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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Albright Olsen A. (2018) Using Service Learning to Address Local Water Quality Issues Across Multiple Disciplines
Albright Olsen A, Smith M, Dastoor F, Waring T & Vinson E
(2017) Influence of Phaseolus Vulgaris Grown in Elevated CO2 on Apatite Dissolution
Morra B & Albright Olsen A

Albu M. (2016) Understading Biochar Nitrate Capture to Tailor Nitrogen Cycling in Agroecosystems
Hagemann N, Schmidt H-P, Joseph S, Conte P, Kammann CI, Albu M, Obst M, Borch T, Kappler A & Behrens S

Albuquerque Ana (2009) Sterols as Markers of Climatic Variabilities in Southeast Brazil
Baeta A, Carreira R, Wagener A & Albuquerque A

Albuquerque Ana Luiza (2020) Volatile Organic Sulfur Compounds in Petroleum Accumulations in the Santos Basin, Brazil
Souza I, Ferreira A, Ellis G, Díaz R & Albuquerque AL
(2015) Sedimentary Pyrite Morphology in Sediments of a Western Boundary Upwelling System, Cabo Frio, Brazil
Díaz R, Moreira M, Mendoza U, Böttcher M, Machado W, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL
(2013) Sulfurization of Humic Acids during Early Diagenesis in Surface Sediments of a Tropical Upwelling System
Díaz R, Mendoza U, Böttcher ME, Moreira M, Machado W, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL
(2013) Early Diagenesis of Sulfur and Trace Element Pyritization in Sediments of a Tropical Upwelling System: Cabo Frio, Southeastern Brazil
Mendoza U, Díaz R, Moreira M, Amorim N, Böttcher ME, Machado W, Patchineelam S, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL

Albuquerque Ana Luiza S. (2017) Upwelling Influence on Biogeochemical Processes in Coastal Lagoons, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Nascimento GS, Eglinton TI, Belem AL, Albuquerque ALS, McKenzie JA & Vasconcelos C

Albuquerque M.T. (2010) Heavy Metals Contamination in Urban Alluvium Soils – Loures Valley, Lisbon, Portugal
Albuquerque MT, Silva MCR & Anjos OM

Albuquerque T. (2023) The Geochemical Behavior of Pb and Zn in Waters and Stream Sediments Around a Former Pb-Zn Mine, Central Portugal
Carvalho P, Antunes IM, Albuquerque T & Santos A
(2021) Stream Sediments as a Contamination Repository Around an Abandoned Uranium Mine, Central Portugal
Carvalho P, Antunes IM, Albuquerque T, Santos A & Proença da Cunha P
(2013) Groundwater Contamination Potential – Vulnerability Assessment
Antunes I, Albuquerque T & Oliveira S
(2011) The Environmental Impact of Sewage Effluent Discharges in the Pracana River – Portugal
Oliveira N, Almeida P, Carvalho N, Silva A, Antunes M, Ferreira A & Albuquerque T
(2011) The Impact Associated to Wastewaters Treatment Plant Discharges into a Fluvial System (Central Portugal)
Silva A, Carvalho N, Almeida P, Oliveira N, Antunes M, Ferreira A & Albuquerque T

Albut G. (2018) The Onset of Oxidative Weathering Traced by Uranium Isotopes
Brüske A, Albut G, Schuth S, Schoenberg R, Beukes N, Hofmann A, Nägler T & Weyer S
(2017) Constraints on Metal Mobilization in Archean and Early Proterozoic Marine Sediments from Uranium Isotopes
Brüske A, Schuth S, Albut G, Schoenberg R, Beukes N, Hofmann A, Nägler T & Weyer S

Alby D. (2020) Experimental Evidence for Coffinite Formation from UO2+x
Alby D, Szenknect S, Mesbah A, Lin J, Duro L, Lopez-Garcia M, Zetterström-Evins L, Wang C, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Bruno J

Alcalde-Franco D.I. (2016) Sorption of Pb(II) on K-Jarosite and As-Jarosites
Villalobos M, Alcalde-Franco DI, Aguilar-Carrillo J & Romero FM

Alcañiz J.M. (2019) Effect of Biochar Addition on the Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of Nitrate Retained and Leached from Soil after Manure Fertilization: Lysimeter Experiments
Otero N, Llovet A, Carrey R, Ribas A, Domene X, Mattana S, Chim-Pampillo J, Alcañiz JM & Soler A

Alcantar N. (2005) Pressure Solution and Mica in Quartzose Sandstone: Observations and Experiments
Boles J, Israelachvili J, Alcantar N, Anzalone A, Meyer E, Greene W & Pataki M
(2004) Forces and Ionic Transport between Clays: Implications for ‘pressure Solution’
Alcantar N, Anzalone A, Boles J & Israelachvili J

Alcântara Ferreira Lima B. (2017) Cori Monazite, Itambé-Brazil, a New Reference Material for U-Pb Geochronology by LA-ICP-MS
Martini Tonetto E, Sugano Navarro M, Alcântara Ferreira Lima B & Paiva de Oliveira E

Alçiçek H. (2021) Morphological Biosignatures within Aragonite from Magnesium Carbonate Environments Analogous to Jezero Crater, Mars
Burnie TM, Power IM, Paulo C, Alçiçek H & Falcon LI

Alcicek M.C. (2011) Geochemical Study and U/Th Dating of the Akköy Fissure Ridge Travertine (SW-Turkey): Paleoclimatic and Paleoseismic Interpretations
Kele S, Özkul M, Gökgöz A, Shen C-C, Fórizs I, Baykara MO & Alcicek MC

Alcock V. (2020) Muddying the Waters: Sediment Water Cation Exchange Reduces Silicate Weathering Feedback
Tipper E, Stevenson E, Alcock V, Knight A, Larkin C, Feng L, Bickle M, Baronas J, Relph K, Hilton R & Hughes G

Alcolombri U. (2023) The Role of Phytoplankton in the Marine Biogeochemical Cycle of Se
Winkel LHE, Béziat P, Le Bras Z, Bouchet S, Tolu J & Alcolombri U
(2023) The Geologic History of Seawater DOC from Marine Iron Oxides
Galili N, Bernasconi SM, Nissan A, Aquila G, Jaggi M, Kurek M, Lechte M, Haghipour N, Spencer R, Porter S, Blattmann T, Alcolombri U & Hemingway JD

Alcorn C. (2017) Quantitative Raman Investigation of Uranyl Sulfate Complexation Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Alcorn C, Cox J, Applegarth L & Tremaine P

Alcorn Chris (2013) Non-Complexing Anions for Raman Microprobes Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Tremaine P, Applegarth L, Alcorn C & Bissonette K

Alcorn Christopher (2020) Anomalous Stability of U(IV) Species in Sulfate-Bearing Hydrothermal Solutions
Migdisov A, Van Hartesveldt N, Kalintsev A, Nisbet H, Alcorn C, Strzelecki A, Ram R, Boukhalfa H, Xu H, Gabitov R, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Jove-Colon C, Matteo E, Caporuscio F, Roback R & White J
(2020) Solubility of Rare Earth Chlorides (La, Nd, Er) in HCl Bearing Water Vapour from 350 – 425℃
Alcorn C, Strzelecki A, Nisbet H, Currier R, Roback R & Migdisov A

Alcorn Christopher Darrell (2022) Crystal Chemistry and Thermodynamics of HREE (Er, Yb) Mixing in Xenotime Solid Solution
Strzelecki AC, Reece M, Zhao X, Yu W, Benmore CJ, Ren Y, Alcorn C, Migdisov AA, Xu H & Guo X
(2022) Stability of Uranyl-Carbonate Complexes at 25-150℃
Migdissov A, Alcorn C, Boukhalfa H, Caporuscio F & Jove Colon C
(2022) Quantitative Raman Investigation of Uranyl Chloride Complexation Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Alcorn CD, Sylvester J, Sasidharanpillai S, Wolf M, Cox JS & Tremaine P

Alcorta J. (2022) Effects of Hydrogeochemistry on the Microbial Ecology of Terrestrial Hot Springs
Barbosa C, Tamayo-Leiva J, Alcorta J, Salgado O, Diez B & Morata D

Alcorta M. (2011) Geocosmochronometer 146Sm: A Revised Half-Life Value
Kinoshita N, Paul M, Kashiv Y, Alcorta M, Collon P, Deibel C, DiGiovine B, Greene J, Henderson D, Jiang C, Marley S, Nakanishi T, Pardo R, Rehm KE, Robertson D, Scott R, Schmitt C, Tang X, Ugalde C & Vondrasek RC

Alcott Lewis (2019) Stepwise Increases in Earth Oxygenation are an Inherent Property of Global Biogeochemical Cycling
Alcott L, Mills B & Poulton S

Alcott Lewis J (2023) Direct Microplastic Inputs from Wastewater Treatment Plants to the Laurentian Great Lakes
Alcott LJ, Shahvaran AR, Rezanezhad F & Van Cappellen P
(2022) Nutrient Feedbacks on Interglacial Oxygenation during the Great Oxidation Episode
Alcott LJ, Mills BJW, Poulton SW & Bekker A
(2021) The Rise of Phosphorus Recycling Facilitated Earth’s Great Oxidation
Alcott LJ, Mills BJW, Bekker A & Poulton SW
(2021) Co-evolution of Ocean Redox, Nutrient Cycling and Atmospheric O2 during the Mid-Mesoproterozoic
Song Y, Bowyer FT, Mills BJW, Zhang S, Canfield D, Alcott LJ, Shields GA & Poulton SW

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