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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chao J. (2009) Combining Hydrometric, Chemical and Isotopic Approaches to Assess Nitrate Loading of Rivers in Southern Alberta, Canada
Mayer B, Rock L, Chao J, Hogue K & Katvala S

Chao K-H. (2022) Melting and Thermoelastic Properties of High-Pressure Ices Under Conditions of Planetary Interiors
Chen B, Lai X, Chao K-H, Zhu F, Zhang J, Tkachev SN, Zhang D, Chariton S & Prakapenka V

Chao Q. (2020) Control of Crystal Structure on Solid Acidity during Smectite Illitization
Du J, Cai J & Chao Q
(2018) Organic Matter Preservation Mechanisms Lead to a Difference in the Depth of Hydrocarbon Generation
Chao Q & Cai J
(2017) Correlation between Pyrolysis Data and Organic Matter Occurrence in Organo-Clay Complexes of Argillaceous Source Rock and its Significance
Cai J, Chao Q, Zhou Q & Zhu X

Chao-Yang L. (2002) Origin of Ore-Forming Fluids of MVT Pb-Zn Deposits in Kangdian Area, China
Wang J, Ze-Qin L & Chao-Yang L

Chaopricha N.T. (2010) The Nature of Ancient Organic Matter in Buried Paleosol Mineral Horizons
Chaopricha NT, Marin-Spiotta E & Mason J

Chaouachi M. (2013) Direct Observation of Gas Hydrate Formation in a Sedimentary Matrix on the Microscale
Sell K, Chaouachi M, Enzmann F, Kuhs WF, Kersten M, Pinzer B & Saenger EH

Chaouchi K. (2022) Evidence of the Impact of Substitutions in Goethite on Rare Earth Element Adsorption
Buist A, Rivard C, Davranche M, Chaouchi K, Bouhnik-Le-Coz M, Brisset F, Paineau EN, Rouziere S & Vantelon D

Chaparro C. (2017) Portland Cement – Rock Interaction. Diffusion and Advection Scenarios
Soler J, Chaparro C & Saaltink M

Chaparro M.C. (2019) Geochemical Reactions and Tritium Transport in Concrete Cells for Storing Radioactive Waste
Chaparro MC & Saaltink MW
(2019) Rock/cement Fracture in Geological CO2 Storage
Fernandez-Rojo L, Soler JM, Chaparro MC, Galí S, Queralt I & Cama J
(2019) Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Chemical Modelling of a cement-Rock-Brine-CO2 System
Klose T, Chaparro C, Schilling F, Hirsch A & Blum P
(2017) Using Reactive Transport Modelling to Analyse Cement-Groundwater-Rock Interaction. The LCS Experiment at Grimsel
Chaparro MC, Saaltink MW & Soler JM

Chapela Lara M. (2019) The Influence of Lithology on Mg Cycling in Highly Weathered Catchments: Insights from Mg Isotopes at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
Chapela Lara M, Schuessler JA, Buss HL, Henehan MJ & McDowell WH
(2019) Extreme Li Isotope Fractionation during Tropical Weathering: The Multiple Roles of Secondary Minerals
Chapela Lara M, Buss H, Schuessler J & Henehan M
(2018) Decoupling of Shallow and Deep Sources of Nutrients at the Late Stages of Weathering: Insights from Traditional and Non-Traditional Tracers at the Luquillo CZO
Chapela Lara M, Schuessler J, Buss H & McDowell W
(2016) Riverine Mg Isotope Ratios Reflect Deep Critical Zone Weathering in a Tropical Andesitic Catchment
Chapela Lara M, Buss HL, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Moore OW & Schuessler JA
(2015) Oxygen: Coupling and Controlling Critical Zone Weathering Hotspots
Buss H, Moore O & Chapela Lara M
(2014) Critical Zone Weathering Hotspots
Buss H, Moore O, Chapela Lara M, Schulz M & White A
(2014) Delimiting the Soil/Saprolite Transition Using a Multi-Tracer Approach
Chapela Lara M, Buss HL & Pogge von Strandmann P
(2013) Mg Isotopes: Insights into Weathering in a Tropical Volcaniclastic Regolith
Chapela Lara M, Buss HL, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Dessert C & Gaillardet J
(2013) Relating Grain-Scale Weathering Observations to Catchment-Scale Critical Zone Morphology
Buss HL, Moore OW, Chapela Lara M, Schulz M & White AF

Chapelle F. H. (2001) Novel Mechanisms of Chlorinated Ethene Biodegradation Observed at Ground Water-Surface Water Interfaces
Chapelle FH & Bradley PM

Chapelle Francis (2018) Factors Affecting Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Groundwater
McDonough L, Oudone P, Rutlidge H, Meredith K, Andersen M, O'Carroll D, Chapelle F & Baker A

Chapillon E. (2015) Recent Results of the Chemistry In Disks Consortium
Chapillon E, Dutrey A, Henning T, Guilloteau S, Hersant F, Pietu V, Reboussin L, Semenov D, Teague R & Wakelam V

Chapin C (2005) Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Chronology of K-Metasomatism of Volcanic Rocks Near Socorro, New Mexico, USA
Dunbar N, Ennis D & Chapin C

Chapin C.e. (2014) Cenozoic Slab-Rollback Magmatism in Western North America: Similarities and Differences in Space-Time-Composition
Henry CD, McIntosh WC, McDowell FW, Lipman PW, John DA, Colgan JP, Chapin CE & Watts KE

Chapleur O. (2009) Simultaneous Analysis of Microbial Identity and Function Using NanoSIMS: Application to Anaerobic Degradation of Methanol
Mazeas L, Li T, Wu T-D, Chapleur O, An S, Grossin-Debattista J, Guerquin Kern JL & Bouchez T

Chapligin B. (2013) Early Diagenetic Quartz Formation at a Deep Iron Oxidation Front in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Meister P, Chapligin B, Picard A, Meyer H, Fischer C, Rettenwander D, Amthauer G, Vogt C & Aiello I

Chaplygin I (2005) Sources of Unique Rhenium Enrichment in the Kudriavy Volcano, Kurile Islands
Tessalina S, Yudovskaya M, Françoise C, Birck J, Vadim D, Chaplygin I & Allègre C
(2005) New Type of Rare-Metal Mineralization: Deposition of Metals in High-Temperature Vapor System of Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, Kuriles, Russia
Chaplygin I, Safonov Y, Mozgova N & Yudovskaya M
(2005) Extreme Fractionation of REE and Some Transition Metals in the Natural High-Temperature Vapor Systems
Yudovskaya M, Distler V, Chaplygin I & Mokhov A

Chaplygin Ilya (2016) High-Temperature Fumarolic Activity at Kudriavy Volcano (Iturup Isl, Kuriles) during Past 25 Years
Chaplygin I, Taran Y & Inguaggiato S
(2015) Mantle-Derived In Mineralization in the Erzgebirge and Kuril Island Arc
Seifert T, Chaplygin I, Yudovskaya M & Chaplygin O
(2013) How Much Magmatic Water is Transported by Volcanic Gases?
Taran Y, Zelenski M & Chaplygin I
(2013) First Finding of Picrobasaltic Melts on Iturup Island, Kurile Island Arc
Chaplygin I, Solovova I & Yudovskaya M

Chaplygin O. (2015) Mantle-Derived In Mineralization in the Erzgebirge and Kuril Island Arc
Seifert T, Chaplygin I, Yudovskaya M & Chaplygin O

Chapman Alan (2013) Seismic Anisotropy as a Constraint on Composition in the Lower Crust
Brownlee S, Hacker B, Chapman A, Saleeby J & Seward G
(2009) New Capabilities for Small-Scale and High-Precision SIMS Analysis
Eiler J, Adkins J, Chapman A, Guan Y, Hofmann A & Ferry J

Chapman Alice (2022) Mineralogical Insights into Coral Trace Element Incorporation and Stress Response
Chapman A, Farfan GA, Thompson D, Carilli J, Sayani H & Marchitto T

Chapman B. (2020) Hydrogen Isotopic Analysis of CM2 Chondrite Murchison
Chapman B & Bose M

Chapman E. (2013) Origin of Dissolved Solids in Marcellus Shale Produced Water
Stewart B, Chapman E, Capo R, Graney J & Johnson J
(2011) Origin of Dissolved Metals in Produced Water from the Devonian Marcellus Shale, USA: Sr Isotope Systematics
Stewart B, Chapman E, Capo R, Hammack R, Schroeder K & Edenborn H
(2010) Sr Isotope Quantification of Siderite, Brine and AMD Contribution to High TDS Well Discharges
Chapman E, Capo R, Stewart B, Hedin R, Weaver T & Edenborn H

Chapman H. (2018) Reactive Transport Modelling of 87Sr/86Sr and δ234Ui Evolution in a CO2 Rich Aquifer: Constraint from Modern Fluids and Fossil Veins
Scott P, Maskell A, Bohlin M, Condon D, Sadekov A, Horstwood M, Sahy D, Chapman H, Kampman N & Bickle M
(2017) Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Analysis of Gypsum Hydration Water from the Evaporites of the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Hodell D, Evans N, Gázquez F, Bauska T, Chapman H & McKenzie J
(2017) Coupled Measurement of Ca and Sr Isotopes in Evaporites from the Sorbas Basin, SE Spain
Evans N, Mailes J, Bauska T, Gázquez F, Chapman H, Bradbury H, Turchyn S & Hodell D
(2015) Chemical Weathering in the Flood Plain of the Ganges
Bickle M, Chapman H, Tipper E, Galy A, de la Rocha C & Ahmad T
(2015) Raptor Ridge, Wyoming – Variation in 87Sr/86Sr Distinguishes Silicate and Carbonate Mineral Dissolution during Geological Carbon Storage
Chapman H, Bickle M & Davies N
(2013) Modelling Gas-Fluid-Mineral Interactions in a CO2 Injection Analogue Site with Noble Gases
Zhou Z, Bickle M, Galy A, Chapman H, Kampman N, Dubacq B, Wigley M, Warr O, Sirikitputtisak T, Hannah P & Ballentine C
(2013) Long-Term Effects of CO2-Charged Brine on Caprock Integrity and Existing Heterogeneities within the Entrada Sandstone, Green River, Utah
Maskell A, Kampman N, Bickle M, Chapman H, Daniels K, Busch A, Schaller M & Evans J
(2013) CO2 Dissolution Rates during CO2 Injection: A Consequence and Measure of Reservoir Heterogeneities
Bickle M, Daniels K, Neufeld J, Kampman N, Galy A, Chapman H, Zhou Z, Dubacq B, Wigley M, Warr O & Ballentine C
(2013) Modelling the Propagation and Dissolution of Carbon Dioxide into Reservoir Brines: Implications for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Daniels K, Bickle M, Waterton P, Hewitt D, Neufeld J, Kampman N, Maskell A & Chapman H
(2013) Strontium Isotopes Map Fluid Flow in a Natural CO2 Reservoir, Green River, Utah, USA
Chapman H, Kampman N, Bickle M, Busch A & Evans JP
(2013) Downhole Fluid Sampling of a Natural CO2 Reservoir, Green River, Utah: Implications for Fault-Hosted Fluid Flow and Reservoir Caprock Performance
Kampman N, Bickle M, Chapman H, Maskell A, Evans J & Busch A
(2012) Chemical Weathering Fluxes Through a Coastal Aquifer, the Pingtung Plain, Southwest Taiwan
Martin C, Galy A, Hovius N, Bickle M, Lin I-T, Horng M-J, Calmels D, Chapman H & Chen H
(2011) Predicting CO2 EOR and Geological Sequestration Processes with Artificial Noble Gas Tracers
Zhou Z, Bickle M, Galy A, Chapman H, Kampman N, Dubacq B, Wigley M, Warr O, Sirikitputtisak T, Hannah P & Ballentine C
(2011) Short-Term CO2-Fluid-Mineral Interactions in a CO2 Injection Experiment, Wyoming
Kampman N, Bickle M, Galy A, Chapman H, Zhou Z, Dubacq B, Wigley M, Warr O, Sirikitputtisak T & Ballentine C
(2011) Weathering Fluxes from Time Series Sampling of the Irrawaddy and Salween Rivers
Chapman H, Bickle M, Thaw SH & Thiam HN
(2011) Contribution of Groundwater to Chemical Weathering Fluxes in the Pingtung Plain, Taiwan
Martin C, Galy A, Hovius N, Bickle M, Lin I-T, Horng M-J, Calmels D, Chapman H & Chen H
(2010) Coupled CO2-leakage and in situ Fluid-Mineral Reactions in a Natural CO2 Reservoir, Green River, Utah
Kampman N, Burnside N, Bickle M, Shipton Z, Ellam R & Chapman H
(2009) Contribution of Deep Groundwater to Weathering Budget in a Rapidly Eroding Mountain Belt, Taiwan
Calmels D, Galy A, Bickle MJ, Hovius N, Chen M-C & Chapman H
(2006) Geochemistry of terrestrial carbonates forming within an alleged Snowball Earth glaciation
Fairchild I, Wynn P, Spoetl C, Bickle M & Chapman H
(2005) Record of the Weathering Timescale in Himalayan Rivers
Pomies C, Bickle M, Tipper ET, Chapman H, Fairchild I & Harris N
(2002) Banded Iron Formations as Monitors of Archaean Seawater Composition
Chapman H, Bickle MJ, Hunter M, Fowler M, Nisbet E & Martin T
(2002) Modelling of Carbonate and Silicate Inputs to the Riverine Dissolved Load
Bickle MJ, Bunbury J, Chapman H, Harris N, Fairchild I & Ahmad T
(2000) Experiments to Investigate the Contribution of Silicate Weathering to the Dissolution of Himalayan Rocks
Bunbury J, Bickle M, Ahmad T, Fairchild I, Harris N & Chapman H

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