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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Alves Quináglia G. (2019) Bioaccumulation of Toxic Elements in Floating Aquatic Macrophytes of Guarapiranga Reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil
Nobrega Coutinho S, Graciano Figueiredo AM, Alves Quináglia G & Held B

Alves-de-Souza C. (2018) Production of Extracellular Superoxide and Hydrogen Peroxide by Harmful Phytoplankton
Diaz JM, Plummer S, Tomas C & Alves-de-Souza C

Alves-Guedes I. (2019) Attenuation of Acid Mine Pit Waters by Microbial Sulfate Reduction
Sánchez-Andrea I, van der Graaf CM, Alves-Guedes I, Stams AJM, Yusta I & Sánchez-España J

Alvim A. (2016) Mapping Geochemical Variability Across Complex Carbonate Textures
Alvim A & Rose C

Alvim R. (2015) Asphaltene Interaction with Calcite Surface: A First Principles Study
Alvim R, Headen T, Boek E & Miranda C

Alviola R. (2005) A-Type Granites and AMCG Suites; An Isotopic Study from SE Finland
Rämö OT, Elliott BA, Peck WH, Johanson B & Alviola R

Alwmark S. (2023) Search of Paleo-Atmospheric Signatures in Impactites from the 380 Ma-Old Siljan Impact Structure (Sweden)
Cattani F, Avice G, Ferriere L & Alwmark S

Aly Abu El-Rus M.M. (2001) Petrogeneses of El-Genena El-Gharbia Intrusion, Southeastern Desert of Egypt: An Example of Basic Plutons Emplacement during Cordillera Stage in the Pan-African Orogeny
Aly Abu El-Rus MM & Khudeir AA
(2001) On the Origin of Zabargad (St-John) Island, Red Sea, Egypt
Khudeir AA, Aly Abu El-Rus MM, El-Gaby S & Riad S

Alycia S. (2022) Rapid Devonian Terrestrialisation by Land Plants Changed the Continental Weathering Regime
Liu X, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Wilson DJ, Alycia S, Joachimski MM, Chen B, Qie W & Brand U

Alymova N. (2009) Clinopyroxene Eclogite-Peridotite Thermobarometry of the Large Yakutian Kimberlite Pipes
Ashchepkov I, Logvinova A, Kuligin S, Pokhilenko L, Vladykin N, Mityukhin S, Alymova N, Malygina E & Vishnyakova E
(2007) Evolution of Kimberlite Magmatic Sources beneath Siberia
Ashchepkov I, Pokhilenko N, Logvinova A, Vladykin N, Rotman A, Palessky S, Alymova N & Vishnyakova E

Alzaydan M. (2023) Barite Recrystallization to Witherite in the Presence of Carbonate, and the Impact on Radium Retention
Alzaydan M, Roth T, Heberling F, Polly R, Dieste-Blanco O, Schild D & Metz V
(2021) Barite Recrystallization to Witherite in the Presence of Carbonate, and the Impact on Radium Retention
Alzaydan M, Roth T, Heberling F, Polly R, Schild D & Metz V

Amable L. (2017) Characterizing Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity Using LA-ICP-MS
Amable L, Cunningham L & McLachlin K

Amacher M. (2008) Kinetics of Se Release in Mine Waste from the Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale, Phosphoria Formation, Wooley Valley, ID, USA
Stillings L & Amacher M

Amachi S. (2016) Effect of Bacterial Iodide Oxidation on Iodine Mobility in Pasture Soil
Unno Y, Shiroyama K, Amachi S & Takeda A
(2015) Contribution of Marine Microbial Activities to the Transformation of Iodine Species in Seawater
Okabe N, Muramatsu Y & Amachi S
(2013) Arsenic Dissolution from Japanese Paddy Soil by a Dissimilatory Arsenate-Reducing Bacterium Geobacter sp. OR-1
Amachi S, Dong DT & Yamaguchi N
(2013) Laboratory Experiments on the Effect of Microbial Activities on Iodine Speciation in Seawater
Okabe N, Muramatsu Y & Amachi S
(2011) The Correlation between Iodide Sorption Capacity and Microbial Enzyme Activity in Soils
Amachi S & Muramatsu Y
(2007) Influence of Microbial Activities on the Behavior of Iodine in Soil
Muramatsu Y & Amachi S
(2005) Iodide Oxidation and Iodate Reduction by Marine Bacteria
Amachi S, Fujii T & Muramatsu Y

Amado-Fierro A. (2023) Study of the Pozzolanic Activity of Hydrochar as a Substitute for Cementitious Materials
Marques Sierra AL, Santos MM, Suárez M, Amado-Fierro A, González la Fuente JM & Centeno TA

Amador E. (2018) Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling Through Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR)
Stockton A, Amador E, Cable M, Cullen T, Duca Z, Gentry D, Murukesan G, Rennie V, Rader E, Stevens A, Tan G, Cullen D & Geppert W
(2018) From Biodiversity to Biomarker Variability: Sampling Strategy in Planetary Analogue Missions
Gentry D, Amador E, Cable M, Cantrell T, Cullen T, Duca Z, Jacobsen M, Kirby J, McCaig H, Murukesan G, Rader E, Rennie V, Schwieterman E, Stevens A, Sutton S, Tan G, Yin C, Cullen D, Geppert W & Stockton A
(2013) The Lost City Hydrothermal Field: A Geochemical Analog for Nili Fossae, Mars
Amador E, Bandfield J, Kelley D & Brazelton W

Amador-García A. (2013) Changes in Bacterial Diversity and Community Structure within a Geochemically Variable Uranium-Mine Water Treatment Plant
Sánchez-Castro I, López-Fernández M, Amador-García A, Phrommavanh V, Nos J, Descostes M & Merroun ML
(2013) Molecular Scale Speciation of U(VI) Association with Clay Bacterial Isolates
Lopez Fernandez M, Sánchez-Castro I, Amador-García A, Romero Gonzalez M & Merroun ML

Amakawa H. (2019) Neodymium Isotopic Composition of Surface Layer of Ferromanganese Crusts Collected from Two Seamounts Located at the Northwest Pacific
Amakawa H, Usui A & Suzuki K
(2019) Tellurium Isotope Analysis for the Surface Layer of the Ferromanganese Crusts from Two Seamounts in Northwest Pacific
Fukami Y, Kashiwabara T, Amakawa H, Shibuya T, Usui A & Suzuki K
(2016) Nd Concentration and Isotopic Composition in the South Indian Ocean and Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean
Amakawa H, Yu T-L & Shen C-C
(2016) Variability of the Western Pacific ITCZ over the Past Three Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
Liu Y, Lo L, Shi Z, Wei K-Y, Wu C-C, Mii H-S, Chuang C-K, Amakawa H & Shen C-C
(2014) The Nd Isotopic Composition of Seawater in the Southwest Pacific Ocean
Amakawa H, Tazoe H, Obata H, Gamo T, Sano Y & Shen C-C
(2012) Estimation of S, F, Br and Cl Fluxes at Mid Ocean Ridges
Kagoshima T, Sano Y, Takahata N, Jung J, Amakawa H & Kumagai H
(2008) Tracing Migratory Behavior of Ayu (Plecoglossus Altivelis) Using Sr Isotopic Composition of Otolith
Amakawa H, Suzuki T, Takahashi T, Tatsumi Y & Otake T
(2007) Determination of Lead Isotopic Ratios in Ferromanganese Crust by Using MC-ICP-MS and NanoSIMS
Takata Y, Tanimizu M, Takahata N, Amakawa H & Sano Y
(2007) Minor and Trace Element Geochemistry of a Branching Coral Acropora sp. Skeleton
Shirai K, Takahata N, Amakawa H, Watanabe T, Kawashima T, Sowa K & Sano Y
(2006) Nd isotopic composition in Northcentral Pacific Ocean
Amakawa H, Sasaki K & Ebihara M
(2005) Precise Determination of Sc in Natural Waters by INAA Coupled with Preconcentration of Sc
Amakawa H, Nomura M, Sato M, Oura Y & Ebihara M
(2005) Cerium and Neodymium Isotopic Compositions in the Northwestern Pacific and its Adjacent Seas
Tazoe H, Obata H, Amakawa H & Gamo T
(2003) Enriched Sr-Nd Isotopic Signatures of the Amphibolites in the Oki-Dogo Island, Japan: Evidence for Crust-Mantle Interaction by Deeply Subducted Continental Crust
Arakawa Y, Kouta T, Kanda Y & Amakawa H
(2003) PGE Abundances of Several Sediment Samples
Amakawa H, Shirai N, Yamaguchi R, Minakawa M & Ebihara M
(2003) The Ce and Nd Isotope Ratios in the Surface Seawater
Tazoe H, Amakawa H, Obata H & Nozaki Y
(2002) Nd Concentration and Isotopic Ratio in the Waters of the Pacific Ocean
Amakawa H, Alibo D, Fukugawa K, Zhang J & Nozaki Y
(2000) REE Abundances and Nd Isotopic Ratios of Seawaters Around the Japanese Islands
Amakawa H, Sotto Alibo D, Fukugawa K & Nozaki Y

Amal Y. (2008) Simulation of the Nucleation and Growth of Solid Solutions in Aqueous Solutions
Noguera C, Fritz B, Amal Y & Clement A
(2008) Modelling Nucleation and Growth of Nano- to Micro-Size Secondary Clay Particles in Weathering Processes
Fritz B, Clément A, Amal Y & Noguera C

Amal Dev J (2020) Timing of High-Grade Metamorphism in Madurai Block, South India: Insights from New U-Pb Zircon & Monazite Ages
Amal Dev J, Tomson JK, Anto Francis K, Sorcar N & Nandakumar V
Sajna S, Amal Dev J, Nilanjana S, Tomson JK & Nandakumar V

Amal Dev J. (2022) Crustal Evolution of South Indian Granulites: Insights from Zircon Hf Isotopes
Tomson JK & Amal Dev J
(2022) U-Pb Baddeleyite and Zircon Ages from Kambam Carbonatite, South India and Implications on Regional Tectonics
Amal Dev J & Tomson JK
(2021) Unravelling the Cooling History of HT-UHT Rocks from South India: New Evidences from LA-ICPMS Analysis of Rutiles
Amal Dev J, Sorcar N & Tomson JK

Amalberti J. (2023) Solubility of CO2 in Mafic Melts up to 8.5 GPa, Measured by Raman Spectroscopy
Sarda P, Amalberti J, Le Losq C, Sator N, Hammouda T, Chamorro-Pérez E, Guillot B, Le Floch S & Neuville D
(2017) Characteristics of Noble Gas Signatures in Snow
Amalberti J, Hall C & Castro MC
(2017) The Diffusion Coefficients of Noble Gases (He-Ar) in a Synthetic Basaltic Liquid: One-Dimensional Diffusion Experiments
Tissandier L, Burnard P, Amalberti J & Laporte D
(2013) He and Ar Diffusivity in Basaltic Glasses and Melts
Amalberti J, Burnard P & Laporte D
(2012) He and Ar Diffusivity in Natural MORB Glasses
Amalberti J & Burnard P
(2011) Quantification of CO2 Dissolved in Silicate Glasses and Melts Using Raman Spectroscopy: Implications for Geodynamics
Amalberti J, Neuville D, Sarda P, Sator N & Guillot B

Amaldev T (2016) Evidences for Mesoarchean Subduction, Collisional and Accretionary Events from The Mercara Suture Zone between Southern Granulite Terrain and Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Amaldev T, Baiju KR, Santosh M, Tsunogae T & Satyanarayanan M

Amaldev Thenganodiyil (2023) Zircon U-Pb Ages and Lu-Hf Isotopes of Sullia Syenite, Mercara Suture Zone: Insights to the Alkaline Magmatism in Southern India
Amaldev T

Amalfitano S. (2019) Quality Restoration of Impaired Water Through Artificial Recharge
Valhondo C, Martinez-Landa L, Carrera J, Diaz-Cruz S, Amalfitano S & Levantesi C
(2019) Microbial Community and Antibiotic Resistance Genes within Reactive Barriers for Artificial Aquifer Recharge
Amalfitano S, Luprano ML, Zoppini A, Petruccioli M, Melita M, Valhondo C, Carrera J & Levantesi C

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