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Arakaki K. (2003) Dissolved Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in Surface and Ground Waters from the Northern Area of Okinawa Island
Vuai S, Arakaki K & Tokuyama A

Arakaki Takemitsu (2011) UV-Vis Absorbance, Fluorescence and Concentration of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) of Sea-Surface Microlayer Samples Collected at Okinawa, Japan
Toyama Y, Miyagi Y & Arakaki T
(2003) Photochemical Activity of Seawater Contaminated with Red Soil in the Northern Part of Okinawa
Hamdun A, Okada K, Fujimura H, Arakaki T & Taira H

Arakaki Teruo (2009) Multielement Profiling Analyses of Seawater in Coral Reef Area and the Biogeocemical Processes of Trace Metals in Bivalve with Symbiotic Zooxanthellae
Itoh A, Arakaki T, Kabe N, Yamaguchi M & Oura E

Arakawa Masahiko (2014) Hayabusa-2: Sample Return from a near-Earth C-Type Asteroid, 1999 JU3
Tachibana S, Abe M, Arakawa M, Fujimoto M, Ishiguro M, Kitazato K, Kobayashi N, Namiki N, Okada T, Okazaki R, Sugita S, Takano Y, Tanaka S, Watanabe S-I, Yoshikawa M & Kuninaka H
(2013) Hayabusa-2 – Sample Return from a Near-Earth C-Type Asteroid (2014-2020): Current Status
Watanabe S-I, Abe M, Arakawa M, Fujimoto M, Ishiguro M, Kitazato K, Kobayashi N, Namiki N, Okada T, Sugita S, Tachibana S, Tanaka S, Yoshikawa M & Kuninaka H

Arakawa Masashi (2009) Oxidation State of Chromium in Ferropericlase Inclusions in Lower Mantle Diamonds Determined with micro-XANES Measurements
Odake S, Kagi H, Arakawa M, Ohta A & Harte B

Arakawa S. (2023) Chromium Isotopic Variation by Dust Growth and Fragmentation in the Solar Nebula Embeded with Jupiter
Homma K, Okuzumi S, Arakawa S & Fukai R
(2022) The Isotopic Variations in Bulk-Scale Carbonaceous Chondrites and the Possible Targets in the Next Sample Return Mission
Fukai R, Yokoyama T, Arakawa S, Homma K, Okuzumi S & Shimaki Y
(2021) Initial Distribution of the Volatile-Rich Asteroids Inferred from the Isotopic Records: Implication for Return Samples from Ryugu
Fukai R & Arakawa S
(2017) Forming Chondrite Parent Bodies via Direct Aggregation of Chondrules and Matrix Grains
Arakawa S & Nakamoto T
(2016) The Supercooled-Collision Model for Compound Chondrule Formation
Arakawa S & Nakamoto T

Arakawa T. (2013) Estimate of Residence Time of Groundwater in Mt Fuji Area, Central Japan
Shikazono N, Umemura T & Arakawa T

Arakawa Yoji (2016) Anorthite Megacrysts within the Basaltic Andesite of Hokiyadake Volcano, Central Japan: Geochemical and Mineralogical Constraints for their Generation
Arakawa Y, Azuhata M & Matsui T

Arakawa Yuko (2011) Time Variation of He and Ar Isotopic Compositions in the Earth's Atmosphere
Arakawa Y & Matsuda J-I
(2003) Enriched Sr-Nd Isotopic Signatures of the Amphibolites in the Oki-Dogo Island, Japan: Evidence for Crust-Mantle Interaction by Deeply Subducted Continental Crust
Arakawa Y, Kouta T, Kanda Y & Amakawa H

Araki E. (2022) Ocean Bottom Detector: New Under-Development Anti-Neutrino Detector for Direct Observation of Mantle Geo-Neutrino
Sakai T, Inoue K, Watanabe H, McDonough WF, Ueki K, Abe N, Kasaya T, Kyo M & Araki E

Araki M. (2001) Comparison between S-/I-Type (Australia) and Ilmenite-/Magnetite-Series (Japan) in View of the Features in Occluded Gas in Granitic Rocks
Nagamine K, Araki M, Sugisaki R & Chappell BW

Araki Sayaka (2012) Exploring the Effects of Bedrock Nutrient Density on Life and Topography in the Sierra Nevada Batholith, California
Hahm WJ, Araki S, Jessup BS, Lukens CE, Kelly AE & Riebe CS

Araki Shuhei (2016) Pb Isotope Ratios of the Akeshi Au Deposit, Kagoshima, Japan: Implication for Gold Mineralization
Murakami S, Fujinaga K, Araki S, Ohta J, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Kato Y, Kurokawa K, Iwamori H, Nagaishi K & Ishikawa T

Araki T (2005) Mapping of Metal Species in Biofilms Using Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy
Lawrence J, Dynes J, Hitchcock A, West M, Leppard G, Swerhone G, Tyliszczak T & Araki T

Araki Tohru (2023) Investigating the Lability and Carbon Complexation of Glacially-Derived Iron Particulates at the West Antarctic Peninsula
Jones R, Hawkings J, Araki T, Kazemian M, Kaulich B, Lohan M & Annett A
(2020) Mineral-Organic Matter Relationships in Primitive CO3 Chondrites
Bonato E, King A, Schofield P, Russell S, Kaulich B, Kazemian M, Araki T & Lee M
(2019) First Molecular Identification of Fungi Microfossils in 715-810 Millions-Years Shale Rock
Bonneville S, Delpomdor F, Préat A, Chevalier C, Araki T, Abyaneh M, Steele A, Schreiber A, Wirth R & Benning LG
(2019) Occurrence of Inner-Sphere P-O-Fe Bonds on Natural Iron Oxides
Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Regier T, Araki T, Kazemian M, Kaulich B, Narvekar S, Mansfeldt T & Totsche KU
(2017) A Nanoscale STXM Study of the Murchison CM2 Chondrite
Schofield P, King A, Kaulich B, Abyaneh M, Araki T & Russell S
(2015) I08-SXM – The Scanning X-Ray Microscopy Facility at the Diamond Light Source
Kaulich B, Abyaneh M & Araki T
(2015) Nanoscale Element Mapping and XANES Spectroscopy of Interplanetary Dust Particles
Flynn G, Wirick S, Keller L, Kaulich B, Araki T & Abyaneh M

Araki Yuki (2018) Particular Effect of Mg2+ on Hydration Structure at Calcite Surface
Araki Y, Kobayashi K & Yamada H

Araki Yusuke (2009) Antimony Isotopic Fractionation during Adsorption on Ferrihydrite
Araki Y, Tanimizu M & Takahashi Y

Aral D. (2013) Helium Isotope Compositions of Geothermal Fluids and Alkaline Volcanics in Turkey: A Comparative Assessment for Crust-Mantle Dynamics
Mutlu H, Aldanmaz E, Stuart FM, Aral D, Gülec N & Hilton DR

Aral H. (2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Mechanisms Concentrating Scandium in Lateritic Deposits
Chassé M, Aral H, van Huet S, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL, Gérard M & Calas G

Aramaki T (2003) Temporal Variations in 13C and 14C in Particulate Organic Matter in the Kuji River Water
Nagao S, Aramaki T, Nagano T, Tsuduki K & Yanase N

Aramaki Takafumi (2016) Comparison of Carbon Extraction Methods for Radiocarbon Analysis of DIC in Water Samples
Takahashi H, Minami M & Aramaki T

Aramaki Y. (2003) Role of Aluminum for Precipitation of Silica on the Surface of Microbe: The System of Resins/aluminum/silicic Acid
Aramaki Y, Yokoyama T & Watanabe K

Aramendia J. (2019) Terrestrial Weathering of Ilmenite and Olivine in the Northwest Africa 11273 Lunar Meteorite
Huidobro J, Torre-Fdez I, Garcia-Florentino C, Ruiz-Galende P, Aramendia J & Madariaga JM
(2019) Transformation in the Gypsum-Syngenite-Polyhalite System to Describe their Formation on Mars
García-Florentino C, Gómez-Nubla L, Torre-Fdez I, Ruiz-Galende P, Aramendia J & Madariaga Mota JM

Aramendia M. (2013) Use of LA-ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS in a Biomedical Context
Vanhaecke F, Aramendia M, Izmer A, Resano M & Van Heghe L

Aramowicz A. (2007) Very High Exhumation Rates in the Central Swiss Alps, Revealed by the (U-Th)/He and Fission Track Analyses
Aramowicz A, Cosca M, Farley K, Seward D & Stöckli D

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