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My Goldschmidt

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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chaumet B. (2023) Resuspension of Mercury and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Sediments
Azaroff A, Chaumet B, Sobek A, Gorokhova E & Jonsson S

Chaumillon E. (2018) Organic Compounds and Trace Metal Elements in the Eure River Watershed: Past and Actual Records of Anthropogenic Impacts
Gardes T, Debret M, Copard Y, Koltalo F, Patault E, Laberdesque Y, Develle A-L, Deloffre J, Marcotte S, Sabatier P, Chaumillon E, Coulombier T, Révillon S & Nizou J

Chaurand Perinne (2018) Aging of Wood Stains Containing CeO2 Nanoparticles as UV Filters
Scifo L, Masion A, Chaurand P, Borschneck D, Vidal V, Levard C & Rose J

Chaurand Perrine (2019) Nanotechnologies Risk Assessment: Exposure and Product Life Cycle Driven Methodology
Rose J, Auffan M, Chaurand P, Labille J, Borschneck D, Masion A, Collin B & Levard C

Chaurand Perrine (2012) Speciation of Commercial CeO2 Nanocomposites during Aging
Masion A, Scifo L, Chaurand P, Diot MA, Labille J, Auffan M, Bottero JY & Rose J

Chaurand Perrine (2011) Environmental Impact of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials Through their Life Cycle
Rose J, Auffan M, Chaurand P, Labille J, Borschneck D, Masion A, Miche H, Botta C, Geantet C, Puzenat E, Afanasiev P, Leclerc E, Garric J, Manuela F, Vollat B, Noury P, Pielichowskiaze K, Njuguna J, Bottero J-Y & Abbaci K
(2011) Investigation of Copper and Zinc Speciation in Pig Slurry by a Multitechnique Approach
Legros S, Doelsch E, Chaurand P, Rose J, Masion A, Borschneck D, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, Briois V, Ferrasse J-H, Saint-Macary H & Bottero J-Y
(2011) Imogolites as a Tool for Evaluating the Hazard of HARN
Levard C, Liu W, Masion A, Thill A, Rose J, Chaurand P, Auffan M, Doelsch E, Proux O & Bottero JY
(2010) Mobility of Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles in Aquatic Media
Masion A, Levard C, Solovitch N, Diot M-A, Auffan M, Botta C, Labille J, Rose J, Chaurand P, Borschneck D, Doelsch E, Ziarelli F, Thill A & Bottero J-Y
(2010) Uptake and Biotransformation of Gold Nanoparticles by a Freshwater Bivalve
Hull M, Chaurand P, Rose J, Jones J, Gloe K & Vikesland P
(2009) Physical-Chemical Characterization and Ecotoxicity of Residues from Alteration of Engineered Nanomaterials
Botta C, Labille J, Feng J, Rose J, Chaurand P, Auffan M, Garric J, Vollat B, Abbaci K, Noury P, Masion A & Bottero J-Y
(2005) Speciation of Cr and V within Leached BOF Steel Slag
Chaurand P, Rose J, Bottero J & Domas J

Chaurand Perrine (2023) X-Ray Imaging and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Applied to Environmental Nanotechnologies
Auffan M, Ouaksel A, Carboni A, Proux O, Vidal V, Borschneck D, Chaurand P, Rose J & Hazemann J-L
(2023) Assessment of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) Speciation Variability in Bauxite Residues (BRs) of Various Origin, Age and Storage Conditions as a Tool to Guide Selective REEs Leaching
Couturier J, Tamba Oularé P, Lallemand C, Kieffer I, Chaurand P, Collin B, Rose J, Borschneck D, Angeletti B, Criquet S, Arrachart G & Levard C

Chaurand Perrine (2020) Exploring the Link between Cd Isotopes and Speciation in Plants: A Case Study in Solanum Species
Pons M-L, Collin B, Chaurand P, Fehlauer T, Guihou A, Doelsch E, Levard C & Rose J

Chaurand Perrine (2021) X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Evidence of Sulfur-Bound Cadmium in the Cd-Hyperaccumulator Solanum Nigrum and the Non-Accumulator Solanum Melongena
Pons M-L, Collin B, Doelsch E, Chaurand P, Fehlauer T, Levard C, Keller C, Guihou A, Deschamps P & Rose J
(2021) Colocalization Analysis to Understand Yttrium Uptake in Saxifraga Paniculata Using Complementary Imaging Technics
Fehlauer T, Collin B, Angeletti B, Somogyi A, Lallemand C, Chaurand P, Dentant C, Levard C & Rose J

Chauris H. (2023) History Matching of Large-Scale Reactive Transport Problem Based on Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches
Sin I, Collet A, Chauris H, Lagneau V, Regnault O & Langlais V

Chaussidon M. (2023) Developments of Single Particle Analysis by TOF-ICP-MS for Study of Nanosize Matrix Phases in Primitive Meteorites
Chaussidon M, Tharaud M, Moreira E, Mercadier J, Deloule E & Benedetti MF
(2023) Tracking Granitic Magma Origin and Evolution Using Stable Silicon Isotopes in Zircon
Guitreau M, Gannoun A, Deng Z, Chaussidon M, Moynier F, Barbarin B & Marin-Carbonne J
(2023) Mass-Independent Isotope Fractionation: A General Behavior of Elements in Plasma Chemical Reaction ?
Robert F, Chaussidon M, Reinhardt P & Mostefaoui S
(2023) Origin of the Volatile Elements of Primitive Achondrites and Iron Meteorites Revealed by Zinc Isotope Anomalies
Fang L, Moynier F, Paquet M, Kubik E, Barrat J-A & Chaussidon M
(2023) Triple Silicon Isotope Insight to the Formation of Precambrian Cherts
Sun H, Chaussidon M, Robert F, Tian S, Deng Z & Moynier F
(2023) Hiroshima Spherules as an Analog of Early Solar System Condensates
Asset N, Chaussidon M, Villeneuve J, Wannier M & Robert F
(2022) Nitrogen, Magnesium and Oxygen Mass Independent Isotopic Fractionation in Plasma Chemistry
Robert F, Chaussidon M & Mostefaoui S
(2021) Rapid Condensation of the First Solar System Solids Inferred from Silicon Isotopes in Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates
Marrocchi Y, Villeneuve J, Jacquet E, Piralla M & Chaussidon M
(2021) Triple Silicon Isotope Constraints on the Formation of Precambrian Cherts
Sun H, Chaussidon M, Tian S, Robert F, Deng Z & Moynier F
(2021) Triple Magnesium Isotope Constraints on the Origin of Chondrules
Chaussidon M, Deng Z, Ebel DS, Villeneuve J, Moureau J & Moynier F
(2020) Silicon Isotope Systematics of Zircon from Various Granite Types
Guitreau M, Gannoun A, Deng Z, Marin-Carbonne J, Chaussidon M & Moynier F
(2019) Th/U Systematics of Allende Chondrules with Implications for the Age of the Solar System
Blichert-Toft J, Göpel C, Chaussidon M & Albarede F
(2019) Mass Independent Fractionation in of Titanium Isotopes
Robert F, Tartese R, Gonzalez-Cano A & Chaussidon M
(2019) Combined Al-Mg and Hf-W Isotope Systematics of a Large Type B CAI
Budde G, Ebel DS, Chaussidon M & Kleine T
(2018) The Boron Isotopic Composition of Chondrules
Liu M-C & Chaussidon M
(2018) The Earth's Transition from Stagnant Lid to Plate Tectonics: Constraints from Titanium Isotopes
Deng Z, Chaussidon M, Savage P, Robert F & Moynier F
(2018) Lithium and Boron Concentrations and Isotopes of the Lunar Volcanic Glasses
Saal A, Chaussidon M, Gurenko A & Rutherford M
(2017) Oxygen and Silicon Isotopes in Precambrian Cherts: A Proxy of Paleotemperatures
Marin-Carbonne J, Chaussidon M & Robert F
(2017) The Titanium Stable Isotopic Composition of Chondrites and Earth: Implication for Continental Crust Extraction
Deng Z, Moynier F, van Zuilen K, Sossi PA, Pringle EA & Chaussidon M
(2016) Reconstructing the O Isotope Composition of Precambrian Oceans
Tartese R, Chaussidon M, Gurenko A, Delarue F & Robert F
(2016) Origin of Oxygen Isotopic Variations in Meteoritic Chondrules
Chaussidon M & Marrocchi Y
(2015) O Isotope Analysis of Kerogen by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Tartèse R, Chaussidon M, Gurenko A & Robert F
(2015) Intra-Shell Variability of Magnesium Isotope Compositions in Brachiopod Shells
Rollion-Bard C, Saulnier S, Vigier N, Schumacher A, Chaussidon M & Lécuyer C
(2014) Constraints on the N Isotopic Evolution of the Solar Nebula from Volatile Analyses of a CAI
Füri E, Chaussidon M & Marty B
(2013) Nitrogen Isotopes in Lunar Soils: A Record of Contributions to Planetary Surfaces in the Inner Solar System
Marty B, Chaussidon M, Füri E, Hashizume K, Podosek F, Wieler R & Zimmermann L
(2013) Diffusion-Driven Isotopic Fractionations in Olivine in Laboratory and Natural Settings
Sio CKI, Roskosz M, Chaussidon M, Dauphas N, Mendybaev R, Richter F & Teng F-Z
(2012) LA-MC-ICPMS Iron Isotopic Measurements of Zoned Olivine
Sio CKI, Dauphas N, Teng F-Z, Chaussidon M, Helz R, Roskosz M, Xiao Y & Ireland T
(2012) δ26Mg of Brachiopod Shells and the Composition of Past Seawater
Saulnier S, Rollion-Bard C, Lecuyer C, Vigier N & Chaussidon M
(2011) Preliminary High-Resolution Ge/Si Data in Early Archaean BIFs
Luais B, Lach P, Thomassot E, Chaussidon M & Boiron M-C
(2011) In situ Fe-Mg Isotopic Analysis of Zoned Olivines
Sio CK, Dauphas N, Teng F-Z, Helz R & Chaussidon M
(2011) What Real Constraints do Cherts Bring on Precambrian Surface Temperatures ?
Chaussidon M, Lach P, Robert F, Boiron M-C & Luais B
(2011) Ion Microprobe High Precision Measurements of Oxygen and Magnesium Isotopic Compositions in Extraterrestrial Materials
Chaussidon M & Rollion Bard C
(2011) The Diagenesis Effect on Paleo-Temperature Reconstruction from Precambrian Cherts
Marin-Carbonne J, Chaussidon M & Robert F
(2011) Chronology of Early Solar System Inferred from Precise Al-Mg Isotope Systematics of Vigarano CAIs
Mishra RK & Chaussidon M
(2009) Constraints on 26Al and Mg Isotopic Distribution in the Early Solar System from High Precision 26Al-26Mg Systematics
Villeneuve J, Chaussidon M & Guy L
(2009) Micro-Scale Study of δ18O and δ30Si in Precambrian Cherts: Implications for Oceanic Temperatures Reconstructions
Marin J, Chaussidon M & Robert F
(2008) Bona Fide Biosignatures: Insights from Combined NanoSIMS-Sims
Oehler D, Robert F, Chaussidon M & Gibson E
(2007) Oxygen Isotope Heterogeneity and Disequilibria of Olivine Phenocrysts in Large Volume Basalts: Case of Iceland
Bindeman I, Gurenko A, Sigmarsson O & Chaussidon M
(2007) Li Diffusion and Isotopic Fractionation in Olivines Crystals
Hamelin C, Chaussidon M, Barrat J-A, Beck P & Bohn M
(2007) Occurrence and Origin of Igneous Fragments in Chondritic Breccias
Sokol A, Chaussidon M, Bischoff A & Mezger K
(2007) New Constraints on the Origin of Short-Lived Radioactive Nuclides in the Early Solar System
Srinivasan G, Chaussidon M & Bischoff A
(2007) Micro-Scale Oxygen Isotopic Variation in 1.9 Ga Gunflint Cherts: New Constraints on their Paleo-Environmental Significance
Marin J, Chaussidon M & Robert F
(2006) Pyrite biooxidation surface processes: morphological, chemical and isotopic signatures
Pisapia C, Chaussidon M, Mustin C & Humbert B
(2006) Presence of planetesimal material among the precursors of magnesian chondrules.
Libourel G, Krot A & Chaussidon M
(2005) D<+>37<$>Cl Values of the Solar System
Barnes J, Brearley A, Sharp Z & Chaussidon M
(2005) Oceanic Temperatures Recorded by the Isotopic Compositions of Precambrian Cherts ?
Robert F & Chaussidon M
(2005) Coupled Isotopic Study (d<+>33<$>S, d<+>34<$>S, d<+>15<$>N, d<+>13<$>C) of Sulfide-Bearing Diamonds (Jwaneng, Botswana)
Thomassot E, Cartigny P, Lorand J, Harris J & Chaussidon M
(2004) Li Isotopic Study of Martian Meteorites
Beck P, Barrat J, Chaussidon M, Gillet P & Bohn M
(2004) Diamond Saturation Experiments: Implications for Carbon in the Core
Siebert J, Guyot F, Malavergne V & Chaussidon M
(2004) Micrometer Scale Delta 13C Variability in Macromolecular Organic Matter: A Criterion for a Non-Biological Source?
Sangely L, Michels R, Chaussidon M, Brouand M, Cuney M & Huault V
(2003) On the Origin of Meteoritic Organics – Clues from the Proto-Solar C and N Isotopic Compositions
Hashizume K, Marty B & Chaussidon M
(2002) Extinct 7Be and 10Be in Refractory Inclusions from the Allende and Efremovka Chondrites
Chaussidon M, Robert F & McKeegan KD
(2002) Li Isotope Profiles in Dunite to Lherzolite Transects within the Trinity Ophiolite
Lundstrom C, Chaussidon M, Kelemen P & Hsui A
(2002) Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Single Aerosol Particles: A Study of Saharan Dust Sources
Aleon J, Chaussidon M, Marty B, Schütz L & Jaenicke R
(2002) Primary Melts Reveal Small-Scale Heterogeneity in Convecting Mantle
Sobolev A, Hofmann AW, Shimizu N, Chaussidon M, Metrich N & Nikogosian IK
(2000) Lived 10Be in a Refractory Inclusion from the Allende Meteorite: A Case for Intense Irradiation of the Protosolar Nebula?
McKeegan KD, Chaussidon M & Robert F
(2000) 18O/16O Ratios of Quartz Grains as a Proxy for Source Areas of Atmospheric Detritic Dust: The Case of the Eolian Erosion of the Sahara Desert
Aléon J, Chaussidon M, Marty B, Jaenicke R & Schütz L

Chauvat F. (2021) Biomineralization of Intracelllar Amorphous Calcium Carbonates (ACC) by Bacteria: Molecular Mechanisms, Evolutionary History and Environmental Significance
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Bolzoni R, Cassier-Chauvat C, Caumes G, Chauvat F, Dezi M, Diop I, Duprat E, Gaschignard G, Görgen S, Lefevre C, López-García P, Menguy N, Monteil C, Moreira D, Skouri-Panet F & Callebaut I
(2009) Physicochemical and Biological Interactions between Manufactured Nanoparticles and Environmental Bacteria
Thill A, Zeyons O, Spalla O, Huber G & Chauvat F
(2004) Physico-Chemical and Biological Interactions between CeIII, CeIV Nanoparticles and Escherishia Coli
Thill A, Spalla O, Chauvat F, Verbavatz J & Chaneac C

Chauvel Catherine (2014) Polynesia: A Weak and Disorganized Superplume
Chauvel C, Delavault H & Cordier C
(2014) Comparison of Ce Isotopes in Two Oceanic Arc Systems: Lesser Antilles and Mariana
Bellot N, Boyet M, Doucelance R, Chauvel C, Plank T & Elliott T
(2013) Temporal Change from Young HIMU to EM1 Source along the Pitcairn-Gambier Chain
Delavault H & Chauvel C
(2013) Nd-Hf Isotopic Composition of the Upper Continental Crust
Chauvel C, Garçon M, Bureau S, Gallet S & Jahn B-M
(2013) Removing the “Heavy Mineral Effect” to Obtain a New Pb Isotopic Value for the Upper Continental Crust
Garçon M, Chauvel C, France-Lanord C, Limonta M & Garzanti E
(2013) Investigation of Archean Mantle Plume Components from 2.7 Ga Komatiites (Abitibi, Canada)
Duchemin C, Mattielli N, Debaille V, Arndt N & Chauvel C
(2013) Mafic Lavas Constrain the Chemical Variability of the Society Plume
Cordier C, Chauvel C & Guillet M
(2013) Development of the La-Ce Systematics: Application to Arc Magmas
Bellot N, Boyet M, Pin C, Chauvel C, Doucelance R & Auclair D
(2013) Delayed Response in Sedimentary Discharge from the Himalaya to the Ocean at Milankovitch Periods
Gourlan AT, Voisin C, Chauvel C & Braun J
(2011) Potential Source Variation in Munro Komatiites: Fred’s and Theo’s Flows, Ontario, Canada
Duchemin C, Chauvel C, Arndt N, Debaille V & Mattielli N
(2011) Weathering Effects on the Mineralogical and Geochemical Composition of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
Ulrich M, Muñoz M, Guillot S, Chauvel C, Cluzel D & Picard C
(2011) Mantle Source Compositions of Magmas from the North Atlantic Igneous Province
Lehmann B, Sobolev A, Arndt N & Chauvel C
(2011) Beach Placer, a Proxy for the Average Nd-Hf Isotopic Composition of a Continental Area
Garcon M, Chauvel C & Bureau S
(2011) Average Nd-Hf Isotopic Compositions and Model Age of the Upper Continental Crust
Chauvel C, Garcon M, Arndt NT, Gallet S & Jahn B-M
(2010) Chemical and Isotopic Constraints on Sedimentary Input into the Northern Cascades Arc System
Carpentier M, Weis D & Chauvel C
(2009) Trace Elements and Nd-Hf Isotopes for 10 Rock Standards
Bureau S, Chauvel C & Poggi C
(2009) Why are Martinique Lavas so Heterogeneous?
Labanieh S, Chauvel C, Germa A & Quidelleur X
(2009) The New Caledonia Ophiolite: Multiple Melting Stages and Refertilisation Process as Indicators for Ridge to Subduction Formation
Ulrich M, Picard C, Guillot S, Chauvel C, Cluzel D & Meffre S
(2009) The Lesser Antilles Subduction Factory
Chauvel C, Carpentier M & Labanieh S
(2009) 300 M.y. of Komatiite Evolution in the Barberton Greenstone Belt
Robin C, Arndt N, Chauvel C, Byerly G, Kareem K, Hofmann A & Wilson A
(2008) Pb-Nd Isotopic Constraints on Sedimentary Input into the Lesser Antilles Arc System
Carpentier M, Chauvel C & Mattielli N
(2008) Nd-Hf in Upper Continental Crust: A Loess Perspective
Chauvel C, Gallet S, Besnault A, Bureau S & Jahn B-M
(2008) Two Isotopic Mixing Lines in Martinique Island: The Effect of Ridge Subduction
Labanieh S, Chauvel C, Germa A & Quidelleur X
(2007) Different Origin for Mafic and Inter-Mediate/Felsic Lavas from Moorea Island (Society, French Polynesia)
Hemond C, Chauvel C, Maury R & Lewin E
(2007) Recycled Oceanic Crust and Sediments Control the Hf-Nd Mantle Array
Chauvel C, Lewin E, Carpentier M & Marini J-C
(2002) Eolian Dust Contribution to Soils on Mount Cameroon
Chauvel C, Dia A & Bulourde M
(2000) Chemical Weathering of Basaltic Lava Flows Suffering Extreme Climatic Conditions: The Water Geochemistry Record
Dia A, Benedetti M, Riotte J, Chabaux F, Boulègue J, Bulourde M, Chauvel C, Gérard M, Deruelle B & Ildefonse P

Chauvel Catherine (2015) How Subduction Zones Make the OIB Isotopic Array
Chauvel C & Lewin É
(2015) Does Continental Weathering Trigger Oceanic Anoxic Events?
Pimbert A, Gourlan A & Chauvel C

Chauvel Catherine (2016) The Return of Magnesium in the Lesser Antilles Arc
Teng F-Z, Hu Y & Chauvel C
(2016) Mo and U Isotope Behavior in the Lesser Antilles Subduction System
Gaschnig R, Reinhard C, Planavsky N, Wang X, Asael D & Chauvel C
(2016) Relicts of Archean Sediment in the Present Earth Mantle
Delavault H, Chauvel C, Thomassot E, Devey C & Dazas B

Chauvel Catherine (2017) Preliminary Data on New Olivine Reference Material MongOL Sh11-2 for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Sobolev A, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Goemann K, Portnyagin M, Garbe_Schoenberg D, Hauri E, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Ionov D
(2017) HIMU and High-Precision Pb Isotopes
Chauvel C, Hofmann A & Stracke A

Chauvel Catherine (2019) Impact of Oceanic Anoxic Events on the Nd-Hf Isotopic Composition of Detrital Sediments
Pimbert A, Chauvel C, Gourlan A & Jaillard E
(2019) Gone with the (Mantle) Wind: Surprising Hotspot Particle Paths in Tomography-Based Mantle Convection Models
Forte A, Glisovic P, Chauvel C & Goldstein S

Chauvel Catherine (2023) The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Ocean Crust Recycling and the Evolution of Earth's Mantle
van Keken PE, Chauvel C & Ballentine CJ
(2023) Towards an Improved Traceability of W-Isotope Variations in Oceanic Basalts: A Nu Analytical Approach Using N-TIMS
Maltese A, Israel C, Gutierrez P, Luu T-H, Roberts DJ & Chauvel C
(2023) High Precision 142Nd Isotope Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Israel C, Chauvel C, Luu T-H, Inglis E & Roberts DJ
(2023) Artefact Geochemistry Demonstrates Long-Distance Voyaging in the Last Thousand Years from Polynesia to Western Pacific Islands
Gutierrez P, Hermann A & Chauvel C

Chauvel Catherine (2021) Geochemical Characterization of the New 2018-2019 Mayotte Submarine
Inglis E, Gutierrez P, Luu T-H, Burkel P, Besson P & Chauvel C
(2021) Sulfur Isotopic Composition of the Tristan-Gough Plume Source
Class C, Thomassot E, le Roex A & Chauvel C
(2021) High-Precision Sr and Nd Isotope Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Luu T-H, Inglis E, Gutierrez P, Roberts DJ & Chauvel C
(2021) High-Precision W Isotope Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Roberts DJ, Luu T-H, Inglis E, Gutierrez P & Chauvel C
(2021) The Zirconium Isotope Composition of the Mantle and Upper Continental Crust Through Time
Tian S, Moynier F, Inglis E, Rudnick RL, Huang F, Chauvel C, Gaschnig RM, Creech J & Puchtel IS

Chauvel Catherine (2022) Geochemistry of the New Submarine Volcano Next to Mayotte (Comoros Archipelago)
Chauvel C, Inglis E, Gutierrez P, Luu T-H, Bürckel P & Besson P

Chauvel Catherine (2020) High-Precision Nd and W Isotopic Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Roberts D, Lu T-H, Gutierrez P, Chauvel C & Inglis E
(2020) Geochemical Constraints on Mantle Plumes
Chauvel C
(2020) The Mantle Record of Crustal Evolution
Hofmann A, Puchtel I & Chauvel C
(2020) Sulfur Isotopic Evidence on the Age of Recycled Surface Material in the Tristan-Gough Plume Source
Class C, Thomassot E, le Roex A & Chauvel C
(2020) Honeybees and Citizen Scientists: Two Communities Collaboratively Expanding the Use of Honey for Pb Biomonitoring in Urban Centres
Smith K, Weis D, Chauvel C, Berg C & Segal Y

Chauvet A. (2018) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition Traced by in situ Tourmaline Analysis at the San Rafael Tin Deposit, Peru
Harlaux M, Kouzmanov K, Gialli S, Laurent O, Marger K, Baumgartner L, Dini A, Chauvet A, Kalinaj M & Fontboté L
(2017) Occurrence of Ge-Bearing Accessory Minerals within the Variscan Pb-Zn Deposits of the Bossost Dome, French Pyrenean Axial Zone
Cugerone A, Cenki-Tok B, Chauvet A, Le Goff E, Bailly L, Alard O, Oliot E & Alard M

Chauvet F. (2015) Mantle Dynamics during a Continental Break-Up: Insights from the North Atlantic Magmatic Province
Stéciuk-Mouillard P, Agranier A, Maury R, Nonnotte P, Chauvet F & Geoffroy L

Chauvigne P. (2019) The Intrinsic Nature of Antigorite Breakdown at 3 GPa: Experimental Constrains on Redox Conditions of Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones
Demouchy S, Bolfan-Casanova N, Maurice J, Chauvigne P, Schiavi F & Debret B

Chauvin S. (2020) Controls on O and H Isotope Compositions of Clay Minerals and Porewater in Ordovician Shales, Ontario, Canada
Longstaffe F, Chauvin S, Clark I & Kennell-Morrison L

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