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Van Heghe L. (2013) Use of LA-ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS in a Biomedical Context
Vanhaecke F, Aramendia M, Izmer A, Resano M & Van Heghe L
(2011) On the Way to Medical Diagnosis Based on the Isotopic Analyis of Metabolically Relevant Transition Metals
Van Heghe L, Engström E, Rodushkin I, Verstraete A, Van Vlierberghe H, Cloquet C & Vanhaecke F

van Helden M. (2012) Tracing Crustal Contamination along the Java Segment of Sunda Arc, Indonesia
M. Jolis E, Troll V, Deegan F, Blythe L, Harris C, Freda C, Hilton D, Chadwick J & van Helden M

Van Helden T. (2023) Zoned Clinopyroxenes Reflect Magmatic Processes and Eruption Triggers: Constraints on the Crustal Architecture of an Off-Ridge Ocean Island (Terceira, Azores)
Shepherd K, Namur O, Van Acker T, Van Helden T, Vanhaecke F, Berndt J & Charlier B

van Helmond Niels (2018) Transfer of Iron from Continental Shelves to Anoxic Basins: A Comparison of the Black Sea and Baltic Sea
Lenstra W, Seguret M, Hermans M, Groeneveld R, van Helmond N, Witbaard R, Severmann S & Slomp C
(2018) Probing Sequential Chemical Extractions for Iron Speciation Using Magnetic Methods
Slotznick S, Swanson-Hysell N, Sperling E, Miller A, van Helmond N & Slomp C
(2018) Hypoxia in the Stockholm Archipelago over the Past 3 ka: A Natural Phenomenon or Human-Induced?
van Helmond N, Vollebregt A, Lougheed B, Peterse F, Fontorbe G, Conley D & Slomp C
(2015) Reassessing the Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Sediments from the proto-North Atlantic during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
Ruvalcaba Baroni I, van Helmond N, Tsandev I, Middelburg J & Slomp C

van Helmond Niels A.G.M. (2023) Gene-Based Modeling of Methane Oxidation in Coastal Sediments: Constraints on the Efficiency of the Microbial Methane Filter
Lenstra WK, van Helmond NAGM, Dalcin Martins P, Wallenius AJ, Jetten M & Slomp CP
(2023) Unraveling Trace Metal Co-variation Patterns in Coastal Marine Sediments: Anthropogenic, Redox, and Diagenetic Controls
Paul M, van Helmond NAGM, Slomp CP & Jilbert T
(2021) Methane Dynamics in a Seasonally Hypoxic Coastal Marine Basin
Zygadlowska OM, Lenstra WK, van Helmond NAGM, Röckmann T, Venetz J, Wallenius AJ, Dalcin Martins P, Veraart AJ, Jetten MSM & Slomp CP
(2021) Speciation Influences Copper Mobilisation from Marine Sediments by the Chalcophore Methanobactin
Rushworth D, Kumar N, Noel V, van Helmond NAGM, Slomp CP, Lehmann MF, Schenkeveld WDC & Kraemer SM
(2021) Phosphorus Dynamics in a Eutrophic Coastal System with Contrasting Bottom Water Redox Conditions
van Helmond NAGM, Carstensen J, Hermans M, Bastiaan TC, Conley DJ, Humborg C, Lenstra WK & Slomp CP
(2019) Sedimentary Markers of Ocean Plateau Volcanism during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Percival L, Tedeschi L, Creaser R, van Helmond N, Snoeck C, Debaille V, Mattielli N, Bottini C, Erba E, Goderis S, Mather T, Jenkyns H & Claeys P
(2019) Iron Dynamics in Marine Sediments: New Insights from a Comparison of Sequential Extraction Procedures
van Helmond NAGM, Ungerhofer KA, Hermans M, Lenstra WK & Slomp CP
(2019) Release of Iron and Manganese from Louisiana Continental Shelf Sediments and Impact on the Water Column
Lenstra W, van Helmond N, Zygadlowska O, van Zummeren R, Witbaard R & Slomp C
(2017) Impact of Natural Reoxygenation on the Sediment Geochemistry in a Euxinic Baltic Sea Basin
Hermans M, Lenstra W, van Helmond NAGM, Egger M, Jilbert T, Witbaard R, Gustafsson E, Gustafsson BG, Conley DJ & Slomp CP
(2017) Hypoxia in the Holocene Baltic Sea: Comparing Modern Versus Past Intervals Using Sedimentary Trace Metals
van Helmond NAGM, Jilbert T & Slomp CP
(2017) Ocean Circulation and Biogeochemistry during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Ruvalcaba Baroni I, Pohl A, van Helmond NAGM, Coe A, Cohen A, Donnadieu Y & Slomp CP

Van Helvoort P. (2005) Reactivity of Heterogeneous Riverine Sediments to Molecular Oxygen
van Helvoort P, Griffioen J & Hartog N
(2003) Sequential Factor Analysis as an Alternative Approach to Standard Factor Analysis
Van Helvoort P & Van Gaans P

van Hengstum P.J. (2013) Speleothem Reconstruction of Sea Level at Bermuda over the Last Climatic Cycles
Wainer KAI, Henderson GM, Mason AJ, Thomas AL, Rowe M, Williams B, van Hengstum PJ & Chandler R

van Herpen M.M.J.W. (2023) ISAMO (Iron Salt Atmospheric Methane Oxidation)
van Herpen MMJW, Johnson MS, van de Kraats BA, Li Q, Saiz-Lopez A, Liisberg JB, Pennacchio L & Röckmann T

van Heuven S. (2016) The Relationships of Dissolved Cadmium with Major Nutrient Phosphate along the Ocean Conveyor of the West Atlantic Ocean
Middag R, van Heuven S, de Baar H & Bruland K
(2013) Interactions of Dissolved CO2 with Cadmium Isotopes in the Southern Ocean
de Baar H, van Heuven S, Middag R, Neven I, Klunder M, van Ooijen J, Xue Z, Abouchami W, Rehkamper M & Galer S
(2011) Dissolved Fe in the Western Atlantic Ocean: Distribution, Sources, Sinks and Cycling
Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Laan P, Schoemann V, Middag R, van Heuven S, Salt L, van Aken H, de Jong J & de Baar H

van Hinsberg Vincent (2023) Supersaturated Metal Contents in Hydrothermal Fluids of the Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland: Implication for Element Transport in the Crust
van Hinsberg V, Berlo K, Saby M, Pinti DL, Gautason B & Sigurðardóttir ÁK
(2023) Field Observations, Petrography, Geochemistry, and Phase Equilibrium Modelling: The Four Pillars of Petrological Investigations of Crustal Differentiation
Kendrick J, Duguet M, van Hinsberg V & Yakymchuk C
(2022) The Solubility and Speciation of Nd in Carbonate-Bearing Hydrothermal Fluids
Nisbet H, Migdissov A, van Hinsberg V & Williams-Jones A
(2021) BIF or MIF? Using Trace Elements to Identify the Nature of Iron Formations
van Hinsberg V & Szilas K
(2021) 20Ne/36Ar in Geothermal Fluids of Theistareykir: A Possible Thermometer of Water-Rock Interactions?
Pinti DL, Haute-Labourdette M, Saby M, Poirier A, van Hinsberg V, Berlo K, Castro CM, Gautason B & Sigurðardóttir ÁK
(2021) Trace Volatile Metals and Noble Gases in Deep Sampling at Theistareykir Geothermal Field, NE Iceland: it is not Only About Volcanic Arcs
Saby M, van Hinsberg V, Pinti DL, Berlo K, Rocher O, Sigurðardóttir ÁK, Gautason B & Kevin B
(2021) Reading the Record of Magma Degassing from Gypsum Precipitates
Berlo K, van Hinsberg V, Pinti DL, Ghaleb B & Lauzeral R
(2021) The Solubility of Thorium in Carbonate-Bearing Solutions at Hydrothermal Conditions
Nisbet H, Migdissov A, Williams-Jones A, van Hinsberg V, Xu H & Roback R
(2019) The Behavior of Th in REE-Bearing Hydrothermal Fluids
Nisbet H, Migdisov A, Williams-Jones A, Xu H, van Hinsberg V & Roback R
(2019) F, REE, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Sn, Mo and W Partitioning between Titanite and Felsic Melt
Guo H & van Hinsberg V
(2019) Quantitatively Reconstructing the Trace and Metal Composition of Seawater Derived Hydrothermal Fluids from (Ultra)mafic Rocks
Crotty C & van Hinsberg V
(2019) Regional Geochemical Mapping: An Ideal Teaching Tool to Demonstrate the Imprint of the Subsurface on the Surface Environment
van Hinsberg V, Vriend S & van Dijk A
(2019) Pressure–temperature History of the >3 Ga Tartoq Greenstone Belt in SW Greenland: Evidence for an Early Style of Subduction
van Hinsberg V, Crotty C, Roozen S, Szilas K & Kisters A
(2019) Experimental Investigation of Orbicular Tourmaline in Granitic Melts
Cruz MF & van Hinsberg V
(2019) Major- and Trace-Element Analysis of Volcanic Brines by cryo-La-Libs
Berlo K, van Hinsberg V, Lauzeral R, Zwillich F & Gonzalez J
(2018) Geochemical Controls of Mobilisation, Deposition, and Fractionation of REE, U, and Th in Ore Forming Hydrothermal Systems
Migdisov A, Haylea N, van Hartesveldt N, Kalintsev A, Xu H, Boukhalfa H, Roback R, van Hinsberg V, Williams-Jones A, Gabitov R & Brugger J
(2018) The Solubility and Speciation of Thorium in Chloride-Bearing Aqueous Solutions at Elevated Temperatures
Nisbet H, Migdisov A, Xu H, Williams-Jones A, van Hinsberg V, Guo X, Boukhalfa H & Roback R
(2018) Liquid Immiscibility in the CaF2- Granite System
Yang L & van Hinsberg V
(2018) Controls on Element Exchange in Ultramafic-Hosted Plumasite-Type Corundum, South-East Greenland
Poulsen MD, Keulen N, van Hinsberg VJ, Kolb J, Frei R, Wennemann T & Thomsen TB
(2018) Reconstructing Subduction Zone Fluid Compositions from Minerals Using an Element Partitioning Approach
van Hinsberg V
(2016) Highly Depleted Peridotites within Mesoarchaean Orthogneiss at the Seqi Olivine Mine, SW Greenland – Potential Implications for the Formation of Cratonic Keels
Szilas K, van Hinsberg V, McDonald I, Morishita T & Pearson G
(2016) Trace Element Partitioning between Fluorite and Liquid
Yang L, van Hinsberg V & Samson I
(2014) Metal Transport in Vapor Fluids: Insights from ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Mei Y, Migdisov AA, Brugger J, van Hinsberg VJ, Liu W & Williams-Jones AE
(2014) CO2-fluxing Crashes Metal Mobility in Magmatic Vapour
van Hinsberg V, Berlo K & Migdisov A
(2014) The Geochemical Composition of Serpentinites in the Mesoarchaean Tartoq Group, SW Greenland: Harzburgitic Cumulate or Melt-Modified Mantle?
Szilas K, van Hinsberg V & Creaser R
(2013) The Impact of Element Speciation on Apparent Partition Coefficients
van Hinsberg V, Wood B, Williams-Jones A & Migdisov A
(2012) Beyond Henry's Law: Interpreting Element Signatures in Oxide Minerals at High Concentrations
van Hinsberg V & Wood B
(2011) Mesoarchaean Suprasubduction Zone Ophiolite in the Tartoq Group, SW Greenland
Szilas K, van Hinsberg V & Kisters A
(2011) Towards a Quantitative Record of Archaean Ocean Water Chemistry: An Element Partitioning Approach
van Hinsberg V, Szilas K & Wood B
(2010) Lattice-Strain Modeling of Fluid Compositions in Subduction Zones and the Mid-Ocean Ridges
van Hinsberg V & Williams-Jones A
(2008) Reconstructing Fluid Chemistry from Mineral-Fluid Partitioning Using the Lattice-Strain Model
van Hinsberg V & Williams-Jones A
(2003) Comparison of Soil, Sediment and Water Sampling in a Regional Geochemical Survey in the Spanish Pyrenees
Vriend S, van Hinsberg V & van der Veer G

van Hinsberg Vincent J. (2020) A Thermodynamic Solution Model for Li-Free Tourmaline
Roozen S, van Hinsberg VJ, Dachs E, Benisek A, Grevel K-D, Ryan DH & Bud'ko S
(2020) Experimentally Determined Low Temperature Fluid-Antigorite Trace Element Partitioning Data
Crotty C & van Hinsberg V

van Hinsbergen D. (2023) Tethyan Evolution of the South Armenian Block: From NE Gondwana Breakup to Collision with Eurasia
Nikogosian I, Bracco Gartner A, Mason PRD, van Hinsbergen D, Kuiper K, Kirscher U, Matveev S, Grigoryan A, Grigoryan E, Israyelyan A, van Bergen MJ, Koornneef JM, Wijbrans JR, Davies GR & Meliksetian K

van Hoek C. (2011) Innovative Low kV X-Ray Microanalysis of Submicron Particles Using PARC Algorithms
van Hoek C & van der Laan S
(2011) The Influence of CO2 on Phase Relations at Mount St. Helens
Riker J, Blundy J, van Hoek C & van der Laan S

van Hoek W.J. (2017) Estimating Carbon Dynamics in Global Aquifer Systems Using a Mechanistic Model
Langeveld J, Bouwman L, Beusen A, van Hoek WJ & Middelburg J
(2017) Towards Quantification of the Global Riverine Carbon Balance
van Hoek WJ, Bouwman L, Beusen A, Langeveld J & Middelburg J

Van Hoesen D. (2023) Characterization of Silicate Minerals in Alfalfa, Maaz Unit of Jezero Crater Floor, Mars
Yanchilina A, Morris RV, Schmidt M, Corpolongo A, Jakubek R, Van Hoesen D, Murphy A, Sharma S, Smith RJ, Steele A, Hollis J, Uckert K, Bleefeld B, Wu MK, Burton A, Lee CH, Lopez-Reyes G, Pedersen DAK, Bhartia R, Minitti ME & Sobron P

Van Holdt J. (2017) Dust Transport Pathways and Bioavailability of Dust Emissions from Southern Africa
Kangueehi K, Fietz S, Roychoudhury A, Eckardt F & Van Holdt J

Van Hoorebeke L. (2016) 3D Dynamic Imaging of Pore Scale Processes in Geomaterials
Cnudde V, Bultreys T, Derluyn H, Boone M, De Kock T, Van Stappen J, De Schrijver T, Boone M, Masschaele B & Van Hoorebeke L
(2009) Application of X-Ray Tomography for Quantification of the Soil Pore Structure and Visualization of Soil Organic Matter
Bouckaert L, Van Loo D, De Neve S, Jacobs P & Van Hoorebeke L

van Hoose A. (2011) Fluid-Enhanced Crystallization to Generate High-S Apatite of Silicic Magmas: Evidence from Pinatubo and Other Calc-Alkaline Systems
Streck MJ, van Hoose A, Broderick C & Parat F

Van Hoozen C. (2018) The Thermodynamic Stability of Monazite for Vectoring the Hydrothermal Mobility of REE in Ore Deposits
Van Hoozen C & Gysi A

van Horsten Natasha (2019) Early Winter Dissolved Fe Distributions in the Southern Indian Ocean (GEOTRACES GIpr07 Cruise)
van Horsten N, Bucciarelli E, Planquette H, González-Santana D, Mtshali T, Roychoudhury A & Sarthou G

van Horsten Natasha René (2022) Winter Copper and Nickel Distributions from the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean
Cloete R, Loock J, van Horsten NR, Samanta S, Mtshali T, Fietz S, Planquette H & Roychoudhury AN

Van Houdt R. (2019) Bacterial Genome Plasticity and its Impact on Adaptation to Metal Contamination
Van Houdt R, Vandecraen J, Leys N & Aertsen A
(2009) The Genetics of a Microbe-Mineral Interaction
Van Houdt R, Olsson-Francis K, Leys N, Mergeay M & Cockell C

Van Houghton B. (2020) Microbial Community Dynamics of a Membrane Bioreactor Treating Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater
Chakraborty R, Acharya S, Van Houghton B, Rosenblum J, Cath TY & Tringe SG

Van Hoye F. (2014) Impact of the Soil Weathering Degree on the Fate of Soil Organic Carbon, Fe and Si: Insights from Si and Fe Isotopes in Icelandic Soils
Opfergelt S, Williams H, Cornelis J-T, Van Hoye F, Guicharnaud R, Sigfusson B, Georg B, Siebert C, Gislason S, Halliday A & Burton K

van Huet S. (2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Mechanisms Concentrating Scandium in Lateritic Deposits
Chassé M, Aral H, van Huet S, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL, Gérard M & Calas G

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