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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Andal Eric S. (2022) Episodes of Barren to Fertile Porphyry Copper Deposit Magmatism on a Complex Island Arc System: Insights from the Igneous Host Rocks of the Suyoc Epithermal Prospect, Northern Luzon, Philippines
Jabagat KD, Gabo-Ratio JAS, Soberano OB, Andal ES, Queaño KL, Yonezu K, Dimalanta CB, Yumul GP & Lee Y-H

Andara Á. (2004) SeO42- Substitution in Gypsum: An Experimental Study
Fernández-González M, Andara A & Prieto M
(2002) Sorption of Pb2+ on Barite and Crystallisation of (Ba, Pb)SO4 in Aqueous Environments
Fernández-González Á, Andara Á, Pedreira V & Prieto M

Andeer P. (2017) Genome-Resolved Metagenomics as a Foundation for Understanding of Biogeochemistry
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Andeer P, Arbour T, Brown C, Burstein D, Castelle C, Diamond S, Fakra S, Firestone M, Gilbert B, Kantor R, Lavi A, Matheus Carnevali P, Northen T, Probst A, Starr E, Thomas B, Warren L & Williams K
(2013) Connecting Bacterial ROS Cycling to the Production of Mn Oxides
Learman D, Zhang T, Andeer P & Hansel C
(2013) Widespread Production of Extracellular Superoxide by Heterotrophic Bacteria
Hansel C, Diaz J, Voelker T, Andeer P & Zhang T

Ander E. (2004) Effect of Desferrioxamine, Ferrichrome and Rhodotorulic Acid on Pb(II) Desorption from Goethite
Ander E & Dubbin W

Ander L. (2011) Understanding Bioavailability of Iodine in Soils of Northern Ireland
Smith H, Ander L, Bailey E, Crout N, Watts M & Young S
(2007) Lead(II) Desorption from Goethite Mediated by Hydroxamate Ligands
Dubbin W & Ander L

Anderko Andre (2018) Extraction of Rare Earths from Coal Ash by Organic Acids
Fujita Y, Reed D, Fisher J, Park D, Jiao Y, Margaret L & Anderko A

Anderko Andrzej (2015) Inhibition of Nitrifying Bacteria by Simulated Phosphor Recycling Wastewaters Containing Eu and Y
Fujita Y, Barnes J, Eslamimanesh A, Lencka M, Anderko A, Riman R & Navrotsky A

Anderlini T. (2020) Distributions of Dissolved Trace Metals in Surface Waters of Baffin Bay in the Canadian Arctic
Anderlini T, Tremblay J-E & Cullen J

Andermann C. (2022) Chemical Weathering Fluxes Underestimated in Erosion Hot-Spots due to the Hidden Riverine Flux of Adsorbed Cations
Knight ACG, Stevenson EI, Bridgestock L, Andermann C & Tipper ET
(2020) Evolution & Stability of Sediment Chemistry in Himalayan Rivers
Hughes G, Tipper E, Bickle M & Andermann C
(2019) The Impact of Typhoon Precipitation on Flow Routing, River Chemistry and Carbon Cycling
Chang J-M, Lin L-H, Hovius N, Bufe A, Chou H-L, Wang P-L, Chen H & Andermann C
(2019) Impact of Coseismic Landslides on Himalayan Chemical Weathering
Hughes G, Tipper E, Bickle M & Andermann C
(2019) Riverine Particulate Organic Matter Sourcing Varies Across the Himalaya
Menges J, Hovius N, Andermann C, Lupker M, Märki L, Haghipour N, Eglinton T, Gleixner G & Sachse D
(2018) Deciphering River Water Source Contributions from Seasonal Moisture Pathways and Latitudinal Stable Isotope Signatures Across the Central Himalayas
Hassenruck-Gudipati H, Andermann C, Hovius N, Sachse D, Meyer H & Dee S
(2017) Meteoric Water Fluxes in the Himalayas
Andermann C, Hovius N, Stieglitz T, Niedermann S, Labasque T & Vergnaud V

Anders A. (2019) Eroded Soil C and Where to Find it: Lessons from the Upper Sangamon Basin, Illinois USA
Blair N, Grimley D, Anders A & Hayes J

Anders B. (2003) The Oldest Rocks in Greece: Geochronological Evidence for Remnants of a Precambrian Basement within the Central Hellenides
Anders B, Reischmann T, Poller U & Kostopoulos D
(2002) Geochemistry and Geochronology of Basement Rocks from the Pelagonian Zone, Greece
Anders B, Reischmann T & Poller U

Andersen A (2004) Homochiral Growth Through Enantiomeric Cross-Inhibition
Brandenburg A, Andersen A, Hoefner S & Nilsson M

Andersen A Julia (2021) Testing 5 Virtual Methods to Teach Field Geology Online with Suggested Future Modifications
Gregory DD, Panasiuk SL, Tomes HE & Andersen AJ

Andersen Allen (2020) Constraining the Conditions of Rare Earth Element Mineralization in the Bear Lodge Alkaline Complex, Wyoming: A Fluid Inclusion Study
Olinger D, Andersen A & Bennett M
(2013) REE Fractionation at the Bear Lodge REE+Au Deposit, USA: Evidence from Mineral Chemistry
Andersen A, Larson P & Rowe M
(2008) Older Hydrothermal Alteration in the Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming
Larson P, Phillips A, John D, Cosca M, Pritchard C, Andersen A & Manion J

Andersen Allen K. (2021) Hydrothermal HFSE(+HREE) Mineralization in the Bear Lodge Alkaline Complex—a Key to Understanding the Larger Hicks Dome Critical Mineral Resource?
Andersen AK, Hofstra AH & Nuelle LM

Andersen Amity (2018) Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Chemistry Studies of Complex Soil Organic Matter Interactions with Solvated Metal Ions and Mineral Surfaces
Andersen A, Govind N & Laskin A
(2015) Structure, Dynamics and Reactivity of Fluids in Confined Geometries
Cole D, Andersen A, Gautam S, Hoyt D, Mamontov E, Mueller K, Kolesnikov A, Le T, Liu T, Ok S, Patankar S, Phan A, Rother G, Striolo A, Tomasko D & Washton N

Andersen Anja C. (2002) Optical Constants of Presolar Diamonds (Revisited)
Mutschke H, Andersen AC, Jäger C & Henning T

Andersen B. (2012) The Last Glacial Termination in the Southern Alps, New Zealand
Putnam A, Schaefer J, Denton G, Kaplan M, Barrell D, Andersen B, Birkel S, Doughty A, Kelley S, Koffman T, Finkel R & Schwartz R
(2009) Southern Mid-Latitude Terminations of MIS-4, the Last Glacial Maximum and the Late Glacial Period in the New Zealand Moraine Record
Schaefer J, Kaplan M, Putnam A, Finkel R, Barrell D, Denton G, Andersen B & Schluechter C

Andersen C. (2011) A Magma Plumbing System Probed by the Grænavatn Porphyritic Group, East Iceland
Andersen C, Riishuus M & Tegner C

Andersen D.T. (2018) Carbon-Cycling in Lake Untersee, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
Marsh NB, Lacelle D, Clark ID, Faucher B & Andersen DT
(2017) Biomarker and Isotope Analysis Reflect Methane Cycling in Lake Untersee, Antarctica
Brady A, Andersen D & Slater G
(2012) Remains of Ancient Precursor of Perennial Springs in the High Arctic
Zentilli M, Omelon C, Hanley J, LeFort D, Andersen D & Pollard W
(2012) High Arctic Perennial Spring Activity and Associated Minerals: Their Value to Mars Analogue Studies
Omelon CR, Pollard WH, Andersen DT & Zentilli M

Andersen G. (2009) A Geobiological Comparison of High- and Low-Silica Containing Weathered Volcanic Glass
Kelly L, Herrera A, Olsson-Francis K, Andersen G, Piceno Y & Cockell C

Andersen Jakob Lykke (2021) In-Silico Modelling of Reaction Networks Involved in Prebiotic Chemistry to Understand the Origins of Life
Sharma S, Arya A, Ray J, Garcia EAL, Cruz Simbron RL, Andersen JL, Dogan R, Chen H & Cleaves HJ

Andersen Jens (2020) Radiogenic Isotope and Precious Metal Compositions of Orangeite Dykes Intersecting the Bushveld Complex
Compton-Jones C, Hughes H, McDonald I, Bybee G, Kinnaird J & Andersen J
(2020) A Machine Learning Approach to Metallogenic Controls on Precious Metal Abundances in Mantle Plumes of the Atlantic
Lindsay J, Hughes H, Andersen J, Yeomans C & McDonald I
(2018) A Microstructural Study of Tungsten-(Tin) Skarns in Tabuaço, NE Portugal
Spruzeniece L, Andersen J, Rollinson G, Simons B, Noronha F, Ramos V & Seltsmann R

Andersen Jens C.Ø. (2022) A Major Swarm of Mesozoic Orangeite Dykes Intersecting the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex: Tracers of Lithospheric Mantle Evolution
Compton-Jones C, Hughes HSR, Bybee GM, McDonald I & Andersen JCØ
(2022) Domaining of Downhole Geochemical Data – An Automated Approach Applied to the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex
Buckle T, Motta JG, Hughes HSR, Andersen JCØ, Lloyd A, DuPreez L & Acheampong K
(2022) Litho- and Chemo-Stratigraphy of the Critical Zone at Sandsloot, Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex: A Data Science Approach
Brooksby KC, Hughes HSR, Andersen JCØ, Lloyd A, DuPreez L & Acheampong K

Andersen Jens S. (2010) The Effect of High Concentrations of Green Sulfur Bacteria on the Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle of Lago di Cadagno
Habicht K, Frigaard NU, Johnson B, Andersen J, Falkenby L & Miller M
(2009) Proteomic Study of Chlorobium clathratiforme in Lago di Cadagno, Switzerland
Habicht KS, Miller M, Nielsen LF, Frigaard N-U & Andersen JS

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