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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chapman J B (2006) Nd-Pb-Os and Cu-Zn isotope systematics of Urals VHMS deposits
Tessalina S, Weiss DJ, Mason TF & Chapman JB
(2006) Iron isotope fractionation by abiotic mechanisms during ore genesis
Chapman J, Weiss D, Coles B & Wilkinson J
(2006) Fractionation of Cu, Zn and Fe within the plant-soil environment
Chapman J, Peel K, Arnold T, Wilkinson J, Coles B & Weiss D

Chapman Jacqui (2016) The Unique Wolverine HREE Deposit, Browns Range Area, Western Australia
Nazari Dehkordi T, Spandler C, Oliver N & Chapman J

Chapman James (2020) A Temperature-Independent Method for Estimating Paleo-Elevation and its Application in the Tibetan Plateau
Hu F, Wu F, Chapman J, Ducea M & Liu S

Chapman Jay (2019) The Role of Arc Migration in Cordilleran Orogenic Cyclicity
Chapman J & Ducea M

Chapman John (2017) Insights into Diamond Formation from Polycrystalline Diamond Aggregates
Jacob D, Stern R, Chapman J & Piazolo S
(2012) Anomalous Zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ Ratios from Early Jurassic Plutons in Yukon: Implications for Porphyry Exploration
Chapman J, Jackson S & Ryan J
(2012) Methods for the Determination of Te Isotope Compositions of Minerals in the System Au-Ag-Te by MC-ICP-MS
Fornadel A, Spry P, Mathur R, Jackson S, Chapman J & Girard I
(2012) Mapping Element Concentrations and Ce4+/Ce3+ Ratios in Zircon by LA-ICP-MS
Jackson S & Chapman J

Chapman M. (2019) Reconstructing North Atlantic Palaeotemperatures: An Evaluation of Clumped Isotopes as Part of Multiproxy Foraminiferal Investigations
Umbo S, Chapman M, Dennis P & Marca A
(2019) Foraminiferal Stable Isotope Record from the Northeastern Peri-Tethys during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
Pedentchouk N, Chapman M & Gavrilov Y
(2011) Rapid Climate Change during Marine Isotope Stage 5-4 Glacial Inception in the Subpolar North Atlantic
Farmer E & Chapman M
(2009) Holocene Temperature Evolution of the Subpolar North Atlantic Recorded in the Mg/Ca Ratios of Surface and Thermocline Dwelling Planktonic Foraminifers
Farmer E, Chapman M & Andrews J

Chapman N. (2003) Geochemical Issues in Deep Underground Disposal of Wastes
Chapman N & Bruno J

Chapman Paul (2011) Complexation Studies of EDTA with 99Tc Analogue Rhenium
Chapman P, Corkhill C & Romero-Gonzalez M

Chapman Pippa (2022) The Role of Soil Organic Carbon Chemistry in Soil Aggregate Formation and Carbon Preservation
Otero-Fariña A, Brown H, Xiao K-Q, Chapman P, Holden J, Banwart S & Peacock CL
(2008) 34S Tracer Study of Pollutant Sulfur Behaviour in a Lowland Peat Bog
Bottrell S, Coulson J, Bartlett R, Clark J & Chapman P
(2008) Recovery from Acidification: Sulfur Cycling and Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics
Bartlett R, Bottrell S, Clark J & Chapman P

Chapman Rob (2022) Fingerprinting Placer Gold Alloy from the Yukon-Tanana Uplands of Eastern Alaska: Integrating Trace Element and Pb Isotopic Chemistry of Gold
Thompson J, Marsh EE, Pillers RM & Chapman R
(2021) Coupling Gold Compositional Variations with Hydrothermal Vein Parageneses as Exploration Tool in Orogenic Settings – The Loch Tay Area (Scotland)
Savastano L, Chapman R & Torvela T

Chapman Robert (2007) Pb Isotope Provenance Study of Irish Bronze Age Gold Using LA-ICP-MS
Pike A, Standish C, Foster G, Pollard CJ, Cahill M & Chapman R

Chapman S. (2018) Identification of Degradation Pathways of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Saturated Low Permeability Sediments Using Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis
Wanner P, Parker B, Chapman S, Lima G, Mack E-E & Aravena R
(2013) Application of CSIA for Evaluating the Fate of Chlorinated Compounds in Low Permeability Sediments
Aravena R, Parker B, Lima G, Chapman S & Adamson D

Chapman Taylor (2018) Evaluation of paleo-CO2 Proxy Based on Carbon Isotope Value of Long Chain N-Alkanes and Terpenoids from C3 Land Plants
Cui Y, Chapman T & Schubert B

Chapman Timothy (2023) Redox Sensitivity of Blueschist and Eclogite Mineral Equilibria
Chapman T & Clarke G
(2018) Grain-Scale Dependency of Metamorphic Reaction on Strain
Chapman T, Clarke G, Piazolo S, Robbins V & Trimby P

Chapon V. (2019) Impact of an ex situ Treatment for Cesium Decontamination on Soil Bacterial Communities
Chapon V, Piette L, Blot S, Leonhardt N, Latrille C, Chagvardieff P, Faure S, Sarrobert C & Berthomieu C
(2016) Uranium Biomineralization in Environmental Bacteria
Chapon V, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Fevrier L, Coppin F, Gallois N, Armengaud J, Alpha-Bazin B, Barakat M, Ortet P, Carriere M, Vercouter T & Berthomieu C
(2015) Interaction between Uranium and Four Microbacterium Strains Isolated from Metal and Radionuclide-Rich Environments
Chapon V, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Barakat M, Ortet P, Zirah S, Kish A, Berthomieu C & Fevrier L
(2013) Natural Uranium Ores Host Iron-Reducing and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria as Demonstrated by High Throughput Sequencing and Cultural Approaches
Mondani L, Benzerara K, Carriere M, Christen R, Fevrier L, Achouak W, Nardoux P, Berthomieu C & Chapon V
(2012) Remobilisation of Uranium from Contaminated Sediments: Effect of the Bioturbation
Motelica-Heino M, Le Moing F, Lagauzere S, Bonzom J-M, Fevrier L & Chapon V
(2012) Pyrosequencing Analysis of Bacterial Diversity in Tchernobyl Contaminated Trenches
Theodorakopoulos N, Christen R, Piette L, Fevrier L, Coppin F, Martin-Garin A, Le Marrec C, Sergeant C, Chapon V & Berthomieu C
(2011) Uranium Interactions with Bacterial Communities from Contaminated Soils in Chernobyl
Sergeant C, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Vesvres M-H, Le Marrec C, Christen R, Coppin F, Fevrier L, Martin-Garin A, Berthomieu C & Chapon V
(2010) Bacterial Community Analysis of Contaminated Soils from Chernobyl
Sergeant C, Chapon V, Berthomieu C, Vesvres M-H, Piette L, Le Marrec C, Coppin F, Fevrier L & Martin-Garin A
(2005) Oxidation of Natural Groundwater from Bangladesh: Arsenic Speciation Evolution Assessed by XAS
Thoral S, Rose J, van Geen L, Garnier J, Chapon V, Hazeman JL, Heulin T & Bottero J
(2002) Geomicrobiology of Carbonate Precipitations at the Surface of Pyroxenes in an Aridic Soil
Benzerara K, Chapon V, Heulin T, Guyot F, Menguy N & Skouri F

Chappaz A. (2023) Rhenium Geochemistry Under Sulfidic Conditions: When the Sulfide Acts as Both Ligand and Reducing Agent
Guida C, Chappaz A, Grant C, Fernandez-Martinez A & Charlet L
(2023) Synchrotron-Based Constraints on the Vanadium Paleoredox Proxy in the Tremadocian Alum Shale of Northeast Estonia, Baltic Paleobasin
Mandjoukov BP, Lumiste K, Vind J, Kirsimäe K, Chappaz A & Mänd K
(2023) Characterizing Uranium Speciation in Marine Phosphorites to Advance the Paleo-Redox Proxy
Meyer F, Chappaz A, Marshall MS, Hancock L & Lau KV
(2023) Why Networking Outside Academia is Vital for Your Career
Chappaz A
(2023) Molybdenum Heterogeneity in Euxinic Settings: Implications for the Mo Isotopes
Chappaz A, Dickson AJ, Haeri Ardakani OH & Tribovillard N
(2022) Understanding Trace Element Mobility during Early Diagenesis Using Several in situ Techniques
Gregory DD, Chappaz A, Atienza NE, Kovarik L, Cliff J, Perea D, Taylor S & Lyons TW
(2022) Trace Metal – Pyrite Interactions during Early-Diagenesis: Calibrating The Paleoproxy
Figueroa MC, Gregory DD, Chappaz A, Mukherjee I, Swing MR, Kukkadapu R & Lyons TW
(2021) Selenium Geochemistry at the Sediment-Water Interface of a Subarctic Canadian Lake Impacted by Mining Activities
Mokris D, Hlohowskyj SR, Galloway J, Ardakani OH & Chappaz A
(2021) New Insights from Speciation Analyses on Trace Metal Oxyanion Geochemistry in Modern and Ancient Sulfidic Settings
Chappaz A
(2021) Determination of How As is Hosted in Pyrite Using a Combination of LA-ICPMS, TEM, APT, nanoSIMS XAFS, and XANES
Gregory DD, Chappaz A, Perea D, Taylor S, Cliff J & Kovarik L
(2021) Molybdenum-Uranium-Vanadium Geochemistry in the Lower Paleozoic Alum Shale of Scandinavia: Implications for Vanadium Exploration
Bian L, Sanei H, Schovsbo NH, Chappaz A & Zheng X
(2020) Trace Element Molecular Geochemistry: A New Approach for Investigating the Past
Chappaz A, Donard O, Hlohowskyj S, Brennan C, Lau K, Gregory D & Lalonde S
(2020) Toward a Predictive Model for Molybdenum Speciation and Isotope Ratio in Sulfidic Waters
Hlohowskyj S, Chen X, Romaniello S, Molina M, Lyons T & Chappaz A
(2020) Is Pyrite an Important Sink for Mo? Evidence from XAFS, TEM and APT Analyses of Pyrite
Gregory D, Chappaz A, Atienza N, Taylor S, Perea D, Kovarik L & Lyons T
(2018) Molybdenum and Chromium Molecular Geochemistry: Advancing the Paleo-Redox Proxies
Chappaz A, Babos H, Hlohowskyj S & Tessin A
(2018) Molybdenum Burial Mechanism: Iron-Sulfide Pathway
Vorlicek T, Helz G, Chappaz A, Vue P & Vezina A
(2018) Molybdenum Molecular Geochemistry in Distinct Solid Phases Reveal Strong Heterogeneity in Black Shales
Hlohowskyj S, Ardakani O, Sanei H, Wood J & Chappaz A
(2018) Nano-Inclusions Verses Lattice-Bound Trace Elements in Pyrite: Implications on Formation History and Paleo-Ocean Chemistry
Gregory D, Perea D, Cliff J, Kovarik L, Chappaz A & Lyons T
(2018) Chromium Geochemistry in Lake Erie Sediments
Babos HB, Hlohowskyj SR, Gill G, Veresh A & Chappaz A
(2017) Does High Molybdenum Enrichment in Sedimentary Records Always Require Past Anoxic Conditions?
Ardakani OH, Sanei H, Chappaz A, Haghnazar-Liseroudi M & Wood JM
(2017) Evidence for Localized Severe Euxinia during Lower Jurassic in Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: A Multi-Paleo Proxies Study
Ardakani OH, Chappaz A, Sanei H, Mayer B & Wieser M
(2017) Inorganic Fixation of Molybdenum
Vorlicek T, Helz G, Chappaz A, Vue P & Vezina A
(2017) Assessing the Potential of Redox Sensitive Trace Metals to Capture Climate Variability in an Equitorial Meromicitic Lake
Hlohowskyj S, Thompson D & Chappaz A
(2016) Reconstructing 1, 500 Years of Sediment History from North Poland Using Pb Isotopes
Babos H, Black S, Pluskowski A, Brown A & Chappaz A
(2016) Chromium, Tungsten and Vanadium Diagenesis in Lake Sediments
Chappaz A
(2015) The Importance of Thermal Maturity for Molybdenum Geochemistry in Black Shale: Implications for the Paleo – Proxy
Ardakani OH, Chappaz A & Sanei H
(2014) Exploring Mo-Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Interactions as a Control on the Mo Paleoproxy
Wagner M & Chappaz A
(2014) Molybdenum Speciation in Modern and Ancient Euxinic Settings
Chappaz A, Owens J & Lyons T
(2014) Formation of Fe-Mo-S Solid(s): Possible Sequestration Vehicle
Vorlicek T, Chappaz A, Groskreutz L & Myslicki N
(2013) Molybdenum Speciation and Distribution in Ancient Euxinic Shales by µXRF and µXANES Spectroscopy
Chappaz A, Fitts JP & Dahl TW
(2012) Molybdenum Sequestration in Sulfidic Sediments: Xafs Evidence for mo Reduction
Chappaz A, Dahl TW, Fitts JP & Lyons TW
(2011) Molybdenum as a Paleoredox Proxy: An Update
Lyons T, Arnold G, Chappaz A, Gill B, Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Riedinger N, Scott C & Anbar A
(2009) Exploring the Relationship between Molybdenum and Organic Matter Through Experimental Approaches and XAS and NMR Characterization
Chappaz A, Lyons TW, Fitts JP & Myneni SCB
(2008) Sequestration Mechanisms and Sources of Rhenium in Lacustrine Sediments, Eastern Canada
Chappaz A, Gobeil C & Tessier A

Chappell A. (2011) Net Redistribution of 137Cs over Australia
Bui E & Chappell A

Chappell B.W. (2011) Silicon Isotopes in Granitoid Rocks
Savage PS, Georg RB, Williams HM, Burton KW, Halliday AN & Chappell BW
(2011) Secular Trends in Granite Zircon εHf–δ18O, Australian Tasmanides
Jeon H, Williams I, Chappell B & Bennett V
(2008) Applications of SHRIMP II to O Isotopic Analysis of Granite Zircon and Conodont Apatite
Williams I, Trotter J, Ickert R & Chappell B
(2008) In situ U-Pb, O, and Hf Isotope Measurements in Zircon from I- and S-Type Granites from SE Australia
Ickert R, Williams I & Chappell B
(2007) Cu Isotope Signature of Granites
Li W, Jackson S, Chappell B, Alard O & Pearson N
(2003) Li Isotopic Variations in Eastern Australian Granites
Bryant C, Chappell B, Bennett V & McCulloch M
(2003) Carbon Bearing Gases Occluded in Selected Granitic Rocks from Japan, Australia and Slovakia
Nagamine K, Sugisaki R, Chappell B & Kohut M
(2001) Comparison between S-/I-Type (Australia) and Ilmenite-/Magnetite-Series (Japan) in View of the Features in Occluded Gas in Granitic Rocks
Nagamine K, Araki M, Sugisaki R & Chappell BW

Chappell C. (2014) Modeling the Crystal Structure and Ion Exchange Mechanisms in Zorite Using Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy
Celestian A & Chappell C

Chappell D. (2014) Gene Expression as a Biological Reporter of Trace Metal Biogeochemistry: A Case Study with Diatoms Living in Different Iron Regimes in The North Pacific Ocean
Jenkins B, Chappell D, Whitney L, Wallace J & Leigh T

Chappell J (2005) In situ U-Series Dating by Laser-Ablation MC-ICPMS
Eggins S, GrÜn R, Mcculloch MT, Pike AWG, Chappell J & Kinsley L
(2003) Large Sea-Level Excursions during the Marine Isotope Stages 4 and 3 Obtained from Huon Peninsula Uplifted Coral Terraces
Yokoyama Y, Esat T, McCulloch M, Mortimer G, Chappell J & Lambeck K
(2003) Evaluation of Nucleogenic Component in Cosmogenic 21Ne Surface Exposure Dating
Fujioka T, Honda M, Chappell J, Fifield K, Fabel D & Nishiizumi K

Chappell J. Caleb (2021) Fluorapatite-Fluid Alteration: REE Mobility and its Implications for Apatite as an Exploration Tool
Chappell JC, Gysi A, Monecke T & Chang Z

Chappell John (2008) Eroding Australia: Slowly
Heimsath A, Chappell J, Hancock G, Fink D & Fifield K
(2006) High-resolution paleoclimate of the MIS 11 interglacial (423-360 ka) using geochemical proxies in giant Tridacna clams
Ayling BF, Chappell J, McCulloch MT, Gagan MK & Elliot M
(2006) Continental Crust Subduction and Exhumation: insights from eastern Papua New Guinea
Baldwin SL, Webb LE, Monteleone B, Little TA, Fitzgerald PG, Peters K & Chappell JL

Chappell Mark (2012) Number Density Considerations in the Dispersion-Dissolution Behavior of Engineered Silver Nanomaterials
Chappell M, Miller L, Price C, Middleton M, Blaustein G, Jackson L, Bednar A, Kennedy A & Steevens J

Chappell Mark A (2019) Predicting 2, 4-Dintroanisole (DNAN) Sorption on Various Soil “Types” Using Different Compositional Datasets
Chappell MA, Seiter JM, West HM, Miller LF, Negrete ME, LeMonte JJ, Porter BE & Price CL

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