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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chai L. (2016) Biomineralization Induced by Bacterial Biofilms
Chai L

Chai X. (2016) Improvements on High-Precision Eu Isotope Analysis by MC-ICP-MS
Li M, Chai X, Gao S, Hu Z, Liu Y, Zhou L & Chen H
(2012) Element Impurities as Time Scale in Otoliths of Wild Prussian Carp (Carassius Gibelio): Implications for Past Environmental Reconstructions
Chai X, Li M, Hu S, Hu Z & Jin L

Chai Z. (2017) CO2/CH4 Adsorption and Diffusion in Inorganic Nanopores: Effects of Force Fields and Mineral Compositions
Chai Z, Chen C, Li W & Song Y

Chaicharoen K. (2010) MOMA: Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer: Instrument Concept and Results
Becker L, Richardson C, Chaicharoen K, Cornish T, Antione M, VanAmerom F, Pinnick V, Cotter R, Goesmann F, Raulin F & Ehrenfruend P

Chailan O. (2021) U-Pb Dating of Carbonates from LA-ICP-MS Isotope Ratio Maps: Comparison between Different Data Processing Methods
Hoareau G, Claverie F, Pecheyran C, Paroissin C, Grignard P-A, Motte G, Chailan O & Girard J-P
(2019) U-Pb Dating of Carbonates by UV Femtosecond LA-ICPMS: Toward Reliable Ages from Isotopic Images and Without the Need for a Carbonate Primary Standard
Hoareau G, Claverie F, Pecheyran C, Grignard P-A, Chailan O & Girard J-P
(2019) Using Carbonate and Methane Clumped Isotopes for Sedimentary Basins Analysis
Mangenot X, Chailan O, Gasparrini M, Bonifacie M, Petit A, Rouchon V & Eiler J

Chaillot J. (2023) Validating the Use of VCOF-Crds for Precise & Accurate Triple Oxygen Isotope Analyses of CO2, H2O and Carbonates
Chaillot J, Daëron M, Pesnin M, Clauzel T, Casado M, Landais A & Kassi S
(2021) Direct, Precise Measurements of Oxygen-17 Anomalies in CO2 Using VCOF-Crds
Chaillot J, Kassi S, Casado M, Landais A & Daëron M

Chaillou Gwénaëlle (2018) Seasonal Variation in Chemical Exchanges between a River and a Meander Floodplain
Biehler A, Tremblay C, Baudron P, Buffin-Bélanger T & Chaillou G
(2018) Behaviour of Submarine Groundwater Discharge-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter Fluxes to Coastal Ocean
Hébert A-J, Chaillou G & Gélinas Y
(2018) Inorganic Carbon Chemistry Chemistry in the Groundwater– Ocean Continuum
Tommi-Morin G & Chaillou G
(2015) Arsenic Enrichment in Shelf Sediment of Southeastern Brazil
Caiado Cagnin R, da Silva Quaresma V, Chaillou G & Cardoso Bastos A

Chaillou Gwenaëlle (2012) An Integrated Study with Benthocosms on the Impact of Different Functional Groups of Macrofauna on Benthic N-Processes in Coastal Sediments of the St. Lawrence Estuary
Mouret A, Chaillou G, Archambault P, Maranger R, Sundby B & Mucci A
(2012) Effect of Abiotic Environment on Biogeochemical Response of Arctic Sediments: A Multivariate Analysis
Chaillou G, Link H & Archambault P
(2009) Impact of Hypoxia on the Remobilization of Arsenic and Selenium in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (Québec, Canada)
Lefort S, Mucci A, Sundby B, Chaillou G & Molnar N

Chaillou Gwenaelle (2023) Mapping and Quantifying Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Frozen Season: A Multiproxy Approach to Meet the Challenge!
Peixoto Ramos L, Chaillou G, Bernatchez P & van Beek P

Chainet F. (2023) Pb Isotopic Ratio Determination in Recycled Plastic Samples by MC-ICP-MS: An Analytical Feasibility
Chainet F, Barre JPG, Texier N, Bourdeloux L & Bérail S

Chairat C. (2008) The Surface Chemistry of Multi-Oxide Silicates
Oelkers E, Golubev S, Chairat C, Pokrovsky O & Schott J
(2004) Experimental Studies of REE Fractionation during Water-Mineral Interactions
Kohler S, Harouiya N, Chaïrat C & Oelkers E
(2004) The Solubility and Dissolution Rates of Natural Apatite
Chaïrat C, Oelkers E, Schott J & Lartigue J

Chaka A. (2013) Oxidative Corrosion of Uraninite (UO2) Surfaces
Stubbs J, Eng P, Biwer C, Chaka A, Waychunas G & Bargar J
(2012) Oxidative Corrosion of the Uraninite (111) Surface
Stubbs J, Eng P, Biwer C, Chaka A, Waychunas G & Bargar J
(2011) First Principles Investigation of Manganese Oxide Surface Chemistry
Oxford G & Chaka A
(2010) First Principles Modeling Studies of Cation Adsorption at Oxide-Water Interfaces
Mason S, Iceman C, Trainor T & Chaka A
(2009) Structure and Modification of Iron-Oxide Surfaces during Reaction with Dissolved Iron
Trainor T, Iceman C, Tanwar K, Petitto S, Eng P, Mason S & Chaka A
(2006) Structure of the iron-oxide - aqueous solution interface: surface x-ray diffraction and density functional theory studies
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S & Petitto S
(2005) Structure and Reactivity of Hydroxylated Hematite Surfaces: Application of Surface X-Ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S, Brown G, Catalano J, Waychunas G & Templeton A
(2005) Structures of the Clean and Hydroxylated Hematite (0001) and (1-102) Surfaces: A Density Functional Theory Investigation
Lo C, Chaka A & Trainor T
(2005) Predicting the Impact of the Environment on the Structure and Chemistry of Metal Oxide Surfaces
Chaka A, Lo C & Trainor T

Chakhmouradian A. (2022) Carbonatites: Evolution of High-Grade REE Mineralization and Subsequent Processes Driving Economic Exploration
Kynický J, Magna T, Chakhmouradian A, Vašinová Galiová M, Krmíček L, Rapprich V, Song W, Brtnický M, Urubek T, Smith M & Xu C
(2020) Silicate Rocks Associated with Carbonatites in Plate-Collision Settings: Their Origin, Evolution and Significance for Rare-Earth Exploration
Chakhmouradian A
(2020) Under-Studied Carbonatites and REE Deposits: The Example of Mongolia
Kynicky J, Wenlei S, Smith M, Kotlánová MK, Krmíček L, Urubek T, Brtnický M, Xu C, Chen W & Chakhmouradian A
(2017) Calcic Garnets as a Promising U-Pb Geochronometers
Salnikova E, Chakhmouradian A, Stifeeva M, Reguir E & Nikiforov A
(2013) Rare-Earth Deposits in Igneous Rocks: A Mineralogist’s Perspective
Chakhmouradian A, Zaitsev A & Reguir E
(2013) REE Mobility in Carbonatites: Insights from the Trace-Element Composition of Dolomite
Reguir E & Chakhmouradian A
(2011) The Largest Deposit of Strategic REE, Bayan Obo, Geological Situation and Environmental Hazards
Cihlarova H, Kynicky J, Cheng X, Song W, Chakhmouradian A & Reguir K
(2011) REE Deposits in China
Xu C, Kynicky J & Chakhmouradian A
(2011) REE Mineralization of High Grade REE-Ba-Sr and REE-Mo Deposits in Mongolia and China
Kynicky J, Xu C, Chakhmouradian A, Reguir K, Cihlarova H & Brtnicky M
(2007) Murmanite Lujavrites: A Neglected Member of the Peralkaline Intrusive Sequence at Lovozero (Kola, Russia)
Chakhmouradian A & Mitchell R
(2007) Contrasting Evolutionary Trends in Magnetite from Carbonatites and Alkaline Silicate Rocks
Reguir E, Halden N, Chakhmouradian A, Yang P & Zaitsev A

Chakkalakkal C. (2023) Fate and Transport of Ubiquitous Pollutants in the Soil Environment
Selvaraj A & Chakkalakkal C

Chaknmouradian A. (2019) LIPs Timing by U-Pb ID-TIMS Dating of Calcic Garnets
Stifeeva M, Salnikova E, Chaknmouradian A, Kotov A, Arzamastsev A & Peytcheva I

Chakoumakos B. (2018) Characterization and Visualization of Fish Otoliths Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Calcium Carbonate Polymorph Nucleation and Growth
Pracheil B, Chakoumakos B, Wood RS, Fortner A, Loeppky A & Anderson WG
(2010) Combined High-Pressure Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Study of H-D Substitution Effects on Brucite
Dos Santos A, Horita J, Tulk C, Chakoumakos B & Polyakov V
(2010) A New Structure of Xenon Clathrate Hydrate
Yang L, Tulk CA, Klug DD, Moudrakovski IL, Ratcliffe CI, Ripmeester JA, Chakoumakos BC, Ehm L, Martin CD & Parise JB
(2008) Why Neutron Scattering Should be in the Geoscientist’s Toolbox
Chakoumakos B
(2001) ??Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Gas Clathrate Hydrates Determined by in situ Neutron Scattering
Chakoumakos BC, Rawn CJ, Jones CY, Marshall SL, Stern LA, Kirby SH, Ishii Y, Toby BH & Dender DC
(2001) A Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction Study of the Amblygonite (LiAlPO4F)-Montebrasite (LiAlPO4OH) Solid Solution
Groat LA & Chakoumakos BC

Chakrabarti K. (2013) A Mesoarchean Paleosol from Eastern India—the Second Oldest Paleosol on Earth
Mukhopadhyay J, Crowley QC, Ghosh G, Ghosh S, Chakrabarti K, Mishra B & Bose S

Chakrabarti Ramananda (2023) A Radiogenic and Stable Strontium Isotopic Study of Fish Otoliths
Saha P, Ganguly S, Ghosh P & Chakrabarti R
(2023) Geochemical and Nd, Sr, Stable Ca Isotopic Study of Komatiites from the Dharwar Craton, India
Haldar U, Chakrabarti R & Jayananda M
(2023) Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics of Indian Shales Constrain the Growth of Indian Continental Crust
Ray E, Paul D, Bhutani R, Chakrabarti R & Yang S
(2023) A Sr Isotopic Study of the Interaction of River Water, Seawater, and Groundwater in the Hooghly (Ganga) Estuary
Panda B, Chakrabarti R, Misra DS & Vuruputur V
(2023) Quantitative Modeling of Magma Ocean in the Early Earth and its Implication for the Origin of LLSVPs
Kumari S & Chakrabarti R
(2023) Minor Impact of Fresh Submarine Groundwater Discharge on Si Budget along Indian Coastline: Inferences from Silicon Isotopes and Ge/Si Ratio
Pullyottum Kavil S, Cardinal D, Riotte J, Chakrabarti R, Sarma V, K.R M, Prunier J & Dapoigny A

Chakrabarti Ramananda (2019) Geochemical and Stable Ca and Radiogenic Sr Isotopic Composition of the Godavari River Draining the Deccan Basalts
Hishamunda V, Misra S & Chakrabarti R
(2019) Geochemical and Nd-Sr-Ca Isotopic Compositions of Carbonatites and Alkaline Igneous Rocks from the Deccan Igneous Province: Role of Recycled Carbonates, Crustal Assimilation and Plume Heterogeneity
Banerjee A & Chakrabarti R

Chakrabarti Ramananda (2018) Calcium Isotopic (δ44/40Ca) Compositions of Pedogenic Carbonates from South India: Links with Paleo Weathering
Mondal S, Riotte J & Chakrabarti R
(2018) Geochemical and Nd-Sr Isotopic Study of Jarosite and Associated Rocks at Kutch, India
Das Gupta R & Chakrabarti R
(2018) Large Stable Ca Isotopic (δ44/40Ca) Variation in Open Ocean Samples from the Bay of Bengal
Chakrabarti R, Acharya SS & Mondal S
(2018) Ca and Nd Isotopic Compositions of the Carbonates from the Vindhyan Basin, India: Implications for the Basin Evolution and Mid-Proterozoic Seawater Chemistry
Basu P & Chakrabarti R

Chakrabarti Ramananda (2016) Temperature Reconstruction Using (Sr, Mg, Li)/Ca, Li/Mg, Sr/Li, δ44/40Ca, and δ18O Measurements of Seasonal Bands in Porities sp. Coral from Lakshadweep, India
Mondal S, Chakrabarti R & Ghosh P
(2016) A Combined Eu/Ca and Ba/Ca Based Proxy to Distinguish between Fresh Water and Marine Habitats
Baichapur GS & Chakrabarti R

Chakrabarti Ramananda (2017) Significant Variation in Stable Ca Isotopic (δ44/40 Ca) Composition of Global Carbonatites: Role of Mantle Mineralogy and Subducted Carbonate
Banerjee A & Chakrabarti R
(2017) Strontium Isotopic Evidence for Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) in Bay of Bengal Water
Chakrabarti R, Mondal S, Acharya SS, Sreelekha J & Sengupta D
(2017) Calcium Isotopic (44/40Ca) Fractionation between Inorganic Calcite and Water: Implications for Paleothermometry and Seawater Ca Isotopic Composition
Mondal S & Chakrabarti R

Chakrabarti Ramananda (2015) Variations in Trace Metal and REE Concentrations in Shells of Littoraria (Gastropoda: Littorinidae)
Baichapur GS & Chakrabarti R
(2015) Major, Trace Element and Nd, Sr Isotopic Study of the Carbonate and non-CArbonate Components of Carbonatites
Banerjee A & Chakrabarti R
(2015) Evidence of Decarbonation Process in a Skarn Deposit from Matanumadh Formation, Kachchh Basin, India
Banerjee Y, Dasgupta R, Ghosh P, Chakrabarti R & Hergt J
(2014) Tectono-Magmatic Evolution of Peninsular India: New Insights from Trace Element and Nd Isotopic Study of Mid-Proterozoic Vindhyan Sediments from Rajasthan, India
Banerjee A & Chakrabarti R
(2013) Clumped Isotope Thermometry in Belemnite Shells from the Early Cretaceous Karai Shale Formation, Trichinopoly, India
Banerjee Y, Ghosh P & Chakrabarti R
(2010) Mass Extinctions, Climate Change, and Enhanced Terrestrial Weathering?: The End-Permian and End-Guadalupian Events Compared
Sheldon N & Chakrabarti R
(2010) The Geochemistry of the Brent Impact Structure, Ontario, Canada
Goderis S, Vleminckx B, Paquay F, Chakrabarti R, Renson V, Debaille V, Sluyts W, Vanhaecke F, Spray J, Jacobsen S & Claeys P
(2009) Silicon Isotopic Variability in Proterozoic Cherts
Chakrabarti R, Knoll A & Jacobsen S
(2009) Ca and Mg Isotope Variations of Paleoproterozoic (~2 Ga) Carbonates: Implications for Positive δ13C Event
Farkas J, Chakrabarti R, Melezhik V, Kump L, Medvedev P & Jacobsen S
(2008) Mg and Si Isotopes in the Solar System
Chakrabarti R & Jacobsen S
(2008) Large 3.4 Ga Algoma-Type BIF in the Eastern Indian Craton
Basu A, Bandyopadhyay P, Chakrabarti R & Zou H
(2004) Iron Isotope Variations in the Earth’s Mantle and the Terrestrial Planets
Weyer S, Woodland A, Münker C, Arnold G, Chakrabarti R & Anbar A

Chakrabarti Ramananda (2020) Geochemical and Nd, Sr, Ca Isotopic Study of Leached and Whole-Rock Carbonatites
Banerjee A & Chakrabarti R

Chakrabarti Ramananda (2021) Tracing Weathering and Anthropogenic Controls of Groundwater Geochemical Cycling from Tropical Watershed
Pullyottum Kavil S, Cardinal D, Chakrabarti R, Riotte J, Sarma V, Dapoigny A, Vaury V, Ruiz L, Baud B & Kumar BSK
(2021) Stable Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Chemical Weathering
Haldar U, Chakrabarti R & Rudnick RL
(2021) Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Ca Isotopic Study on Nagaland Ophiolites, India Plume Influence on Neo-Tethyan Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle
Chauhan SS, Odyuo M & Chakrabarti R

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