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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Aristarain A. (2008) New High-Resolution Records of Dustiness over Recent Centuries from Greenland and Antarctic Ice Cores
McConnell J, Aristarain A, Curran M, Thomas E, Banta R & Edwards R

Aristeidou M. (2017) A Comparative Study of Blended and Online Learning Using the Virtual Microscope for Earth Sciences
Herodotou C, Muirhead D, Aristeidou M, Hole M, Kelley S, Scanlon E & Duffy M

Aristilde L. (2023) Adsorption of Structurally Different Organic Biomolecules at Water-Clay Interfaces
Wang J & Aristilde L
(2023) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Interaction Dynamics of Labile Organic Biomolecules at a Clay-Water Interface
Wilson R, Wang J & Aristilde L
(2023) Goethite-Catalyzed Dephosphorylation of Ribonucleotides Modulated by Other Minerals: Experimental and Molecular Modeling Investigations
Basinski JJ & Aristilde L
(2023) Influence of Nucleobase Structures on Goethite-Catalyzed Dephosphorylation of Ribonucleotides
Cheng CX, Basinski JJ & Aristilde L
(2023) Iron Oxides as Important Abiotic Catalysts for Organic Phosphorus Recycling in Soil and Sediment Samples
Aristilde L, Basinski JJ, Bone SE, Klein AR, Shukle JT, Thompson A & Druschel G
(2023) Multi-Omics Insights on Disproportionate Carbon Dioxide Efflux due to Unshared Metabolic Paths of Assimilated Organic Carbons in Soil Bacteria
Mendonca CM, Waldbauer J & Aristilde L
(2020) Catalytic Recycling of Ribonucleotide-Phosphorus by Different Iron Oxides: Mechanistic Insights from Time-Resolved Solution and Surface Speciation
Klein A, Bone S & Aristilde L
(2020) Kinetic Benchmarking of Fe Mineral-Catalyzed P Recycling from Ribonucleotides
Thongsomboon W, Park Y, Klein A & Aristilde L
(2020) Probing Catalytic Recycling of Phosphorus from Mineral-Organic Associations: Establishing a Suitable Conceptual Framework
Aristilde L
(2020) Mobility and Binding Mechanisms of Glyphosate in Agricultural Soils
Glaser M, Richards B, Steenhuis T & Aristilde L
(2020) Impact of Carbohydrate Structure on Hydrated Smectite Nanopore Dynamics
Kelch SE & Aristilde L
(2019) Metabolic Connections between Carbon Utilization and Iron Scavenging by Soil Pseudomonas Species Revealed by Cellular 13C-Metabolomics
Aristilde L, Mendonca C, Werner A & Yoshitake S
(2019) Water Trapping Dynamics in Carbohydrate-Populated Smectite Interlayer Nanopores: Experiments and Theory
Aristilde L, Kelch S, Ferrage E, Lanson B, Bakker E & Charlet L
(2018) Structural Complexity in the Fate of Pharmaceuticals at Water-Mineral Interfaces: Computational and Spectroscopic Investigations
Aristilde L
(2018) Cellular Metabolomics of Iron-Deficient Soil Bacteria Provides Mechanistic Insights into Coupling of Iron and Carbon Cycles
Mendonca C & Aristilde L
(2017) Clay Nanopore Trapping of Structurally-Different Fluoroquinolone Antimicrobials: Adsorbate Conformations and Interactions
Okaikue-Woodi F, Kelch S & Aristilde L
(2017) Sugar-Influenced Diffusion and Interaction Dynamics at the Fluid-Mineral Interface in Clay Nanopores: Computational and Spectroscopic Investigations
Kelch S, Galdi S & Aristilde L
(2017) Iron-Dependent Cellular Programming of Mixed-Carbon Utilization, Carbon Metabolism, and Siderophore Yield in a Soil Bacterium
Aristilde L, Wei H, Mendonca C & Kukurugya M
(2016) Annotation of Compound-Specific Molecular Structures in Aquatic Natural Organic Matter Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry
Aristilde L, Spina P & Guzman J
(2016) Dissolution of Iron Minerals and Metabolic Hierarchy in Labile Organic Substrate Utilization by Iron-Limited Pseudomonas putida
Wei H, Sasnow S, Yoshitake S & Aristilde L
(2016) Influence of Sugar Molecules on Water Dynamics and Interactions in Clay Nanopores
Galdi S, Aoki T & Aristilde L
(2012) Role of Weak Complexing Agents in Metal Uptake by Phytoplankton
Morel F, Aristilde L & Xu Y
(2009) Interlayer Structures and Binding Conformations in the Interaction of a Tetracycline Antibiotic with a Smectite Clay
Aristilde L, Lanson B, Johnson M & Charlet L
(2009) Nanoscale Environment of Metal Coordination States in Humic Substances: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Sposito G & Aristilde L

Arita K. (2003) ESR Dating of Pseudotachylyte
Shimada A, Toyoda S, Takagi H & Arita K

Ariunbileg S. (2017) Impact of Climate Change on Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Lakes in the Valley of Lakes, Southern Mongolia
Ariunbileg S, Isupov VP, Vladimirov AG, Orkhonselenge A & Shatskaya SS

Ariya P. (2020) Metals in Arctic Snow and Frost Flowers: Impacts on Ice Melting-Nucleation Processes
Mortazavi R & Ariya P
(2015) Catching Quicksilver – The Chemical and Phase Speciation of Atmospheric Oxidized Mercury
Ghoshdastidar AJ, Deeds DA & Ariya PA
(2012) Interaction of Volatile Organic Compounds with Magnetite Nanoparticles: Fundamentals and Implications for Air Remediation
Eltouny N & Ariya P

Arizaleta Maria (2020) Reactive Transport Constraints on Early Diagenesis in Two Soda Lakes of the Cariboo Plateau, Canada
Tutolo B, Paquette A, Zhou Y, Bossaer S, Arizaleta M, Schroeder S, Mott E, Novotnik B, Gillis T, Vadalamani A, Rattray J, Nightingale M, De La Hoz Siegler H, Lauer R & Strous M
(2019) Experimentally Constraining Rates of Sepiolite Growth at Ambient Conditions
Arizaleta M, Nightingale M & Tutolo B

Arizaleta Maria L. (2023) Influence of Specific Mineralogy on Accelerated Weathering and Mineral Carbonation Potential
Wang B, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML, Wilson S, Russell W & Hamilton J
(2023) New Recipes for CO2 Mineralization: Accounting for Crystal Chemistry and Crystallization Pathway
Wilson S, Vessey CJ, Raudsepp M, Patel AS, Harrison A, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML, Morgan B, Turvey CC, Power I & Mavromatis V
(2022) Microbial CO2 Removal into Carbonate Sediments Using Cation Exchange Leachates from Kimberlite Mine Residues — Results from Project CarbonVault
Zeyen N, Wang B, Wilson SA, Arizaleta ML, Russell W, Janzen J, Evans S, Paulo C, Power I, Stubbs AR, Jones TR, Senzani K, Ndlovu S, Vietti A & Southam G
(2022) Investigating Microbially-Mediated Mineral Carbonation during Acid Leaching of Processed Kimberlites: Results from Project CarbonVault
Wang B, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML, Wilson SA, Paulo C, Power I, Stubbs AR, Senzani K, Ndlovu S, Vietti A, Jones TR & Southam G
(2022) Constraining the Role of Poorly Crystalline Mg-Phyllosilicates in Carbonate Precipitation in Lacustrine Environments
Arizaleta ML, Zeyen N, Raudsepp M & Wilson SA

Ariztegui D. (2023) Radioactive 90Sr Uptake by the Green Microalga Tetraselmis Chui and its Potential Application as a Bioremediation Agent
Segovia Campos I, Kanellakopoulos A, Barroso I, Fock-Chin-Ming E, Baxarias Fontaine A, Pallada S, Triscone G, Perron K, Filella M & Ariztegui D
(2023) Intense Arsenic Enrichment Linked to Microbial Detoxification Processes in a Mineralized Mat of the Dead Sea
Thomas C, Filella M, Ionescu D, Sorieul S, Oehlert AM, Pollier CGL, Zahajska P, Ferreira Sanchez D, Gedulter N, Agnon A & Ariztegui D
(2022) Disentangling the Mechanisms Behind Microbialite Formation in an Extreme Lacustrine Setting: Laguna de los Cisnes (Chile)
Ariztegui D & Pollier CGL
(2022) Arsenic Enrichments in Active Microbial Mats of the Dead Sea Shores as Analog of Potential Archean Trace Metal Biosignatures
Thomas C, Ionescu D, Filella M, Gedulter N, Agnon A & Ariztegui D
(2021) Arsenic Enrichment and Organomineralizations in Microbial Mats of the Dead Sea Shores
Thomas C, Gedulter N, Darvasi Y, Bundeleva I, Torfstein A, Agnon A & Ariztegui D
(2021) Investigating a Recently Discovered Biomineralization Process in Green Microalgae
Segovia Campos I, Filella M & Ariztegui D
(2019) Investigating the Potential of Intracellular Mineral Inclusions in Microalgae as a Novel Bioremediation Method for Radioactive 90Sr Water Pollution
Segovia Campos I, Martignier A, Jaquet J-M, Filella M, Barja F & Ariztegui D
(2019) Sedimentary Features of a Modern Environment with Dolomite Formation
Areias de Oliveira C, Fernandes Barbosa C, Cruz AP, Vasconcelos C, Morlock M, Vogel H & Ariztegui D
(2018) Fe-Speciation by Sequential Extraction and Fe-Isotopes as Tracers of Processes Mobilizing Fe in Lacustrine Sediments
Ordoñez L, Bauer K, Ariztegui D, Crowe S, Vogel H, Chiaradia M, Morlock MA, Simister R, Melles M, Russell JM & Bijaksana S
(2017) Widespread Occurence of Unicellular Eukaryotes Forming Amorphous Carbonate Inclusions
Martignier A, Jaquet J-M, Filella M & Ariztegui D
(2017) Reconstructing the Geochemical Cycle of Fe in Lake Towuti (Indonesia)
Ordóñez L, Ariztegui D, Chiaradia M, Crowe S, Morlock MA, Bauer K, Simister R, Vogel H, Melles M, Russel J & Bijaksana S
(2017) Unraveling Fossil and Living Microbialite Formation in the Maquinchao Basin (Argentina)
Eymard I, Alvarez MDP, Bilmes A, Vasconcelos C, Foubert A & Ariztegui D
(2017) A New Paleo-Thermometer for Evaporitic Halite: Brillouin Spectroscopy
Guillerm E, Caupin F, Gardien V & Ariztegui D
(2017) A Novel 4D-View on Lake Sediments
Morlock MA, Vogel H, Hadi J, Foubert A, Ariztegui D, Melles M, Russell JM & Bijaksana S
(2016) Life Influence on the Deep Dead Sea Sedimentary Archive: Insights from Fe-S Minerals and Organic Matter Recycling
Thomas C, Ebert Y, Kiro Y, Stein M & Ariztegui D
(2016) Life Under the Ice: Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Seasonally-Covered Lake Onego, Russia
Lyautey E, Ariztegui D, Bouffard D, Dubois N, Frossard V, Tofield-Pasche N, Perga M-E & Thomas C
(2009) Carbonate Ooid Formation in a Modern Freshwater Lake: How Determinant is the Biological Role?
Ariztegui D & Plee K

Arizzi A. (2007) Petro-Chemical and Physical Investigations on the "Santa Pudia Calcarenite" (Andalusia, Spain): New Hints for the Prevention and Conservation of Calcarenitic Building Materials
Arizzi A, Belfiore CM, Cultrone G, Rodriguez-Navarro C, Sebastian Pardo E & Triscari M

Arjmand M. (2017) Syndepositional Shallow-Water Precipitation of Glauconitic Minerals, Early Devonian Sandstone, Iran
Arjmand M

Arkadakskiy S. (2023) Geochemistry of Groundwaters from the First Subsurface CO2 Mineral Carbonation Pilot Site in Saudi Arabia
Arkadakskiy S, Oelkers EH, Bjornsson G, Gislason SR, Finkbeiner T, Hoteit H, Afifi A, Addassi M, Fedorik J, Berno D, Ahmed Z & Kunnummal N
(2019) Potential Strategies for Supressing Bacteriogenic Sulphide Reduction
Arkadakskiy S
(2018) Sulfate Reduction Associated with Petroleum Contamination in the Umm Er Radhuma Aquifer
Arkadakskiy S, Shamrani A & Shouakar-Stash O
(2017) The First d37Cl and d81Br Data from the Wasia-Biyadh Mega-Aquifer in Saudi Arabia: Implications for the Origin of Dissolved Solutes
Arkadakskiy S, Shamrani A, Ghamdi A & Shouakar-Stash O
(2016) The Challenge of Using Geochemical Tracing for Surface Water Source Identification in Hot and Arid Climates
Arkadakskiy S, Alghamdi A, Alsuhaibany A & Alutaibi H
(2012) Stable Isotope Geochemistry and the Optimization of Hydraulic Fracturing of Petroleum Wells – Lessons from the Bakken Formation in Canada and the USA
Arkadakskiy S & Rostron B
(2011) In situ Secondary Hydrocarbon Cracking in a Carbonate Reservoir
Arkadakskiy S, Rostron B, Wierzbicki R & Zral V
(2008) Formation Waters and Brines from the NW Part of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Arkadakskiy S & Rostron B
(2005) Anaerobic Oxidation of Natural Gas in Soil – The Geochemical Evidence?
Arkadakskiy S, Muehlenbachs K, Mendoza C & Szatkowski B
(2004) SEM and Stable Isotope Study of Recent Calcite Precipitation Related to Microbial Oxidation of Natural Gas in Soils
Arkadakskiy S, Muehlenbachs K, Mendoza C & Szatkowski B

Árkai P. (2007) Pre-Variscan Barrovian Metamorphism in the Eastern Part of the Slavonian Mountains, Tisia Unit (NE Croatia): Application of Quantitative Phase Diagrams and Monazite Age Dating
Horváth P, Balen D, Finger F, Humer B, Tomljenovic B & Árkai P
(2007) An Attempt to Use Mean Crystallite Size of Calcite for Indicating Metamorphic Grade as Examplified by Metamorphic Carbonate Rocks from NE-Hungary
Bajnóczi B, Mária M & Árkai P
(2004) Amphibole-Bearing Assemblages as Indicators of Microdomain-
Horvath P & Arkai P

Arkimaa H. (2011) Talvivaara Ni Deposit and Ore Potential of Palaeoproterozoic Black Shale Formations in Finland
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Hyvönen E, Arkimaa H, Airo M-L, Vanne J, Lerssi J & Vuoriainen S

Arkin Adam (2019) Large Scale-Analysis of Constraints on Microbial Community Assembly, Activity, and Dispersal in a Contaminated Subsurface Aquifer
Lui L, Smith H, von Netzer F, de Leon K, Majumder E, Moon J-W, Nielsen T, Poole F, Kosina S, Ning D, Paradis C, Stahl D, Wall J, Northen T, Adams M, Zhou J, Hazen T, Fields M, Adams P & Arkin A
(2019) The Selective Pressures on the Microbial Community in a Metal-Contaminated Aquifer
Carlson H, Price M, Callaghan M, Liu H, Aaring A, Chakraborty R, Kuehl J, Arkin A & Deutschbauer A
(2019) Splitting the Microbiome: High-Throughput Functional Ecology of Microbial Communities
Deutschbauer A, Lui L, Price M, Carr A, Kuehl J, Arkin A & Carlson H

Arkin Adam P (2022) Distinct Depth-Discrete Profiles of Microbial Communities and Geochemical Insights in the Subsurface Critical Zone
Wu X, Gushgari Doyle S, Lui L, Neilsen T, Liu Y, Hess N, Jagadamma S, Hazen TC, Arkin AP & Chakraborty R
(2021) Geochemical Constraints on Bacteriophage Infectivity
Carlson HK, Piya D, Moore ML, Deutschbauer AM, Arkin AP & Mutalik VK
(2017) Recontextualizing a Microbial Isolate in Geochemical Space
Carlson H, Liu H, Price M, Arkin A & Deutschbauer A
(2014) Reproducibility of a Groundwater Microbial Community in Replicate Bioreactors
Bailey K, Hurt R, Robeson M, Chowdhury T, Zelaya A, Fields M, Arkin A, Hazen T, Zhou J, Phelps T, Adams M & Elias D
(2013) Systems Biology Studies on the Stress Response of Perchlorate, Chlorate Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress in Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
Carlson HK, Mullan MR, Deutschbauer AM, Price MN, Arkin AP & Coates JD

Arkin S. (2023) Phosphorus Build-Up, Nitrogen Loss and Sulfide Accumulation in Response to Recent Deep-Water Deoxygenation in the Sea of Marmara
Yucel M, Örek H, Alimli N, Akcay İ, Mantikci M, Özhan K, Fach B, Tezcan D, Ak Örek Y, Kalkan Tezcan E, Arkin S, Tuğrul S & Salihoglu B
(2023) Western Black Sea Suboxic Layer Biogeochemical Structure during the December 2022 R/V Bilim Expedition
Yucel M, Örek H, Alimli N, Cura H, Demir NYN, Myroshnychenko V, Fach B, Arkin S, Tuğrul S & Salihoglu B
(2016) Redox Processes in Suboxic Worlds: The Highly Different Benthic Geochemistry of Fe-S-Mn Across the Chemoclines of Baltic and Black Sea
Yucel M, Sommer S, Dale A, Slomp C & Arkin S

Arkula C. (2023) Single Spot Rb-Sr Isochron Dating of Micas by LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS
Cruz-Uribe AM, Craig G, Garber JM, Arkula C, Paul B & Bouman C
(2023) Cryptic Geologic Events Revealed by Single Spot Rb-Sr Dating of Biotite by LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS
Arkula C, Cruz-Uribe AM, Garber JM, Craig G, Paul B & Bouman C

Arkush E. (2019) Investigating Camelid Untilization Among Andean Cultures Using Fecal Stanols
Arnold TE, McGrath S, Werne J, Abbott M, Arkush E & Hillman A

Arlauckas S.M. (2006) Surficial Processes on Mars: A Planet on Acid
McLennan S, Hurowitz JA, Tosca NJ & Arlauckas SM

Arleth L. (2012) Tuning the Interactions of PNIPAM Gel Nanoparticles
Hjelm R, Arleth L, Hu Z & Wu J

Arletti R. (2013) Fluorenone dye – Zeolite L Hybrid: A Novel Optical Material
Gigli L, Arletti R, Quartieri S & Vezzalini G
(2013) Regeneration of Organophilic Zeolites after Sulfomethoxazole Antibiotic Adsorption
Leardini L, Martucci A, Braschi I, Blasioli S, Arletti R & Quartieri S

Arlinghaus H.F. (2013) Using TOF-SIMS Isotope Mapping for Studying Dissolution and Precipitation Processes at Mineral Grains in an Experimental CO2-Sequestration Setup
Rinnen S, Riße A, Ostertag-Henning C & Arlinghaus HF
(2011) Characterization and Identification of Minerals in Rocks by TOF-SIMS and Principal Component Analysis
Rinnen S, Stroth C, Risse A, Ostertag-Henning C & Arlinghaus H
(2010) Using TOF-SIMS Isotope Mapping to Constrain Dissolution/Reprecipitation and Redox Reactions in Experimental CO2-Sequestration Studies
Rinnen S, Stroht C, Heeschen K, Ostertag-Henning C, Risse A & Arlinghaus HF

Arlt V. (2015) Nitropolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, a Potential Human Cancer Hazard in Diesel Exhaust and Urban Air Pollution
Arlt V

Armand R. (2019) Assessment of Trace Elements Distribution in French Agricultural Soils
Herbout A, Armand R, Martinez RE, Rizzo D & Pourret O
(2012) Reassesment of the Rare Earth Elements External Cycle in French Watersheds – A High Potential Resource for the Future
Pourret O, Tuduri J, Armand R, Bayon G & Steinmann M

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