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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Xia G. (2017) Fluid Driven Sp3-To-Sp2 Transformation in Carbon at 1300K and 1GPa: Experimental Studies
Dobrzhinetskaya L, Xia G, Wirth R, O'BANON E, Shi F & Green H

Xia H. (2018) DFT Investigations for Mechanisms of the TCEP Degradation by Hydroxyl Radical
Xia H, Yang Y & Zhang W

Xia Jia (2020) The Abundance and Distribution of Organic Carbon in the Seafloor Sediments of the Near Offshore Region Surrounding Leizhou Peninsula, North Gulf of South China Sea
Xia J & Han Y
(2020) The Quantitative Determination of Organic Sorption Capacity in the Paleozoic Shales from South China
Wang S, Xia J & Song Z

Xia Jicheng (2019) Methylmercury Distribution and Formation in Polluted Agricultural Soils
Gfeller L, Amouroux D, Caplette J, Lei D, Liao J, Tessier E, Xia J, Zhang H, Feng X & Mestrot A

Xia Jiuxing (2020) Redox Controlled Stable Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Shen J, Qin L, Xia J, Carlson RW, Huang S, Helz RT & Mock TD
(2016) Cosmogenic Effects on Chromium Isotopes in the Iron Meteorites
Liu J, Qin L, Xia J, Leya I & Carlson R
(2015) Chromium Stable Isotope Composition of Meteorites and its Cosmochemical and Geochemical Significance
Qin L, Xia J, Carlson RW & Zhang Q
(2014) Cr Isotope Anomalies, their Origins and Implications
Qin L, Xia J, Alexander C, Nittler L, Carlson R & Wang J

Xia Lei (2023) Iron Mineralogy Determines the Phosphate Immobilisation Efficiency and Redox Stability of Fe(III)-rich Amendments
Xia L, Vangansbeke A, Lauryssen F & Smolders E

Xia Lichao (2018) Usefulness and Limitations of Stable Oxygen Isotopes in Application to Selenium Oxyanion Biogeochemistry
Larese-Casanova P, Schellenger A, Paydary P, Xia L, Jaisi D & Onnis-Hayden A

Xia LinQi (2013) Tectonic Implications for Mid-Late-Neoproterozoic Rift-Related Volcanic Rocks in China
Xu X-Y, Xia L-Q, Xia Z-C, Li X-M & Ma Z-P
(2007) The Paleozoic SSZ-Type Ophiolite and Subduction Rollback in the Eastern Junggar, Nothwestern China
Ma Z, Xia L, Xu X & Li X

Xia Liuwen (2020) Unsynchronized Evolution of Salinity and pH of a Permian Alkaline Lake Influenced by Hydrothermal Fluids
Xia L, Cao J, Stüeken E, Zhi D, Wang T & Li W
(2018) Hydrocarbon Generation Characteristics of Alkaline Lacustrine Source Rocks: The Lower Permian in the Northewestern Junggar Basin, NW China
Wang T, Cao J, Wang X, Xiang B, Ma W & Xia L

Xia Lu

Xia M. (2010) The Petrogenesis of Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in the Huangshan Region, Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang, China
Xia M, Jiang C, Qian Z, Sun T & Xia Z
(2010) Permian Basalts and Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in the Northeastern of Tarim Plate (NW China): Insights into a Large Igneous Province
Xia Z, Jiang C, Xia M & Lu R
(2008) Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Hulu Ni–Cu-Bearing Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions, Eastern Xinjiang, Northwest China
Xia M, Jiang C, Qian Z, Sun T, Xia Z & Lu R

Xia Q (2005) Re-Os Isotopic Systematics of the Neo-Tethys Dongqiao Ophiolite Complex, Northern Tibet: First Data
Zhi X, Xia Q, Jin Z & Wang Y
(2005) Synchronized Study on Micro-Scale U-Pb Ages and Oxygen Isotopes for Metamorphic Zircons from Dabie-Sulu Orogen, Eastern Central China
Chen D, Deloule E, Xia Q, Li B & Ni T
(2004) Re-Os Isotopes in Mantle-Derived Pyroxenite Xenoliths from Hannuoba North China
Zhi X, Meng Q, Xia Q, Zheng L & Xu Y
(2003) Re-Os Isotope Geochemistry of Mantle Peridotite and Pyroxenite Xenoliths from North China Craton
Xia Q, Zhi X, Meng Q, Zheng L & Peng Z
(2003) Micro-Scale Zircon Oxygen Isotopic Compositions and U-Pb SIMS Dating from Dabie-Sulu Orogen, China
Chen D, Deloule E, Li B, Cheng H & Xia Q

Xia Qinglin (2009) Application Fractal and Multifractal Methods to Mapping Prospectivity for Metamorphosed Sedimentary Iron Deposits Using Stream Sediment Geochemical Data in Eastern Hebei Province, China
Zuo R & Xia Q
(2009) The Characteristics of Trace Elements in Emeishan Basalt and its Contribution to Mineralzation
Xia Q & Zuo R

Xia Qingyin (2023) Nanoscale Mechanism of Uranium Reduction by Magnetite
Bartova B, Pan Z, Lagrange T, Xia Q, Gauquelin N, Tavabi AH, Verbeeck J, Dunin-Borkowski RE & Bernier-Latmani R
(2020) Mechanisms of Enhanced Antibacterial Activity by Reduced Chitosan-Intercalated Nontronite
Xia Q, Wang X, Zeng Q, Zhu Z & Dong H

Xia Qiong-Xia (2024) Zirconium Isotope Tracing of the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition
Zhu E-L, Xia Q-X, Zhang S-B & Van Orman JA
(2020) Garnet Effect on Zircon Lu-Hf Isotope Systems during Crustal Anatexis
Xia Q-X, Chen Y-X, Chen R-X & Zheng Y-F
(2018) The Origins of Garnets in Anatectic Rocks fromTethyan Himalaya: Constraints from Major-Trace Element Zonations and Phase Equilibrium Calculations
Xia Q-X, Gao P & Zheng Y-F
(2017) Growth of Metamorphic and Peritectic Garnets in UHP Metagranite during Continental Subduction and Exhumation in the Dabie Orogen
Xia Q-X, Zhou L-G & Gao X-Y
(2016) An Experimental Study on Dehydration Melting of UHP Metagranite at High Pressure
Xia Q-X, Van Orman J, Han J, Zheng Y-F, Li W-C, Yu M & Luo X
(2014) Zonation and Multiphase Growth of Garnet in UHP Metamorphic Rocks of Continental Subduction Zone
Xia Q-X, Zhou L-G & Zheng Y-F
(2011) Multistage Growth of Garnet in UHP Metagranite in the Dabie Orogen
Xia Q-X, Zheng Y-F & Lu X-N
(2010) Melt/Mantle Mixing Processes Form Podiform Chromite Deposits: Implications from Re-Os Systematics of the Dongqiao Neo-Tethyan Ophiolite, Northern Tibet
Shi R, Griffin W, O'Reilly S, Zhi X, Xia Q, Huang Q, Zhang X & Liu D
(2010) Distinguishing Metamorphic Growth from Recrystallization of Zircon in Eclogite-Facies Metamorphic Rocks
Xia Q-X, Chen R-X & Zheng Y-F
(2010) Petrological and Geochemical Evidence for the “Hot” Exhumation of UHP Metamorphic Rocks in Continental Subduction Zones
Lu X-N, Xia Q-X, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2008) Geochemical and Petrological Evidence for Dehydration Melting in Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks during Exhumation
Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Xia Q-X

Xia Qun-Ke (2023) Wet Mantle Plume Account for the Genesis of the Alkaline Basalts in French Massif Central
Chen H, Ingrin J, Deloule E, Bi Y & Xia Q-K
(2022) Heterogeneous Distribution of Water in Wet Mantle Plume beneath Changbaishan, NE China: Constraints from Machine Learning
Qi Y, Chen H, Wu S, Du Z-H & Xia Q-K
(2022) Accumulation of Hydrous Oceanic Slabs in the LLSVPs Contributing to the Formation of Large Igneous Provinces
Chen H, Bi Y, Kuritani T, Hanski E, Liu J, Gu X-Y & Xia Q-K
(2022) Unsupervised Machine Learning Reveals Control of Melting and Metasomatism on Water Contents of the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle
Zhu C-Y, Chen H, Li A-Z, Hao Y-T & Xia Q-K
(2022) Estimating Ferric Iron Content in Clinopyroxene Using Machine Learning Models
Huang W, Lyu Y, Du M, He C, Gao S, Xu R, Xia Q-K & Zhang Z
(2022) Explainable Machine Learning in Uncovering H Diffusion Mechanism in Clinopyroxene
Li A-Z, Wu S-S, Chen H, Du Z-H & Xia Q-K
(2021) Machine Learning Models for Identification of Primary Water Concentrations in Mantle Pyroxene
Chen H, Su C, Tang Y-Q, ZhangZhou J, Wu S-S & Xia Q-K
(2020) High Water Contents in the Jurassic Lithospheric Mantle of the North China Craton: Implications for the Destruction of the Craton
Wang L & Xia Q-K
(2020) Water Content in the Kerguelen Mantle Plume
Gu X, Wang P, Xia Q & Moine B
(2020) Effects of Ammonium on Hydroxyl and Lattice Stability of Phengite at High Temperature and High Pressure
Liu W, Yang Y & Xia Q
(2020) Inter-Reaction and Site-Specific Diffusion of Hydrogen Defects in Natural Orthopyroxene at High Temperatures
Yang Y & Xia Q
(2020) The Effect of Fe on Stability of Hydrogen Defects in Rutile
Sun J, Yang Y & Xia Q
(2020) Water Content Variations in Basalts from Geochemically Heterogeneous Crozet Hotspot
Gu X-Y, Xia Q-K, Wang P-Y & Moine B
(2020) The Vertical Variation of the Redox State of the Hainan Lithospheric Mantle: Constraint from Peridotite Xenoliths
Yu J, Hao Y-T, Li P & Xia Q-K
(2020) Compositional Variation of Large Igneous Provinces Moderated by Water in Mantle Plumes
Sun H, Liu J, Xia Q & Hanski E
(2020) Melting of Reycled Crust Responsible for the Gutenberg Discontiuity
Liu J, Hirano N, Machida S, Xia Q & Tao C
(2019) Intimate Link between the Deep Earth's Nitrogen and Hydrogen Cycles
Yang Y, Busigny V, Liu W & Xia Q-K
(2019) Extremely Low Structural Hydroxyl Contents in Upper Mantle Xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
Patkó L, Liptai N, Kovács IJ, Aradi LE, Xia Q-K, Ingrin J, Mihály J, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Wesztergom V & Szabó C
(2019) Ammonium Promotes Hydrogen Bond Symmetrization in Phengite Under High Pressures
Liu W, Yang Y & Xia Q
(2019) Genesis of the Iron-Rich Alkaline Large Igneous Province
Chen H, Bi Y, Kuritani T & Xia Q
(2019) Geochemical Evolution of the Tarim Mantle Plume and the Eruption of Large Igneous Province
Chen H, Bi Y, Kuritani T & Xia Q
(2019) Water Content in the Early Cretaceous Gabbros from East China: Implications for the Destruction of the North China Craton
Wang Z, Xia Q & Liu J
(2019) Low Water Content in the Mantle Source of the Hainan Plume as a Factor Inhibiting the Formation of a Large Igneous Province
Gu X-Y & Xia Q-K
(2019) The Link between the Low Contents of S and Cl in Early Cretaceous Basalts and Flourishing of Jehol Biotas
Xu Q, Chen H, Xia Q, Deloule E, Gu X & Wang L
(2018) Mantle Transition Zone Source of Cenozoic Water-Rich Intraplate Magmatism in Eastern China
Chen H, Xia Q-K, Ingrin J, Kuritani T, Hanski E, Liu J, Liu S-C & Wang Q-Y
(2018) Mantle Hydration and the Role of Water in the Generation of Large Igneous Provinces
Xia Q, Liu J, Kuritani T, Hanski E & Yu H
(2018) Low Basalt-Source Water Contents Inhibiting the Formation of Large Igneous Province in the Leiqiong Area (South China)
Gu X, Xia Q & Wang P
(2018) Variations in the H2O Content and H2O/Ce Ratio of Mantle Pyroxenites: Implications for Enriched Components in the Mantle
Hao Y-T, Li P, Coltorti M & Xia Q-K
(2018) Origin of a Transition Zone-Derived Mantle Plume at Changbai Volcano
Kuritani T, Xia Q, Liu J, Zhao D & Nakagawa M
(2018) Water Content of Abyssal Peridotites: Implications for Melt Transports beneath Mid-Oceanic Ridges
Li P, Xia Q-K, Bonatti E & Brunelli D
(2017) The High Water Content of the OIB-Like Basanite in the Volcanic Front of Northern Izu-Boin Arc System
Liu J, Kuritani T, Yu H & Xia Q
(2017) Do We Really Know When Water Profiles are Produced in Xenoliths? Example of Xenoliths from Tianchang Volcano (East China)
Liu J, Xia Q-K, Ingrin J & Hao Y-T
(2016) Temporal and Spatial Variation of Source Components for Intraplate Basalts from North China
Chen H, Xia Q-K, Ingrin J & Deloule E
(2016) Regional Heterogeneity in the Water Content of the Cenozoic Lithospheric Mantle of Eastern China
Hao Y-T, Xia Q-K, Jia Z-B, Zhao Q-C, Li P, Feng M & Liu S-C
(2016) High Water Content in Primitive Continental Flood Basalts
Xia Q-K, Bi Y, Li P, Tian W & Chen H
(2016) Temporal Variation of H2O Content in the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Eastern North China Craton: Implications for the Destruction of Cratons
Li P, Xia Q-K, Deloule E & Gu X-Y

Xia Qunke K (2015) Water Diffusion by Asthenospheric Domain Entrained in the Lithospheric Mantle of Lianshan (Subei Basin, Eastern China)
Hao Y, Bonadiman C, Coltorti M & Xia Q-K
(2015) Magma Water Content of the Cenozoic Basalts in the North China Craton
Liu J, Chen H, Xia Q-K & Ingrin J
(2015) Enriched Components in the Source of Cenozoic Intraplate Alkali Basalts in Southeast China
Liu S, Xia Q & Deloule E
(2015) The Role of Amphiboles in the Formation of Malanjkhand Porphyry Cu-Deposit
Asthana D, Kumar H, Kumar S & Xia Q-K
(2011) Li Content and Isotopic Distributions in Granulite of Kerguelen Plateau
Deloule E, Ingrin J, Xia Q & Gregoire M
(2011) Water Content of Lithospheres Deduced from Xenoliths: The Example of Kerguelen Islands and South African Craton
Ingrin J, Liu J, Xia QK, Deloule E & Grégoire M
(2009) Water Contents in Pyroxenes of Intraplate Lithospheric Mantle
Bonadiman C, YanTao H, Coltorti M, Dallai L, Faccini B, Huang H & Xia Q
(2007) Tracing Water Exchange between Mantle and Continental Crust with the δD Values of NAMs in Granulite
Yang X, Deloule E & Xia Q-K

Xia Shaohong (2017) Seismic Experiments Investigating Plate Dynamics of the Challenger Deep Region of the Mariana Trench
Lin J, Sun J, Zeng X, Xu M, Yang H, Xia S, Zhou Z & Science Party of R/V Shiyan3 

Xia Shiwei (2023) Provenance of Clastic Sediments in the Boundary Area between Yinggehai Basin and Qiongdong Nanhai Basin
Xia S

Xia Shuwei (2022) Environmental Conditions Control on Molecular Configurations of Isoprenoid Glycerol Dibiphytanyl Glycerol Tetraethers: Insight from Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Zhao S, Zhou L, Sun X, Xia S, Gao Z, Wang N & Bao R

Xia Tian (2023) Atom-Trap Trace Analysis of 41Ca/Ca Down to the 10-17 Level
Sun W, Xia T-Y, Ebser S, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Zhu H-M, Fu Y-C, Huang F, Ming G-D, Xia T & Lu Z-T
(2022) Exposure Dating with 41Ca Analysis at the 10-16 Isotopic Abundance Level
Xia T
(2021) Atom Trap Trace Analysis of Ca-41 Samples at 1e-15 Abundance Level
Xia T-Y, Sun W-W, Ebser S, Jiang W, Xia T & Lu Z-T

Xia Tong-Yan (2023) Atom-Trap Trace Analysis of 41Ca/Ca Down to the 10-17 Level
Sun W, Xia T-Y, Ebser S, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Zhu H-M, Fu Y-C, Huang F, Ming G-D, Xia T & Lu Z-T
(2021) Atom Trap Trace Analysis of Ca-41 Samples at 1e-15 Abundance Level
Xia T-Y, Sun W-W, Ebser S, Jiang W, Xia T & Lu Z-T

Xia W. (2016) Response of Vegetation Dynamics to Groundwater in Qaidam Basin, China
Jin X & Xia W

Xia X (2006) SHRIMP U¨CPb zircon geochronology of the Huai¡¯an Complex: constraints on late Archean to Paleoproterozoic custal accretion and collision of the Trans-North China Orogen
Zhao G, Wilde SA, Sun M, Xia X, Zhang J & He Y
(2006) U-Pb zircon dating on the granitic conglomerates of the Hutuo Group: affinities to the Wutai Granitoids and significance on the tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen
Zhang J, Zhao G, Li S, Sun M, Liu S, Xia X & He Y
(2005) LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of the Yushulazi Formation in the North China Craton
Luo Y, Sun M, Zhao G, Li S & Xia X
(2005) Basement Nature of the Ordos Terrane, Western Block of the North China Craton: Detrital Zircon Age and Hf Isotope Study on Khondalites from Wulashan Complex
Xia X, Sun M, Zhao G & Luo Y

Xia Xiao-Ping (2022) Global-Scale Emergence of Continental Crust during Mesoarchean – Early Neoarchean
Wang W, Cawood PA, Spencer C, Pandit MK, Zhao J-H, Xia X-P, Zheng J & Lu G
(2020) Is Paleoproterozoic Atmospheric Oxygenation Linked to the Emergence of Continents Above Sea-Level? Evidence from Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopic Signatures in Archean to Proterozoic Sediment-Derived Granitoids
Liebmann J, Spencer CJ, Bucholz CE, Kirkland CL, Martin L, Xia X-P & Kitchen N
(2019) Emergence of Continents Above Sea-Level Influences Composition of Sediment Melts
Liebmann J, Spencer C, Kirkland C, Bucholz C, He X, Tang L, Santosh M, Xia X, Martin L & Evans N
(2019) Pulsed Degassing of Magma Recorded by Water Concentration in Zircon
Xia X-P, Zhang W, Yang Q, Cui Z-X & Cai K
(2019) Oxygen Isotope Homogeneity Assessment for Apatite U-Th-Pb Geochronology Reference Materials
Yang Q, Xia X-P, Zhang L & Zhang W
(2019) Geochemistry of Miocene-Pliocene Epithermal Gold-Hosting Volcanic Rocks in Northeastern Borneo (Sabah and North Kalimantan)
Lee B, Lai C, Mandiri IT, Xia X, Zhang L & Meffre S
(2018) Late Permian Bimodal Volcanic Rocks in the Northern Qiangtang, Central Tibet: Evidence for the Interaction between Emeishan Plume and Paleo-Tethyan Subduction System
Wang J, Wang Q, Zhang C, Dan W, Qi Y, Zhang X-Z & Xia X-P
(2018) The Origin of the Pliocene Wangqing River Alkali Picrite, NE China
Sun M, Xu Y, Ren Z, Xia X, He P, He H, Jourdan F & Milan L
(2018) An Abrupt Increase of Oxygen Isotopes at ca. 3230 Ma in Archean TTGs from the Barberton Granite-Greenstone Terrane, South Africa
Wang X, Wang D, Kröner A, Xia X & Li J
(2017) Linking NW India to South China in Rodinia by Low δ18 O Rhyolites of the Neoproterozoic Malani Igneous Suite
Wang W, Cawood P, Zhou M-F, Manoj P, Xia X-P & Zhao J-H
(2017) Relict Zircon Tracking the Source Nature of Peraluminous Granite
Gao P, Chen Y-X, Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Xia X-P
(2017) When did the Paleo-Tethys Ailaoshan Ocean Closed: New Constraints from Detrital Zircon U–Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotope
Xia X, Xu J & Huang C

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