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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chu Hao-Tsu (2016) Almost Epitaxial Forsterite in Nanometer-Sized K-Rich Fluid/Melt Inclusions of Aykhal Diamond
Hwang S-L, Shen P, Yui T-F, Chu H-T, Sobolev NV & Logvinova AM
(2008) Syngenetic Nanometer-Size Fluid/Glass Inclusions in Metamorphic Microdiamond: Implication to Genesis of Metamorphic Microdiamond from Potassic Fluid/Melt
Hwang S-L, Shen P, Chu H-T & Yui T-F

Chu Huashuo (2016) Factors Controlling the Soil Thickness of Profiles in a Karst Terrain, Guizhou, Southwest China
Ji H, Yin C, Li C, Chu H, Ding H, Xiong K & Wang S

Chu J. (2008) The Characteristics of Chloritized Granite Type Tin Deposit in the Furong Tin Deposit District in Hunan Province, China
Lu J, Chen W, Chu J, Wang R, Zeng Q & Zhao L

Chu K. (2013) Novel Method for Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis of Contaminated Groundwater Across the Sediment-Water Interface
Passeport E, Chu K, Lacrampe Couloume G, Landis R, Lutz EJ, Mack EE, West K & Sherwood Lollar B

Chu M-F. (2023) Tracing Volcanic Activities from the Geochemistry of Pumices in Upper Holocene Deposits of Taiwan
Chu M-F, Yu N-T, Yen J-Y, Yen I-C & Lee H-Y
(2023) Exploration of the REE Enrichment and Negative Ce Anomaly in Volcanic Rocks from Seulawah Agam, Indonesia
Hwang T-C, Chu M-F & Lai Y-M
(2021) Geochemical Characteristics of Sediment-Pore Water Systems Associated with Hydrothermal Activity at South Okinawa Trough
Hsu F-H, Su C-C, Lee H-F, Lin Y-S, Wu C, Chu M-F, Chen S-C & Wang Y
(2019) Tracing Provenance of Pumice in Upper Holocene Deposits of Taiwan
Chu M-F, Yu N-T, Yen J-Y & Yen I-C
(2017) Preliminary Li Isotopic Study on the Gangdese Batholith, Southern Tibet
Lin T-H & Chu M-F
(2017) Zircon O-Li Isotopic Constraints on the Origins of the Cretaceous Low-δ18O Nianzishan Granite, NE China
Gao Y-Y, Griffin W, Chu M-F, O'Reilly S, Pearson N, Li Q-L & Li X-H
(2016) Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Volcanogenic Rocks from the Coastal Range, Eastern Taiwan
Chen T-W, Chu M-F, Chen W-S & Chung S-L
(2016) The Tailuko Belt, Taiwan, Revisited: New Zircon U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes from Hoping Granitoids
Chu M-F & Hsieh P-S
(2016) Constraints of Lithium Isotope on Petrogenesis of the Ryukyu Arc Magmatism
Hsieh Y-F, Chu M-F & Shinjo R
(2015) Migration of Arc Volcanism during Mid-Miocene in NW Sumatra: Geochemical Constraints and Tectonic Implications
Lai Y-M, Chung S-L, Ghani AA, Roselee MH, Murtadha S, Chu M-F & Lee H-Y
(2013) Magma Components of the Gangdese Batholith, Southern Tibet: Decoded by Zircon Hf and O Isotopes
Chu M-F, Chung S-L, Li X-H, Lee H-Y & O'Reilly SY

Chu N (2004) Silicate Weathering Mechanisms Inferred from Direct Measurements of 176Hf/177Hf Ratios in River Waters
Bayon G, Vigier N, Burton K, Brenot A, Carignan J & Chu N
(2003) Secular Fe Isotope Variations in the NW and Central Pacific Ocean
Chu N, Johnson C, Beard B, German C, Nesbitt R & Usui A

Chu Nan-Chin (2011) Sr Isotopes (δ88/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr) in Cold Seep Environment of Niger and Nile Delta Fans
Chu N-C, Ponzevera E, Favreau E, Bayon G & Fouquet Y
(2009) Deep Ocean Interactions between Hydrothermally-Sourced Iron and Organic Carbon
Toner B, Bennett S, Chu N-C & German C
(2008) Ca Isotope Systematics of Marine Hydrothermal and Cold Seep Carbonates
Chu N-C, Ponzevera E, Bayon G & Fouquet Y
(2006) δ44/42Ca in gas hydrates, porewaters and authigenic carbonates from Niger Delta sediments
Henderson G, Bayon G, Benoit M & Chu N-C
(2002) Decoupling of Hf and Nd Isotopes in Western Pacific Fe-Mn Crusts
Chu N-C, German C, Nesbitt R, Van de Flierdt T, Frank M & Kubik P

Chu Risheng (2013) Hidden Hotspot Track beneath Eastern United States
Helmberger D, Chu R, Leng W & Gurnis M

Chu Rosalie (2018) Plant Effects on Carbon Composition and Recalcitrance in Peat from a Boreal Bog: Implications for Methane Emissions
Waldo N, Tfaily M, Chu R, Anderton C, Moran J & Neumann R
(2015) Rhizosphere Underground: Unraveling the Role of Microbes in Stabilizing Organic Matter in Soils
Dohnalkova A, Chu R, Tfaily M, Crump A, Chrisler W, Varga T & Arey B

Chu S. (2015) Intertidal Salt Marshes: A Diminishing Source of Buffering Capacity to the Coastal Ocean
Wang ZA, Chu S, Gonneea ME, Kroeger K, Ganju N & Hoering K

Chu T. (2018) Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistant Genes Contamination in the Subsurface Environment: Sources, Fate/Transport and Remediation
Chen Y, Yang YS, Zhang X, Wu YH, Zhang G & Chu T

Chu W. (2018) Investigation of Three Oil Shales with Unusual Heteroatom Contents Using Advanced 13C Solid-State NMR
Chu W, Cao X, Schmidt-Rohr K, Birdwell J & Mao J

Chu X (2005) Dynamic Ocean Chemistry Around the Marinoan glaciation˜Isotopic Evidence from Cap Carbonates
Chu X, Zhang T, Strauss H, Zhang Q & Feng L
(2004) S and C Isotopic Records from 1.7 to 0.8 Ga Carbonate Successions of Jixian Section, North China
Chu X, Zhang T, Zhang Q & Feng L
(2003) Secular Variations in δ34S and δ13C Values of Late Neoproterozoic Carbonates from Southern China
Chu X, Zhang Q, Zhang T & Feng L

Chu Xu (2022) Growth-Induced Mg-Fe Zoning in a Skeletal Olivine
Ricardo BDS, Lynn KJ, Chu X & Sio CKI
(2021) Venus’ Light Crust Hinders its Planetary-Scale Subduction
Chen J, Chu X, Tang M & Hao J
(2021) Orogenic Quiescence in Earth's Middle Age
Tang M, Chu X, Hao J & Shen B
(2021) The Timescale and Carbon Flux Recorded by Skarn Andradite from Gangdese Arc, Southern Tibet
Zhou Z, Chu X & Chen J
(2020) Reconstructing Crustal Thickness Evolution from Eu Anomalies in Detrital Zircons
Tang M, Ji W, Chu X, Wu A & Chen C
(2018) Early Eocene Reactivation of Tian Shan Orogenic Belt, Western China: Constrains from the Metamorphic Zircons in Eclogite
Zhang L, Zhang L, Cheng F, Chu X & Wang Y
(2014) A New Method for Statistical Analysis of Divalent Cation Diffusion Data in Garnet
Chu X & Ague J

Chu Xuelei (2020) Sulfur Isotopic Record Associated with the Late Cambrian Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion (SPICE) from South China
Huang J, Feng L & Chu X
(2017) SIMS U-Pb Zircon Ages and Ni-Mo-Pge Geochemistry of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in South China: Constraints on Ni-Mo-Pge Mineralization
Lan Z, Li X-H, Chu X, Tang G, Yang S, Yang H, Liu H, Jiang T & Wang T
(2016) The Suboxic Ediacaran Ocean—— Constraints from the Doushantuo Phosphorites and their REEs
Chu X, Li X & Chen Y
(2015) Secondary Phosphatization of the Earliest Cambrian Shelly Fossil Anabarites
Chen Y, Chu X, Zhang X & Zhai M
(2014) Geochemical Evidence for Ferruginous Marine Conditions Following the Paleoproterozoic Demise of Iron Formation Deposition
Li C, Planavsky N, Love G, Lyons T, Reinhard C, Feng L, Huang J, Zhang Q & Chu X
(2013) Dynamic Carbon Cycle in the Ediacaran Yangtze Basin
Chu X
(2012) A Reevaluation of Early Cambrian Ocean Redox Conditions Through the Iron Geochemical Studies of the Lower Hetang Black Shales in South China
Feng L, Li C, Huang J, Chang H, Li C, Zhang Q & Chu X
(2012) Weathering of Mafic Rocks and Early Animal Evolution in the Ediacaran of South China
Huang J, Chu X, Lyons T, Planavsky N & Wen H
(2012) A Highly Stratified Cryogenian Marine Basin Recorded in the Datangpo Formation, South China
Li C, Love G, Lyons T, Scott C, Feng L, Huang J, Chang H, Zhang Q & Chu X
(2011) What Role did Methane Seeps Play in the Formation of the Doushantuo Cap Carbonate?
Chu X, Huang J & Lyons T
(2011) First Episode of Widespread Ocean Oxygenation 551 Myr ago
Kendall B, Komiya T, Lyons T, Bates S, Jiang G, Creaser R, Xiao S, McFadden K, Sawaki Y, Tahata M, Shu D, Han J, Li Y, Chu X & Anbar A
(2009) Terminal Ediacaran Oceanic Anoxia: Evidence from Framboidal Pyrites in the Cherts of Laobao Formation (South China)
Chang H, Chu X, Huang J, Feng L & Zhang Q
(2009) A Geochemical Redox Model for Ediacaran Ocean Chemistry in Nanhua Basin, South China
Li C, Love G, Lyons T, Sessions A, Fike D & Chu X
(2008) Overturn of Anoxic Deep Ocean Happened at ~551 Ma – Evidences from Isotopes and Trace Elements
Chu X, Huang J & Zhang T
(2007) C and S Isotope Records in Doushantuo Formation: Implication for Redox Fluctuation of the Ediacaran Ocean
Huang J & Chu X
(2007) Carbonate Concretions as a Window to the Evolving Chemistry of the Early Ocean and Atmosphere
Lyons T, Raiswell R, Robinson A, Scott C, Chu X, Li C, Love G, Sessions A & Gill B

Chu Yan-Qing (2023) Developments of 39Ar Dating by Atom Trap Trace Analysis
Yang G-M, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Hu S-M, Hu W-K, Jiang W, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F & Wan Z-F
(2022) Extending the 81Kr-Dating Range Down to 10 ka
Jiang W, Li H, Tong AL, Gu J-Q, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Hu S-M, Jia Z-H, Liu J-L, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F, Sun L-T & Yang G-M
(2021) Upper Age Limit of Cosmogenic 39Ar Dating Extended to 1, 800 Years
Jiang W, Tong AL, Gu J-Q, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Hu S-M, Lu Z-T, Ritterbusch F, Sun L-T & Yang G-M
(2018) New Developments at the Laboratory for Radiokrypton and Radioargon Dating at USTC
Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ritterbusch F, Chu Y-Q, Dong X-Z, Gu J-Q, Hu S-M, Landais A, Lipenkov V, Lu Z-T, Stenni B & Tong A

Chu Yong (2020) Nano-XANES: Chemical Mapping with Hard X-Rays
Pattammattel A, Tappero R, Ge M, Chu Y, Huang X, Gao Y & Yan H

Chu Zhu-Yin (2017) High Precision Tungsten Isotopic Measurement by NTIMS with In-Run Measured 18O/16O for Isobaric Oxide Corrections
Chu Z, Xu J, Mei Q, Liu J, Li C & Guo J
(2017) Remnant Ancient Lithospheric Fragments in Proterozoic Dunzhugur Ophiolites in Southern Siberia
Wang K-L, Gornova MA, Kovach V, Chu Z, Belyaev VA, Lin K-Y & O’Reilly SY
(2017) Composition of the Lithospheric Mantle in the Northern Siberian Craton: Constraints from Peridotites in the Obnazhennaya Kimberlite
Sun J, Liu C, Kostrovisky SI, Wu F, Yang J, Chu Z & Yang Y
(2017) Zinc Isotope Evidence for Carbonated Asthenosphere-Lithosphere Interaction beneath Eastern China
Wang Z-Z, Liu S-A, Chen L-H, Chu Z-Y & Zeng G
(2012) Simultaneous Precise and Accurate Measurement of 147Sm/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd Isotopic Ratios in Natrual Geological Samples by MC-ICP-MS Without Sm and Nd Separation and Use of Costly Spike
Yang Y-H, Wu W-Y, Chu Z-Y, Xie L-W & Yang J-H
(2012) Os-Hf-Nd-Sr Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Highly Potassic Basalts in Northeast China
Chu Z, Wu F, Guo J, Yang Y, Zhang Y & Liu C

Chu Zhuding (2017) Oceanographic Mechanisms and Penguin Population Increases during the Little Ice Age in the Southern Ross Sea, Antarctica
Yang L, Sun L, Emslie S, Huang T, Gao Y, Yang W, Chu Z & Wang Y

Chu Zhuyin (2020) Ti-Zr(Hf)-W Separation by TODGA Resin: Application to High Precision W Isotope Analysis by NTIMS
Chu Z
(2016) Depleted SSZ Type Mantle Peridotites in Proterozoic Eastern Sayan Ophiolites in Siberia
Wang K-L, Chu Z, Gornova M, Belyaev V, Lin K-Y & O’Reilly S
(2016) The Origin of Suwan Basalts: Constraints from Re-Os and PGE Geochemistry
Chu Z, Yan Y, Guo J, Yang Y & Zhang Y
(2016) Volatile-Oversaturated Magma Ascending of Ultrapotassic Basalts from Wudalianchi-Erkeshan-Keluo (WEK) Volcano Field, NE China
Di Y, Tian W, Chu Z & Liang J
(2014) The Initiation of EARTHTIME-Cn
He H, Chen W, Chu Z, Yao Y & Wang C
(2013) A Comprehensive Separation Procedure for Precise Determination of Re, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd in Geological Samples
Chu Z, Walker R, Guo J, Yan Y, Yang Y & Zhang Y

Chu-Jacoby I. (2018) Planting Carbon in Soil: How Mineral Interaction with Plant-Derived Carbon May Lead to Carbon Persistence
Neurath R, Whitman T, Chu-Jacoby I, Lipton A, Zhou J, Weber P, Nico P, Pett-Ridge J & Firestone M

Chualaowanich T. (2016) 16 Million Years of Volcanism on Bolaven Plateau, Laos
Herrin JS, Sieh K, Wiwegwin W, Chualaowanich T, Charusiri P, Singer BS, Jicha B & Sihavong V

Chuan X.Y.

Chuang C-K. (2016) Upper Pliocene-Pleistocene Biochronology and Paleoceanographic Records of ODP 1115B in the Solomon Sea, Western Equatorial Pacific
Chuang C-K, Lo L, Wei K-Y, Mii H-S, Shen C-C, Chang Y-P & Lee M-Y
(2016) Variability of the Western Pacific ITCZ over the Past Three Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
Liu Y, Lo L, Shi Z, Wei K-Y, Wu C-C, Mii H-S, Chuang C-K, Amakawa H & Shen C-C

Chuang Patrick (2012) Aerosol Impacts on Climate and Biogeochemical Cycles
Mahowald N, Ward D, Kloster S, Flanner M, Heald C, Heavens N, Hess P, Lamarque J-F & Chuang P
(2011) Does Aerosol Alter Entrainment Mixing in Warm Cumulus?
Small J, Jonsson H & Chuang P

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