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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Elliott Beverly (2013) Geochemical Diversity and K-Rich Compositions found by the MSL APXS in Gale Crater, Mars
Schmidt M, King P, Gellert R, Elliott B, Thompson L, Berger J, Bridges J, Campbell JL, Ehlmann B, Hurowitz J, Leshin L, Lewis K, McLennan S, Ming D, Perrett G, Pradler I, Stolper E, Squyres S & Treiman A

Elliott C. (2008) Tracing Natural Gas Migration Using Boron and Lithium Isotopes
Williams L, Elliott C & Hervig R
(2000) Coexisting Altered Glass, Fe-Ni Oxides, and Shocked Spherules at the K-T Boundary, Stevns Klint (Denmark): Direct Evidence of Meteorite Impact
Bauluz B, Peacor D & Elliott C

Elliott H. (2017) Fenite as a Rare Earth and Niobium Exploration Indicator
Elliott H & Wall F

Elliott J. (2009) Atomistic Simulation of the Crystallisation and Growth of Calcium Carbonate Nano-Particles
Cooke D & Elliott J
(2005) Comparison of Mineral, Biological and Precipitated Carbonate Apatites
Elliott J, Wilson R & Dowker S

Elliott S.T. (2001) Remote in situ Quantitative Mineralogical Analysis Using XRD/XRF
Blake DF, Bish D, Vaniman D, Chipera S, Sarrazin P, Collins SA & Elliott ST

Elliott T (2006) Li isotopic evidence for subduction induced mantle heterogeneity
Elliott T, Jeffcoate A & Kasemann S
(2006) Core-Mantle Reactivity
Walter M & Elliott T
(2006) The metamorphic record of Lithium and Boron isotope fractionation in subduction zones
Marschall H, Elliott T & Abell R
(2006) Boron isotope determinations by direct injection MC-ICPMS
Foster GL, Elliott T & Coath CD
(2006) Accurate and precise determination of Li isotopes in Foraminiferal Carbonate
Abell R, Elliott T, Foster GL & Schmidt DN
(2006) A core-top assessment of foraminiferal isotopic and trace element proxies for the ocean carbonate system
Ni Y, Foster GL, Elliott T & Schmidt DN

Elliott T.r. (2015) Collision Cell MC-ICPMS
Elliott T, Wehrs H, Coath C, Lewis J & Schwieters J
(2015) The Tungsten Isotopic Composition of the Acasta Gneiss Complex
Willbold M, Mojzsis S, Chen H & Elliott T
(2015) Constraining Slab Recycling Under Vesusius Volcano from Combined U-Series and Non-Traditional Stable Isotope (Mo, 238U/235U) Data
Avanzinelli R, Casalini M, Elliott T & Conticelli S
(2015) Aluminium-26 Systematics of CV3 Chondrules: Evidence for a Multi-Stage Thermal History
Russell S, Claydon J, Coath C, Lai Y-J & Elliott T
(2015) Reassessment of Deep Sediment Recycling from U-Series Isotopes in Izu Arc Lavas
Freymuth H & Elliott T
(2015) Non-Traditional Isotope Tracers (238U/235U and 98Mo/95Mo) of Subduction Processes in the Central-Mediterranean Magmatism
Casalini M, Avanzinelli R, Elliott T, Tommasini S & Conticelli S
(2015) Continental Weathering and Earth System Response
Kasemann S, Pogge von Strandmann P, Prave A, Ohnemüller F, Fallick A, Elliott T & Hoffmann K-H
(2015) The Influence of Valence State on Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation
Hin RC, Burnham AD, Walter MJ & Elliott T
(2015) Cerium Isotope Systematics in the Mariana Arc-Basin System
Bellot N, Boyet M, Doucelance R, Pin C, Savov I, Plank T & Elliott T
(2015) Correlation of 48Ca-50Ti-54Cr Isotopic Anomalies Among Meteoritic Materials
Chen H-W, Elliott T & Lee T
(2015) The B and Li Isotopic Compositions of MORB and the Depleted Mantle
Marschall H, Wanless D, Shimizu N, Pogge von Strandmann P & Elliott T
(2015) Isotopic Fingerprinting of U Recycling
Andersen M & Elliott T
(2015) Mass-Dependent Mo Isotope Variations in Oceanic Basalts – A New Tracer for Mantle Recycling Processes
Willbold M, Freymuth H, Hibbert K, Lai Y-J, Hin R & Elliott T
(2014) The Implications of a Non-Chondritic Terrestrial Mg Isotope Composition
Elliott T, Lai Y-J, Walker A, Coath C, Pogge von Strandmann P, Willbold M, Chen H, Hin R, Bonsor A & Leinhardt Z
(2014) Comparison of Ce Isotopes in Two Oceanic Arc Systems: Lesser Antilles and Mariana
Bellot N, Boyet M, Doucelance R, Chauvel C, Plank T & Elliott T
(2014) Advantages of Combined High Precision MC-ICPMS and High Spatial Resolution Techniques in Earth Sciences
Kasemann S, Jones R, Schmidt D, Elliott T & Kirstein L
(2014) Veritas in Vanadium? Stable Isotope Signatures from the Marianas, MORB and Magnetite
Prytulak J, Sossi P, O'Neill H, Plank T, Elliott T, Nielsen S & Halliday A
(2013) Calcium and Magnesium Isotopes Reveal Earth System Response in the Aftermath of a Cryogenian Glaciation
Kasemann S, Pogge von Strandmann P, Prave A, Fallick A, Elliott T & Hoffmann K-H
(2013) Mass-Related U Isotope Fractionation during Alteration of Oceanic Crust and Release of U in Subduction Zones – Implications for Deep Recycling of Oceanic Crust
Freymuth H, Andersen M & Elliott T
(2013) Searching for Evidence for Mo Isotope Fractionation in the Mantle
Hibbert K, Willbold M, Andersen M & Elliott T
(2013) Boron Cycling in the Central Andean Subduction Zone: Evidence for Recycled Components
Jones R, Kirstein L, Hinton R, Kasemann S, Elliott T & Litvak V
(2013) New Experimental Constraints on Slab Top Conditions
Skora S, Martindale M, Carter L, Blundy J, Elliott T & Pickles J
(2013) Linking Mantle Melting and Eruption Rates at Stromboli Volcano: A U-Series Perspective
Avanzinelli R, Bragagni A, Francalanci L, Freymuth H & Elliott T
(2013) Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Ocean Carbonate Chemistry Constrained by Boron Isotopes, Trace Elements, and Modelling
Rae J, Adkins J, Foreman A, Charles C, Ridgwell A, Foster G, Schmidt D & Elliott T
(2013) High-Precision Mg-Isotope Measurements of Peridotites and Bulk Chondrites
Lai Y-J, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Elliott T, Russell S & Brooker R
(2013) The ε182W Isotope Composition of the ca. 3920 Ma Acasta Gneiss Complex
Willbold M, Mojzsis S & Elliott T
(2013) The Global U Isotopic Cycle
Elliott T, Andersen M & Freymuth H
(2013) 238U-230Th and 235U-231Pa Disequilibria from the Island of Fogo, Cape Verde
Adena K, Elliott T & Ramalho R
(2012) Mo and Ni Isotope Systematics in Petroleum Fluids Across Subsurface Alteration Gradients
Archer C, Elliott T, Van Den Boorn S & Van Bergen P
(2012) Subduction Erosion, Magmatism and Continental Crust Formation in the Southern Central Andes
Jones R, Kirstein L, Hinton R, Kasemann S, Dhuime B & Elliott T
(2012) Boron Isotope Constraints on Deglacial Deepwater Formation and CO2 Release from the North Pacific
Rae J, Ridgwell A, Foster G, Sarnthein M, Grootes P & Elliott T
(2012) The Influence of Recycling on Mantle 238U/235U?
Andersen M & Elliott T
(2012) Mass-Dependent Molybdenum Isotope Variations in Ocean Island Basalts
Willbold M, Elliott T & Archer C
(2011) Nickel Isotope Anomalies: Neutron-Rich or Neutron-Poor?
Steele R, Elliott T, Coath C & Regelous M
(2011) Fractionation of Li and Mg Isotopes in Mantle Derived Materials- Promise, Perils and Progress
Elliott T, Pogge von Strandmann P, Lai YJ, Kasemann S, Ionov D, Takazawa E, Marschall H, Gallagher K & Dohmen R
(2011) Polar Twins? Deglacial Carbon and Circulation Records from the Deep North Pacific and Southern Oceans
Rae J, Foster G, Gutjahr M, Sarnthein M, Skinner L, Schmidt D & Elliott T
(2011) Trace Metal and Mo Isotope Systematics in Petroleum Fluids
Archer C, Elliott T, Van den Boorn S, Avanzinalli R & Van Bergen P
(2011) The W Isotopic Composition of the Hadean Mantle: Evidence for the Late Heavy Bombardment
Willbold M, Elliott T & Moorbath S
(2011) Molybdenum Isotopes in the Altered Oceanic Crust, a Novel Proxy for Recycling?
Vils F, Elliott T, Willbold M, Harris M, Smith-Duque C, Coggon R & Teagle D
(2011) Secondary Crustal Effects on MORB Composition at the Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins L, Sims K, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Dunbar N, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Mertz D, Schilling J-G & Murrell M
(2011) Molybdenum Isotopes as a Novel Tracer for Subduction Components in the Mariana Arc
Freymuth H, Elliott T & Willbold M
(2011) Tracing Crustal Recycling in the Mantle Sources of the Cape Verde and Azores Plumes Using Stable Mo Isotope Measurements
Lai Y-J, Elliott T & Willbold M
(2011) Se Isotope Evidence for Atmospheric Oxidation at ~0.6 Ga
Pogge von Strandmann P, Elliott T, Catling D & Poulton S
(2010) Effects of Seawater Alteration on the 234U/238U-Ratios of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Vils F, Elliott T, Avanzinelli R, Smith-Duque CE, Alt JC & Teagle D
(2009) (234U/238U) and (230Th/238U) Disequilibria in Fresh and Altered Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Elkins LJ, Sims KWW, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Blichert-Toft J, Blusztajn J, Devey C, Mertz D, Kelemen P, Murrell M & Schilling J-G
(2009) Measurement of Mass-Independent ε64Ni Isotopic Anomalies in Meteorites
Steele R, Elliott T, Coath C & Regelous M
(2009) Enstatite Chondrite and Related Earth Models
Wade J, Wood B, Elliott T & Walter M
(2009) Mg Isotope Heterogeneity in the Mantle
Pogge von Strandmann P, Elliott T, Marschall H, Ionov D & Niu Y
(2009) Slab Components in the Mariana Arc: Light, Heavy and Novel
Elliott T, Avanzinelli R, Prytulak J, Willbold M & Bouman C
(2009) An Atomistic Perspective of the Incorporation of Noble Gases and Other Trace Elements into Magmatic Crystals
Pinilla C, Davis S, Elliott T, Allan N & Blundy J
(2009) ε182W in Ocean Island Basalts and the Role of Core-Mantle Interaction
Willbold M, Elliott T & Archer C
(2009) Benthic Boron Isotopes and Glacial CO2
Rae J, Foster G, Schmidt D & Elliott T
(2008) Boron Isotope Measurements of Marine Carbonate Using MC-ICPMS
Foster GL, Rae J & Elliott T
(2008) Li and Mg Isotopes in the Mantle: Heterogeneity or Diffusion?
Pogge von Strandmann P, Elliott T, Ionov D & Niu Y
(2008) Mantle Melting beneath Island Arcs: U-Series Constraints from Marianas
Avanzinelli R, Elliott T & Prytulak J
(2008) Origin of Ti Isotope Heterogeneity in the Protoplanetary Disk
Trinquier A, Bizzarro M, Ulfbeck D, Elliott T, Coath C, Mendybaev R, Richter F & Krot A
(2008) Doubly-Distilling Eclogite in Ocean Island Basalt Sources
Prytulak J & Elliott T
(2007) Quaternary Records of Ocean pH
Foster G, Schmidt D & Elliott T
(2007) Nickel Isotope Anomalies in Iron and Chondritic Meteorites
Regelous M, Elliott T & Coath C
(2007) Diffusively Driven Li Isotope Fractionation
Elliott T, Pogge van Strandmann P, Gallagher K, Kasemann S & Sims K
(2007) Metasomatism and Melting in Subduction-Related Volcanics: U-Th-Pa Constraints from Vesuvius
Avanzinelli R, Prytulak J, Elliott T, Mattei M & Conticelli S
(2007) TiO2 in OIB and the Preservation of Extreme Isotopic Signatures
Prytulak J & Elliott T
(2007) The Accuracy of δ11B Measurements of Foraminifera
Ni Y, Foster G & Elliott T
(2007) Li Isotopes and Li/Ca Measured in Foraminifera via SIMS and MC-ICP-MS
Abell R, Elliott T, Foster G, Kasemann S & Schmidt D
(2007) Heavy Lithium in Subducted Slabs
Marschall H, Pogge von Strandmann P, Seitz H-M & Elliott T
(2005) Fe Isotope Composition in Neoproterozic Dolomite Rocks and Banded Iron Formations
Leighton E, Prave AR, Hawkesworth CJ & Elliott TR
(2004) High-Spatial Resolution Lithium Isotope Variation in Mantle Minerals
Kasemann S, Jeffcoate A & Elliott T
(2004) Iron Isotope Fractionation by Chemotrophic Iron-Oxidisers
Leighton E, Elliott T, Hawkesworth C, Parkes J & Coath C
(2004) W Isotope Chronology of Asteroidal Core Formation
Scherstén A, Elliott T, Russell S & Hawkesworth C
(2004) Lithium Isotopic Composition of Altered Oceanic Crust at ODP Site 1256, Leg 206
Cooper K, Elliott T & Teagle D
(2004) Li Isotope Signatures of Ocean Island Basalts
Jeffcoate A & Elliott T
(2004) U-Th-Pa Disequilibria Constraints on the Subduction Processes beneath the South Sandwich Island Arc System
Heumann A, Elliott T, Regelous M, Kirstein L & Leat P
(2002) Determination of Lithium Isotope Compositions by MC-ICPMS (Thermo Finnigan MAT Neptune)
Bouman C, Vroon PZ, Elliott TR, Schwieters JB & Hamester M
(2002) Petrology of Parental Melts of Sao Miguel and Pico, Azores Islands: Magmatic Inclusions Study
Nikogosian I & Elliott T
(2002) 238U and 230Th Excesses in Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Sims K, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Kelemen P, DePaolo D & Mertz D
(2002) Li Isotopes Fractionation in the Mantle
Jeffcoate AB, Elliott T & Ionov DA
(2002) Testing the Internally Consistent Age Information of U-Series Disequilibria in Rhyolites: Inyo Domes, CA
Heumann A, Elliott T & Davies G
(2002) Fingerprinting Early Continental Evolution Using Ca Isotopes
Kreissig K & Elliott T
(2002) Li Isotope Variations in the Upper Mantle
Elliott T, Thomas A, Jeffcoate A & Niu Y
(2000) U-Th Disequilibrium from Picrites to Tholeiites in the Iceland Rift
Elliott T & Koetsier G
(2000) Sao Miguel, Revisited: New Perspectives on the Mantle Source and Melting Processes beneath the Azores
Heumann A, Blichert-Toft J, Koetsier G & Elliott T
(2000) Evolution of Parental Magmas beneath a Thick Lithosphere, La Palma, Canary Islands: Study of Melt, Fluid and Crystal Inclusions
Nikogosian I, Elliott T & Touret JL
(2000) Li Isotope Evolution of the Mantle from Analyses of Mantle Xenoliths
Bouman C, Elliott TR, Vroon PZ & Pearson DG

Elliott Tim (2023) ‘Gold Standard Data’; Using Collision Cell Approaches to Improve the Fidelity of Detection for Particle Transient Signals in (MC)-ICPMS/MS
Lewis J, Duffin AM, Mannino MA, Wood LS, Carman AJ, Eiden GC, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2023) The Influence of Crustal Recycling on the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle
Hin RC, Hibbert KEH, Chen S, Willbold M, Andersen MB, Kiseeva K, Wood BJ, Niu Y, Sims KW & Elliott T
(2023) Origin of Enriched Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: A Perspective from Uranium and Molybdenum Isotope Ratios
Rodney JB, Andersen MB, Murton B & Elliott T
(2023) Presolar Sources of Bulk Chondrite Variability in Titanium Isotopes: Evidence from in situ Measurements
Shaw KMM, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2023) Fe-Mg Inter-Diffusion Drives the Isotope Fractionation in Basalt
Liu X, Hin RC, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2023) Ni Stable Isotope Fractionation during Core Crystallization
Zhu K, Ni P, Chabot NL & Elliott T
(2022) Erg Chech 002 Crystallized at 4566.6 ±0.6 Ma Dated by 53Mn-53Cr Chronometry
Zhu K, Becker H, Li S-J, Liu X-N & Elliott T
(2022) The Volatile Content of Heterogeneous Intraplate Mantle Source Reservoirs: Insights from a Global Dataset of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusion Compositions
Walowski K, Kirstein L, De Hoog C-J & Elliott T
(2022) Probing the Lower Mantle with High-Precision Si and Mg Isotope Data
Liu X, Hin RC, Klaver M, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2022) Potassium Isotopic Compositions of Mariana Arc Lavas and Implications for K Recycling
Rodney J, Patel R, Tacail T, Lewis J, Andersen MB & Elliott T
(2022) Evolution of in situ Rb/Sr by LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS: From Proteus to Neoma MS/MS
Craig G, Bevan D, Roberts J, Bouman C, Lloyd N, Wehrs H, Elliott T & Schwieters J
(2022) Behavior of Stable Tungsten Isotopes on the Earth’s Surface
Yang R, Li T, Stubbs D, Chen T, Liu S, Kemp DB, Li W, Yang S, Chen J, Elliott T, Dellwig O, Chen J & Li G
(2022) The K Isotope Composition of Göttingen Minipig Brain Regions and Implication for Alzheimer’s Disease
Mahan B, Tacail T, Lewis J, Elliott T, Turner S, Chung R & Moynier F
(2022) Stable Tungsten Isotopic Composition of Seawater over the Past 80 Million Years
Li G, Yang R, Stubbs D, Elliott T, Li T, Chen T, Paytan A, Kemp DB, Ling H-F, Chen J, Hein JR & Coath CD
(2021) Going in the Udder Direction: Trophic Spacing, Mobility and Weaning Assessed Through Stable Ca and Sr Isotopes in Cattle
Lewis J, Luu T-H, Bevan D, Kendall IP, Lee MRF, Evershed RP & Elliott T
(2021) Potassium Isotope Homeostasis in Vertebrates: A Feeding Experiment
Tacail T, Lewis J, Tütken T, Coath CD, Lloyd N, Clauss M & Elliott T
(2021) High Resolution Sulfur Isotopes from Ice Cores: New Techniques and Improved Estimates of the Volcanic Forcing of Climate
Burke A, Innes HM, Sigl M, McConnell J, Steele R, Rae JWB, Coath CD, Lewis J & Elliott T
(2021) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Mantle Partial Melting
Liu X, Hin R, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2021) Benchmarking Analysis of δ11B in Low B Mid Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB) Volcanic Glasses
Paul AN, Stewart J, Agostini S, Kirstein L, De Hoog J, Savov I, Walowski K, Rae JWB & Elliott T
(2021)238U Variation in Ancient Altered Mafic Oceanic Crust
Rodney J, Stubbs D, Lissenberg J, Gianola O, Andersen MB & Elliott T
(2021) Constraining the Tectonic Setting of Continental Crust Formation from Coupled in situ Rb-Sr Dating and Pb Isotopic Analysis of Detrital, Single K-Feldspar Grains
Bevan D, Coath CD, Lewis J, Stubbs D, Rodney J, Schwieters J, Lloyd N, Craig G & Elliott T
(2021) Project Vienna – Prospects for a Novel Pre-Cell Mass Filter for MC-ICP-MS/MS Using the Example of Mass-Shifted Titanium
Pfeifer M, Craig G, Wehrs H, Elliott T & Schwieters J
(2021) The Proteus Perspective: New Capabilities of Mass-Filter, Collision Cell, Multi-Collector Inductively- Coupled Mass-Spectrometry (CC-Mc-ICPMS/MS)
Elliott T, Bevan D, Coath CD, Lewis J, Shaw KMM, Luu T-H, Craig G, Lloyd N, Pfeifer M, Wehrs H & Schwieters J
(2020) Tungsten Isotope Constraints on the Cenozoic Sulfur Cycle
Yang R, Elliott T, Chen T, Paytan A, Kemp DB, Li T, Ling H, Chen J, Hein JR, Coath C, Stubbs D & Li G
(2020) Coupled Trace Element and Sr-Nd-(Pb) Isotopes in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Mariana Arc
Koornneef J, Nikogosian I, Luciani N, Bracco Gartner A, Elliott T & Davies G
(2020) Excess 182W Preserved in Archean Crust from the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Stubbs D, Kemp A & Elliott T
(2020) Detrital K-Feldspar Geochronology by Collision Cell MC-ICPMS/MS
Bevan D, Coath C, Lewis J, Schwieters J, Lloyd N, Craig G & Elliott T
(2020) In situ Titanium Isotope Measurements and the Search for the Source of Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Bulk Chondrites
Shaw KMM, Pfeifer M, Coath CD, Parkinson IJ & Elliott T
(2020) Thank F for Ca: Novel Methods for Measuring Ca Isotopes in Biomedical Samples with Collision Cell MC-ICPMS
Lewis J, Coath CD, Heuser A, Eisenhauer A, Schwieters JB & Elliott T
(2020) Timing the Oxygenation of the Deep Oceans Using δ238U
Rodney J, Stubbs D, Lissenberg J, Andersen M & Elliott T
(2020) Potassium Stable Isotope Homeostasis in Vertebrates
Tacail T, Lewis J, Tütken T, Coath CD, Lloyd N, Clauss M & Elliott T
(2019) High Precision Ca Isotope Measurements by Collision Cell MC-ICPMS
Luu T-H, Lewis J, Coath C & Elliott T
(2019) Tungsten in Mariana Arc Basalts: Evidence for Mobility and Isotopic Fractionation during Subduction
Stubbs D, Coath C & Elliott T
(2019) Measuring Geological and Biological Potassium Stable Isotope Ratios with Proteus Collision Cell MC-ICP-MS
Tacail T, Lewis J, Coath CD, Lloyd NS, Schwieters J & Elliott T
(2019) A Core Formation Ni Isotope Signature in Earth’s Mantle
Klaver M, Ionov D, Takazawa E & Elliott T
(2019) Tracing Subduction Zone Fluids in Izu Arc Lavas Using Molybdenum Isotopes
Villalobos-Orchard J, Freymuth H, O'Driscoll B, Elliott T, Williams H, Casalini M & Willbold M
(2019) In situ Rb-Sr Dating Using Collision Cell MC-ICP-MS
Bevan D, Coath C, Lewis J, Schwieters J, Lloyd N, Craig G & Elliott T
(2019) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics of Exhumed Oceanic Crust as a Probe of Slab Dehydration
Chen S, Hin R, John T, Brooker R, Bryan B, Niu Y & Elliott T
(2019) What do Boron Isotopes Tell us About Mantle Heterogeneity?
Walowski K, Linda K, de Hoog CJ, Elliott T, Savov I & Jones R
(2019) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation in Arc Lavas Caused by Magmatic Differentiation
Liu X, Hin R, Elliott T, van Soest M & Coath C
(2019) The Effect of Valence and Coordination on Mo Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate
Hin RC, Burnham AD, Gianolio D, Walter MJ & Elliott T
(2019) The Pb Cycle in 3D Numerical Geodynamic Models
Panton J, Davies JH, Elliott T, Anderson M & Price M
(2019) In situ Titanium Isotope Measurements in Meteorites Using the Collision Cell MC-ICPMS, Proteus
Pfeifer M, Lewis J, Coath CD, Schwieters J & Elliott T
(2019) Ca Isotope Systematics of the Moon
Lewis J, Klaver M, Luu T-H, Hin R, Anand M, Schwieters J & Elliott T
(2018) Refining B Separation Protocols for Silicate Rock Samples and Probing Mantle Composition Using B Isotopes
Paul AN, Kirstein L, Savov I, de Hoog C-J & Elliott T
(2018) Magnesium Isotope Evidence that Accretional Vapour Loss Shapes Planetary Compositions
Hin RC, Coath CD, Carter PJ, Nimmo F, Lai Y-J, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Willbold M, Leinhardt ZM, Walter MJ & Elliott T
(2018) Detrital Chromite from Jack Hills: Clarifying the Zircon Record
Staddon L, Parkinson I, Horstwood M & Elliott T
(2018) The Right Tool for the I-129 Job: can Triple Quad ICPMS or Collision Cell MC-ICPMS (Proteus) Address Limitations of AMS and TIMS?
Arnquist I, Eiden G, Lewis J, Coath C, Wehrs H, Schwieters J & Elliott T
(2016) Probing Heterogeneity in the Mantle with Boron Isotopes in OIB
Kirstein L, Walowski K, de Hoog C-J, Elliott T & Savov I
(2016) A Double-Spike Tracer Method for Isotopic Analysis of Three-Isotope Systems by MC-ICPMS
Coath C, Hin R & Elliott T
(2016) A Unique Instrumental Approach for Enhanced Specificity in MC-Ic-Pms
Schwieters J, Elliott T, Coath C, Lewis J, Wehrs H & Lloyd NS
(2016) In situ Isotopic Analyses Using a New Generation Collision Cell Mass Spectrometry
Chen H-W, Lewis J, Coath C, Schwieters J, Tomkinson T & Elliott T
(2016) Mo Isotope Evidence for Melting of Subducted Sediments beneath the Lesser Antilles Arc
Freymuth H, Van Soest M, Skora S & Elliott T
(2016) Tracing the “Slab Component” in Arc Lavas Using Ce/Mo
Skora S, Freymuth H, Blundy J, Elliott T & Guillong M

Elliott Timothy (2017) Uranium Isotope Fractionation during Slab Dehydration beneath the Izu Arc
Freymuth H, Andersen M & Elliott T
(2017) Tracing Subduction Components with Molybdenum Isotopes: The Case of Roman Magmatic Province Magmas
Casalini M, Avanzinelli R, Elliott T & Conticelli S
(2017) Timing of the Bulk Chemical Fractionation of Planetary Bodies
Luu T-H, Hin RC, Coath CD & Elliott T
(2017) The U-Series Evolution of Stromboli Volcano in the Last Century
Bragagni A, Avanzinelli R, Francalanci L & Elliott T
(2017) New Perspectives on the Cenozoic ∂7Li Record
Henehan M, Abell R, Tsong R, Kalderon-Asael B, Planavsky N, Burke J, Elder L, Foster G, Davis C, Maas A, Elliott T, Schmidt D & Hull P
(2017) Isotopic Perspectives on Uranium Uptake in Altered Oceanic Crust: Lessons from ODP Hole 1256D
Andersen M, Elliott T, Freymuth H, Teagle D & Cooper K
(2017) Tales of Chasing Tails: Pushing the Limits of Abundance Sensitivty Using the Collision Cell MC-ICPMS, Proteus
Lewis J, Coath C, Wehrs H, Schwieters J & Elliott T
(2017) Tracking Volatiles in OIB Mantle Reservoirs with B Isotopes in Melt Inclusions
Walowski K, Kirstein L, de Hoog JC, Elliott T & Savov I
(2017) Crustal Evolution in the Yilgarn Craton: Detrital Chromite from Jack Hills
Staddon L, Parkinson I, Horstwood M & Elliott T
(2017) Pushing the Analytical Limits of Si Isotope Analysis Using a Novel Double Spike Approach
Klaver M, Coath C, Hendry K & Elliott T

Elliott W.C. (2020) Tracing Diagenetic Smectite-To-Illite Transition Using Stable K Isotopes
Zheng X-Y, Beard B, Elliott WC & Johnson C
(2018) Sorption of 137Cs onto a Muscovite-Rich Test Material from the Georgia Kaolins
Moses DS, Elliott WC, Wanpler JM, Powell BA & Avant DA
(2017) Sorption of Cs-137 by Muscovite Separated from Kaolin Ore
Elliott WC, Moses D, Wampler JM, Powell BA & Avant DM
(2012) Kinetics of Rb Isotope Equilibration in Savannah River Site Soils
Elliott WC, Krogstad E, Wampler JM, Kahn B, Kaplan D & Zaunbrecher L
(2010) Effects of Diagenesis on Paleoclimate Reconstructions from Modern and Young Fossil Corals
Sayani H, Cobb K, Cohen A, Elliott WC, Nurhati I, Rose K & Zaunbrecher L
(2010) Distribution of K, Rb, and Cs within Savannah River Site Soils Inferred from Acid-Leaching, K-Ar, and Isotope-Exchange Studies
Wampler JM, Krogstad E, Naumann T, Zaunbrecher LK & Elliott WC
(2009) A Comparison of Cs/K Mass Ratios in Select Micas, Soils and Kaolins from the Southern Appalachian Piedmont and Coastal Plain
Elliott WC, Krogstad E & Wampler JM

Elliott Jr. W. (2013) Chemostratigraphy of Pennsylvanian Core Shale Cyclothems, Illinois Basin, Southern Indiana
Smith C, Broach C, Chok H, Elliott Jr. W & Gilhooly Iii W

Ellis Aja (2021) Multi-Instrumental Characterization of Atmospheric Nanoparticles Entrapped in Ancient Glacier Ice
Gabrielli P, John O, Bradley C, Lomax-Vogt M, Colijn H, Ellis A, Sheets J, Welch S, Sullivan R, Monroe L & Bland G
(2021) Determining Mineralogy, Size, and Number Concentration of Individual Aeolian Nano- and Micro- Dust Particles Measured by Single particle-ICPMS in East Antarctic Ice during the Last Climatic Cycle
Lomax-Vogt MC, John O, Bradley C, Ellis A, Sheets J, Welch S, Bland G, Monroe L, Sullivan R & Gabrielli P

Ellis Andre S. (2014) Cr, Se, and U Isotopic Fractionation Induced by Oxidation: A Synthesis
Johnson T, Wang X, Ellis A & Lundstrom C
(2012) Cr Isotopes in a Ferruginous Lake
Crowe S, Basu A, Doessing L, Ellis A, Fowle D, Mucci A, Johnson T & Canfield D
(2005) Cr Isotopes as Indicators of Cr(VI) Reduction and Contaminant Sources
Johnson T, Bullen T, Ellis A, Sikora E & Kitchen J
(2002) Cr Stable Isotopes: Measurement, Systematics and Applications
Johnson TM, Ellis AS & Bullen TD

Ellis Ben (2020) Tracking Volatile Degassing of an Explosive, Rhyolitic Eruption Using Lithium Isotopes
Neukampf J, Ellis B, Bouvier A-S, Tollan P, Laurent O, Ulmer P, Magna T & Bachmann O
(2019) Ba and Eu in the Late-Erupted Parts of Zoned Felsic Tuffs Provide a Smoking gun for Cumulate Melting
Wolff J, Forni F & Ellis B
(2019) Timescales of Degassing in Rhyolitic Magmas Tracked by Li in Plagioclase
Neukampf J, Ellis B, Laurent O, Steinmann L, Dohmen R, Ubide T, Oeser M, Magna T, Weyer S & Bachmann O
(2019) The Role of Magma Recharge in the Evolution of Alkaline Felsic Suites: The Fataga Group, Gran Canaria
Cortes-Calderon EA, Ellis B, Neukampf J, Wolff J & Bachmann O
(2018) The Dark Side of Zircon: Textural and Chemical Evidence for Volatile Saturation in Subvolcanic Yellowstone Magma Reservoir
Troch J, Ellis B, Schmitt A, Bouvier A-S & Bachmann O
(2018) Modeling the Crystallization and Emplacement Conditions of a Basaltic Trachyandesitic Sill at Mt. Etna Volcano
Nazzari M, Di Stefano F, Mollo S, Scarlato P, Tecchiato V, Ellis B, Bachmann O & Ferlito C
(2018) Li Isotopic Variations between Magmatic Minerals and Indications of Degassing of a Rhyolitic Magma (Mesa Falls Tuff, Yellowstone)
Neukampf J, Ellis B, Magna T, Laurent O & Bachmann O
(2013) Mineral and Melt Inclusion Geochemistry of the Nea Kameni Dacites, Santorini, Greece
Rowe M, Ellis B & Kyriakopoulos K

Ellis Ben S (2022) Lithium and Copper Partitioning and Mobility Recorded by Plagioclase at Augustine Volcano, AK, USA
Iveson AA, Rowe M, Neukampf J, Ellis BS, Webster J, Humphreys MCS, Mangler MF & Neill OK
(2022) Processes Influencing the Behaviour of Li Concentrations and Isotopic Composition in Magmatic System
Neukampf J, Ellis BS, Laurent O, Magna T & Bachmann O
(2022) Magma-Mush Dynamics Control Paroxysmal Eruptions at Basaltic Volcanoes: The Summer 2019 Eruptions at Stromboli Volcano (Italy)
Petrone CM, Mollo S, Gertisser R, Buret Y, Scarlato P, Del Bello E, Andronico D, Ellis BS, Pontesilli A, De Astis G, Giacomoni PP & Coltorti M
(2021) Immiscible Melts Associated with Recycled Ocean Crust at Fogo, Cape Verde
Rydeblad EM, Barker AK, Barling J, Ellis BS, Duan H, Troll VR, Pérez Torrado FJ, Carracedo JC & Holm PM
(2021) Differential Record of Pre- and Syn-Eruptive Degassing of a Large Rhyolitic System Recorded by Li, H, and δ7Li Diffusion between Quartz, Melt Inclusions and Groundmass Glasses
Neukampf J, Laurent O, Tollan PM, Bouvier A-S, Magna T, Ulmer P, France L, Ellis BS, Guillong M & Bachmann O
(2021) Assessing the Potential of Magmatic Brines as Lithium-Snatchers in Evolved Shallow Magma Reservoirs
Cortes-Calderon EA, Ulmer P & Ellis BS
(2021) Biotites as Recorders of the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition
Ellis BS, Neukampf J, Magna T, Harris C, Laurent O, Ulmer P & Bachmann O

Ellis Ben S. (2018) A Super-Volcanic Magma Reservoir at High Temporal Resolution
Szymanowski D, Ellis BS, Wotzlaw J-F & Bachmann O
(2016) Constraining Magma Residence Timescales by Coupling ID–TIMS U–Pb Dating of Zircon and Titanite
Szymanowski D, Ellis BS, Wotzlaw JF, Bachmann O & von Quadt A
(2016) Tracing Hydrothermal Alteration Through Yellowstone Drillcores: Implications for Magmatic Models
Troch J, Ellis BS, Harris C & Bachmann O
(2016) Biotite Trace Element Fingerprints (V-Co-nb) Identify Magma Batches and Correlate Volcano Sequences at Las Cañadas Volcano, Tenerife
Sliwinski J, Ellis B, Dávila-Harris P, Wolff J, Olin P & Bachmann O
(2015) Cumulate Melting as the Origin for Chemical Gradients in Crystal-Poor Bodies of Silicic Magma
Wolff J, Ellis B, Ramos F, Starkel W, Boroughs S, Olin P & Bachmann O
(2015) Erupted Cumulate Fragments in Rhyolites from Lipari (Aeolian Islands)
Forni F, Ellis BS, Bachmann O, Lucchi F & Tranne CA
(2015) Li in Rhyolites: What’s up with that?
Ellis B, Bachmann O, Magna T & Szymanowski D
(2015) Mineral-Scale Magma Generation: Insights from Rhyolite Lavas Prior to Last Yellowstone Supereruption
Troch J, Ellis B, Mark D, Bindeman I, Kent A & Bachmann O
(2014) Textural and Geochemical Evidence for Remobilized Cumulates on Tenerife, Canary Islands
Sliwinski J, Bachmann O & Ellis B
(2011) Widespread Synchronous Volcanism on the Snake River Plain
Ellis B, Wolff J, Mark D & Bindeman I
(2011) Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Experimental Glasses by SIMS: A Calibration Attempt
Pedroza K, Jolis E, Troll V, Freda C, Harris C, Deegan FM, Whitehouse M, Bindeman I, Annersten H & Ellis B
(2011) Magma Physical Properties Affect Isotope Variations in Volcanic Rocks: The Example of High-T Rhyolites
Wolff J, Ellis B & Ramos F

Ellis Brian (2022) Mineral Precipation-Induced Alteration of Fracture Permeability
Ellis B & Menefee A
(2017) Characterization of Reaction Fronts Associated with Mineral Carbonation of Fractured Basalts
Menefee A, Giammar D, Crandall D & Ellis B

Ellis Brian R. (2016) Impact of Carbonate Dissolution on Arsenic Release during Shale Gas Extraction
Fan W, Hayes KF & Ellis BR
(2016) CO2 Storage in Fractured Basalt: Coupling Experimental Analyses with Reactive Transport Modeling
Menefee AH, Li P, Giammar DE & Ellis BR
(2016) Reaction Products and Evolution of Permeability during Carbon Sequestration in Fractures of Unaltered and Serpentinized Basalt
Adeoye J, Menefee A, Xiong W, Wells R, Skemer P, Giammar D & Ellis B
(2011) Geochemical Alteration of Fracture Geometry during Leakage of CO2
Ellis BR, Peters CA, Fitts JP, Bromhal GS, McIntyre DL & Warzinski RP
(2007) Consideration of Formation Buffering Potential and Reactive Mineral Availability Pertaining to Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide
Ellis B, Bowman K, Peters C & Buschkuehle M

Ellis D. (2014) Changes in Clay and Iron Hydroxides Compositions When Terrigenous Sediments Enter a Marine Environment – An Experimental Study
Beavis F & Ellis D
(2014) Fluxes and Transformations of Treated Sewage Effluent Recharging a Coastal Aquifer
Beavis S, Ellis D & Mikkelson N
(2014) Using Multi-Element Comparisons to Discriminate between Natural and Anthropogenic Additions to Estuarine Sediments
Beavis F, Ellis D & Christy A
(2010) Zr-in-Rutile Thermometry in HP/UHP Eclogites from Western China
Zhang G, Ellis D, Christy A, Zhang L & Song S
(2006) Prograde sulfide metamorphism and sulfide-silicate phase relations in blueschist and eclogite, New Caledonia
Brown J, Ellis D, Arculus R & Christy A
(2006) A history of heavy metal pollution recorded in the shell of Mytilus edulis
Tynan S, Opdyke B, Ellis D & Beavis S

Ellis G S (2014) Clumped Isotopes of Methane: Applications to Both Low and High Temperature Natural Systems
Stolper D, Davis C, Eiler J, Ferreira A, Lawson M, Martini A, Santos Neto E, Schoell M, Sessions A, Shusta S, Tang Y, Valentine D & Ellis GS

Ellis Geoffrey (2023) Understanding Geologic Hydrogen Resource Potential
Ellis G
(2020) Volatile Organic Sulfur Compounds in Petroleum Accumulations in the Santos Basin, Brazil
Souza I, Ferreira A, Ellis G, Díaz R & Albuquerque AL
(2016) The Development and Distribution of New δ13C and δ2H Natural Gas Standard Reference Materials
Ellis G, Dias R & Coleman D
(2016) Molecular and Stable Isotopic Evidence for the Mechanism of Thermochemical Sulphate Reduction
Ellis G
(2009) Experimental and Theoretical Determination of the Kinetics of Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction
Tang Y, Ellis G, Zhang T, Ma Q & Amrani A
(2007) Use of Carbon and Hydrogen Stable Isotopic Composition to Quantitatively Assess Natural Gas Generation
Tang Y, Ellis G & Ma Q
(2005) Effect of Aqueous Chemistry on the Thermal Stability of Hydrocarbons in Petroleum Reservoirs
Tang Y, Ellis G, Zhang T & Jin Y

Ellis K. (2013) Groundtruthing the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Planktonic Foraminifera as a Paleobiogeochemical Proxy
Ren H, Sigman D, Ellis K, Weigand M, Anderson R, Ravelo C, Altabet M, Fawcett S & Rafter P

Ellis Maggie (2010) Fracturing, Cementation and Feedback in a Small-Offset Oblique Slip Fault in Sandstone
Laubach S, Hargrove P, Ellis M & Eichhubl P

Ellis Michael (2014) The Formation of Ikaite (CaCO3.6H2O) in Hyperalkaline Springs Associated with the Leaching of Lime Kiln Waste
Milodowski A, Rushton J, Purser G, Rochelle C, Kemp S, Shaw R & Ellis M

Ellis Nadine (2023) Iron and Mesoscale Eddy Dynamics in the South-West Indian Ocean – RESILIENCE Cruise
Cloete R, Samanta S, Ellis N, Jansen van Vuuren L, Baudet C, Penven P, Herbette S, Roychoudhury A, Bucciarelli E & Planquette H

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