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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Choo M.K. (2012) Petrogenesis of Cenozoic Plateau Lavas from the Pali Aile Volcanic Filed and Morro Chico Volcano, Southern Patagonia in South America
Choo MK, Lee MJ, Lee JI, Kim KH & Park K-H

Chopin C (2003) Minor Elements, HREE and δ18O Distribution in UHPGarnets from the Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps): Evidence for Gneiss and Mg-Quartzite Interaction at UHP?
Brunet F, Chazot G, Burchard M, Vielzeuf D & Chopin C

Chopin Christian (2017) Jadeite and Nepheline in the Gran Paradiso Massif, W. Alps: Stability vs. Metastability in the High-Pressure Evolution of Continental Crust
Chopin C, Guillot F & Lanari P
(2017) Nepheline-Jadeite Field-Trip in the Gran Paradiso Massif: Permian Alkaline and Alpine Problems
Guillot F, Chopin C, Lanari P & Li X-H

Chopin Christian (2013) Metamorphic and Magmatic Overprint of Garnet Pyroxenites from the Beni Bousera Massif (Northern Morocco): Mineralogical, Chemical and Textural Records
El Atrassi F, Brunet F, Chazot G & Chopin C

Chopin Christian (2012) Isotopic and Petrologic Evidence for Graphite Formation by Carbonate Reduction in Blueschist Metamorphic Rocks
Galvez ME, Martinez I, Beyssac O, Benzerara K, Malvoisin B, Chopin C & Malavieille J
(2008) New Calibration of Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials (RSCM) Geothermometer: Application in Aquitaine Basin (France) and Gulf Coast (Texas)
Lahfid A, Beyssac O, Deville E, Goffé B & Chopin C
(2008) The Triplite-Wagnerite Group: A Modulated Series
Armbruster T, Chopin C, Grew ES & Baronnet A
(2007) Thermodynamic Properties and Stability of the High-Pressure Silicate Ellenbergerite in Natural Systems
Burchard M, Chopin C & Brunet F
(2007) Aragonite: Crystallographically Oriented Fibres in Eclogite-Facies Garnet from Corsica
Bernard S, Beyssac O & Chopin C

Choppala G. (2015) New Insights on Fe-S Minerals and Clay Matrices in Anoxic Coastal Sediments
Choppala G, Bush R & Sullivan L
(2014) Oxidative Transformation of Natural Monosulfidic Ooze: New Insights from Estuarine Sediments
Choppala G, Bush R, Carroll N, Sullivan L, Grice K, Appleyard S, Greenwood P, Wong S & Ward N

Chopping C. (2010) A Natural Analogue in Southwest Wyoming for Geologic Co-sequestration of Carbon and Sulfur
Kaszuba J, Navarre-Sitchler A, Thyne G & Chopping C

Chopra S.

Choquel C. (2021) Seasonnal Dynamics of Diagenetic Processes in an Intertidal Temperate Mudflat: The Mudsurv Project
Metzger E, Mouret A, Choquel C, Geslin E, Jauffrais T, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Bénéteau E & Jesus B
(2019) Benthic Manganese Cycle Studied with 2D High Spatial Resolution Methods at Contrasted Oxygen Conditions in Gullmar Fjord
Choquel C, Metzger E, Geslin E, Jauffrais T, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Filipsson H, Launeau P, Giraud M, Risgaard-Petersen N & Mouret A
(2019) 2D Redox Zonation in a Sediment Colonized by Tube-Dwelling Amphipods
Metzger E, Nicol A, Champilou J-B, Jauffrais T, Choquel C, Launeau P & Mouret A

Chorney A. (2018) Causes of Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction by Organic Matter
Chorney A, Watanabe Y, Ohmoto H, Hamasaki H & Graham U
(2018) (Bio)geochemical Cycles of S, C, Fe, and O on the Hotter Archean Earth
Ohmoto H, Graham U, Watanabe Y, Brainard J, Chorney A, Hamasaki H, Tsukamoto Y & Liu Z-K
(2013) Anomalous Isotope Fractionation of Sulfur (AIF-S) during Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction by Solid Organic Matter
Chorney A, Watanabe Y & Ohmoto H
(2012) Anomalous Fractionations of Sulfur Isotopes during High Temperature Reactions between Solid Organic C- and Oxidized S Compounds
Watanabe Y, Hamasaki H, Chorney A & Ohmoto H
(2012) Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits Host the Evidence for Sulfate-Rich Archean Oceans
Brainard J, Chorney A & Ohmoto H
(2012) Evidence for the O2 and CO2 Rich Archean Atmosphere
Ohmoto H, Watanabe Y, Yamaguchi K, Hamasaki H, Brainard J & Chorney A

Chornkrathok S. (2020) Structure and Behavior of the Ni End-Member Schreibersite Ni3P Under Compression to 50 GPa
Chornkrathok S, Zhang D & Dera P

Chorover J. (2023) Organic Matter and Si – The Guardians of Fe-Rich Colloid Persistence in a Redox-Active Floodplain
Engel M, Noël V, Pierce S, Kovarik L, Kukkadapu R, Lezama-Pacheco JS, Qafoku O, Chorover J, Boye K & Bargar J
(2023) Congruent vs. Incongruent Silicate Weathering as a Function of Climate Hydrochemistry in Two Subduction-Related Granitoids
Derry L, Suhr N, Fernandez NM, Chorover J, Geisbrecht I, Druhan JL & Gaillardet J
(2023) FTICR-Based Metabolomics Reveals the Dynamics of Soil Metabolic Complexity of Primary Succession at the Landscape Evolutionary Observatory at Biosphere 2, Az, USA
Makke G, Bugaj A, Dontsova K, Chorover J, Arnold E, Saleska S & Tfaily M
(2023) Effects of Biocrust Formation and Moss Colonization on Biogeochemical Properties of Basaltic Tephra
Dontsova K, Cortes L, Makke G, Tfaily M, Garcia J, Sengupta A, Arnold E, Chorover J & Saleska S
(2023) The Bioaccessibility of Arsenic and Lead from Sulfidic Mine Tailings is Controlled by Contaminant and Host Speciation
Root RA & Chorover J
(2023) The Role of Nanophases in Critical Zone Dynamics
Gelin M, Cunningham C, Guertin AS, Druhan JL, Chorover J, Derry LA, Tharaud M, Benedetti MF & Bouchez J
(2022) Connecting Weathering, Entropy and the Search for Life
Zaharescu DG, Lybrand R, Dontsova K & Chorover J
(2020) Effects of Compost on Fe Minerals and As Mobility of Legacy Tailings during Redox Oscillation
Liu Y, Root R & Chorover J
(2020) Microbial and Plant Effects on Rock Weathering and Protosoil Formation
Chorover J
(2019) Climate Impacts on (In)congruent Silicate Weathering Constrained by Ge/Si Ratios
Derry L, Aguirre A, Chorover J, Hernandez N & Perez-Fodich A
(2018) Oxidative Biological Weathering and its Archean Origins
Zaharescu GD, Szeinbaum N, Burghelea C, Dontsova K, Chorover J & Reinhard C
(2018) Measuring Critical Zone Co-evolution in Real Time
Chorover J, Olshansky Y, Pelletier J, Rasmussen C, Barron-Gafford G & Abramson N
(2018) Structural and Functional Response of Incipient Basaltic Microbial Community to Shifts in Soil Moisture Regime
Sengupta A, Barberan A, Stegen J, Volkmann T, Dontsova K, Neilson J, Chorover J, Maier R, Troch P & Meredith L
(2018) Combining U-Series and Sr Isotopes to Trace Water Flow Through the Critical Zone
White A, Ma L, Moravec B, McIntosh J & Chorover J
(2017) Changing Water, Carbon and Energy Fluxes Alters Deep CZ Structure and Solute Exports to Streams
McIntosh J, Moravec B, White A & Chorover J
(2017) Hydrologic and Environmental Controls on Uranium-Series Isotopes in a Natural Volcanic Weathering Environment
White A, Ma L, Moravec B, McIntosh J & Chorover J
(2016) Phosphate Effect on Uranium Release from Acidic Reacted Hanford Sediments
Um W, Wang G, Washton N, Mueller K & Chorover J
(2014) Rates and Mechanisms of Uranyl Oxyhydroxide Mineral Dissolution
Reinoso-Maset E, Um W, Chorover J, Steefel C & O'Day P
(2014) Acid-Weathering and Uranium Speciation: Reaction Kinetics and Phosphate Addition
Perdrial N, Vasquez-Ortega A, Reinoso-Maset E, O'Day PA & Chorover J
(2013) Critical Zone Evolution by Jerks
Chorover J, Brooks P, Harpold A, Litvak M, McIntosh J, Pelletier J, Perdrial J, Troch P & Rasmussen C
(2013) Plant Establishment in Sulfide Ore-Derived Mine Tailings Stabilizes Arsenic in situ Despite Promoting Arsenopyrite Oxidation
Hammond C, Root R, Maier R & Chorover J
(2013) Basalt, Granite, Rhyolite, and Schist Weathering as Affected by Plants and Microorganisms
Dontsova K, Zaharescu D, Burghelea C, Chorover J, Maier R & Huxman T
(2012) Weathering of Granular Basalt on a Volcanic Crater Slope: An Electron Microprobe and synchrotron-Xrd Approach
Zaharescu DG, Dontsova K, Perdrial N, Burghelea C, Chorover J, Perdrial J, Maier R & Huxman T
(2012) Organic Matter Effects on Xenobiotic Sorption at Critical Zone Interfaces
Chorover J
(2012) Do Critical Zone Carbon and Water Fluxes Control Chemical Denudation?
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Condon K, Harpold A, Holleran M, Huckle D, Lybrand R, Troch P, McIntosh J, Meixner T, Minor R, Mitra B, Pohlmann M, Rasmussen C, Swetnam T, Vasquez-Ortega A & Zapata-Rios X
(2011) Bio-Inorganic Interfaces in the Critical Zone
Chorover J
(2011) Bench Scale Experiments Modeling the Effects of a Phytostabilization Strategy for Arsenic and Lead Containing Mine Tailings in the Semi-Arid Southwestern United States
Hammond C, Root R, White S, Maier R & Chorover J
(2011) Synchrotron XAS and XRF Study of Microbially Reduced Arsenic and Iron in Iron-Based Remediation Media
Root R, Alday F, Fathordoobadi S, Ela W & Chorover J
(2011) Integrating Climate and Landscape Controls on Regolith Depth, Chemistry and Mineral Assemblage
Rasmussen C, Lybrand R, Jardine A, Pelletier J, Troch P & Chorover J
(2011) Impact of Water Sources and Flow Paths on Carbon in Streams of Seasonally Snow-Covered Catchments
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Harpold A, Heidbuechel I, McIntosh J, Ray J & Zapata-Rios X
(2011) Predicting the Fate of Radionuclides at the Hanford Tank Farm Using Analog Sediments
Perdrial N, Thompson A, Rivera N, Deng Y-T, O'Day P & Chorover J
(2010) Characterization of Nano-Crystalline Fe in Basaltic Soils
Thompson A, Rancourt D, Chadwick O & Chorover J
(2010) Molecular Adhesion Mechanisms of Cell-(oxyhydr)oxide Interaction
Chorover J
(2010) Mineral Transformations and Contaminant Release Dynamics Under Wetting-Drying Cycles in Simulated Hanford Sediments
Perdrial N, Thompson A & Chorover J
(2010) Coupled Arsenic and Sulfur Speciation in Semi-Arid Mine Tailings
Root R, Hayes S, Schowalter C & Chorover J
(2010) Reactive Transport Modeling of Incongruent Basalt Dissolution in the Biosphere 2 Hillslope Experiment
Dontsova K, Steefel C, Desilets S, Thompson A & Chorover J
(2009) 27Al NMR Studies of the Impact of Tank Waste Leachates on Hanford Sediment Samples
Strepka C, Mueller K, O'Day P, Chorover J, Sunkyung C & Perdrial N
(2009) Combined FISH, μ-XRF, and SEM Analysis to Examine Microbe-Metal Interactions on Root Surfaces
Maier RM, Chorover J, Iverson SL & Hayes SM
(2008) Strontium and Cesium Desorption from Reacted Hanford Sediments
Rivera N, O'Day P, Choi S, Thompson A & Chorover J
(2008) Evolution of Soil Iron Mineral Composition as a Function of Climate-Driven Fe Loss
Thompson A, Rancourt DG, Chadwick OA & Chorover J
(2008) NMR Studies of the Impact of Mineral Transformation and Sorbate Aging on Contaminant Speciation and Mobility
Strepka C, Mueller K, O'Day P & Chorover J
(2008) Speciation of Lead and Zinc in Weathered Arid Mine Tailings
Hayes S & Chorover J
(2006) Biogeochemical Monitoring Of Heavy Metals In Food Webs: Sources, Deposition, Pathways And Bioaccumulation
Chesley J, Reinthal P, Ruiz J, Corley T, Morfin O & Chorover J
(2005) Depth Profiling Adsorption of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAO1) onto Hematite: A Variable Angle ATR-FTIR Spectroscopic Approach
Omoike A & Chorover J
(2005) Desorption of Contaminant Cs and Sr from Clay Systems after Weathering in Caustic Waste Solutions
Choi S, Amistadi MK, O'Day P & Chorover J
(2002) The Effect of Mineral Mesoporosity on Amino Acid Adsorption
Zimmerman A, Goyne K, Chorover J, Kubicki J, Komarneni S & Brantley S
(2001) Dissolution Behavior of a Soil Chronosequence
Chorover J & Chadwick OA
(2001) Sorption of 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid to Porous Minerals
Goyne KW, Chorover J, Brantley SL & Komarneni S
(2001) The Effect of Mesopores on Organic Adsorption to Mineral Analogues
Zimmerman AR, Brantley SL, Kubicki JD, Chorover J & Goyne KW

Chorus I. (2009) Fate of the Cyanotoxin Cylindrospermopsin in Sediments
Klitzke S, Apelt S, Weiler C, Fastner J & Chorus I

Chou Chen-Lin (2007) Climate Fluctuations during the Last 3000 Years in Guizhou, China: Evidence from the TIMS-U Series Ages and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Stalagmite
Peng Z, Zhang Z, Luo C, Liu Y & Chou C-L

Chou Chunwei (2020) Bentonite Alteration Revealed by a Lab Experiment and an in situ Test, and its Effect on the Migration of Uranyl in Bentonite Barrier Studied by Generic Numerical Models for High-Level Radioactive Waste Repositories
Zheng L, Borglin S, Chang C, Chou C, Wu Y & Birkholzer J

Chou H-L. (2019) The Impact of Typhoon Precipitation on Flow Routing, River Chemistry and Carbon Cycling
Chang J-M, Lin L-H, Hovius N, Bufe A, Chou H-L, Wang P-L, Chen H & Andermann C

Chou I (2005) X-Ray Microspectroscopic Analyses of Mineral-Fluid and Melt-Fluid Interactions at Extreme Temperatures and Pressures
Anderson A, Mayanovic R, Bassett W & Chou I
(2005) The Structure of Gd3+ Aqua and Chloro Complexes Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Mayanovic R, Anderson A, Bassett W & Chou I

Chou I-M. (2001) Determination of Goslarite-Bianchite Equilibria by the Humidity Buffer Technique at 0.1 MPa
Chou I-M & Seal Ii RR
(2001) Studies of Solvation of Inorganic Metal Ion Complexes Under Hydrothermal Conditions Using XAFS Spectroscopy
Mayanovic RA, Jayanetti S, Anderson AJ, Bassett WA & Chou I-M
(2001) Experimental Determination of Phase Equilibria in the System H2O-CO2 at High Pressure and Temperature with Implications on the Presence of Organic Phases
Sharma A, McAdam A, Hemley RJ, Cody GD, Hazen RM & Chou I-M

Chou I-Ming (2022) The Effects of Oxygen Fugacity on Mineral Stabilities in Kimberlite
Liu Z, Chou I-M, Huang Z & Klemme S
(2022) In situ Study of Complexation in the System Si-C-H-O at High Pressures and Temperatures
Cheng N & Chou I-M
(2022) Oxygen Fugacity Control and Measurement in Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell
Wang R & Chou I-M
(2020) Recent Development of Hydrothermal Diamond-Anvil Cell and its Applications in the Study of Fluid and Melt Inclusions
Chou I-M, Li J & Bassett W
(2020) In situ Observations of the Crystallization of Beryl and Phenakite in Aqueous Solutions in a Hydrothermal Diamond-Anvil Cell
Li J, Wang X & Chou I-M
(2019) Fused Silica Capillary Capsule as a Hydrogen Fugacity Sensor in Hydrothermal Experiments Below 400 ºC
Chou I-M & Fang J
(2017) Raman Spectroscopic Study of Fluids Containing H2S in the Fused Silica Capillary High-Pressure Optical Cell
Chou I-M, Jiang L, Xin Y & Chen Y
(2017) Effect of Pressure on Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of Aqueous Sulfate Solution Observed in Fused Silica Capillary Tubes at Elevated Temperatures
Wang X, Chou I-M & Wan Y
(2016) Measurements of Vapor Pressures of Aqueous Solutions Using Fused Silica High-Pressure Optical Cell
Chou I-M, Chen Y, Jiang L & Zhang H
(2016) An Improved Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell
Li J, Bassett WA, Chou I-M, Ding X & Wang X
(2015) Recent Advances in the Fused Silica Capillary High-Pressure Optical Cell for the Study of Geological Fluids
Chou I-M
(2014) The Formation of Yichun Ta-Nb Deposit, China Through Fractional Crystallization of Magma as Indicated by the Fluid and Melt Inclusions
Li J, Li S & Chou I-M
(2014) Recent Developments on the Calibration of Raman Spectroscopic Systems for Quantitative Analyses of Geological Fluids
Chou I-M
(2012) In situ Observations on the Crystallization of Spodumene from Aqueous Solutions in a Hydrothermal Diamond-Anvil Cell
Chou I-M, Li J, Yuan S & Burruss R
(2011) Alteration of Oil by Gas: Experiments in Fused Silica Capillary Capsules
Bourdet J, Eadington P, Burruss R & Chou I-M
(2011) Raman Spectroscopic Study of the System NaCl-Na2CO3-Na2SO4-H2O: Implications for the Determination of Cl- Concentration in Fluid Inclusions
Hu W, Wang X, Chou I-M & Sun Q
(2010) Modified Hydrothermal Diamond-Anvil Cell for the Study of C-H-O-S Fluids Near the Moho
Chou I-M, Bassett W & Li J
(2009) Studying Gold Solubilities Using Fused Silica Capillaries
Chi G, Chou I-M, Wang F, Shang L, Xue C & Liu X
(2008) REE-Chloride Complexing in Hydrothermal Fluids with New Data on Lanthanum Chloroaqua Complexes
Mayanovic R, Anderson A, Bassett W & Chou I-M
(2008) In situ Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of the Structure and Speciation of Aqueous Zinc Bromide Solutions to 500 ºC and 0.9 GPa
Mibe K, Chou I-M, Anderson A, Mayanovic R & Bassett W
(2007) The Structure of REE Aqua and Chloroaqua Complexes in Hydrothermal Fluid
Mayanovic R, Anderson A, Bassett W & Chou I-M
(2002) The Structure of Yb3+ and Y3+ Aquo Ion and Chloro Complexes in Hydrothermal Solutions
Mayanovic RA, Jayanetti S, Anderson AJ, Bassett WA & Chou I-M
(2001) The Hydrothermal Diamond-Anvil Cell
Bassett WA, Chou I-M, Mayanovic RA, Anderson AJ, Jayanetti S & Darling RS

Chou J. (2015) Mechanisms of Cryospheric Life: Protein Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Electron Transfer in Psychrophilic Hydrocarbonoclastic Marine Bacteria
Magyar J, Asous N, Benzik E, Chou J, Dalchand N, Gallagher G & Salerno G

Chou L (2006) Cu and Zn isotope fractionation along the Scheldt estuary
Petit J, Taillez A, Verheyden S, Chou L & Mattielli N
(2000) Geochemistry of Particulate Matter in the Northeast Atlantic Margin
Chou L, Roevros N & Paucot H

Chou Lei (2017) Environment and Nutrient Control of Nitrogen Fixation
Li X, Fonseca-Batista D, Roevros N, Dehairs F & Chou L
(2017) Adsorption of Phosphate on Hydrous Ferric Oxides at Different pHs and Salinities
Zhang H, Elskens M & Chou L
(2017) Hypoxia Evolution on the Ukrainian Shelf of the Black Sea
Plante A, Roevros N, Roman Romin O, Capet A, Gregoire M, Fagel N & Chou L
(2017) Patterns of N2 Fixation Across the Northern North Atlantic
Fonseca-Batista D, Deman F, Li X, Le Roy E, Ingeniero R, Mariez C, Roig S, Lemaître N, Fripiat F, Chou L & Dehairs F
(2015) Iron Biogeochemistry Under a Changing Climate: Impact on the Phytoplankton Growth and the Diazotrophic Nitrogen Fixation
Li X, Fonseca D, Ingber H, Roevros N, Dehairs F & Chou L
(2009) Study of the Individual and Combined Effect of pCO2 and Temperature on the Coccolithophore E. huxleyi
De Bodt C, Van Oostende N, Harlay J, Roevros N, Sabbe K & Chou L
(2008) Microbiological Control on the Cycling of Fe and its Isotopes in Antarctic Sea Ice
Schoemann V, De Jong J, Lannuzel D, Tison J-L, Delille B, Chou L, Lancelot C & Becquevort S
(2008) Cu and Zn Isotopic Changes from 1972 to Present in the Scheldt Estuary
Petit JCJ, Taillez A, Chou L & Mattielli N
(2007) Dissolution of Biogenic Silica in the Sediments of the Scheldt Continuum
Rebreanu L, De Bodt C, Clip G & Chou L
(2007) Spatial and Temporal (30 Yr.) Variations of Lead Geochemical Signature in a Macrotidal Highly Polluted Estuary
Taillez A, Jacqmot A, Petit J, Maerschalk C, Lemadec D, Fagel N, Verheyden S, Chou L & Mattielli N

Chou Luoth (2020) Agnostic Polymer Detection in Astrobiological Samples Using Mass Spectrometry and Data-Driven Analysis
Chou L, Da Poian V, Grefenstette N, Graham H, Kempes C, Johnson S, Mahaffy P & Fricke DGM

Chou W-C. (2009) The Trace Metal Cycling in the Water Column of the South China Sea
Ho T-Y, Wang B-N & Chou W-C

Chou Yu-Chen (2022) Ocean Tracer 236U/238U Research Using a New MC-ICPMS Method
Lin H-T(, Chen J-M, Chou Y-C, Chiang H-W, Christl M & Shen C-C
(2022) The Dual Tracer, 236U and 14C, Records in Coral Core in the Western Pacific
Chen J-M, Chiang H-W, Shen C-C, Chou Y-C, Yokoyama Y, Mii H-S, Hsin Y-C & Lin H-T(

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