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(2020) Precise and Accurate Determination of 54 Major, Minor and Trace Elements in Silicates Using a Standard Single LA-ICP-QMS

Chen Z & Langmuir C


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06d: Room 2, Thursday 25th June 06:12 - 06:15

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Charles Magee on Thursday 25th June 04:13
How do you propagate the uncertainties from these mathematical corrections?
Dear Dr. Magee Charles, Thank you and Dr. Norris for organizing the section. You asked a very very good question. Error propagation is always the concern for analytical chemists. Since we do the mathematical corrections for elemental fractionation in two steps (short- and long-term fractionation). It is possible both steps can contribute the uncertainty. We calculated the uncertainty for final analytical results. We measured six micro-analytical geological glass reference materials with a wide variety of silicate matrices from NIST 612, rhyolite to komatiite eight times. The RSD is less than 2% for major and minor elements, and less than 2% and 5% for the trace elements with concentrations higher than 5 ppm and 1 ppm respectively.

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