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Van Hullebusch Eric (2013) The Browning Phenomenon of Medieval Stained Glass Windows
Ferrand J, Rossano S, Loisel C, Trcera N, Farges F, van Hullebusch E, Bousta F & Pallot-Frossard I
(2013) Impact of Organic Acids and Siderophores on Dissolution of Basaltic Glasses in Ultrapure Water at 25℃ and pH 6.3
Perez A, Rossano S, Trcera N, Huguenot D, Van Hullebusch E, Verney-Caron A & Sarrasin L
(2013) Study of Pb Isotopic Compositions during Metallurgical Slags Leaching Experiments
Yin NH, Sivry Y, Lens P & van Hullebusch E
(2013) δ66Zn Values: An Isotopic Tool for Comprehension of Metallurgical Slags Weathering
Yin NH, Sivry Y, Lens P & van Hullebusch E
(2011) Characterization of Biomineralized Selenium Solid Phases by XAFS Spectroscopy
Lenz M, Van Hullebusch E, Farges F & Corvini P
(2009) Biological Selenium Remediation – A Simple Process Complicated
Lenz M, Van Hullebusch E, Farges F, Corvini P & Lens P

Van Hullebusch Eric (2015) Bioweathering of Crystalline and Amorphous Cu-Metallurgical Slags
Potysz A, Grybos M, Kierczak J, Guibaud G, Lens P & van Hullebusch E
(2015) Bioalteration of Fe(III), Fe(II) and no Fe-Bearing Basaltic Glasses in the Presence of Heterotrophic Bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Impact of Siderophores
Perez A, Rossano S, Trcera N, Huguenot D, Verney-Carron A, Van Hullebusch E & Guyot F

van Hullebusch Eric (2023) Elucidation of Biotic and Abiotic Processes Governing Manganese Redox Cycle in Sediment of Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Plants
Lafont C, van Hullebusch E, Battaglia-Brunet F, Vaxelaire S, Gelabert A & Gorny J
(2023) Biogeochemistry of Selenium in Engineereed Ecosystems from Pollution Prevention to Ressource Recovery
van Hullebusch E
(2023) Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation for the Recovery of Critical Metals from Lithium-Ion Battery Bioleachate
Kompalitch AH & van Hullebusch E

Van Hullebusch Eric D (2021) The Growth of Open Access Publishing in Geochemistry: An Update
Pourret O, Irawan DE, Hursthouse A & van Hullebusch ED
(2021) Leaching and Structural Modifications of Cr-Bearing Glasses
Tarragó M, Le Losq C, van Hullebusch ED & Neuville D
(2020) Raman Spectroscopy Study of Glass Alteration
Tarrago M, Le Losq C, Van Hullebusch E & Neuville DR

van Hullebusch Eric D. (2017) Chromium Mobility in Ultramafic Areas: An Isotopic Study
Bolanos V, Sivry Y, Garnier J, Quantin C, Tharaud M, Lens P & van Hullebusch E
(2017) Root Exudates Driven Weathering of Historical Copper Metallurgical Slags
Potysz A, Kierczak J, Grybos M & van Hullebusch ED

van Hullebush E. (2016) Availability and Release of Chromium from Barro Alto and Crominía Mining Areas (Goiás State, Brazil)
Bolanos Benitez SV, Sivry Y, Garnier J, Quantin C, Tharaud M, Lens P & van Hullebush E

Van Hulten Marco (2013) Aluminium in an Ocean General Circulation Model and Observations
van Hulten M, de Baar H, Middag R, Sterl A, Dutay J-C, Gehlen M & Tagliabue A
(2012) Contrasting Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron and Aluminium along the GEOTRACES West Atlantic Section
De Baar H, Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Middag R, Van Hulten M, Laan P, Schoemann V, De Jong J, Sterl A & Van Aken H

van Hulten Marco M.P. (2015) Manganese in an Ocean General Circulation Model
van Hulten M, Dutay J-C, Roy-Barman M, Tagliabue A, Sterl A, Middag R & de Baar H
(2015) An Improved Particle Representation in Ocean Models by Differential Particle Remineralisation Rates, and its Effect on Pa-231/Th-230
Aumont O, van Hulten M, Roy-Barman M & Dutay J-C
(2015) Dissolved Aluminium in the West-Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
Middag R, Rolison JM, Stirling CH, van Hulten MMP, Rijkenberg MJA, Gerringa LJA & de Baar HJW

van Hunen J. (2021) Numerical Insights into the Formation and Stability of Cratons
Jain C, Rozel A, Chin E & van Hunen J
(2018) Mafic Crust Recycling in Subduction Systems. Constraints from Numerical Models
Bouilhol P, Magni V, Riel N & van Hunen J
(2015) Deep Water Recylcing from Early Earth to Present-Day
Magni V, Bouilhol P & van Hunen J
(2015) Feeding Arcs: Numerical Constraints on Mantle Melt Compositions
Bouilhol P, Magni V & van Hunen J
(2013) Asian Monsoon Moisture Transport 1999-2005 and its Implications for Palaeomonsoon Reconstructions
Baker A, Sodemann H, Johnson K, Baldini J & van Hunen J
(2009) Small-Scale Sublithospheric Convection Reconciles Geochemistry and Geochronology of Intraplate Volcanoes in the W- and S-Pacific
Ballmer MD, Ito G, van Hunen J, Bianco TA & Tackley PJ
(2008) Geochemical Variations at a Ridge-Centered Hotspot Caused by Variable Melting of a Veined Mantle
Bianco T, Ito G, van Hunen J, Ballmer M & Mahoney J
(2008) Some Geochemical Consequences of the Dynamics and Melting of a Veined Mantle
Ito G, Bianco T, Mahoney JJ, van Hunen J & Ballmer M
(2007) Intraplate Volcanism due to Small-Scale Convection – A 3D-Numerical Study
Ballmer MD, van Hunen J & Tackley PJ

van Husen D. (2009) Surface Exposure Dating of Large Landslides in the European Alps: Wildalpen (Styria, Austria)
Ivy-Ochs S, Alfimov V & van Husen D

Van Huyssteen A. (2021) The Segregation of Carbonate and Silicate Melts in Kimberlitic Melt Inclusions from Monastery Mine, South Africa
Marima E, Büttner SH, Van Huyssteen A, Schmidt C, du Plessis A, Tshibalanganda M & Howarth GH

Van Impe P. (2009) In situ Conditioning and Stabilisation of Dredging and Mineral Sludge
Van Roy S, Accoe F, Dejonghe W, Daems M, Ryngaert A, Diels L, Cichocka D, Springael D, Barbetti L, Van Impe P, Van Staeyen G, Meesschaert B, Duerinckx L, Vandekeybus J, Pieters A, Ide G, Seffelaar H, Pensaert S, Geeraert M, Ramdas R, Carpels B, Heylen A, Van Goylen E, Berteloot M & Dubois M

Van Iseghem P. (2004) The Role of Geochemistry in the Research on Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in a Deep Boom Clay in Belgium
Van Iseghem P, Maes N, Van Geet M, Wang L, de Craen M, Moors H & de Cannière P
(2004) Geochemical Modelling of SON68 and SM539 Glass Dissolution and Gel Formation at Different Temperatures Using a Solid Solution Model
Jacques D, Lemmens K & Van Iseghem P

van Kaam Riann (2021) Sedimentary P and Fe Dynamics in a Eutrophic Peat Lake after Fe-Amendment
Münch M, van Kaam R, As K, Peiffer S, ter Heerdt G, Slomp CP & Behrends T

van Kaam Rianne (2023) Effectiveness of P Retention in Eutrophic Peat Lake Sediments 10 Years after Fe Amendment
Münch M, van Kaam R, As KS, Peiffer S, ter Heerdt G, Slomp CP, Voegelin A & Behrends T

van Kan Parker M. (2012) Combining Experimental and Numerical Studies of Lunar Differentiation
van Westrenen W, de Vries J, van Kan Parker M, Tronche E, Rai N, van den Berg A, Sanloup C & Jacobs M

van Keken Peter (2020) Oceanic Crust Accumulation at the CMB and its Interactions with a Primordial Reservoir
Jones T, Sime N & van Keken P
(2019) Hofmann and White (1982) Re-revisited
van Keken P, Jones R, Jones T, Tucker J, Sime N & Ballentine C
(2019) The Geodynamical Origin of Lowermost Mantle Structure
Jones T, Maguire R, Sime N, van Keken P & Ritsema J
(2019) Mantle Degassing, ‘missing’ 40Ar, and Volatile Rich Reservoirs: A Geodynamical View
Jones R, van Keken P, Tucker J & Ballentine C
(2019) Subducted Serpentinite Water, Superdeep Diamonds, and Deep Focus Earthquakes
Shirey S, Wagner L, Walter M, Pearson G & van Keken P
(2018) Origin of Geochemical Mantle Components: Role of Spreading Ridge, Subduction Zone, and Thermal Evolution of Mantle
Kimura J-I, Gill J, van Keken P, Skora S & Kawabata H
(2018) Mafic High-Pressure Rocks are Preferentially Exhumed from Warm Subduction Settings
van Keken P, Wada I, Abers G, Hacker B & Wang K
(2016) 3D Fluid Migration in Subduction Zones Caused by the Effects of Slab Geometry
Morishige M & van Keken P
(2016) Water Recycling in Subduction Zones and the Role of Rehydration in the Generation of Intermediate-Depth Seismicity and the Nature of the Cold Fore-Arc Mantle
van Keken P, Abers G, Hacker B, Nakajima J, Kita S, Spiegelman M & Wilson C
(2015) Geodynamical and Geochemical Constraints on Continental Crust Formation Since the Archean
van Keken P, Hauri E, Vervoort J, Kimura J-I & Ballentine C
(2013) Combined Halogen (Cl, Br, I) and Noble Gas Mantle Geochemistry
Ballentine C, Burgess R, Sumino H, Hilton D, Graham D, Van Keken P, Chavrit D, Ruzie L, Clay P, Joachim B, Moorsom B, Jepsom L & Broadley M
(2011) Direct Evidence for the Nature and Timing of Sub-Arc Mantle Metasomatism
Turner S, Caulfield J, Turner M, van Keken P, Maury R, Sandiford M & Proteau G
(2011) What Stays in the Slab and What Returns to the Surface? A Geochemical Mass Balance Model Perspective
Kimura J-I, Kawabata H, Hacker B, van Keken P, Gill J & Stern R
(2011) H2O and CO2 Devolatilization in Subduction Zones: Implications for the Global Water and Carbon Cycles
van Keken P, Hacker B, Syracuse E & Abers G
(2010) Generation of Mantle Heterogeneity by Ocean Crust Recycling: Geophysical and Geochemical Constraints
van Keken P, Hauri E, Brandenburg J & Ballentine C
(2009) A Multiple-System Study of the Geochemical Evolution of the Mantle with Force-Balanced Plates and Thermo-Chemical Effects
Brandenburg J, Hauri E, van Keken P & Ballentine C
(2009) Arc Basalt Simulator (ABS): A Simulation for Slab Dehydration and Fluid-Fluxed Mantle Melting for Arc Basalts
Kimura J-I, Hacker B, van Keken P, Kawabata H, Yoshida T & Stern R
(2009) Modeling the Subduction Factory: The Ins and Outs from a Thermal and Dynamical Perspective
van Keken P, Syracuse E, Hacker B, Abers G, Fischer K, Kneller E & Spiegelman M
(2007) Thermochemical Coupling in Deep Mantle Plumes: A Case Study of Turkana, N. Kenya
Furman T, van Keken P, Bryce J & Lin S-C
(2007) Seawater Recycling into the Deep Mantle – And the Source of 3He?
Ballentine C, Brandenburg J, Van Keken P & Holland G
(2007) What Comes Around Goes Around: Mantle Convection and the Meaning of Mantle Isochrons
Hauri E, Brandenburg J & Van Keken P
(2002) Helium Isotopic Evidence for Mantle Reservoirs: A Matter of Melting?
van Keken P & Ballentine C
(2002) The Mantle Zero Paradox Noble Gas Concentration
Ballentine CJ, Van Keken PE, Porcelli D & Hauri EH
(2000) Heat and Helium: A Numerical Investigation of Mantle Heterogeneity Lengthscale
van Keken P & Ballentine C

van Keken Peter E. (2023) The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Ocean Crust Recycling and the Evolution of Earth's Mantle
van Keken PE, Chauvel C & Ballentine CJ
(2021) Saving Earth's Primitive Mantle
Jones TD, van Keken PE & Sime N
(2021) Sublithospheric Diamonds and Deep Earthquakes Demonstrate an Arc-Avoiding Subduction Pathway for C-O-H-N-S Volatiles
Shirey SB, Wagner LS, Walter MJ, Pearson DG & van Keken PE

van Kemenade Z.R. (2023) Pelagic and Sedimentary Microbes Conspire to Alter Nutrient Availability and Stoichiometry in the Low-Oxygen Benguela Upwelling System
Kraal P, Ungerhofer KA, Reichart G-J, van Kemenade ZR & Rush D
(2021) Occurrence of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea over the Last 56 kyr
van Kemenade ZR, Hennekam R, van der Meer M, Hopmans EC, Villanueva L, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Rush D

Van Kessel A. (2019) Sm-Nd and Sr Isotope Systematics of Western Abitibi Scheelites and Andradite Garnets, Implications for Gold Mineralization
Bouvier A, Van Kessel A, Geiger J, Linnen RL, Georg RB, Zajacz Z & Withers AC

Van Kooten Elishevah (2014) Precise Measurement of Chromium Isotopes by MC-ICPMS
Schiller M, Van Kooten E, Holst J, Olsen M & Bizzarro M

van Kooten Elishevah (2015) Isotopic Evidence for a Primordial Molecular Cloud Signature in Metal-Rich Carbonaceous Chondrites
van Kooten E, Wielandt D, Schiller M, Nagashima K, Thomen A, Larsen K, Olsen M, Nordlund Å, Krot A & Bizzarro M

van Kooten Elishevah (2016) Linking the Formation Pathways of Organic Matter in Chondrites to their Accretion Regions
van Kooten E, Nagashima K, Kasama T, Balogh Z, Ramsey J, Frimann S, Franchi I, Wampfler S, Jørgensen J, Schiller M, Wielandt D, Krot A & Bizzarro M

van Kooten Elishevah (2019) Revisting the Apparent Elemental Complementarity between Chondrules and Matrix in Carbonaceous Chondrites
van Kooten E, Moynier F & Agranier A

van Kooten Elishevah (2023) Isotopic and Mineralogical Constraints on the Genesis of Complex Organic Matter in Dark Clasts from the Outer Solar System
van Kooten E, Franchi IA, Zhao X, Walmsley J, Tung P-Y & Bizzarro M

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