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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Catalan G. (2011) Elasticity and Anelasticity of Relaxor Ferroelectrics
Carpenter M, Bryson J, Kisi E, Farnsworth S & Catalan G

Catalano Jeffrey (2020) Consistent Controls on Trace Metal Micronutrient Speciation in Wetland Soils and Stream Sediments
Catalano J, Yan J, Flynn E, Sharma N, Giammar D, Schwartz G, Brooks S, Weisenhorn P, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E & Kaplan D
(2019) Abiotic Fe(II) Oxidation Behavior in Trioctahedral Smectites: Rates, Extents, and Products
Kupper R & Catalano J
(2019) Surface-Specific Response of Interfacial Water to Arsenate Adsorption on Oxide Minerals
Catalano J, Xu T, Stubbs J & Eng P
(2019) Zinc Release and Reimmobilization during Fe(II)-induced Ferrihydrite Transformation
Yan J, Catalano J, Chen H & Wang K
(2017) Fate of Arsenic during the Interaction of Dissolved Fe(II) with Mn Substituted Iron Oxides
Liu H, Lu X, Flynn E & Catalano J

Catalano Jeffrey G (2023) Competition and Selectivity during Rare Earth Element Adsorption at Aluminum Oxide-Water Interfaces
Catalano JG, Fang Y, Ledingham GJ, Stagg O, Ramazanova E, Giammar DE, Stubbs JE, Eng PJ & Bylaska EJ
(2023) Citrate-Promoted Dissolution of Yb-Incorporated Goethite
Stagg O, Ramazanova E, Giammar DE, Mergelsberg ST, Ilton ES & Catalano JG
(2022) Heterogeneous Oxidation of Ferrous Minerals by Chlorate and Bromate: Effect of Oxyhalogen Brines on Mars
Mitra K, Catalano JG, Krawczynski M & Hurowitz J
(2022) Reactivity of Adsorbed Metals after Aging with Goethite: Effect of Cation Size and Competitive Adsorption
Ledingham GJ & Catalano JG
(2022) Oxidation of Fe(II)-bearing Smectite by Sideroxydans Lithotrophicus in Low Oxygen Conditions
Zhou N, Kupper RJ, Catalano JG, Thompson A & Chan CS
(2021) Impact of Open Access Publication Requirements on a Traditional, Society-Sponsored Geochemistry Journal and Potential Future Outcomes
Catalano JG
(2021) Intracellular Speciation and Nanoscale Distribution of Silver and Bioessential Metals in Fish Intestinal Epithelia Upon Exposure to Nanoparticles
Catalano JG, Dudefoi W, Flynn E & Minghetti M
(2021) Fate of Trace Metals in Ferrous Smectites Following Iron Oxidation
Kupper RJ, Zhou N, Chan CS & Catalano JG
(2021) Speciation and Availability of Trace Metal Micronutrient in Wetland Soils and Stream Sediments
Yan J, Sharma N, Flynn E, Giammar D, Catalano JG, Schwartz G, Brooks SC, Weisenhorn P, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E & Kaplan D
(2021) Lability of Adsorbed Pb(II) at Metal Oxide Surfaces: Kinetics of Surface Atom Exchange
Ledingham GJ, Pan W, Giammar D & Catalano JG

Catalano Jeffrey G. (2018) Oxidative Transformations of Ferrous Iron Smectites on Mars
Chemtob S, Rivera-Banuchi V, Kamali S, Catalano J, Morris R, Agresti D, Liu W & Yee N
(2018) Zinc Release, Reimmobilization, and Isotope Fractionation during Fe(II)-Catalyzed Ferrihydrite Transformation
Yan J, Catalano J, Wang K & Chen H
(2018) Reduction of Layered Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles by Small Organic Acids and the Impact on Trace Metal Fate
Catalano JG, Flynn ED & Hinkle MAG
(2018) Rates and Products of Fe(II) Oxidation in Trioctahedral Smectites
Kupper R & Catalano J
(2016) Effect of Surface Functional Group Coordination on As(V) Adsorption on Aluminum Hydroxide Surfaces
Xu T & Catalano J
(2016) Clay Formation and Metal Repartitioning during Isochemical Hydrothermal Basalt Alteration
Nickerson R, Chemtob S & Catalano J
(2016) Effect of Dissolved Mn(II) and Organic Acids on Mn Oxide Structure and Metal Binding
Catalano JG, Hinkle MAG & Flynn ED
(2015) Impact of Surface Functional Group Coordination State on the Response of Interfacial Water Structure to Arsenate Adsorption
Catalano JG & Xu T
(2015) Mapping the Micron-Scale Spatial Distribution and Speciation of Sulfur in Ordovician Carbonates
Rose C, Fike D, Webb S, Newville M & Catalano J
(2015) The Influence of Oxalate on Ni Cycling Through Iron Oxides
Flynn ED & Catalano JG
(2015) Contrasting Effects on Trace Element Fate of Iron and Manganese Oxide Transformations Induced by Electron Transfer Reactions
Catalano JG & Hinkle MAG
(2015) Nucleation Behavior of U(VI) Phosphate in the Presence of Mineral Surfaces
Troyer L, Wang Z, Giammar D & Catalano J
(2015) Rethinking Secular δ34S Records: Depositional, Petrographic, and Diagenetic Controls on δ34S
Fike D, Rose C, O'Brien T, Webb S, Newville M & Catalano J
(2014) Connecting Zinc Partitioning and Isotope Fractionation during Fe(II)-Catalyzed Recrystallization of Fe(III) Oxide Minerals
Becker K, Catalano J & Moynier F
(2014) Si Isotope Fractionation during Iron-Silica Aqueous Interaction in the Precambrian Ocean
Chemtob S, Catalano J, Savage P & Moynier F
(2014) Effect of Hematite Morphology on Arsenic(V) Adsorption
Blake K & Catalano J
(2014) Trace Element Partitioning between Iron Oxides and Aqueous Solutions: Evidence for Recrystallization
Catalano JG, Becker KG, Flynn ED, Frierdich AJ, Gadol HJ & Hinkle MAG
(2013) Effect of Phosphate and Sulfate on Fe(II)-Catalyzed Trace Metal Incorporation into and Release from Fe(III) Oxides
Hinkle MAG & Catalano JG
(2013) Effects of Aqueous Phosphate on U(VI) Sorption
Maillot F, Mehta V, Catalano J, Giammar D & Wang Z
(2013) Trace Element and Contaminant Fate during Fe(II)-Catalyzed Iron Oxide Surface Transformations
Catalano JG, Becker KG, Frierdich AJ, Hinkle MAG, Luo Y & Otemuyiwa B
(2012) Interaction of Fe(II) with Phosphate and Sulfate on Iron Oxide Surfaces: Implications for Interfacial Electron Transfer
Hinkle MAG & Catalano JG
(2012) U(VI) Sorption on Montmorillonite in the Presence of Phosphate
Maillot F, Catalano J & Giammar D
(2011) Fe(II)-Induced Trace Element Release from Crystalline Iron Oxides
Frierdich A & Catalano J
(2011) Surface Transformations and Element Cycling Resulting from Interfacial Fe(II)-Fe(III) Self Exchange
Catalano J, Frierdich A, Luo Y, Fenter P, Park C & Rosso K
(2010) Martian Analogs: Synthesis, Characterization, and Oxidation of Ferrous Iron Phyllosilicates
Beehr A & Catalano J
(2010) Aqueous-Mineral Interfaces Toward Extreme Conditions: The Potential Experimental Approaches with Synchrotron X-Ray Probe
Park C, Fenter P, Catalano J, Lee SS, Nagy K & Sturchio N
(2010) Uranyl Adsorption onto Montmorillonite: Complexity and Ongoing Challenges
Catalano J & Brown Jr. G
(2010) Fe(II)-Induced Structural Transformations of Hematite Surfaces and their Impact on Contaminants
Catalano J, Fenter P, Park C, Rosso K, Frierdich A & Otemuyiwa B
(2009) Interfacial Water Ordering and Complex Oxoanion Adsorption on Hematite and Corundum Surfaces
Catalano J, Fenter P, Park C & Zhang Z
(2006) Direct observations of ion adsorption and interfacial hydration with resonant anomalous X-ray reflectivity
Fenter P, Park C, Catalano J, Zhang Z, Nagy K & Sturchio N
(2005) Probing Uranium Speciation in Contaminated Hanford Sediments
Catalano J, Wang Z, McKinley J, Zachara J, Heald S & Brown G
(2005) Structure and Reactivity of Hydroxylated Hematite Surfaces: Application of Surface X-Ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S, Brown G, Catalano J, Waychunas G & Templeton A
(2005) Molecular Speciation, Mineral Residence, and Geochemical Behavior of U in Contaminated Subsurface Sediments
Zachara J, McKinley J, Liu C, Wang Z, Catalano J & Brown G
(2005) Structure of Zn2+ at Rutile TiO<->2<$> (110)-Aqueous Solution Interface
Zhang Z, Fenter P, Kelly S, Catalano J, Kubicki J, Bandura A, Wesolowski D, Machesky M, Sturchio N & Bedzyk M
(2005) Calcium Oxalate Surface Interactions with Lead
Singer D, Catalano J & Brown G
(2000) Extreme Geochemistry: Strontium Interactions in Hyper-Alkaline Aluminum and Feldspar Systems
Warner J, Catalano J, Grolimund D, Traina S & Brown Jr. G

Catalano M. (2013) Hydrothermal Alteration of the Products of Transformation of Cement-Asbestos
Catalano M, Bloise A, Belluso E, Cannata CB, Barrese E, De Rosa R & Gualtieri A

Catalano Raimondo (2009) A Crustal Seismic Profile Across Sicily: Preliminary Results
Accaino F, Catalano R, Di Marzo L, Giustiniani M, Tinivella U, Nicolich R, Sulli A & Valenti V

Catalano Riccardo (2020) Are UV Filters Polluting our Beaches? A Field Study of French Mediterranean Beach from Consumer Survey to Water Analysis
Labille J, Slomberg D, Catalano R, Robert S, Apers-Tremelo M-L, Boudenne J-L, Manasfi T & Radakovitch O
(2018) Evaluation of the Environmental Exposure to Nanoparticulate UV-Filters Used in Sunscreens
Labille J, Slomberg D, Catalano R, Robert S, Boudenne J-L, Apers-Tremelo M-L, Masion A & De Garidel C
(2018) Spectroscopic Monitoring of the Aging of Sunscreens with TiO2 UV Filters
Slomberg D, Masion A, Ziarelli F, Catalano R, Viel S & Labille J
(2017) Eco-Design of Sunscreens Through the Minimization of Risks Associated with Nanomaterials
Labille J, Slomberg D, Bartholomei V, Catalano R, Hubaud J-C, Vidal V, Rose J, de Garidel C & Boutry D

Catalano T. (2018) Azeotropic Control of Plagioclase Crystallization: Implications for Basalt Generation
Schaub DR, Catalano T, Nekvasil H & Lindsley D

Catalayud B. (2012) Analysis of Individual Hydrocarbon Fluid Inclusions by Femtosecond Laser Ablation and TOF-SIMS
Pottorf R, Dreyfus S, Siljestroem S, Pecheyran C, Catalayud B, Phan N & Madincea M

Catalette H. (2008) Noble Gases as Precursors of CO2 Deep Storage Leaks Towards Surface
Lafortune S, Moreira M, Agrinier P, Schneider H & Catalette H
(2007) First Steps in the Feasibility Study of CO2 Geological Storages Monitoring Through Noble Gas Geochemistry
Lafortune S, Moreira M, Agrinier P, Schneider H & Catalette H

Catalina S.R. (2020) Understanding Fluid-Rock Interactions in Hydrothermally Altered Rocks of the Hengill Volcano, Iceland: Implications for Geothermal Energy and CO2 Storage
Catalina SR, Pedram M, Tom M, Sandra Osk S, Bergur S, Phil M, Eric O, Adrian J & Alberto S

Catalli Krystle (2011) Nature of Mantle Heterogeneities
Shim S-H, van der Hilst R, Grocholski B, Catalli K, Cao Q & Shang X

Catalli Krystle (2013) Spin Transition of Iron in Amorphous Mg-Silicates at Mantle-Related Pressures
Shim S-H, Gu C, Catalli K, Grocholski B, Gao L, Alp E, Chow P, Xiao Y, Cynn H & Evans W

Catao E.C.P. (2019) Microbial CO2 Fixation can Influence Subsoil Radiocarbon Signatures in Amazon Tropical Forest Soils
Nowak ME, Catao ECP, Santana RH, Behrendt T, Quesada A, Kruger RH & Trumbore SE

Cates N. (2017) 142Nd Evidence for Recycling of Earth's Primordial Crust at the Hadean-Eoarchean Transition
Caro G, Morino P, Mojzsis S, Cates N & Bleeker W
(2015) Hadean 146,147Sm-142,143Nd Signatures in the Ukalik Supracrustal Belt (Inukjuak Domain, Quebec)
Caro G, Morino P, Mojzsis S & Cates N
(2013) Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of the ca. 3.92-3.96 Ga Acasta Gneiss Complex (NWT, Canada)
Guitreau M, Blichert-Toft J, Mojzsis SJ, Roth ASG, Bourdon B, Cates NL & Bleeker W
(2013) Multiple Generations of TTG Gneisses Host Eoarchean Supracrustals in the Innukjuak Domain (Québec, Canada)
Greer J, Cates N, Caro G & Mojzsis S
(2013) Component Geochronology of the ca. 3920 Ma Acasta Gneiss
Cates N, Mojzsis S, Caro G, Hopkins M, Trail D, Abramov O, Guitreau M, Blichert-Toft J & Bleeker W
(2011) The Composition of Earth's Oldest Iron Formations: The Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt (Québec, Canada)
Mloszewska A, Pecoits E, Cates N, Mojzsis S, O'Neil J & Konhauser K
(2011) Reworked Hadean Crust in the ca. 3780 Ma Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt
Cates N, Mojzsis S, Ziegler K & Schmitt A
(2011) The ca. 4.2-3.7 Ga History of the Acasta Gneiss Complex (Northwest Territories, Canada)
Mojzsis S, Cates N, Maier A, Hopkins M, Trail D, Guitreau M, Abramov O & Bleeker W
(2011) Detailed Field Relations of Pre-3.85 Ga Zircon Bearing Metasediments from Southern Montana (USA)
Maier A, Cates N & Mojzsis S
(2011) Direct Measurement of Ce3+/Ce4+ and Eu2+/Eu3+ in Hadean Zircons by XANES
Tailby N, Trail D, Cates N, Mojzsis S, Bell E, Harrison TM & Watson EB
(2010) Detrital Sediments of the ca. 3.77 Ga Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt, Québec (Canada)
Cates N & Mojzsis S
(2009) A Maximum Age of the Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt, Northern Québec (Canada) at 3.77 Ga
Cates N & Mojzsis S
(2008) Metamorphic Zircon, Trace Elements and Thermal History of the ca. 3.75 Ga Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt (Porpoise Cove), Québec (Canada)
Cates N, Mojzsis S & Deloule E
(2007) Metamorphic History of the Pre-3750 Ma Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt, Québec (Canada)
Cates N & Mojzsis S
(2004) Geochemistry of Early Archean Akilia Association Supracrustal Rocks on Innersuartuut, West Greenland
Cates N & Mojzsis S

Cath T.Y. (2020) Microbial Community Dynamics of a Membrane Bioreactor Treating Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater
Chakraborty R, Acharya S, Van Houghton B, Rosenblum J, Cath TY & Tringe SG

Cathalot Cecile (2020) Spatial Association between Talc-Rich Mineralization and a "Black Smoker"-Type Deposit in a Newly Discovered Inactive Field (MARK Area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Pelleter E, Fouquet Y, Boissier A, Cheron S, Leroy L, Germain Y & Cathalot C

Cathalot Cecile (2012) Deep Water Coral Reefs as Important Sites of Benthic Mineralization?
Cathalot C, Polsenaere P, Cox T, Van Oevelen D, Lavaleye M, Duineveld G, Kutti T & Meysman F
(2012) Benthic O2 Fluxes Measured by Eddy Covariance in a Large Flume Facility
Polsenaere P, Cathalot C, Cox T, Meysman F, Maire O & Deflandre B

Cathalot Cécile (2023) The Fe-Rich, Mildly Alkaline Magma Series of Mayotte’s Eastern Submarine Volcanic Chain (Mayotte, France, Western Indian Ocean)
Chaudron Vrignaud E, Lacombe T, Médard E, Berthod C, Bachèlery P, Komorowski J-C, Gurioli L, Verdurme P, Besson P, LeBas E, Thinon I, Jorry S, Paquet F, Rinnert E, Feuillet N, Yves F, Cathalot C & Le Friant A
(2023) Geochemical and Iron Isotopic Study of Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits at Mayotte Submarine Volcanic System
Rouxel O, Giunta T, Cathalot C, Mastin M, Manoux M, Jaudon P, Guyader V, Donval J-P, Germain Y, Mazeas F & Rinnert E
(2023) Submarine Venting of Liquid Carbon Dioxide in the Horseshoe Structure Offshore Mayotte Island
Mastin M, Donval J-P, Guyader V, Germain Y, Giunta T, Scalabrin C, Gaucher EC, Dehez S, Jouenne S, Rouxel O, Rinnert E & Cathalot C
(2023) Elemental Fingerprints of Mollusk Larval Shells can Help Estimate Population Connectivity in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Systems
Mouchi V, Pecheyran C, Claverie F, Cathalot C, Matabos M, Rouxel O, Jollivet D, Broquet T & Comtet T
(2023) Impact of Volcanism on Sedimentary Diagenesis
Manoux M, Dumoulin J-P, Bombled B, Monvoisin G, Gauthier C, Cheron S, Boissier A, Germain Y, Rabouille C, Pastor L, Rouxel O & Cathalot C
(2021) Copper Isotope Systematics in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: A Case Study of TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Leroy L, Boissier A, Germain Y, Cheron S, Pelleter E, Besson F & Cambon MA
(2018) High Resolution Particulate Trace Metals Dispersion from the TAG Hydrothermal Vent (Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Cheize M, Planquette H, González-Santana D, Whitby H, Gourain A, Holmes T, Guyader V, Germain Y, Roudaut M, Cathalot C, Sarthou G, Pelleter E & Fouquet Y

Cathalot Cecile (2019) Hydrothermal Iron Budget at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Diving Inside the TAG Neutrally Buoyant Plume
González-Santana D, Cheize M, Planquette H, Whitby H, Gourain A, Holmes T, Germain Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Fouquet Y & Sarthou G
(2019) What Happens to Hydrothermal Sediment? A Diagenetic Study along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Pastor L, Rouxel O, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Cheron S, Hubert M, Djedjroh Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Roussel E, Cambon Bonavita M-A & Menot L
(2019) Copper Isotope Systematics of Hydrothermal Sediments from TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Leroy L, Cheron S, Pelleter E & Cambon MA

Cathalot Cecile (2017) ELVIDOR- Vibrating Gold Micro-Wire Electrode: In situ High Resolution Measurements of Copper in Marine Environments
Cathalot C, Heller MI, Dulaquais G, Waeles M, Coail J-Y, Kerboul A, Deplace G, Le Vourch D, Cotty C, Kärnfelt C, Riso R, Sarradin P-M & Laes-Huon A
(2017) On the Nature of Dissolved Copper Ligands in the Early Mixing Zone of Hydrothermal Vents
Cotte L, Omanovic D, Waeles M, Laes A, Cathalot C, Pernet-Coudrier B, Sarradin P-M & Riso R
(2017) Benthic Fluxes Indicating Uncoupled Aerobic and Anaerobic Processes in the Rhône River Prodelta
Rassmann J, Eitel E, Cathalot C, Brandily C, Lansard B, Taillefert M & Rabouille C

Cathalot Cecile (2015) Temporal Variability of Carbon Recycling in Deltaic Sediments at Different Time Scales: An Example from the Rhône River Delta
Rabouille C, Toussaint F, Cathalot C, Rassmann J, Lansard B, Laborde N, Moriarty J & Harris C

Cathelineau M. (2022) Crystal Chemistry and Concentration Process of Nickel in New Caledonia Laterite
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Cathelineau M & Mathon O
(2021) Sedimentary Formation Waters as Potential Low-Impact Lithium Resources
Dugamin E, Richard A, Cathelineau M, Boiron M-C, Despinois F & Brisset A
(2021) Multi-Scale Investigation Applied to Ni Laterite Ore Deposits: Impact of Discrete Fractures on Ni Mineralization
Favier S, Teitler Y, Cathelineau M & Golfier F
(2019) Tungsten (VI) Speciation in Hydrothermal Solutions up to 400℃
Carocci E, Truche L, Cathelineau M, Caumon M-C & Bazarkina E
(2018) Distribution, Speciation and Enrichment Processes of Scandium in Lateritic Profile of New Caledonia
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Bonnet C, Levard C, Rose J, Ambrosi J-P, Cathelineau M, Teitler Y, Marcaillou C & Hesse B
(2018) Uranium-Sulphides-Organic Matter-Dolomite Low Temperature Diagenetic Interplay in Cretaceous Continental Unconsolidated Sediments (Mongolia)
Rallakis D, Cathelineau M, Michels R, Brouand M & Parize O
(2017) Trace Elements in Tourmaline: Markers of Incipient W-Deposition in Panasqueira Mine
Carocci E, Marignac C, Cathelineau M & Pinto F
(2017) Carbonation and Silicification of the Peridotite Nappe of New Caledonia: A Stable Isotope Survey
Boulvais P, Quesnel B, Cathelineau M, Gautier P, Bailly L, Vennemann T, Le Carlier de Veslud C, Cluzel D, Sevin B & Robineau B
(2017) Origin of H2 and CO Adsorbed on Talc and Chlorite from the Trimouns-La Porteille Deposit (Pyrenees)
Quesnel B, Truche L, Rigaudier T, Cathelineau M, Boiron M-C & Gaucher EC
(2017) Petrology and Geochemistry of Scandium in New Caledonian Ni-Co Laterites
Teitler Y, Cathelineau M, Ulrich M, Ambrosi J-P & Munoz M
(2016) Ni and Fe Bearing Phases and Redox during the Weathering of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Cathelineau M & Mathon O
(2016) Numerical Model of the Development of the Secondary Nickel Ores (New Caledonia): Towards Understanding the Lateritic Ni Mineralization
Myagkiy A, Truche L, Cathelineau M & Golfier F
(2013) The Uranium Mineralization of Pen Ar Ran (Armorican Massif), France: An Atypical "Vein Type" Deposit
Poujol M, Ballouard C, Boulvais P, Cuney M, Cathelineau M & Gapais D
(2013) Ge, Related Trace Elements, and Ge Isotopes in Sphalerite from the Saint-Salvy Deposit (France) by LA-ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS
Belissont R, Boiron M-C, Luais B & Cathelineau M
(2013) Geochemical Characterization of Uranium Mill Tailings
Nos J, Boizard A, Peiffert C, Phrommavanh V, Cathelineau M & Descostes M
(2013) Characterisation of Cronstedtite Synthesized by Iron Clay Interaction in a Cooling Procedure
Pignatelli I, Mugnaioli E, Hybler J, Mosser-Ruck R & Cathelineau M
(2013) Fe-Serpentines to Fe-Chlorites Experimental Synthesis: An Iron Metal-Shale Interaction between 60 and 300℃
Cathelineau M, Mosser-Ruck R, Pignatelli I, Caumon M-C & Truche L
(2012) The Origin of Mineralising Brines in Unconformity-Related U Deposits: Insights from Noble Gases and Halogens in Fluid Inclusions
Richard A, Kendrick MA & Cathelineau M
(2012) Dating Fluid Flow Events in a Shallow Sedimentary Basin: The Key Contribution of K-Ar Geochronology of Authigenic Illite
Blaise T, Clauer N, Cathelineau M, Boulvais P, Boiron M-C, Techer I, Tarantola A & Landrein P
(2011) Conditions for Uranium Transport in Unconformity-Related U Deposits
Richard A, Rozsypal C, Banks DA, Mercadier J, Cuney M, Boiron M-C & Cathelineau M
(2010) Roll Front Type U-Ore Redistribution in Unconformity Related Deposits
Mercadier J, Cuney M & Cathelineau M
(2009) Origin of U-Mineralizing Brines in the Athabasca Basin, Canada
Richard A, Cathelineau M, Boiron M-C, Cuney M, Banks D, Boulvais P, France-Lanord C & Pettke T

Catherine J. (2017) Land-Ocean Processes Traced by Rare Earth Elements in the Solomon Seas (Pandora, GEOTRACES Cruise GP#12)
Pham V, Catherine J, Belhadj M, Nachez Y & Grenier M

Catherine L. (2020) Multiple Origin of Aptian Salt Deposit in Proximal Domain of the West African Margin
Pichat A, Gaucher E, Revillon S, Agrinier P, Catherine L & Christine F

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