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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chemtob S. (2018) Oxidative Transformations of Ferrous Iron Smectites on Mars
Chemtob S, Rivera-Banuchi V, Kamali S, Catalano J, Morris R, Agresti D, Liu W & Yee N
(2016) Clay Formation and Metal Repartitioning during Isochemical Hydrothermal Basalt Alteration
Nickerson R, Chemtob S & Catalano J
(2014) Si Isotope Fractionation during Iron-Silica Aqueous Interaction in the Precambrian Ocean
Chemtob S, Catalano J, Savage P & Moynier F
(2013) Si Isotope Systematics of Acidic Alteration of Fresh Kilauean Basalts
Chemtob S, Rossman G, Young E, Ziegler K, Eiler J & Hurowitz J
(2011) Silica Coatings on Young Hawaiian Basalts: Constraints on Formation Mechanism from Silicon Isotopes
Chemtob S, Hurowitz J, Guan Y, Ziegler K, Eiler J & Rossman G

Chen Ai-Ti (2021) Groundwater Anomaly Related to CCS-CO2 Injection and the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake in Japan
Sano Y, Kagoshima T, Takahata N, Shirai K, Park J-O, Snyder GT, Shibata T, Yamamoto J, Nishio Y, Chen A-T, Xu S, Zhao D & Pinti DL
(2021) Helium Isotopic Signature in the Ilan Plain, NE Taiwan: Geochemical Evidences of a Magmatic Source
Chen A-T, Sano Y, Chen C-H, Takahata N, Lo C-H, Yang T, Liu T-K & Wang Y
(2013) Gas Geochemistry and Soil CO2 Flux in Active Volcanic Areas, China
Wen H-Y, Yang T, Guo Z, Fu C-C, Chen A-T & Zhang M
(2013) First Tritium-Helium Dating Results of Groundwater in Central Taiwan
Chen A-T, Yang TF, Liu T-K, Sano Y, Takahata N, Chen K-Y & Wang Y

Chen Aiping (2022) Oxidation Pathways of UO2 Thin Film Under Combined Oxygen-Humidity-Radiation Conditions Probed by XAFS
Liu J, Stubbs J, Eng P, Kelly S, Sun C, Xu H, Conradson SD, Chen A & Guo X

Chen Aiti (2019) Helium Isotopic Signature of the Plate Boundary Suture in an Active Arc-Continent Collision Setting, Eastern Taiwan
Chen A, Shen C-C, Byrne TB, Sano Y, Takahata N, Yang TF & Wang Y
(2016) Precise Measurements of Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Abundance in Cave Dripping Water in Three Selected Caves in East Asia
Chen A, Shen C-C, Tan M, Li T-Y, Uemura R & Asami R

Chen Anxia (2021) Modification of Fluids in Subduction Channel: Evidence from Barium Isotopes of Western Alps Whiteschis
Chen A, Gu X, Zeng Z, Xiao Z, Chen Y-X & Huang F

Chen Ao (2015) Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Cl- and Na+ Concentrations and Selected Solutes in Salted Urban Watersheds
Long D, Voice T, Chen A, Xing F, Lee E, Li S-G & Huiyun W

Chen B (2006) Protolith nature and element mobility of eclogite-facies metabasite and metagranite in a continental subduction-zone.
Zhao Z-F, Zheng Y-F, Chen B & Wu Y-B

Chen Baixin (2007) Fate of CO2 Leaked from Seabed
Chen B, Nishio M, Song Y & Akai M

Chen Bao-Shan (2018) Physical and Biogeochemical Controls on pH Dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico during Hypoxia Season
Jiang Z-P, Cai W-J, Wang K, Han C, Chen B-S, Li Q & Feneel K

Chen Baoyun (2020) Silurian High Alumina Gabbroic Plutons Implying an Arc Setting in East Tianshan, Southern CAOB
Chen B & Yu J

Chen Bei (2023) Developments in AusGeochem: A Platform for Geochemical Data Storage, Dissemination, Visualisation and Analysis
Dalton H, Ware B, Boone S, Gréau Y, Ananuer H, Nixon A, Hodgekiss S-A, Kohlmann F, Theile M, Noble W, Chen B, Dux F, Koutamanis D, Wang X, McMillan M, Stirling JE, Zhou R, Armistead S, McInnes BIA, Prent A & Kohn B
(2022) Evolution and Growth Rate of the European Continental Crust
Zhu Z, Campbell I, Allen CM & Chen B
(2020) What is Under the Antarctic Ice: A U-Pb, O and Lu-Hf Isotopes Investigation?
Chen B & Campbell I
(2019) The Growth of the Australian Continent
Chen B, Campbell I & Allen C

Chen Bei-Bei (2020) Seasonal Variations of Sr and Ca Isotopes of Headwaters in the Yangtze River, China
Chen B-B, Li S-L, Pogge von Strandmann P, Zhong J, Ma T-T, Xiao M & Liu C-Q

Chen Beibei (2021) Ca and Sr Isotope in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau: Implication for Source Mixing, Secondary Mineral Formation, and Chemical Weathering Rates
Chen B, Li S, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Zhong J & Liu C
(2021) Application of Ca Isotope Systematics in Studies of Carbonatites
Sun J, Zhu X, Belshaw N, Chen W, Doroshkevich AG, Luo W, Song W, Chen B, Cheng Z, Li Z-H, Wang Y, Kynicky J & Henderson G
(2019) A One-Column Separation of Ca and Sr for Accurate Isotopic Analysis Using MC-ICPMS
Sun J, Zhu X, Belshaw NS, Henderson GM, Chen B, Li S, Ma J & Li Z

Chen Bin (2022) Hydrogen in the Deep Mantle
Shim S-H, Nisr C, Piet H, Chen H, Ko B, Kim T, Allen-Sutter H, Chariton S, Prakapenka V, Kunz M, Liu Z, Lee Y, Chizmeshya A, O'Rourke J, Chen B & Speziale S
(2022) Constraining Elemental Partitioning and Isotope Fractionation of Mantle Minerals with in situ Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction
Zhang D, Xu J, Dera P, Chen B, Chen M, Eng P & Prakapenka V
(2022) Melting and Thermoelastic Properties of High-Pressure Ices Under Conditions of Planetary Interiors
Chen B, Lai X, Chao K-H, Zhu F, Zhang J, Tkachev SN, Zhang D, Chariton S & Prakapenka V
(2022) Melting Behavior of Potassium Carbonate at Deep Earth Conditions
Li J, Zhou D, Chen B & Wolf AS
(2022) Density and Viscosity of Fe-Ni-C Liquids at High Pressures and Implications for the Liquid Cores of Earth and Terrestrial Bodies
Zhu F, Lai X, Wang J, Kono Y, Williams Q, Jing Z & Chen B
(2022) The Fate of Subducted Carbon and Hydrogen from High-Pressure Melting in the Fe-C-H System
Lai X, Zhu F, Gao J, Greenberg E, Prakapenka VB, Meng Y & Chen B
(2022) Effect of LEs on the Diffusivity and Viscosity of Fe-Ni Alloy Under the Earth’s Outer Core Conditions
Wang J, Satyal S, Zhu F & Chen B
(2020) Lithium and Nd Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Li-Poor Pegmatite with Implications for Li Mineralization
Chen B, Huang C & Zhao H
(2020) Short- and Intermediate-Range Structure and Dynamics of Fe-Ni-C Liquid Under Compression
Wang J, Chen B, Williams Q & Manghnani M
(2020) Density of Fe-Ni-C Liquids at High Pressures and Implications to Liquid Cores of Earth and Moon
Zhu F, Lai X, Wang J, Amulele G, Kono Y & Chen B
(2019) Iron Isotopes in the Wulong Gold Deposit, Liaodong Peninsula, Northeast China
Zheng J, Chen B, Liu S & Bao C
(2019) Heavy Li Isotopic Signatures of Enriched Sub-Continental Mantle-Derived Gabbroic Rocks in East China: Evidence for Mantle Metasomatism by Fluids/Melts Released from the Down-Going Paleo-Pacific Slab
Chen B, Huang C & Chen Y
(2018) Geochemistry and Boron Isotopic Compositions of Tourmaline from the Paleoproterozoic Amphibolites, NE China: Implications for the Origin of Borate Deposit
Wang Z, Chen B & Yan X
(2018) Micro-Raman Investigations of Diamond Genesis during Slab-Mantle Interaction
Sharma S, Chen B, Gao J & Lai X
(2017) Experimental Investigations into the Fate of Subducted Carbonates and Origin of Super-Deep Diamonds
Li J, Zhu F, Dong J, Liu J, Lai X, Chen B & Meng Y
(2017) Horizontal Mass Flux of Aerosols in Taklamakan Desert Area Using Balloon Borne Measurements
Chen B, Habib A, Shi G & Iwasaka Y
(2016) Geochronology,geochemistry and Tectonic Significances of the Diabase Dikes in Niujuan Silver-Gold deposit,North China Craton
Yan X & Chen B
(2016) Petrogenesis of the Late Mesozoic Qitianling Composite Pluton from the Nanling Range, South China: Implications for Tungsten and Tin Mineralization
Wang Z & Chen B
(2016) Paragenetic Associations of Pb-Zn, Au-Ag and Mo Mineralizations in Qingchengzi Orefield
Duan X, Zeng Q & Chen B
(2016) Helium Isotopic Compositions of Ore-Forming Fluid from the Xintianling Tungsten Deposit and the Furong Tin Deposit, the Nanling Range: Implications for the Origin and Evolution of the Ore-Forming Fluid of the Qitianling Pluton
Huang C & Chen B
(2016) Origin of the Youmapo Granitic Complex and Implications for the Polymetallic Mineralization
Ma X, Chen B & Wang Z
(2015) Origin of the Houxianyu Paleoproterozoic Borate Deposit (NE China): Constraints from Chemical and Boron Isotopic Compositions of Tourmalines
Chen B & Yan X
(2013) SHRIMP U–Pb Zircon Dating, Geochemical and Petrographical Characteristics of Calc-Alkaline Early Miocene Şapçı Volcanics Around Balıkesir (W Turkey)
Kaplan D, Aslan Z & Chen B
(2013) Origin of Highly Differentiated Granites from South China: Implications for W-Sn Deposits
Chen B, Ma X & Wang Z
(2012) Petrogenesis of the Aolunhua Igneous Complex, Eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Geochemical, and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Constraints
Ma X, Chen B & Wang Z
(2012) Petrogenesis of the Guposhan Granitic Complex, South China
Wang Z, Chen B & Ma X
(2011) Origin of the Late Mesozoic High-Mg Diorites from the North China Craton: Petrological and Os Isotopic Constraints
Chen B, Wang C, Liu A & Gao L
(2010) Petrology and Os-Nd-Sr Isotopes of the Gaositai Alaskan-Type Ultramafic Complex from the Northern North China Craton
Chen B, Tian W & Suzuki K
(2008) Effects of Spin Crossover on Iron Partitioning in Deep Earth
Li J, Gao L, Chen B, Alp E, Zhao J & Hirose K
(2007) Petrogenesis of the most-Recent Quaternary Volcanism with Implications for Post-Collisional Lithospheric Thinning of Eastern Turkey, Erzincan
Karsli O, Chen B, Uysal I, Wijbrans JR, Aydin F & Kandemir R

Chen Binghan (2020) Porphyroblastic Andalusite Zoned Microstructures Respond to Multiple Pulse Magma Emplacements?
Chen N, Chen B & Yang T

Chen Biying (2019) Insights from Stable and Noble Gas Isotopes on the Evolution of Coal-Bed Methane in Southeast Qinshui Basin, China
Chen B, Stuart F, Xu S, Györe D & Liu C

Chen Bo (2020) Synergy between Macrophyte Abundance and DIC Concentrations that Reduce Methane Emissions from Experimental Ponds
Chen B, Yang R, Zhang Y, Bao Q, Gao M & Liu Z

Chen Bo (2022) Clay Mineral and Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Restricted, Evaporitic Conditions during the Deposition of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation
Han S, Löhr S, Abbott A, Baldermann A, Voigt M, Cui H, Chen B, Farkas J, Shields GA & Kaufman AJ
(2022) Rapid Devonian Terrestrialisation by Land Plants Changed the Continental Weathering Regime
Liu X, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Wilson DJ, Alycia S, Joachimski MM, Chen B, Qie W & Brand U

Chen Bo (2014) Permian Ice Volume and Palaeoclimate History: Evidences from Oxygen Isotope of Conodont Apatite
Chen B, Joachimski M, Shen S-Z, Lambert L, Lai X-L, Wang X-D, Chen J & Yuan D-X

Chen Bo (2008) Garnet Amphibolite found in Baikouquan Ophiolitic Mélange: A Clue to a HP Metamorphic Belt in Junggar, Xinjiang
Zhu Y & Chen B

Chen Bo (2018) Sources and Transformation of Carbon in Spring-Pond System Under Different Land Cover at Puding Karst-Analog Test Site
Zhao M, Liu Z & Chen B

Chen Bo-Yu (2020) Sulfur Cycling in Deep Groundwater Hosted by Metamorphic Rocks in a Rapidly Exhumed Catchment
Wang P-L, Tseng J-Y, Chen B-Y, Tsai J-F, Wang L-Y, Tu T-H & Lin L-H

Chen Bor-Rong (2018) Thermodynamic Origins of Diverse Polymorphism during the Multistage Crystallization of Manganese Oxides
Sun W, Kitchaev D, Chen B-R, Garten L, Ginley D, Schelhas L, Toney M & Ceder G

Chen Bowen (2022) Diffusion in Stishovite and CaCl2-type Silica from First-Principles Calculations: Implications for MORB Viscosity in the Lower Mantle
Chen B, Wang W, Wu Z & Wu X
(2022) The Structure and Transport Properties of Diopside Supercritical Fluid from ab Initio Calculations
Chen B, Duan L, Wu Z & Wu X

Chen C (2005) Water Mixing and Precipitation of Arsenic-Bearing Iron Sulfate in the Chinkuashih Acid-Mine-Drainage Area, Northern Taiwan
Chen C & Jiang W
(2005) Formation and Transformation of Schwertmannite in Acid-Mine-Drainage Deposits of the Chinkuashih Mining Area, Northern Taiwan
Jiang W & Chen C
(2005) Siderophore-Metal Interactions on Oxide Surfaces
Traina S & Chen C
(2004) Early Earth Differentiation Using the Coupled 146Sm-142Nd and 147Sm-143Nd
Sharma M & Chen C
(2001) Dissolution of Iron Oxides and Cr-Substituted Iron Oxides with Sorbed Europium by the Siderophore Desferrioxamine B
Chen CC & Traina SJ
(2000) Geochemical Constraints on the Petrogenesis of High-Mg Basaltic Andesites from the Northern Taiwan Volcanic Zone and their Geodynamic Significance
Wang K, Chung S, Chen C & Chen C
(2000) Geochemical Constraints on the Petrogenesis of High-Mg Basaltic Andesites from the Northern Taiwan Volcanic Zone and their Geodynamic Significance
Wang K, Chung S, Chen C & Chen C
(2000) XAS Investigation of Lanthanide Ion Sorption on Iron Oxide and Cr-Substituted Iron Oxide Surfaces
Traina S & Chen C

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