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Allen I.C. (2021) Discovery and Dangerous Human Health Ramifications of Incidental Magnéli Phase Generation and Release from Coal Burning Power Plants – C.C. Patterson Medal Lecture
Hochella MF, Yang Y & Allen IC

Allen Jeremy (2009) Using Atomistic Simulation to Study the Interaction of Water and Carbonate with Oxide Surfaces
Allen J, Parker S & Read M
(2008) Computer Simulation of the Interaction of Water & Carbonate with Oxide Minerals
Allen J, Parker S & Price D
(2006) Atomistic Simulations of CO2 Sequestration by Magnesium Containing Minerals
Allen J, Spagnoli D & Parker S

Allen Jessica (2022) Microbe-Mineral Dynamics within a ‘grass-To-Glass’ Soil Profile at a Late Iron Age Archaeological Site with Implications for Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Wells J, Plymale A, Pearce C, Graham E, Bagwell C, Brislawn C, Cheeke T, Danna V, Fansler S, Arey B, Bowden M, Varga T, Saunders D, Allen J, Marcial J, Tyrrell K, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Vicenzi E, McCloy JS, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2020) Niche Partitioning of Microbial Communities at an Ancient Vitrified Hillfort: Implications for Vitrified Radioactive Waste Disposal
Plymale A, Pearce C, Wells J, Brislawn C, Graham E, Cheeke T, Allen J, Danna V, Weaver J, McCloy J, Sjöblom R, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A

Allen John (2020) Analog Laboratory Experiments of Pyroclast Surface Impact
Allen J, Rabbi R & Truscott T

Allen Jordan (2019) Microbially-Driven Nitrate Production in a High Alpine Glaciated Catchment
Skidmore M, Allen J, Dore J & Boyd E

Allen K (2006) Extremely high Th/U in metamorphic zircon: in-situ dating of the Labwor Hills granulites
Andreas M & Allen K

Allen Katherine (2019) Deep-Sea Oxygen Depletion and Ocean Carbon Sequestration during the Last Ice Age
Anderson R, Sachs J, Fleisher M, Allen K, Yu J, Koutavas A & Jaccard S
(2018) Clues on Pacific Ocean Carbon Cycle & Circulation Dynamics Since the Last Glacial Maximum from Southern Hemisphere Depth Transects
Sikes E, Clementi V, Allen K & Lund D
(2017) Dueling Transects Show Enhanced δ13C and δ18O Differences between the South Atlantic and South Pacific during the Last Glaciation: The Deep Gateway Hypothesis
Sikes E, Allen K & Lund D
(2017) Rapid Changes in Pacific Seawater Carbonate Chemistry during the Last Glacial Termination
Allen K, Sikes E & Anderson R
(2017) The Benthic Mg/Ca Temperature Proxy: A Uvigerina Core-Top Calibration and Deglacial Record from the Southwest Pacific
Stirpe C, Allen K & Sikes E
(2017) How Confident can We be in Foraminifer Shell Mg/Ca Thermometry?
Holland K, Eggins S, Spero HJ, Hönisch B, Allen KA, Haynes LL & Russell AD
(2017) Revisiting Mg Isotopic Fractionation in Foraminifera
Sadekov A, Langer G, Misra S, Lloyd N, Kaczmarek K, Mewes A, Holland K, Eggins S, Allen K, Bijma J & McCulloch M
(2014) Ventilation and Stratification of the Southwest Pacific Ocean Across the Last Glacial Termination
Sikes E, Elmore A, Cook M, Allen K & Guilderson T
(2012) Influence of Seawater Carbonate Chemistry on B/Ca in Cultured Planktic Foraminifera
Allen K, Hoenisch B, Eggins S & Rosenthal Y

Allen M. (2019) Hydrothermal Quartz Records Meteoric/Magmatic Water Interaction and as a Potential Paleoaltimetry
Li Y, Li Q-L & Allen M
(2018) Garnet Records of Pressure and Fluid Pulses during Subduction
Viete D, Allen M, Tobin M, Ávila J & Seward G
(2015) Multiple Growth–resorption Events in Garnet: Record of Pressure Pulses?
Viete D, Hacker B, Seward G & Allen M
(2007) Chararcteristics of Syn-Collision Magmatism, NW Iran
Kheirkhah M, Allen M & Emami H

Allen Neil (2019) Micas Related to Tin Mineralisation in Devonian Granites, NE Tasmania
van Moort J, Bottrill R & Allen N
(2013) Zn-Pb-Fe Sulfide Formation in Grieves Siding Peat, Tasmania
Pascual R, Kamenetsky V, Goemann K, Noble T & Allen N

Allen Nicholas (2017) A Combined Flow Microcalorimetry and Surface Complexation Modeling Study of Ion Exchange Thermodynamics at the Rutile-Water Interface
Kabengi N, Hawkins T, Allen N, Machesky M & Wesolowski D

Allen Nick (2016) A Comparative Thermochemical Study of Ion Exchange at Metal Oxides-Solution Interfaces Using Flow Microcalorimetry
Kabengi N, Allen N, Hawkins T & Machesky M

Allen P. (2014) Paleoclimate Proxies Also Record Human Impact Signals
Stinchcomb G, Williamson F, Messner T, Stewart RM, Allen P, Driese S & Nordt L

Allen R.

Allen Sharon (2009) Mobility of Lithophile Trace Elements during the Late Magmatic Stage in the Felsic Gawler Range Volcanics, South Australia
Agangi A, Kamenetsky V, McPhie J, Allen S & Chambefort I

Allen Susan (2019) Decadal Changes in Circulation and Particle Flux in the Amerasian Basins of the Arctic Ocean Inferred from the Water Column Distribution of Dissolved 230Th and 231Pa
Grenier M, Francois R, Soon M, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Yu X, Valk O, Not C, Moran B, Edwards L, Lu Y, Lepore K & Allen S
(2018) Carbon Enhancement and Retention in a Large Temperate Semi-Enclosed estuary and Surface Extremes in pH and Mineral Saturation States
Ianson D, Allen S, Jarníková T, Olson E, Latornell D, Moore-Maley B, Simpson E, Kohfeld K & Covert P

Allen Susan E. (2012) The Influence of Deep Water Circulation on the Distribution of 231Pa and 230Th in the Water Column and Sediments of the Pacific Ocean
Luo Y, Francois R & Allen S
(2008) Sediment 231Pa/230Th as a Recorder of the Rate of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning: Insights from a Simple 2-D Model
Luo Y, Francois R & Allen SE

Allen Sydney (2020) Compositional Evolution of Cretaceous Cordilleran Volcanism
Allen S, Lee C-T & Minisini D

Allen P Nutman A.P.N. (2016) A Critique of Sutured Cratonic Blocks in the Archean Dharwar Craton of Southern India
Sushanta Sarangi SS, Srinivasan RS, Debasis Behera DB, Sagar Kumar Swain SKS, Hegde VSH & Allen P Nutman APN

Allen-King R. (2013) Nonlinear Chlorinated Solvent Sorption and its Impact on Remediation in Surficial Sedimentary Aquifers
Allen-King R, Munger Z, Carlone D, Kalinovich I, Salvado JA, Rabideau A, Matott LS & Singh A
(2010) Are CFCs Conservative Tracers in Subsurface Environments?
Choung S & Allen-King R
(2004) A Geochemical Perspective on Organic Contaminant Transport in Groundwater
Allen-King R
(2001) Field Scale Pesticide Transport to Ground and Surface Water
Allen-King RM, Keller CK, Smith JL, Van Biersal T & Schaumloffel J
(2000) Carbon Isotopic Fractionation by Zero-Valent Iron: Influence of Surface Pre-Treatment
Slater G, Sherwood Lollar B, Allen-King R & O'Hannesin S

Allen-Sutter H. (2022) Hydrogen in the Deep Mantle
Shim S-H, Nisr C, Piet H, Chen H, Ko B, Kim T, Allen-Sutter H, Chariton S, Prakapenka V, Kunz M, Liu Z, Lee Y, Chizmeshya A, O'Rourke J, Chen B & Speziale S

Alléon J. (2023) Micropyrite: A Promising biosignature?Insights from Modern and Ancient Sediments
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Dupeyron J, Alleon J, Pasquier V, Remusat L, Thomazo C, Olivier N, Benzerara K & Bernard S
(2023) Hydrothermal Processes Recorded by Pyritic-Organic-Rich Laminae in the 3.4-Ga Buck Reef Chert
Alleon J, Pasquier V & Marin-Carbonne J
(2021) Nitrogen Isotope Variations Across the 3.4 Gyr Buck Reef Chert, South Africa, Question Early Nitrogen Sources and Pathways
Pellerin A, Thomazo C, Ader M, Marin-Carbonne J, Alleon J, Vennin E & Hofmann A
(2021) Experimentally Investigating the Influence of Mineralogy on the Geochemical Preservation of Microbial Fossils during Diagenesis
Alleon J, Viennet J-C, Marin-Carbonne J & Bernard S
(2021) Sub-Micrometer Pyrites in Microbialites Record Equilibrium S Isotope Fractionation by Microbial Sulfate Reduction Independently of the Sulfate Concentration of the Water
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Remusat L, Havas R, Thomazo C, Pasquier V, Alleon J, Zeyen N, Bernard S, Escrig S, Vennin E, Meibom A & Benzerara K
(2019) Microscale Characterization of Pyrites from Archean Sediments Brings New Constrains on Past Microbial Metabolisms
Marin Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Busigny V, Decraene M-N, Saitoh M, Alleon J, Remusat L & Bernard S
(2019) Molecular Preservation of Organic Microfossils in Paleoarchean Cherts
Alleon J, Bernard S, Olivier N, Thomazo C & Marin-Carbonne J
(2018) Decoding the Archean Fossil Record: Clues from Experimental Fossilization and Natural Sample Characterization
Alleon J, Ferralis N, Williford K, Flannery D, Schuessler J, Zhang Y & Summons R
(2016) N/C Ratio and Carbon and Nitrogen Speciation of Fossilized Organics: In situ Investigations Using STXM
Alleon J, Bernard S, Le Guillou C, Daval D & Robert F
(2015) Fossilization of Micro-Organisms Embedded in Silica: An Experimental Perspective
Alleon J, Bernard S, Le Guillou C & Robert F
(2015) Hydrothermalism and Molecular Preservation of Precambrian Gunflint Microfossils
Bernard S, Alleon J, Marin-Carbonne J & Robert F
(2014) Molecular Structure Evolution of Biogenic and Abiotic Organics during Experimental Diagenesis: Clues for Decoding the Organic Fossil Record
Alléon J, Bernard S, Skouri-Panet F, Kuga M & Robert F

Aller J. (2018) Cable Bacteria Activity in Mn/Fe Depleted Marine Carbonate Deposits
Zhu Q, Yin H, Aller J & Aller R
(2013) The Effect of Marine Biological Activity on Aerosol Generation and Cold Cloud Formation
Knopf D, Alpert P, Kilthau W, Radway J & Aller J
(2010) Microbial Mediated Carbon-Sulphur-Metal Cycling in Fluidized Mud Ecosystem off French Guiana
Luzan T, Madrid V, Widgeon T, Aller R, Aller J & Chistoserdov A

Aller R. A. (2001) Germanium Cycling in Amazon-Shelf Sediment Porewaters: A Tracer of Reverse Weathering?
Kurtz AC, Kump LR, Aller RA & Derry LA

Aller Robert (2021) How Local Depositional Conditions Control Marine Sedimentary Pyrite Sulfur Isotopes: A Framework Integrating Bulk and Micro-Scale SIMS Analyses
Fike DA, Houghton J, Jones C, Bryant RN, Scarponi D, Pasquier V, Halevy I & Aller R
(2019) Reverse Weathering in Antarctic Biosiliceous Oozes: Ge/Si-Clay
Froelich P, Jahnke R, Anderson B, Aller B & Sayles F
(2019) Benthic Trace Element Cycling Controlled by Glacial Activity in Arctic Fjords (Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
Herbert L, Riedinger N, Michaud A, Laufer K, Røy H, Jørgensen B, Aller R & Wehrmann L

Aller Robert C. (2020) Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Climate Change – Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
Bianchi TS, Aller RC, Atwood T, Brown C, Batois L, Levin LA, Levinton JS, Middelburg JJ, Morrison ES, Regnier P, Shields MR, Snelgrove PVR, Sotka EE & Stanley RRE
(2018) Reverse Weathering Reactions and the Marine Silica Cycle
Rahman S, Aller RC & Cochran JK
(2018) Elemental Fluxes and Reactions during Sediment Transit: Concepts of Local and 3-D System Diagenesis
Aller R, Rahman S & Cochran K
(2018) Li Diagenesis in Tropical Sediments
Rahman S, Aller RC & Cochran JK
(2018) The Effects of Transport Scaling and Reaction Dynamics in the Bioturbated Zone as Exemplified by Sedimentary S, Fe, and C Cycling
Aller R
(2018) Cable Bacteria Activity in Mn/Fe Depleted Marine Carbonate Deposits
Zhu Q, Yin H, Aller J & Aller R
(2018) Biogeochemical Processing of Glacially Sourced Trace Metals in High-Latitude Fjord Sediments
Herbert L, Riedinger N, Aller R, Jørgensen B & Wehrmann L
(2014) The Effects of Bioturbation and Biogenic Structure on S Cycling in Modern and Ancient Sediments
Aller R
(2014) Cosmogenic 32Si Reveals Extent of Reverse Weathering in Tropical Deltas
Rahman S, Aller R & Cochran K
(2013) Depositional Controls on Spatial Heterogeneity in Pyrite δ34S: Comparing the Modern and Ancient
Fike D, Gao J & Aller R
(2012) Early Diagenesis of As and P in Tropical Deltaic Systems
Rahman S & Aller R
(2011) Medically-Derived 131I as a Tracer in Aquatic Environments
Rose PS, Smith JP, Cochran JK, Aller RC, Swanson RL & Coffin RB
(2010) Microbial Mediated Carbon-Sulphur-Metal Cycling in Fluidized Mud Ecosystem off French Guiana
Luzan T, Madrid V, Widgeon T, Aller R, Aller J & Chistoserdov A

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