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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chang Jean-Yu (2009) A Study on the Origin of the Colored Bands in Keelunshan Andesite, Taiwan
Liu T-C, Chang J-Y & Iizuka Y

Chang Jerry (2021) Apatite Nanoresponse to Acidic Dissolution
Perdrial N, Hellmann R, Conde A, Rampe EB, Christoffersen R, Murayama M & Chang J

Chang Jia (2023) High-Precision Zircon Geochronology and Geochemistry from the Santa Rita Porphyry Cu Deposit, NM, USA
Gaynor SP, Audetat A, Chang J, Koran I & Schoene B
(2019) Link Mo Isotope Fractionation with Molybdenite Precipitation Processes in Porphyry Systems: Insights from the Yulong Cu-Mo Deposit, Tibet
Chang J & Li J-W

Chang Jian

Chang Jiang (2013) A Pathway for Aromatic Hydrocarbon Formation
Xia Y & Chang J

Chang Jin (2011) The First Observation of Chang'E-2 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
Zhu M-H, Ma T, Chang J, Ip W-H, Tang Z & Xu A
(2009) Time Series Data Reduction for the Chang’E-1 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
Zhang L, Liu J, Zou Y, Shen J, Zhang G, Chang J, Li C & Ouyang Z

Chang Jing-Sheng (2015) Raman Study of FeSiO3 Polymorphs Across Phase Transitions
Kung J, Chang J-S & Lin J-F

Chang Jingyi (2019) The Morphological and Sulfur Isotopic Characteristics of Pyrites in the Sediments in Xisha Trough, South China Sea
Chang J, Lu H, Liu Y, Lu X & Wang X

Chang Jui-Ming (2019) The Impact of Typhoon Precipitation on Flow Routing, River Chemistry and Carbon Cycling
Chang J-M, Lin L-H, Hovius N, Bufe A, Chou H-L, Wang P-L, Chen H & Andermann C

Chang Julie (2020) Origin of Ash Deposits on the Flanks of Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawai‘i
Trusdell F, Chang J & Tamashiro Z

Chang Julie M. (2023) Time-Series Petrologic and Geochemical Monitoring of the 2022 Eruption of Mauna Loa, Hawai‘i
Lynn KJ, Trusdell FA, Downs DT, Rhodes JM, Chang JM, Nadeau PA, Bennington N, Lundblad S, Gansecki C, McDade B & Vollinger MJ
(2022) From Kīlauea or Mauna Loa? Geochemistry of Holocene Tephra Deposits on the Southeast Flank of Mauna Loa Volcano (Hawai‘i)
Chang JM, Trusdell FA & Lynn KJ

Chang N-N. (2017) Trophic Structure and Energy Flow in a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vent, Offshore Northeastern Taiwan
Chang N-N, Wang P-L, Lin L-H, Tu T-H & Jeng M-S

Chang Pei (2022) Anaerobic Dissolution of Arsenopyrite:a Potential Underestimated Arsenic Pollution Source
Chang P, Zhu X & Teng H
(2020) Crystallization Process of Scorodite at Hydrothermal Conditions
Zhu X, Chang P, Li S & Teng HH

Chang Peng (2021) Residential Indoor Air Quality: Investigating PM10 and PM2.5 Sources, Behaviour and Environmental Factors in a Citizen Science Study
Bramwell L, Chang P, Curtis T, Deary M, Entwistle JA, Jabeen K, Namdeo A & Potgieter-Vermaak S

Chang Q (2008) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Basaltic Rocks from the Lyra Basin, the Western Edge of the Ontong Java Plateau
Shimizu K, Sano T, Tejada M, Chang Q, Sato K, Suzuki K & Nakanishi M
(2004) The Heterogeneous Hawaiian Plume
Johnson K, Ren Z, Takahashi E, Shibata T & Chang Q
(2004) Subduction Processes Associated with Back-Arc Opening; Hf Isotope Study of Tertiary NE Japan Arc
Hanyu T, Tatsumi Y, Nakai S, Shibata T, Yoshikawa M, Chang Q, Sato K & Yoshida T

Chang Qing (2015) Remelting of Ontong Java Plateau Lithosphere
Hanyu T, Tejada M, Shimizu K, Ishikawa A, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Miyazaki T, Goto K & Ishizuka O
(2015) Geochemical Variation of Izu Rear-Arc Volcanic Rocks at Drill Site U1437: Results from IODP Expedition 350
Sato T, Tamura Y, Miyazaki T, Horie K, Gill JB, Hamelin C, Senda R, Vaglarov BS, Haraguchi S, Chang Q, Kimura J-I & Iodp Expedition 350 S
(2013) Large Geochemical Variations in Submarine HIMU Basalts
Hanyu T, Dosso L, Ishizuka O, Tani K, Hanan B, Adam C, Nakai S, Senda R, Chang Q & Tatsumi Y
(2012) Temporal and Depth Variation of Os Isotope Composition in Ferromanganese Crusts from the Takuyo Daigo Seamount (#5 Takuyo Smt), Northwestern Pacific Ocean
Tokumaru A, Nozaki T, Goto KT, Takaya Y, Suzuki K, Chang Q, Kato Y, Usui A & Urabe T
(2011) A Possible Mantle Plume Source in the Lower Mantle; Evidence from Polynesian HIMU
Hanyu T, Tatsumi Y, Senda R, Miyazaki T, Chang Q, Hirahara Y, Takahashi T, Kawabata H, Suzuki K, Kimura J-I & Nakai S
(2011) Geochemical Study of Fresh Volcanic Glasses from ~145Ma Shatsky Rise
Shimizu K, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Sano T
(2011) Mantle Diapir or Mantle Wedge Plume of NW Rota-1 Volcano, Mariana Arc
Tamura Y, Ishizuka O, Stern R, Shukuno H, Kawabata H, Embley R, Hirahara Y, Chang Q, Kimura J, Tatsumi Y, Nunokawa A & Bloomer S
(2010) Paleoenvironmental Changes during Marine Isotopic Stage 5e in the Central Okhotsk Sea: High Resolution Multiproxy Record
Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Sakamoto T, Sakai S, Martinez-Ruiz F, Chang Q, Sato K & Suzuki K
(2010) A Rapid Determination Method for Re and Os Isotopic Compositions Using ID-MC-ICP-MS with Sparging Method
Nozaki T, Suzuki K, Ravizza G, Kimura J-I & Chang Q
(2008) Calc-Alkalic vs. Tholeiitic Revisited: A Radical View of Andesite Genesis
Tatsumi Y, Takahashi T, Hirahara Y, Miyazaki T, Chang Q, Kimura J-I, Ban M & Sakayori A
(2007) Petrological and Geochemical Constraints on Origin of St. Helena HIMU Basalts
Kawabata H, Hanyu T, Chang Q & Tatsumi Y
(2007) High-Silica Magmatism in an Oceanic Core Complex from the Central Indian Ridge
Morishita T, Nakamura K, Chang Q, Neo N & Kugamai H
(2007) Silicic Magmas in the Izu-Bonin Oceanic Arc and Implications for Crustal Evolution
Tamura Y, Kodaira S, Ishizuka O, Kawabata H, Suzuki T, Chang Q & Tatsumi Y
(2006) Wet and dry basalt magma evolution in Torishima volcano, Izu-Bonin arc, Japan: the possible role of phengite
Tamura Y, Tani K, Chang Q, Shukuno H, Kawabata H & Fiske R
(2006) Contiribution of slab melting and slab dehydration to magmatism in the Japanese arc
Hanyu T, Tatsumi Y, Nakai S, Chang Q, Miyazaki T, Sato K, Tani K, Shibata T & Yoshida T
(2003) Precise Determination of REE and Y in GSJ Standard Rock Samples JP-1 (Peridotite) by Microconcentric Desolvating Nebulisation ICP-MS
Chang Q, Shibata T, Shinotsuka K, Yoshikawa M & Tatsumi Y
(2002) Geochemistry of Loess Sections from High Altitude Region, Yili Basin, NW China
Yabuki S, Ye W, Kanayama S, Honda M & Chang Q

Chang Qing (2020) Mineral Chemistry and Pb Isotope Compositions of Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits Obtained by Drillings in the Gondou Field, Okinawa Trough: Preferable Modern Analogue of Kuroko Deposit
Totsuka S, Shimada K, Nozaki T, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Ishibashi J-I
(2020) Fish Debris and Rare-Earth Deposition Event in the Latest Eocene Revealed by Osmium Isotope Stratigraphy
Ohta J, Yasukawa K, Nozaki T, Takaya Y, Mimura K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Usui Y, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Kato Y
(2020) Investigating Past Eruptive Activity of a Silicic Shallow Submarine Volcano Using FTIR Volatile Analyses
McIntosh IM, Tani K, Nichols ARL, Chang Q & Kimura J-I

Chang Qing (2021) Highly Enriched and Depleted Melt Sources in Mantle Plumes Recorded in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in Raivavae Ocean Island Basalts
Hanyu T, Shimizu K, Ushikubo T, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Hamada M
(2021) Sampling Source Heterogeneities that Bind the Ontong Java Nui Puzzle Together
Tejada MLG, Sano T, Hanyu T, Koppers A, Nakanishi M, Ishikawa A, Miyazaki T, Tani K, Shimizu S, Chang Q & Vaglarov B
(2021) Depth Profile of Re-Os Concentrations and Isotope Ratios in the Hydrothermally Altered Clay Obtained from Brothers Volcano Hydrothermal Field during the IODP Expedition 376
Nozaki T, Ishida M, Takaya Y, Chang Q, Kimura J-I & Kato Y

Chang Qing (2023) Seven Million Year Record of Multiple Geochemical Proxies of Planktonic Foraminifera Shells Collected from Marine Sediment Core (IODP Exp.361 Site U1476) after Removal of Clay and Boron-Specific Contamination Influences
Kubota K, Ishikawa T, Yoshimura T, Kimoto K, Chang Q, Ikehara M, Yokoyama Y, Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Hemming SR, Barker S & Hall IR
(2023) Reducing Matrix Effect in LA-ICP-MS by Mixing of Nitrogen to Helium Cell Gas
Chang Q & Kimura J-I
(2023) Environmental Changes in the Arctic over the Past 10 Myr Based on Os Isotope Stratigraphy and Chemical Composition of Ferromanganese Crusts
Konstantinova N, Suzuki K, Chang Q, Makabe A, Hein JR, Brekke H & Skolotnev S
(2023) New Evidence for the Kerguelen Plume Activity during East Gondwana Rifting to Breakup
Tejada MLG, Ishizuka O, Miyazaki T, White L, Chang Q, Vaglarov B, Lee EY, Brumsack H-J, Schnetger B, Harry D & Hobbs R

Chang Qing (2022) Osmium Isotope Stratigraphy Age and Elemental Composition of Ferromanganese Crusts from Iwaki Seamount
Kobayashi E, Suzuki K, Usui A, Chang Q, Makabe A, Kashiwabara T & Orihashi Y

Chang Qing (2017) Osmium Isotope and PGE Signatures of the Deep-Sea Deposits from Japan: Implications for the Late Triassic Impact Event
Sato H, Nozaki T, Ishikawa A, Onoue T, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Suzuki K
(2017) Determination of Stable Chlorine Isotopes by UV-LA-MC-ICP-MS and its Application to Halite and Igneous Rock Samples -2-
Toyama C, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Vaglarov B & Kuroda J
(2017) Cl Isotope Study on Gas Condensates of Island Arc-Volcano Implying 37Cl-Enrichment during Slab Subduction
Musashi M, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Nomura M, Matsuo M & Shozugawa K
(2017) Preliminary Data on New Olivine Reference Material MongOL Sh11-2 for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Sobolev A, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Goemann K, Portnyagin M, Garbe_Schoenberg D, Hauri E, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Ionov D

Chang Qing (2018) In situ Sr-Pb Isotope Geochemistry of Lawsonite: A New Method to Investigate Slab Fluid
Hara T, Tsujimori T, Chang Q & Kimura J-I
(2018) In situ Lithium Isotope Geochemistry for a Veined Jadeitite from the New Idria Serpentinite Body, California: New Insights for Slab-Derived Fluid
Takahashi N, Tsujimori T, Chang Q & Kimura J-I
(2018) Pb Isotope Analysis of Galena in Seafloor Polymetallic Sulfide Deposits from the Mid-Okinawa Trough Using Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
Totsuka S, Ishibashi J-I, Nozaki T, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Shimada K

Chang Qing (2019) Fluctuation of Osmium Isotope Composition Recorded in Cenozoic Pelagic Brown Clay from the Western North Pacific Ocean
Ohta J, Nozaki T, Takaya Y, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Kato Y
(2019) Evolution of the N-Izu Rear Arc Magma Source as Revealed by the Site U1437 of IODP Exp. 350
Miyazaki T, Sato T, Tamura Y, Hamelin C, Gill J, DeBari S, Kimura J-I, Vaglarov B, Chang Q, Senda R & Haraguchi S
(2019) High-Resolution Chemostratigraphy of Fe–Mn Crusts by LA-ICP-MS
Azami K, Chang Q, Kimura J-I, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K & Kato Y
(2019) New Olivine (MongOl Sh11-2) Reference Material for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schoenberg@ifg.uni-kiel.de D, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Goemann K, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Sobolev A

Chang Qing (2016) Determination of Stable Chlorine Isotopes by UV-LA-MC-ICP-MS and its Application to Halite and Igneous Rock Samples
Toyama C, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Vaglarov BS & Kuroda J
(2016) Possible Carbonated Melts from a Mantle Plume; A Study of Raivavae
Hanyu T, Kawabata H, Kimura J-I, Miyazaki T, Senda R, Chang Q, Hirahara Y, Takahashi T, Vaglarov B & Tatsumi Y
(2016) Geochemical Variations in Japan Sea Back-Arc Basin Basalts Formed by High-Temperature Adiabatic Melting of Mantle Metasomatized by Sediment Subduction Components
Hirahara Y, Kimura J-I, Senda R, Miyazaki T, Kawabata H, Takahashi T, Chang Q, Vaglarov BS, Sato T & Kodaira S
(2016) Origin of Bowers Ridge and its Oligocene Adakitic/Normal Arc Magmatism
Kawabata H, Sato K, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Takahashi T, Hirahara Y, Miyazaki T & Scholl DW
(2016) Genetic Relationship between Tholeiitic and Calc-Alkaline Suite Magmas at Chokai Volcano in the NE Japan Rear-Arc
Takahashi T, Hirahara Y, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Ban M, Tatsumi Y & Nakano S
(2016) Role of Subducted Sediment in Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopic Evolution for Early Cretaceous to Paleogene Granitic Rocks from Northeast Japan
Tsuchiya N, Kagashima S-I, Takahashi T, Senda R, Chang Q, Miyazaki T, Vaglarov B, Haraguchi S & Kimura J-I
(2016) A Survey on New Standard Materials for U-Pb Dating of Carbonate Using LA-MC-ICP-MS
Yokoyama T, Saito-Kokubu Y, Murakami H, Watanabe T, Hirata T, Sakata S, Danhara T, Iwano H, Maruyama S, Miyazaki T, Senda R, Chang Q & Kimura J-I
(2016) Origin of Arima-Type Brine and Associated Spring Waters in the Kinki District, Southwest Japan
Nakamura H, Chiba K, Chang Q, Morikawa N, Kazahaya K & Iwamori H
(2016) Juvenile Magma Source of N-Izu Indicated by the Volcaniclastic Geochemistry in the Deepest Part of Site U1437, IODP Exp. 350
Miyazaki T, Sato T, Tamura Y, Horie K, Gill J, Senda R, Vaglarov B, Haraguchi S, Chang Q & Kimura J-I
(2016) Microstructural and Petrological Analyses Peridotites and Gabbros from IODP Hole U1382A at North Pond in the Kane Area of Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Harigane Y, Abe N, Michibayashi K, Kimura J-I & Chang Q
(2016) Marine Osmium Isotope Record in the Upper Triassic Deep-Sea Deposits from Japan: The Middle to Upper Norian Transition
Sato H, Nozaki T, Onoue T, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Takaya Y, Kato Y & Suzuki K
(2016) Quantitative Elemental Mapping of Pyroxenes and Plagioclase by Line Scanning Femtosecond LA-ICPMS
Chang Q & Kimura J-I

Chang Qiusheng (2021) Carbon-Oxygen Isotope Characteristics of Alkaline Lake Dolomitic Shale and its Implications for Reservoir Sedimentation-Diagenesis Process
Yang L, Zhao W, Jiang Z, Huang L, Chang Q, Tang X & Gao Z

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