probing the Interactions between Glutamic Acid and Diopside
Estrada CF, Chen EH, Geiger FM, Sverjensky DA & Hazen RM
(2010) Zinc Interaction with Glucosamine-Functionalized Fused Silica/Water Interfaces at pH 7 and 10 mM NaCl Studied by Second Harmonic and Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation
Chen EH & Geiger FM

Chen F (2006) Geochemistry of mafic to ultramafic granulites from the Larsemann Hills, east Antarctica
Tong L, Jahn B-M, Chen F, Liu X & Wang Y
(2004) Isotope Biogeochemistry: Carbon-Isotope Composition of Leaf Tissue and Pigments in a C3-plant
Yeh H, Yang C & Chen F
(2004) Timing of Mylonitization along the Bavarian Pfahl Zone, Bohemian Massif: Implications from U-Pb and Pb-Pb Radiometric Ages
Siebel W, Chen F, Blaha U, Rohrmueller J & Shang C
(2004) Early Paleozoic Magmatism in the Baoshan-Tengchong Block of the Tethyan Yunnan, China
Chen F, Siebel W & Guo J
(2003) Genetic Effect on Carbon Isotope Composition of a C3-plant
Yeh H, Yang C & Chen F

Chen F Y (2006) Exsolved phases in apatites from the Qinglongshan eclogite, Jiangsu Province: A preliminary study
Chen J, Zeng LS, Chen FY & Liang FH

Chen Fahu (2013) Tetraether Records for the Last 60 kyr from a Loess-Paleosol Sequence in the Western Chinese Loess Plateau
Jia G, Rao Z, Zhang J, Li Z & Chen F

Chen Fangyuan (2009) Melt-Rock Interactions during the Early Stages of Rapid Exhumation of a Deeply Subducted Continental Slab
Zeng L, Asimow P, Eiler J, Chen J & Chen F

Chen Fanrong (2019) Heavy Metals Incorporated in Calcite Changed its Dissolution Process
Wu S, Zhang X, Yang Y & Chen F
(2017) The Effect of Impurity Cations in Calcite on its Dissolution: A Case Study of Mn2+, CO2+ and Cd2+
Zhang X, Wu S & Chen F

Chen Feiran (2016) Discovery of High-Quality Source Rocks in the Old Cratonic Tarim Basin, China
Zhu G & Chen F

Chen Feizhou (2016) In situ Investigation into the Photoinduced Alternation of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in an Alpine Lake
Du Y, Zhang Y, Chen F, Chang Y & Liu Z
(2015) Characterizing Dissolved Organic Matter in Lakes along the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River, China Using EEM-Parafac: Insights into the Effect of Anthropogenic Activities
Du Y, Chen F & Liu Z

Chen Feng (2020) Population Dynamics of Estuarine Microbiome and their Response to Nutrients and Dissolved Organic Matter
Wang H, Chen F, Tao J, Zhang C & Kan J
(2020) Coupling of Bacterial Diversity and Dissolved Organic Matter Chemodiversity
Zhao Z, Gonsior M, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Zhan Y, Zhang R, Jiao N & Chen F
(2018) The Mixture of Rhyolite and Carbonate: Deciphering the Mystery of So-Called “Lamprophyre” Dike in Xikuangshan, South China
Ren M, Qiu L, Yan D-P, Wells M & Chen F

Chen Fenxiong (2013) Mineralogical Evidence of High-Fluoride Oxidizing Fluid in Baiyanghe U-Be-Mo Deposit, Xinjiang, China
Zhang C, Wang G, Song H, Chen F & Wang B

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