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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Vennin Emmanuelle (2015) Paired Carbon Isotope from Three Key Intervals of the Turee Creek Group, Pilbara Craton, Australia
Ader M, Thomazo C, Baton F, Muller E, Chaduteau C, Cartigny P, Vennin E, Buoncristiani J-F, Van Kranendonk M & Philippot P
(2015) Distribution and Morphologies of Modern Microbialites of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Bouton A, Vennin E, Pace A, Bourillot R, Thomazo C, Visscher P, Dupraz C, Boulle J, Désaubliaux G & Brayard A
(2015) Factors Controlling Development of Microbialites in Past and Ancient Environments
Vennin E, Bouton A, Raphaël B, Pace A, Brayard A, Olivier N, Thomazo C, Visscher P, Dupraz C & Désaubliaux G
(2015) Microbial and Physicochemical Steps Leading to the Mineralization of the Great Salt Lake Microbialites
Pace A, Bouton A, Bourillot R, Vennin E, Visscher P, Dupraz C, Thomazo C, Galaup S & Kwasniewski A
(2015) Paired Carbon Isotopes Study of the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary Event
Thomazo C, Bour I, Vennin E, Brayard A, Mathieu O, Olivier N, Escarguel G, Bylund K, Jenks J, Stephen D & Fara E

Vennin Emmanuelle (2016) Silician Magnetite from the Archean/Paleoproterozoic Transition from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Characterization and Bio-Environmental Implications
Carlut J, Isambert A, Bouquerel H, Guyot F, Phillipot P, Pecoits E, Vennin E, Ader M, Thomazo C & Buoncristiani J-F

Vennin Emmanuelle (2017) Factors Controlling Development of Microbialites in the Mérantaise River (France)
Roche A, Payandi-Rolland D, Vennin E, Bundeleva I, Amiotte-Suchet P, Bouton A, Courvoisier H & Visscher P

Vennin Emmanuelle (2021) Carbon Cycle Dynamics in Microbialite-Hosting Alkaline Crater Lakes as Precambrian Analogs
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Vennin E, Tavera R, Muller E & Benzerara K
(2021) Nitrogen Isotope Variations Across the 3.4 Gyr Buck Reef Chert, South Africa, Question Early Nitrogen Sources and Pathways
Pellerin A, Thomazo C, Ader M, Marin-Carbonne J, Alleon J, Vennin E & Hofmann A
(2021) Sub-Micrometer Pyrites in Microbialites Record Equilibrium S Isotope Fractionation by Microbial Sulfate Reduction Independently of the Sulfate Concentration of the Water
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Remusat L, Havas R, Thomazo C, Pasquier V, Alleon J, Zeyen N, Bernard S, Escrig S, Vennin E, Meibom A & Benzerara K
(2021) Physico-Chemical and Biological Controls on Microbialite Formation: Experimental Biomineralization in Open System
Muller E, Benzerara K, Havas R, Iniesto M, Jézéquel D, López-García P, Moreira D, Tavera R, Thomazo C, Vennin E & Zeyen N
(2021) Effect of Culture pH on Cyanobacterial EPS Composition: Implications for Carbonate Precipitation
de Brito MM, Bundeleva I, Marin F, Wilmotte A, Vennin E & T Visscher P

Vennin Emmanuelle (2023) Picoplankton Rocks: Changes in EPS Production during an Artificial Cyanobacterial Bloom and Possible Implications for Initiation of Whiting Events
Martinho de Brito MM, Bundeleva I, Marin F, Wilmotte A, Vennin E, Plasseraud L & T Visscher P

Vennin Z. (2017) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Signals Associated with the End-Permian Mass Extinction Recovery
Thomazo C, Elmeknassi S, Brayard A, Vennin Z, Olivier N, Escarguel G, Bylund KG, Sansjofre P, Killingworth B & Cartigny P

Ventalon S. (2021) Testing the Cellular Nature of Large (>10 µm) Spheroids in the ~3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation
Coutant M, Lepot K, Fadel A, Addad A, Richard E, Troadec D, Ventalon S, Sugitani K & Javaux EJ

Venter A.D. (2015) Size-Resolved Characterisation of Organic Atmospheric Aerosols Collected at Welgegund, South Africa with GCxGC-TOFMS
van Zyl PG, Booyens W, Beukes JP, Ruiz-Jimenez J, Kopperi M, Riekkola M-L, Josipovic M, Venter AD, Jaars K, Laakso L, Vakkari V, Kulmala M & Pienaar JJ

Ventura G. Todd (2019) The Utilization of Intact Polar Lipids to Track Marine Petroleum Systems
Peters CA, Ventura GT, Bentley JN, Hubert CRJ, Lipp JS, MacDonald A, Fowler MG, Schubotz F & Hinrichs K-U
(2019) Life Signatures and Organic Matter Preservation at Cathedral Hill Hydrothermal Vent Site, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
Ventura GT, Bentley J, Dalzell C, Peters C, Nelson R, Reddy C, Seewald J & Sievert S

Ventura Gregory (2009) Structure and Function of a Cold Seep Nurtured by Seepage of Heavy Oil
Schubotz F, Ventura G, Nelson R, Wegener G, Knittel K, Wilhelm T, Zabel M, Kasten S, Boetius A, Reddy C & Hinrichs K-U
(2002) Alkanes with a Quaternary Carbon Centre: A 2, 200 Myr. Record of Sulfide Oxidizing Bacteria
Kenig F, Simons D-J, Crich D, Cowen J, Ventura G & Brown T

Ventura Gregory Todd (2023) Methane Formation and its Isotopic Alteration at Two Active Deep Ocean Cold Seeps from the Scotian Slope of Atlantic Canada
Ventura GT, Chowdhury A, Lalk E, Ono S, Dooma JM, MacDonald AWA, Morrison N, Owino Y, Bentley J, Kerr M, Fowler M, MacRae A & Bennett R
(2023) The Study of Electrical Potential, Remote Sensing, and Preservation of Biosignatures at Sites of Serpentinization (SERP)
Morrill PL, Coxon IN, Cook M, Umoh U, Ventura GT, Leitch A, Poduska KM, Gao B, Yulmetova M, Mahdianpari M, English J & Gill M
(2022) Environmental Lipidomics and the Derisking of Deep Ocean Petroleum Exploration
Ventura GT, Ahangarian N, Oueslati G, Peters C, Chowdhury A, Bentley J, Baghalabadi V, Umoh U, MacDonald AWA, Morrison N, Hubert C, Campbell C, Bennett R, Lipp JS, Hin­richs K-U & Desiage P-A

Ventura Guido (2022) Anatomy of a Back-Arc Ridge System: The Marsili Seamount
Gennaro EM, Iezzi G, Cocchi L & Ventura G
(2020) Deep Sea Explosive Eruptions may be not so Different from Subaerial Eruptions
Iezzi G, Lanzafame G, Mancini L, Behrens H, Tamburrino S, Vallefuoco M, Passaro S, Signanini P & Ventura G
(2013) Glass Forming Ability of Sub-Alkaline Silicate Melts
Misiti V, Vetere F, Iezzi G, Behrens H, Holtz F, Ventura G, Cavallo A, Dietrich M & Mollo S
(2013) Textural Evolution of a Basaltic Melt in Function of Cooling Rate
Giuliani L, Cauti F, Iezzi G, Vetere F, Poe B, Cavallo A, Misiti V, Ventura G, Mollo S & Behrens H
(2013) Syn to Post-Eruptive Crystallization of Phenocrysts in Pahoehoe “Cicirara” Lavas from Mount Etna Volcano (Italy)
Lanzafame G, Mollo S, Iezzi G, Ferlito C & Ventura G

Ventura L. (2015) Receptor Modeling in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro: What is the Role of PAHs, N-Alkenes, Meteorological Conditions on Source Apportionment of Fine Aerosol?
Gioda A, Ventura L, Massone C, Lionel V & Wagener A

Ventura M. (2013) Indispensable Amino Acids Become Dispensable via Bacterial Symbiosis in a Generalist Soil Detritivore
Larsen T, O'Brien D, Andersen N & Ventura M

Ventura R. (2019) Fluid Pathways in Fractured Carbonate Rocks
Peralta C, Ventura R, Taveira I, Vieira L, Dantas E, Barbosa P, Canídia D, Santos R & Bezerra F

Ventura T. (2020) Study of Electrical Potential, Remote Sensing, and Preservation of Biosignatures at Sites of Serpentinization (SERP)
Morrill P, Leitch A, Gao B, Poduska K, Mahdianpari M, Yulmetova M, English J, Evans L, Cook M, Bentley J, Ventura T, Wilson M, White N & LeGrow C

Venturelli Ryan (2017) Hard Water, Old Water-Hydrologic Cycling in the Florida Keys Reef Tract and its Effect on Interpreting Radiocarbon Reservoir Ages
Venturelli R, Toth L & Rosenheim B

Venturelli Ryan A (2023) Millennial Scale Marine Incursion into an Isolated Environment Fuels a Contemporary Subglacial Microbial Community beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Rosenheim BE, Venturelli RA, Davis C, Michaud AB, Boehman B, Christner B, Galy V, Harwood D, Leventer A, Li W, Liu Z, Vick-Majors T, Siegfried M & Priscu J

Venturi S. (2023) Geochemical Tracers and Pb Isotopes in Environmental Matrices: Natural and Anthropogenic Contributions of Heavy Metals in the Valdinievole Sub-Basin River System (Tuscany, Italy)
Maccelli C, Natali C, Nisi B, Casalini M, Vaselli O, Venturi S & Avanzinelli R

Venugopal S. (2018) The Contribution of Bubble-Hosted Mineral Phases to the Volatile Content of Melt Inclusions Estimated by 3D Raman Imaging
Schiavi F, Gómez-Ulla A, Venugopal S, Hardiagon M, Bolfan-Casanova N & Laporte D

Venugopalan V.P. (2013) Organic and Inorganic Contaminant Remediation by Biogenic Nanopalladium
Suja E, Nancharaiah YV, Venugopalan VP & Francis AJ

Venzac H. (2009) Aerosol Radiative Forcing Estimated from in situ Measurements at the NCO-P Station (5100 m, Nepal)
Laj P, Bonasoni P, Roger J-C, Villani P, Sellegri K, Venzac H, Calzolari F, Cristofanelli P, Marinoni A, Vuillermoz E, Marcq S & Bergin M

Véquaud P. (2023) Effect of Temperature and pH on the Membrane Lipid Composition of Soil Gram-Negative Bacteria Isolates: Implications for the Use of 3-Hydroxy Fatty Acids as (Paleo)environmental Proxies
Hellequin E, Collin S, Seder-Colomina M, Véquaud P, Kish A & Huguet A
(2020) Influence of Environmental Parameters on Bacterial Lipids in Soils from the French Alps: Implications for Palaeo-Reconstructions
Derenne S, Véquaud P, Collin S, Anquetil C, Poulenard J, Sabatier P & Huguet A

Ver L.M.B. (2002) Biogeochemical Limits on Greening of the Earth
Lerman A, Ver LMB & Mackenzie FT
(2000) Nitrogen and Phosphorus Controls of the Carbon Cycle
Lerman A, Mackenzie FT & Ver LMB

Ver N. (2013) Bottom up Approach for the Predictive Modelling of Sorption Isotherms on Argillaceous Rocks
Marques Fernandes M, Dähn R, Ver N & Baeyens B

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