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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Van Meter Kimberly (2017) Food, Fodder and Phosphorus: A Quantification of Long-Term Nutrient Legacies in Human-Impacted Watersheds
Van Meter K, Van Cappellen P & Basu N
(2016) Exploring Nitrogen Legacies and Time Lags: A 200-Year Longitudinal Study of the Mississippi and Susquehanna Watersheds
Van Meter K, Basu N & Van Cappellen P

Van Metre P. (2015) Domination of Soil in 14C Age Spectra in Sediments from a Major River System–Implications for Carbon Cycling
Rosenheim B, Roberts B, Van Metre P, Galy V, Shields M, Cui X & Bianchi T

van Moort J. (2019) Micas Related to Tin Mineralisation in Devonian Granites, NE Tasmania
van Moort J, Bottrill R & Allen N

Van Mooy Benjamin (2021) Integrated Meta-Omic Analysis Links Chemical Signaling to Diatom Bloom Decline and Viral Infection
Edwards BR, Van Mooy B, Bidle K, Johnson M, Thamatrakoln K & Kranzler C
(2016) Arsenolipids in Biota from Low and High Phosphate Oceanic Waters
Glabonjat R, Raber G, Jensen K, Francesconi K & Van Mooy B
(2014) Organic Arsenic Compounds in Seawater
Glabonjat R, Raber G, Van Mooy B & Francesconi K

Van Mooy Benjamin A. S. (2018) Deciphering Microbial Growth and Intracellular Energy Flux from Lipidomics
Becker KW, Collins JR, Durham BP, Groussman RD, White AE, Fredricks HF, Ossolinski JE, Repeta DJ, Armbrust EV & Van Mooy BAS
(2018) Scytonemin C and N Isotopic Signatures in Biological Soil Crusts, Microbialites and Sediments
Fulton J & Van Mooy B

Van Mooy Benjamin A.S. (2017) Production of P(+3) Compounds in Surface Waters of the North Atlantic
Van Mooy BAS & Ebling AM
(2017) The Challenges of Quantifying the Impact of Microbial Interactions on Ocean Nutrient Cycling
Van Mooy BAS, Dyhrman ST, Alexander H, Frischkorn KR, Krupke A & Rouco M

van Mourik M. (2021) Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Trudgill M, Rae JWB, Crumpton-Banks J, van Mourik M, Adloff M, Burke A, Corsetti F, Doherty D, Greenop R, Hong W-L, Lepland A, McIntyre A, Neiroukh N, Rose C, Ruhl M, Saunders D, Stüeken EE, West J, Whiteford R & Greene SE
(2019) Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Rae J, Trudgill M, van Mourik M, Crumpton-Banks J, Burke A, Corsetti F, Greenop R, McIntyre A, Rose C, Saunders D, West J & Greene S

Van Niekerk D. (2022) The “Trapping” of Alkali Feldspar Megacrysts in the Metasedimentary Country Rocks Adjacent to the S-Type Peninsula Granite, Cape Granite Suite, Pan African Saldania Belt, South Africa
Bailie RH, Mhlanga M, Van Niekerk D & Reinhardt J

Van Niekerk Herman (2012) Detrital Zircon Age Populations and Provenance of the Cape- Karoo Succession in South Africa and Correlatives in Argentina
Vorster C, Kramers J, Beukes N & Van Niekerk H

van Niekerk Herman S. (2022) Cosmogenic Nuclide Rates and (U, Th)-He Dates of Denudation in the Eastern Great Escarpment, South Africa
Makhubela TV, Kramers JD, van Niekerk HS, Konyana SM & Winkler SR

Van Niekerk K. (2018) U-Th Burial Dating of Ostrich Eggshell Beyond the 14C Limit
Niespolo EM, Sharp WD, Fylstra ND, Avery G, Blegen N, Faith JT, Henshilwood CS, Klein R, Van Niekerk K, Weisz DG & Tryon CA
(2017) Patterns of Secondary U in Ostrich Eggshell: Application to U-Th Dating of Quaternary Terrestrial Strata
Niespolo E, Sharp W, Fylstra N, Tryon C, Weisz D, Faith JT, Henshilwood C, Lewis J, Mackay A, Steele T & Van Niekerk K

van Noort R. (2016) Soil pH Regulation and N2O Emission Mitigation by Mafic Rock Application
Mørkved PT, Soldal J, Dörsch P, van Noort R, Simon N & Bakken LR

Van Nooten T. (2005) Presence and Impact of Micro-Organisms in Zero-Valent Iron Barriers
Van Nooten T, Bastiaens L & Springael D

Van Oevelen D. (2023) The Application of Stable Isotope Probing to Investigate Carbon Transformations in Slow Sand Filters for the Treatment of Drinking Water
Khojah B, Sadeghi S, Polerecky L, van Oevelen D, van der Meer M, Middelburg J & Behrends T
(2017) Assessing Deep-Sea Nodule Mining Impacts on the Benthic Ecosystem: From Large to Small Scale
Stratmann T, Voorsmit I, Sweetman A, Mevenkamp L, Vanreusel A, Gebruk A, Brown A, Purser A, Marcon Y, Jones D, Soetaert K, Wei C-L & van Oevelen D
(2012) Deep Water Coral Reefs as Important Sites of Benthic Mineralization?
Cathalot C, Polsenaere P, Cox T, Van Oevelen D, Lavaleye M, Duineveld G, Kutti T & Meysman F

van Ooijen J. (2013) Interactions of Dissolved CO2 with Cadmium Isotopes in the Southern Ocean
de Baar H, van Heuven S, Middag R, Neven I, Klunder M, van Ooijen J, Xue Z, Abouchami W, Rehkamper M & Galer S

van Oort F. (2013) Stable Soil Carbon Decomposition is More Sensitive to Temperature. Evidence from Long Term Bare Fallow Experiments
Lefevre R, Barré P, Bardoux G, Christensen B, Girardin C, Houot S, Katerrer T, Moyano F, van Oort F & Chenu C
(2002) Role of Colloids in the Metal Mobilisation in Soils: A Field Study
Citeau L, Lamy I, van Oort F & Elsass F

Van Oost K. (2017) Do Explosive Volcanic Eruptions act as Local Carbon Sinks?
Paque M, Pereira B, Vandeuren A, Gilson R, Van Oost K & Delmelle P

Van Oostende N. (2009) Study of the Individual and Combined Effect of pCO2 and Temperature on the Coccolithophore E. huxleyi
De Bodt C, Van Oostende N, Harlay J, Roevros N, Sabbe K & Chou L

Van Orman James (2020) The Fate of Banded Iron Formations in the Deep Mantle: Oxide Reduction Kinetics at High Pressure
Edmond J & Van Orman J
(2020) Magmatic Degassing and the Volatile Budget of the Moon, Contributions by Malcolm J. Rutherford
Saal A, Hauri E, Van Orman J & Rutherford M
(2018) Experimental Determination of Cation Diffusivities in Ilmenite
Prissel KB, Krawczynski MJ & Van Orman JA
(2018) Helium Diffusion in Periclase
Cherniak DJ, Krawczynski M, Van Orman JA, Mukhopadhyay S & Pigott J
(2016) An Experimental Study on Dehydration Melting of UHP Metagranite at High Pressure
Xia Q-X, Van Orman J, Han J, Zheng Y-F, Li W-C, Yu M & Luo X
(2014) Theoretical Constraints on the Mass Dependence of Isotope Diffusion in Minerals
Van Orman J & Krawczynski M
(2014) Equilibrium Fe-Isotope Fractionation Applied to Cooling Rates of Iron Meteroites
Krawczynski MJ, Van Orman JA, Dauphas N, Alp EE & Hu M
(2013) δD in Lunar Volcanic Glasses and Melt Inclusions: A Carbonaceous Chondrite Heritage Revealed
Saal A, Hauri E, Van Orman J & Rutherford M
(2011) A Predictive Model for Cation Diffusion in Periclase
Van Orman J & Crispin K
(2011) Isotope Fractionation due to Temperature Gradients: Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Goel G, Lacks D, Van Orman J, Lundstrom C & Lesher C
(2011) The Volatile Content of Primitive Lunar Volcanic Glasses
Hauri E, Saal A, Rutherford M & Van Orman J
(2010) Length Scales of Chemical Transport in the Lower Mantle: Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni Diffusion in Periclase
Crispin K & Van Orman J
(2010) Trace Element Partitioning in the Fe-S-C±P System
Hayden L, Van Orman J, McDonough W & Ash R
(2010) Experimental and Theoretical Constraints on the Chemical Evolution of the Outer Core
Van Orman J
(2009) Stable Isotope Systematics of Volatiles in Apollo 15 Lunar Volcanic Glasses
Hauri E, Saal A, Van Orman J & Rutherford M
(2009) The Volatile Contents of the Apollo 15 Lunar Volcanic Glasses
Saal A, Hauri E, Van Orman J & Rutherford M
(2009) Metal-Silicate Silicon Isotope Fractionation in Enstatite Chondrites
Fitoussi C, Van Orman JA, Bourdon B & Kleine T
(2009) Partitioning and Diffusion of Noble Gases in Olivine at Mantle Pressures
Parman S, Kelley S, Ballentine C & van Orman J
(2008) Diffusion of Trivalent Cations in MgO: Implications for Diffusion in Earth's Lower Mantle
Crispin K & Van Orman J
(2007) Reconciling 210Pb Deficits with the Physics of Melt Extraction
Van Orman J & Saal A
(2007) Aluminum Diffusion and Al-Vacancy Association in MgO
Van Orman J, Li C, Crispin K & Fei Y
(2006) High pressure solid-metal/liquid-metal partitioning of Os, Re and Pt in the Fe-S system
Van Orman J, Keshav S & Fei Y
(2006) 226Ra deficits in OIB: a key to the rate of melt extraction in the mantle
Bourdon B & Van Orman J
(2005) Diffusion in Mantle and Core Materials
Van Orman J
(2005) Diffusive Fractionation of <+>226<$>Ra-<+>230<$>Th in Oceanic Basalts during Shallow Level Interaction
Saal A & Van Orman J
(2002) An Alternative Hypothesis for the Origin of the High 226Ra Excess in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts ("Invited")
Saal AE, Van Orman JA, Hauri EH, Langmuir CH & Perfit MR
(2001) Spinel and Post-Spinel Transitions in the Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 Binary Using in situ Pressure Determinations: Implications for the Earth’s Mantle
Minarik WG, Fei Y, Hirose K, Li J, Van Orman J, Walter M & Funakoshi K

Van Orman James A (2022) The Fate of Banded Iron Formations in the Deep Mantle: Iron Oxide Reduction Kinetics at High Temperatures and Pressures
Edmond J & Van Orman JA
(2022) Sound Velocity and Density of Iron-Titanium-Rich Melt Support an Overturned Melt Layer in the Deep Lunar Interior
Xu M, Jing Z, Van Orman JA, Yu T & Wang Y

van Os B. (2011) A Geochemical Reference (Baseline) for the Natural Geogenic Variation in Pb Isotope Ratios in Sedimentary Soils
van Gaans P, Walraven N, van der Veer G, Vriend S, van Os B & Klaver G
(2005) Factors Controlling the Bioaccessibility of Pb in Polluted Soils
Walraven N, Vriend S, van Os B, Klaver G & Oomen A
(2004) Distribution of As in Shallow Groundwater in the Province of Zeeland, The Netherlands
Klaver G, van Os B & Gunnink J
(2004) High-Resolution Reconstruction of Air Pollution
Walraven N, Van os B & Klaver G
(2003) Geochemical Map of Zeeland, South-West Netherlands
van Gaans P, Spijker J & van Os B

Van Paassen L. (2016) Impact of Injection Strategy on Calcium Carbonate Distribution in Porous Media
den Hamer DA, Van Paassen L, Bergwerff L & Pham V
(2016) Soil Improvement Potential of Microbially Induced Gas Formation and Carbonate Precipitation
Pham VP, van Paassen L, den Hamer D & van der Star W
(2016) Considerations for Saturation Calculations of Concentrated Non-Equimolar Calcium Carbonate Precipitation
Bergwerff L, Picioreanu C, van Loosdrecht M & van Paassen L
(2016) Applications of Biomineralization in Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering
van Paassen L
(2012) Bio-Mediated Ground Improvement: From Concept to Field Application
Van Paassen L, Van der Star W, Van Zwieten G & Van Baalen L

Van Patter A. (2023) The End Ordovician Icehouse and the First Mass Extinction of the Phanerozoic: Its History Recorded in Multiple Archives
Morrison AK, Lefebvre A, Van Patter A, Davis A, Riechelmann S, Blamey N, Jin J & Brand U

van Peer T. (2023) Ice-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions at the Oligocene-Miocene Transition
Lear CH, Kennedy-Asser A, John EH, Liebrand D, van Peer T, Slater SM, Taylor VE & Wilson P

Van Pinxteren Dominik (2011) Cloud Processing Measured with Sulfur Isotopes during HCCT 2010
Harris E, Sinha B, Hoppe P, Crowley J, Borrmann S, Foley S, Gnauk T, Van Pinxteren D & Herrmann H

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