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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hanfland C. (2011) 227Ac in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean: New Results from Bonus-Goodhope and UK GEOTRACES
Geibert W, Hsieh A, Hanfland C, Verdeny E, Masque P & Henderson G
(2004) Ocean Circulation and Bioproductivity in the Weddell Gyre: Geochemical Findings
Geibert W, Hanfland C, Usbeck R, Schwarz J, Webb A & Ansorge I
(2002) Decoupling of 226Ra and Si in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean
Hanfland C & Rutgers van der Loeff MM

Hanfland Michael (2012) The HP Stability of Bloedite (Na2Mg(SO4)2 4H2O: A Contribution to the Knowledge of Asteroids and Icy Satellites
Comodi P, Nazzareni S, Balic-Zunic T, Hanfland M & Zucchini A
(2011) Structural Distortion of MgSiO3 Perovskite and the Influence of Fe and Al at Pressures of the Earth's Lower Mantle
Boffa Ballaran T, Kurnosov A, Glazyrin K, Merlini M, Hanfland M & Frost DJ

Hanfland Michael (2017) Crystal Chemistry of Compounds in Fe-O System at Conditions of Earth’s Lower Mantle
Bykova E, Bykov M, Liermann H-P, Hanfland M, Prakapenka V & Dubrovinsky L

Hanfland Michael (2015) Equation of State of Skiagite-Majorite Garnet up to 100 GPa
Ismailova L, Bobrov A, Bykov M, Bykova E, Cerantola V, Kupenko I, McCammon C, Hanfland M, Dubrovinskaia N & Dubrovinsky L

Hang D.T. (2014) Transportation Process of Arsenic in Red River, Vietnam
Masuda H, Inoue R, Shintani T, Chikaoka F, Luan TX, Hang DT, Yonezawa G & Nakano T

Hang S. (2018) Spongy Textures and Melt Pockets in Mantle Xenoliths from Bailin, SE China: Records of Pre-Eruptive Alkaline and Carbonate-Rich Melt Metasomatism
Hang S & Xu X

Hang Z. (2011) Study of Evolution Model of Triassic K-Rich Brine in Sichuan Basin
You Z & Hang Z

Hangartner S. (2009) Fully Automated Isotope Analyses of Non-Exchangeable Hydrogen of Cellulose Based on Water Vapour Equilibration
Leuenberger M, Filot M & Hangartner S

Hanger B. (2014) Diffusion of Major and Minor Elements within Zoned Garnet from the Kaapvaal Craton, as Determined Using NanoSIMS and EPMA
Hanger B, Jollands M, Yaxley G & Hermann J
(2013) Oxygen Fugacity in the Kaapvaal Cratonic Lithosphere – Evidence from Fe XANES Measurements of Fe3+ in Garnet from the Kimberley Pipe
Hanger B, Yaxley G, Berry A, Kamenetsky V, Paterson D & Howard D
(2013) Xenoliths, XANES and Redox-Related Processes in the Cratonic Lithosphere
Yaxley G, Berry A, Woodland A, Hanger B & Kamenetsky V
(2012) Redox Conditions and Metasomatic Activity beneath the Wesselton Kimberlite, South Africa
Hanger B, Yaxley G, Berry A & Kamenetsky V
(2011) Quantitative Mapping of the Oxidation State of Iron in Mantle Garnet
Berry A, Yaxley G, Hanger B, Woodland A, de Jonge M, Howard D & Paterson D

Hänggi P. (2023) Exploration of Natural Hydrogen in the Lower Engadin Window, Switzerland
Hänggi P & Gaucher EC

Hanghøj K. (2008) Rhenium-Osmium and Platinum Group Elements in Oceanic Crust – Oman and DSDP/ODP 504B
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Hanghoj K & Kelemen P
(2004) Re-Os Isotope and PGE Systematics of Peridotites from the Oman Ophiolite
Hanghøj K, Hassler D & Kelemen P

Hanif M. (2019) Surface Complexation Model for Zn Adsorption on Goethite in 0.1–0.7 M NaCl Solution
Hanif M, Weiss D, Bullen J, Kirby M & Kirk G

Hanika R. (2018) Probing Early Crustal Reworking
O'Neil J, Wasilewski B, Hanika R & Paquette J-L

Hanilçi N. (2012) Geochemistry of the Bolkardagi Bauxite Province, Karaman-Turkey
Hanilci N
(2011) Mineral Chemistry and Fluid Inclusion Characteristics of the Kabadüz Ore Veins (Ordu, NE-Turkey)
Demi̇r Y, Sadiklar MB, Uysal I, Ceriani A & Hani̇lçi̇ N

Hanisco T.F. (2009) Optical Spectroscopic Techniques for in situ Measurements of Isotopic Composition of Trace Atmospheric Gases
Moyer EJ, Morong C, Sayres DS, Hanisco TF & Witinski M

Hanja J.V. (2024) Pesticide Distribution and Evolution in Prek System in Koh Thum, Kandal Province
Eang KE, Massuel S, Keo S, Doung R, Hanja JV, Yeurn S, Phat C, Baudron P & Lenczewski M

Hank Z. (2012) Interaction of Subsurface Pesticides with Some Metal-Organic Frameworks
Hank Z, Boutamine S, Boucif A & Abdessemed D

Hanke A. (2011) Lignin Decomposition in Paddy Soils as Affected by Redox Conditions
Cerli C, Liu Q, Hanke A, Kaiser K & Kalbitz K

Hanke F. (2011) Beyond the Closure Temperature Concept: When Does 40Ar/39Ar Dating Constrain Exhumation?
Kelley S, Warren C & Hanke F

Hanke U.M. (2018) Perylene Imparts an Estimate for the Age of Terrigenous Organic Matter in Sediments
Hanke UM, Eglinton TI, Galy V & Reddy CM

Hanken N. (2004) Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction by Hydrocarbons in an Evaporate-Carbonate Reservoir, Ørn Formation, Upper Palaeozoic, Barents Sea
Nielsen J, Boyce A, Elvebakk G & Hanken N

Hankey M. (2014) Worldwide Meteorite Fall Recovery Using Weather Radars
Fries M, Matson R, Schaefer J, Fries J & Hankey M

Hankin S (2006) Stable isotope tracing of water exchange along a dryland river
Cendon Sevilla DI, Gibson J, Sadek M, Stone D, Hughes C, Hankin S & Hollins S

Hankin Stuart (2019) Fertilizers Rule REYs: Agricultural Catchments of Eastern Australia
Cendón DI, Harris SJ, Kelly BFJ, Peterson M, Hankin S, Rowling B, Watson J & Xiao S

Hankins B. (2014) ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy to Measure H2O and CO2 in Silicate Glass
Lowenstern J, Sisson T, Blatter D, Mangan M & Hankins B
(2014) Experimental Investigation of Deep Crustal Origins of Evolved Arc Magmas: Mount St. Helens Yn
Blatter D, Sisson T & Hankins B

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