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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Andrews Allen H. (2015) Accessing 14C Profiles in Carbonate Records Using Laser Ablation
Welte C, Hattendorf B, Wacker L, Christl M, Koch J, Fohlmeister J, Breitenbach SFM, Robinson L, Andrews AH, Synal H-A & Günther D

Andrews B. (2020) Petrogenesis of the South Sister, OR Cone Building Eruptions
Waters L, Andrews B & Frey H
(2018) Nitrogen and Potassium Transiting the Redox and Subduction Barrier
Jackson C, Cottrell E, Andrews B, Mikhail S & Mare E
(2016) Petrogenesis of Antecryst-Bearing Mexican Arc Basalts: Insights into along-Arc Variations in Magma Ponding Depths, H2O Contents, and Surface Heat Flux
Zellmer G, Pistone M, Iizuka Y, Andrews B, Gomez-Tuena A, Straub S & Cottrell E
(2014) Experimental Continuous Decompression of Rhyodacite Magma Erupted from Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center, California
Quinn E, Andrews B, Schwab B & Clynne M
(2013) The Role of Crustal Assimilation on the Oxidation State of Arc Magmas
Grocke S, Cottrell E, de Silva S, Andrews B & Kelley K

Andrews D. R. (2001) Solubility of Ruthenium in Sulphide Melt: Implications for IPGE Alloy Stability
Andrews DR & Brenan JM

Andrews Dan (2015) The Nature of the Surface Materials at the Agilkia Landing Site on 67P
Wright I, Sheridan S, Morgan G, Andrews D, Barber S & Morse A

Andrews Danielle (2008) Hydropedologic Investigations in the Shale Hills Catchment
Lin H, Zhang J, Andrews D, Takagi K & Doolittle J

Andrews E. (2023) Soil CO2 Dynamics in Flood Irrigated Arid Agricultural Fields: Temporal Variability of Abiotic and Biotic CO2 Production and Transport
Andrews E, Ortiz A, Molina V, Kaye J, Darrouzet-Nardi A & Jin L
(2021) Elucidating the Effect of Subsurface Structure on Mineral Dissolution Rates Using Reactive Transport Modeling
Andrews E, Hyman J, Sweeney M, Moulton D & Navarre-Sitchler A
(2020) The Secular Evolution of the Reverse Weathering Sink in the Global Li Cycle
Fantle M, Davis Barnes B & Andrews E
(2020) Heterogeneous Flow Paths in the Subsurface may Explain the Lab vs. Field Weathering Rate Conundrum
Andrews E & Navarre-Sitchler A
(2017) Investigating the Role of Diffusion on Li Isotopes in Pore Fluid and Sediment Samples at IODP Site U1338
Andrews E & Fantle M

Andrews Grace (2019) Field Trials of Enhanced Weathering in Two Contrasting Climate Zones
Andrews G, Pearce C, James R, Masters M, Kantola I, Yeong KL, Hanapi J, Benedick S, Reynolds G, deLucia E & Beerling D
(2018) Enhanced Rock Weathering in Agroecosystem Field Trials, Illinois, USA
Andrews G, Pearce C, James R, Masters M, Kantola I, DeLucia E & Beerling D
(2017) Microbial CO2 Production at the Greenland Ice Sheet Margin
Andrews G, Jacobson A, Osburn M & Flynn T
(2017) The Impact of Subsurface Silicate Weathering on the Long-Term C Cycle
Jacobson A & Andrews G
(2016) Radiogenic and Stable Sr Isotope Ratios as Tracers of Silicate and Carbonate Weathering in Iceland
Andrews G & Jacobson A

Andrews Graham (2023) New Constraints on the Melting Conditions during the Northeast Atlantic Breakup: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 396
Hartley A, Cunningham EH, Lambart S, Guo P, Chatterjee S, Tegner C, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Jones MT, Longman J, Millett JM, Mohn GTF, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Andrews G, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferre EC, Nakaoka R & Wang M
(2023) The Northeast Atlantic Breakup (IODP Exp. 396): A Case Study for Modeling the Evolution of Mantle Source Mineralogy during Continental Rifting
Cunningham EH, Lambart S, Guo P, Chatterjee S, Tegner C, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Jones MT, Longman J, Millett JM, Mohn GTF, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Andrews G, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferré EC, Nakaoka R & Wang M
(2023) Crust-Mantle Interactions during Continental Break-Up: Insights from an Early Eocene Dacitic Unit within the Norwegian Margin Collected during IODP Expedition 396
Morris AM, Lambart S, Guo P, Jones MT, Mohn GTF, Andrews G, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Chatterjee S, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Longman J, Millett JM, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferre EC, Nakaoka R, Tegner C & Wang M
(2014) Kimberlite Ascent
Russell K, Brett C, Jones T, Andrews G & Porritt L
(2011) Rheological Constraints on the Deformation of Snake River-Type Ignimbrites: An Experimental Study
Robert G, Andrews G, Ye J & Whittington A

Andrews H.B. (2023) Development of a High-Throughput Method for Elemental and Isotopic Characterization of Nanoparticles via Single Particle-Icp-TOF-MS
Quarles Jr CD, Manard BT, Bradley VC, Hendriks L, Andrews HB, Sullivan P & Hexel CR

Andrews Johanna (2010) Interactions at the Cell-Mineral Interface
Romero-Gonzalez M, Andrews J, Zhang Z, Geoghegan M, Swanson L, Scholes J & Banwart S
(2009) Multi-Factorial Analysis of Surface Interactions in Single Species Environmental Bacteria and Model Surfaces
Andrews J, Pouran H, Scholes J, Rolfe S & Banwart S
(2009) Effects of Surface Charge and Hydrophobicity of Synthetic Metal Oxides on Attached Growth of Environmental Bacterial Isolates
Pouran H, Andrews J, Romero-Gonzalez M & Banwart S

Andrews John (2012) Ten Millennia of North Atlantic Seasonality: Evidence from Stable Isotope Values of Micromilled Molluscs
Timsic S, Patterson W, Eglington B & Andrews J

Andrews Joy (2010) Arsenic Localization, Speciation, and Co-occurrence with Fe on Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Roots with Variable Fe Plaque Coatings
Seyfferth A, Webb S, Andrews J & Fendorf S

Andrews Julian (2009) Holocene Temperature Evolution of the Subpolar North Atlantic Recorded in the Mg/Ca Ratios of Surface and Thermocline Dwelling Planktonic Foraminifers
Farmer E, Chapman M & Andrews J

Andrews Julian E. (2021) Hot and Late: Clumped Isotopes in Middle Jurassic Calcite-Cemented Concretions from Skye
Paxton RB, Andrews JE, Dennis PF & Marca AD

Andrews K. (2008) High Precision Nickel Isotope Measurements of Fe-Ni Metal of Meteorites
Andrews K, Schiller M & Baker J

Andrews M Grace (2023) Carbon Dioxide Removal in Field Trials of Enhanced Weathering on Arable Croplands
Larkin CS, Andrews MG, Pearce C, Shepherd E, Goring-Harford H, Epihov DZ, Beerling DJ & James RH
(2022) CO2 Removal Associated with Enhanced Rock Weathering in Arable Croplands in Norfolk, UK
Larkin CS, Andrews MG, James RH, Pearce C, Goring-Harford H, Epihov DZ & Beerling DJ
(2021) Quantifying CO2 Removal via Enhanced Rock Weathering in Constrasting Croplands
Larkin CS, Andrews MG, James RH, Pearce C, Collins A, Goring-Harford H, Jardine GE, Kantola IB, DeLucia EH, Masters M, Benedick S, Yeong KL & Beerling D

Andrews M. Grace (2022) Impacts of Enhanced Olivine Weathering in Nearshore Marine Environments
Romaniello SJ, Sulpis O, Cole DB, Syverson DD, Monserrat F, Moreau C, Walworth NG & Andrews MG

Andrews Margaret (2010) Oxygen and Strontium Isotope Zonation in Shear Zone Garnet: Evidence for Open System Exchange
Andrews M, Baxter E, Pollington A, Spicuzza M & Valley J

Andrews Megan Y (2014) Siderophore Production by Mn-Oxidizing Fungi
Andrews M, Holmström S, Santelli C & Duckworth O
(2012) Laboratory Mesocosm Experiments to Quantify Effects of Elevated CO2, Plant Evolution, and Mycorrhizal Status on Carbon Flux and Weathering
Andrews M, Leake J, Kakonyi G, Romero-Gonzalez M, Banwart S & Beerling D
(2011) Insight into Effects of Elevated CO2 and Soil Nutrient Levels on Biological Weathering at the Mesocosm Scale
Andrews MY, Leake JR, Banwart SA & Beerling DJ
(2010) Co-evolution of Land Plants and Mycorrhizal Fungi as Biotic Feedbacks on the Long-Term Carbon Cycle
Beerling D, Andrews M, Quirk J, Palmer B, Banwart S & Leake J
(2010) Mesocosm-Scale Experimental Quantification of Plant Root-Fungal Associations on Carbon Fluxes and Mineral Weathering
Andrews M, Palmer B, Leake J, Banwart S & Beerling D
(2010) Constraining Global-Scale Weathering Models Through Nano-Scale Ectomycorrhiza-Mineral Interactions
Bridge J, Bonneville S, Saccone L, Schmalenberger A, Duran A, Andrews M, Hardy K, Taylor L, Beerling D, Benning L, Leake J, McMaster T & Banwart S
(2009) Comparison of the Biogeochemical Influences of Angiosperm-Only, Gymnosperm-Only, and Mixed Forest Trees on Critical Zone Processes
Andrews MY, Ague JJ & Berner RA
(2008) Impact of Angiosperms and Gymnosperms on Chemical Weathering and Element Mobility
Andrews MY, Ague JJ & Berner RA
(2007) Trees and Weathering: Insights from Root-Mineral Contacts
Andrews M, Ague J & Berner R

Andrews S. (2015) Biogeochemistry of Reactive Halogens and the Omnipresence of Iodine
Carpenter L, Andrews S, Hackenberg S, Sherwen T, Evans M, Allan J, McFiggans G, Boxe C & Saiz-Lopez A

Andrews W. (2016) Short Wavelength Infrared Determination of Coffinite (USiO4)
Andrews W, Bhargava S, Tardio J & Pownceby M

Andrews-Hanna J. (2023) Remote Detection of a Lunar Granitic Batholith at Compton-Belkovich
Siegler MA, Feng J, Lehman Franco K, Andrews-Hanna J, Economos R, St. Clair M, Million C, Head J, Glotch TD & White M

Andrey P. (2019) Enlightening Advances in Critical Raw Material Recovery from Industrial Wastes Using High Voltage Electric Pulse Crushers
Parvaz D, Bru K, Rossi P, Andrey P, Weh A & von der Weid F

Andrianaki M. (2009) Investigation of the Light-Induced Degradation of Glutamic Acid and Stabilisation of Glucose on the Surface of Iron-Bearing Minerals
Andrianaki M, Ragnarsdottir KV, Hallam K & McMaster T

Andriessen P.A.M. (2008) Low-T Thermochronology Provides New Insights in the Mesozoic to Present Tectonic Evolution of NW Africa
Ghorbal B, Bertotti G, Foeken J, Stuart F & Andriessen P
(2007) New Insights into Peralkaline Magma Chamber Processes in the Naivasha Area, Kenya Dome
Tchalikian A, Nebel O, Elburg MA, Andriessen PAM & Davies GR

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