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Chen Zhengquan (2015) The Discovery of Daliuchong Volcanic Edifice in Tengchong, Yunnan Province (China) and its Significance
Li N, Wei H, Zhang L, Zhao Y, Zhao B, Chen S, Chen Z & Yu H

Chen Zhengzheng (2023) Geochemical and Microbiological Variations along Vertical Redox Gradients in a Seasonally Flooded sub-Arctic Wetland
Chen Z, Perez JPH, Trivedi CB, Stammeier JA, Gislason SR & Benning LG

Chen Zhenhong (2020) Ocean Euxinia Triggered the Late Ordovician Mass extinction:Evidence from High-Resolution Data in South China
Qiu Z, Zou C, Wang H, Dong D, Chen Z & Liu H

Chen Zhenlou (2008) The Fluxes of CH4, CO2 and N2O from Yangtze Estuary Intertidal Flat in Summer Season
Wang D, Chen Z & Xu S

Chen Zhenwu (2018) Iron and Vanadium Isotopic Compositions of Cenozoic Basalts from Eastern China
Chen Z, Ding X, Huang J, Yu H & Huang F

Chen Zhenyu (2021) Chemical Substitution Mechanisms of Muscovite from Rare-Metal Pegmatites of Renli Deposit, SE China
Li P, Li J & Chen Z
(2020) Rare-Metal Pegmatites of Renli Deposit, SE China: Their Formation in Realtionship to Mufushan Composite Granitoid Batholith
Li P, Li J, Chen Z, Liu X, Wang Z, Huang Z & Zhou F
(2015) Evidence for Low-Ca, yet not Mantle Olivine Xenocrysts in Alkali Basalts from West Qinling, Central China
Li X, Mo X, Bader T, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Li X, Yu X & Huang X

Chen Zhi (2019) Spatial Variation of Soil Gas Rn, Tn and CO2 in the Liupan Shan Fault, Central-North China and its Tectonic Implications
Li Y, Yang J, Sun A & Chen Z
(2018) Geochemichal Characteristics of Soil Gas Radon and their Tectonic Implications to the Anninghe and the Zemuhe Faults in Sichuan, Southwestern of China
Li Y, Chen Z, Yang Y & Sun F
(2018) Environmental Impact of CO2, Rn, Hg Degassing from the Rupture Zones Produced by Wenchuan Ms 8.0 Earthquake in Western Sichuan, China
Zhou X, Chen Z & Cui Y
(2017) Gas Geochemistry of the Hot Springs of the South Eastern Tibetan Plateau
Zhou X, Liu L, Chen Z, Cui Y & Jian G
(2017) Geochemical Characteristics of Soil Gas Rn and CO2 in the South-West and North-East Segments of the Tangshan Fault Zone, Northern China
Yang J, Li Y, Chen Z, Sun F, Zhao J, Li J & Wang J
(2016) Enrichment of 13C in Ejecta from Mud Volcanoes in Northern Tianshan Fold Belt, Xinjiang, NW China
Chen Z, Du J & Zheng G

Chen Zhihao (2017) Simultaneous Redox Conversion of Chromate and Arsenite in the UV/Acetylacetone Process
Zhang S, Xie T, Wu B & Chen Z

Chen Zhijun (2012) Local Spatial and Scaling Modelling for Geochemical Heterogeneity and Anomaly Detection
Chen Z & Cheng Q

Chen Zhiyan (2022) Human Impacts Overwhelmed Hydroclimate Control of Soil Erosion in China 5000 Years ago
Li X, Zhang F, Li S, Chen Y, Li W, Sun C, Chen Z, Zhao X & Nie T

Chen Zhong (2013) Nd-Sr Isotopic Evolution of Asian Dust: Tectonic and Climatic Implications
Zhang W, Li G, Chen Z & Chen J
(2013) Factors Influencing Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonate Formation at Cold Seep from Southwestern Dongsha Area in the Northern South China Sea
Wang S, Yan W, Magalhāes VH, Chen Z, Pinheiro LM & Gussone N

Chen Zhong-Hong

Chen Zhong-Qiang (2022) Characteristics of Hg Concentrations and Isotopes in Terrestrial and Marine Facies Across the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Wang X, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Wu S & Huang Y
(2022) Mercury Enrichments during the Carnian Pluvial Event (Late Triassic) in South China
Zhao H, Grasby S, Wang X, Zhang L, Liu Y, Hu Z-C, Chen Z-Q & Huang Y
(2022) Linkage of the Late Cambrian Microbe-Metazoan Transition (MMT) to Shallow-Marine Oxygenation during the SPICE Event
Zhang L, Algeo TJ, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Zhao H, Zhang Z & Li C
(2022) Marine Productivity Variations and Environmental Perturbations Across the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary: Insights from Zinc and Carbon
Zhao L, Wang X, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L, Lyu Z & Ye F
(2022) High-Resolution Olenekian (Lower Triassic) Conodont Unitary Association Zonation: Global Distribution and Paleogeographic Implications
Lyu Z, Henderson CM, Chen Z-Q & Zhao L
(2020) Marine Productivity Variations and Environmental Perturbations Across the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary: Insights from Zinc and Carbon Isotopes
Wang X, Zhao L, Cawood P, Algeo T, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L & Lyu Z
(2020) Decoupled Marine Carbon-Sulfur Isotopes on the Yangtze Platform during the Early to Middle Smithian (Early Triassic) Climate Warming
Zhang L, Zhao L, Algeo TJ, Chen Z-Q, Li C & Zhang Z
(2020) Abrupt Decline in Primary Productivity Coincident with the End-Ordovician Mass Extinction: Cadmium Isotopic Evidence from South Chin
Zhao H, Algeo T, Chen Z, Poulton S, Liu Y, Hu Z, Wang X & Zhang L
(2020) Global Mercury Cycle during the End-Permian Mass Extinction and Subsequent Early Triassic Recovery
Zhao L, Wang X, Zhao H, Cawood P, Grasby S, Chen Z & Zhang L
(2019) Global Mercury Chemostratigraphy during the End-Permian Mass Extinction and the Following Early Triassic Recovery
Zhao L, Wang X, Cawood P, Zhao H, Grasby S, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L, Chi C, Weng H & Zhang Z
(2019) Calcium Isotope Evidence for an Episode of Ocean Acidification Across the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary Recorded in the Shitouzai Section, South China
Zhao H, Zhang F, Chen Z-Q, Liu Y, Hu Z & Hu Z
(2017) Volcanic Driver of the Ordovician-Silurian Mass Extinction: Evidence from Mercury Anomaly in South China
Zhao L, Gong Q, Wang X, Grasby S, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L, Li Y, Cao L & Li Z
(2015) Diagenetic Uptake of P-Tr Conodont Rare Earth Elements from Shallow to Deep Environments: An Assessment
Li Y, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Algeo T & Chen J
(2014) Radiolarian and Geochemical Studies of the Middle Permian Gufeng Formation, South China
Shi L, Feng Q, Shen J & Chen Z
(2014) Smithian-Spathian Boundary Event Recorded in the Shitouzhai Section, Guizhou, South China: Carbon and Sulfur Isotopes and Trace Elemental Analysis
Zhang L, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Algeo T, Chen J & Wang R

Chen Zhonghong (2018) Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Petroleum Inferring Secondary Alteration Processes in Reservoir
Cheng B, Chen Z & Wang T-G

Chen Zhongqiang (2016) Mercury Deposition as a Proxy for Volcanism Through the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary, South China
Gong Q, Zhao L, Chen Z & Wang X
(2014) A Rapid and Synchronous Initiation of the Sturtian Glaciations
Lan Z, Li X, Zhu M, Chen Z, Zhang Q, Li Q, Liu Y & Tang G
(2013) Hydrothermal Origin of the Paleoproterozoic Xenotimes from the King Leopold Sandstone of the Kimberley Group, Kimberley, NW Australia: Implications for a ca 1.7 Ga Far-Field Hydrothermal Event
Lan Z, Chen Z, Li X, Li B & Adams D

Chen Zhongxing (2022) A Subduction Influence on Ocean Ridge Basalts Outside the Pacific Subduction Shield
Yang AY, Langmuir C, Cai Y, Michael PJ, Goldstein SL & Chen Z
(2020) Precise and Accurate Determination of 54 Major, Minor and Trace Elements in Silicates Using a Standard Single LA-ICP-QMS
Chen Z & Langmuir C
(2018) Improving Data Precision and Accuracy with Short-Term and Long-Term Elemental Fractionation Corrections for Non-Matrix Matched Silicate Analysis by LA-ICP-MS
Chen Z & Langmuir C

Chen Zhou (2011) Quantification non-Linear Flow and Transport in Fractures Based on Boundary Layer Theory and MIM
Chen Z, Li H & Li R
(2010) An Experimental Study on the Autotrophic Denitrification with Sulphur Electron Donor in Groundwater
Liu Y, Qian J, Chen Z & Wu J

Chen Zhuoheng (2020) Petroleum Composition Revealed from Revised Programed Pyrolysis and Implications for Lacustrine Shale Oil Mobility and Resource Potential
Li M, Chen Z, Qian M, Ma X, Jiang Q & Li Z
(2016) Rock-Eval Analysis as an Efficient Technique to Determine Carbonate Content in Shale Source Rocks
Jiang C(, Chen Z, Kabanov P & Lavoie D

Chen Zhuzheng

Chen Zi-Wan (2011) Recycling Subcontinental Plagioclase-Rich Lower Crust in the North China Craton
Zhang J-B, Ling W-L, Liu Y, Gao S, Kusky T, Chen Z-W, Qiu XF & Chen M
(2011) Recognition of the Archean High-Grade Terrain in the South Qinglin Orogen and its Conection with the South China Block Tectonics
Ling W-L, Lu S-S, Chen Z-W, Liu X & Duan R-C

Chen Ziwei (2020) Geochronology, Geochemistry and Tectonic Significance of Three-Phase Jurassic–Cretaceous Volcanic Rocks in the East of Southeast China
Yu X, Liu X, Chen Z & Liu M

Chen Zongyu (2009) Groundwater Recharge in the North China Plain Determined by Environmental Tracer Methods
von Rohden C, Kreuzer A, Chen Z, Kipfer R & Aeschbach-Hertig W
(2007) A Noble Gas Record of Groundwater Recharge, Paleoclimate, and Mantle Degassing in the North China Plain
Aeschbach-Hertig W, Kreuzer A, Von Rohden C & Chen Z

Chen Zongyuan (2016) Molecular Mechanisms of Cs+ Binding to the Hydrated Surfaces of Illite, Smectite, and Interstratified Illite/Smectite Clays
Kalinichev A, Loganathan N, Ngouana-Wakou B & Chen Z
(2016) Surface Complexation Modeling of U(VI) Adsorption on Granite at Ambient/Elevated Temperature: Experimental and XPS Study
Chen Z, Jin Q & Guo Z

Chen-Wiegart Y-C. (2017) X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging and Spectroscopy with Sub-µm and Sub-100nm Spatial Resolution for Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Thieme J, Williams G, Chen-Wiegart Y-C, Bowerman B, Hurowitz J, Glotch T, Legett C, Schoonen M & Coates J
(2015) The SRX Beamline at NSLS-Ii: X-Ray Spectroscopy with Very High Spatial Resolution
Thieme J, Chen-Wiegart Y-C & Williams G

Chenaker H. (2022) Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Geothermal Water of Algeria
Chenaker H
(2020) Geochemistry of Thermal Waters from Various Geothermal Provinces of Algeria
Chenaker H, Houha B & Mohamedi MR
(2017) Isotope Studies and Chemical Investigations of Hot Springs from North-Eastern Algeria; Fluid-Mineral Interaction
Chenaker H, Houha B & Valles V

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