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Campbell Seth

Campbell Siobhan (2011) Intercalibration of Ar-Ar Standards and Samples at LDEO
Hemming S, Tsukui K, Mesko G, Ali G, Cai Y, Adler A, Campbell S, Crapster-Pregont E, Doherty C, Gombiner J, Russell J, Templeton J, Tremblay M & Vankeuren M

Campbell Stewart (2002) A Mössbauer and XANES Spectroscopic Study of Fe Oxidation States in Silicate Glasses
Berry A, O'Neill H, Jayasuriya K & Campbell S

Campe Chris (2022) Making Silicic Magmas: It’s Igneous but Maybe a lot Colder Than you Think
Lundstrom C, Bruckel KM, Velazquez-Sanchez MG, Ortega K, Roden N, Manselle P, Campe C & Marks C

Campe Christopher (2023) Investigating Impact of Halide Concentration on Cs Partitioning between Fluids and Melts
Rose KG, Boukhalfa H, Rahn T, Campe C, Eldridge D, Miller H & Rock MJ

Câmpeanu M. (2015) REE Investigation of Mocs Chondrite Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Methods
Tănăselia C, Levei E, Câmpeanu M & Balica C
(2015) Motru Dyke Swarm (South Carpathians, Romania): Emplacement Age and Geotectonic Setting
Campeanu M, Balica C, Balintoni I & Tanaselia C

Campello R. (2015) Microbial Activity in Deep Subsurface Sediment of a Tropical Bay
Enrich-Prast A, Lomstein B, Campello R & Caetano C

Campen R.K. (2007) Reconciling Potentiometric Titration and Second Harmonic Generation Measured Diffuse Layer Potential of an Aqueous Silica Suspension
Campen RK, Pymer AK, Nihonyanagi S & Borguet E

Campeny M. (2019) REE Exploration in Carbonatites, Alkaline Magmatic Rocks and Corresponding Paleosols at Intraplate Oceanic Islands (Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain)
Campeny M, Menéndez I, Quevedo-González L, Mangas J, Yepes J, Tauler E, Melgarejo JC, Casillas R, Méndez-Ramos J & Acosta-Mora P
(2017) Southwestern Africa on the Burner: Pleistocene Carbonatite Volcanism Linked to Mantle Upwelling in Angola
Giuliani A, Campeny M, Kamenetsky VS, Maas R, Melgarejo JC, Kohn BP, Matchan EL, Mangas J, Goncalves AO & Manuel J
(2013) Sodium Rich Magmas Parental to Catanda Carbonatitic Lavas (Angola): Melt Inclusion Evidence
Campeny M, Kamenetsky V, Melgarejo JC, Mangas J, Bambi A & Manuel J

Camper N. (2018) Organics and Life in the Serpentinite Subsurface
Lang S, Camper N & Benitez-Nelson B

Campillo M. (2018) Compositional Heterogeneity Near the Base of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath Hawaii
van der Hilst R, Yu C, Day E, de Hoop M, Campillo M, Goes S & Blythe R

Campillo Sylvain (2019) Onset of Farming Around Arabian Sea at the Dawn of Bronze Age Revealed by Marine Record
Gourlan A, Albarede F, Achyuthan H & Campillo S
(2019) Combined Cadmium Stable Isotope and Solid State Speciation Measurements in Contaminated Soil-Rice Systems
Wiggenhauser M, Aucour A-M, Telouk P, Campillo S, Bureau S, Ma JF & Sarret G
(2019) New Olivine (MongOl Sh11-2) Reference Material for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schoenberg@ifg.uni-kiel.de D, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Goemann K, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Sobolev A
(2019) The Role of Polyaspartic Acid on the Kinetic Persistance of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Asta M, Fernandez-Martinez A, Besselink R, Campillo S & Rudic S

Campillo Sylvan (2017) Preliminary Data on New Olivine Reference Material MongOL Sh11-2 for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Sobolev A, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Goemann K, Portnyagin M, Garbe_Schoenberg D, Hauri E, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Ionov D

Campione M. (2023) Heterogeneous Magnetite Nucleation in Fluid Inclusions as Driving Force for Olivine Oxidation Coupled with Hydrogen Production at High Pressure
Malaspina N, Campione M, Tumiati S & Scambelluri M
(2023) Hydrothermal Synthesis of Chrysotile Nanotubes and Lizardite Nanoflakes and Investigation of their Behaviour in Microwave Assisted Carbonation
Corti M, Campione M, Capitani G & Malaspina N
(2022) Microwave-Assisted Brucite and Talc Reactions with co2 as a Proxy for Carbon Capture and Storage by Serpentine
Corti M, Maroni P, Militello GM, Yivlialin R, Campione M, Lucotti A, Bussetti G, Capitani G, Cavallo A & Malaspina N
(2021) Heterogeneous Mineral Nucleation Controls the Thermodynamic Equilibria in Multiphase Inclusions
Malaspina N, Campione M, Alvaro M, La Fortezza M, Tumiati S & Scambelluri M
(2020) Epitaxial Mineral Growth in Fluid Inclusions Monitors Redox Equilibria in Subducting Ultramafic Rocks
Malaspina N, Campione M, La Fortezza M & Scambelluri M
(2017) Friction from the Standpoint of Single Atoms: How Nanoscale Mineral Topography Drives Macroscale Seismicity
Campione M

Campisano C. (2023) Magma Generation during the Continent – Ocean Transition: The Unexpected Role of the Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Rooney T, Brown EL, Bastow ID, Arrowsmith JR & Campisano C
(2021) Discovery of the Youngest Toba Tuff in South Africa; Challenges of Extremely Low Abundance Cryptotephra
Smith E, Johnsen R, Ren M, Hirniak J, Fisher E, Campisano C & Marean C
(2018) Site-Corrected Leaf Wax Biomarker Records Synthesized to Characterize East African Plio-Pleistocene Climate
Lupien R, Russell J, Campisano C, Fiebel C, Beck C, Deino A, Kingston J, Potts R, Lamb H, Pearson E & Cohen A

Campo F. (2019) Life Cycle Assessment of a CO2 Negative Emission Process Through H2 from Biomass, Ocean Liming and CO2 Storage
Beccari Barreto B, Campo F, Caserini S, Dolci G & Grosso M

Campomenosi N. (2019) Quartz Inclusions from Eclogite Xenoliths Record Past Subduction
Mazzucchelli ML, Angel RJ, Morganti S, Murri M, Campomenosi N, Scambelluri M, Marone F, Korsakov AV, Morana M & Alvaro M
(2019) Preserved Quartz Inclusions from Eclogite Xenoliths Record Past Subduction in Siberian Craton
Alvaro M, Mazzucchelli ML, Angel RJ, Murri M, Campomenosi N, Scambelluri M, Nestola F, Korsakov A, Tomilenko A, Marone F & Morana M
(2018) Geothermobarometry of Inclusions from Raman Spectroscopy: Advantages and Limitations
Alvaro M, Campomenosi N, Mazzucchelli ML, Mihailova BD, Scambelluri M & Angel RJ
(2015) Coupled Dehydration-Decarbonation in High-Pressure Ophicarbonate. Implications on Carbon Cycling in Subduction Zones
Scambelluri M, Gilio M, Bebout GE, Belmonte D, Campomenosi N, Cannaò E & Crispini L

Campos Edno (2012) Application of Light Isotopes as a Tool for Watermasses Tracing – Results of South Atlantic JC-057 Cruise
Godoy JM, Godoy ML & Campos E

Campos Eduardo (2019) First U-Pb LA-ICP-MS in situ Dating of Supergene Copper Mineralization: Case Study in Chuquicamata Mining District, Atacama Desert, Chile
Kahou ZS, Brichau S, Poujol M, Duchene S, Campos E, D'ABZAC F-X, Riquelme R & Carretier S
(2017) The Magnesium Isotope of the Andesites at El Laco, North Chile
Xie Q, Zhang Z, Cheng Z, Fei X & Campos E
(2014) Is There a Link between IOCG and Manto-Type Deposits in the Andes of Northern Chile?
Barra F, Morata D, Reich M, Campos E & Simon A
(2013) The Influence of Fault-Fracture Network Activity on Fluid Geochemistry and Mineral Precipitation at the Tolhuaca Geothermal System, Southern Chile
Sanchez P, Perez P, Reich M, Arancibia G, Cembrano J, Campos E & Lohmar S

Campos F. (2014) Matrix Correlation as a Tool to Identify Anthropogenic Gd Anomalies in River Water Samples
Campos F & Enzweiler J
(2013) Gadolinium Anomalies in Atibaia River Water (SP, Brazil)
Campos F & Enzweiler J

Campos H. (2023) Understanding Sb, As and W Enrichment Processes in Magmas Using Geochemical Databases
Mollé V, Iacono-Marziano G, Gloaguen E, Tuduri J, Pochon A & Campos H

Campos I. (2015) Sources of Pb during the Last 9.5kyrs in a Long Sediment Core of the Southern Portuguese Shelf
Mil-Homens M, Brito P, Naughton F, Drago T, Caetano M & Campos I

Campos José E. G. (2020) Multi-Stage Crustal Accretion by Magmatic Flare-Ups and Quiescence Intervals in the Western Margin of the São Francisco Craton: U-Pb-Hf and Geochemical Constraints from the Almas Terrane
Dias ANC, Martins-Ferreira MAC, Chemale Jr F, Campos JEG & Pereira VQ

Campos Juan (2014) Chemical Composition of Wet Precipitation Long Range Transport of Mercury at Three Sites of Taxco-Alarcon, Guerrero, Mexico
Garcia R, Garnica J, Calderon ME, Campos J, Muñoz C, Ramírez A, Bustos E & Luz J

Campos L. (2013) Ethanol Variability in Rainwater and its Impact on the Chemistry of the Troposphere
Kieber R, Willey J, Avery B, Mead R, Giubbina F & Campos L

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