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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Elkassas S. (2019) Enrichment and Isolation of Chemosynthetic Microbes for Asbestos Bioremediation
Elkassas S, Choi JK & Pérez-Rodríguez I

Elkhoumsi I. (2022) Assessment of Water Quality Evolution in Filtered Tailings Storage Facilities
Elkhoumsi I, Pabst T & Neculita CM

Elkins J. (2002) Microbiology: What is Next?
Keller M, Zengler K, Toledo G, Elkins J, Mathur E & Short J

Elkins Lynne (2019) Development of U-Series Disequilibrium Melting and Transport Models Using Jupyter and Python
Elkins L & Spiegelman M
(2019) Implications from U and Th Concentrations for Drivers of Oceanic Crustal Construction along the Kane-Atlantis Supersegment, 24-30ON MAR
Lyu Y, Elkins L, Langmuir C, Sims K & Kant L
(2018) The Effects of Two-Lithology Mantle Melting on U-Series in Basalts
Elkins L, Bourdon B & Lambart S

Elkins Lynne J (2022) Melt Modeling of U-Series Disequilibria in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Elkins LJ & Lambart S
(2021) Implications from Uranium-Series Disequilibria for the Origin of Detachment Faulting along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 24-30°N
Messer J, Elkins LJ, Lyu Y, Kant LB, Sims KW & Langmuir C

Elkins Lynne J. (2020) Vertical Streamline Integration of U-Series Disequilibria in Basalts
Elkins LJ
(2016) Identifying Pyroxenite in the Mantle Source for Jan Mayen Island and Northern Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins LJ, Scott SR, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Reagan M, Devey CW, Hamélin C & Pedersen RB
(2013) Origins of Anomalous Ridge Magmatism Near Jan Mayen
Elkins LJ, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Chernow R, Davis R & Meisenhelder K
(2011) Secondary Crustal Effects on MORB Composition at the Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins L, Sims K, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Dunbar N, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Mertz D, Schilling J-G & Murrell M
(2009) (234U/238U) and (230Th/238U) Disequilibria in Fresh and Altered Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Elkins LJ, Sims KWW, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Blichert-Toft J, Blusztajn J, Devey C, Mertz D, Kelemen P, Murrell M & Schilling J-G
(2006) Mineral/melt partitioning of U and Th during partial melting of garnet pyroxenite
Elkins LJ, Gaetani GA & Sims KWW
(2005) Central America Arc Volatiles: along- and Across- Arc Variations
Fischer T, Hilton D, Elkins L, Shaw A, Zimmer M, Takahata N & Sano Y
(2002) Late Archean Komatiites and BIFs, Woodburn Lake Group, Churchill Province, Nunavut
Jenner G, Shirey S, Hyde D, Elkins L, Kjarsgaard B & Kerswill J

Elkins-Tanton Linda (2022) How to Build a Legacy of Scientific Leadership: The HR Formula
Hammer J, Baker L, Barclay J, Carroll MR, Coombs M, Cottrell E, Dygert NJ, Elkins-Tanton L, First E, Gardner J, Goldsby D, Greenwood J, Johnson M, Krawczynski M, Mandeville C, McCanta M, Minitti ME, Nelson W, Prissel T, Venezky D, Weitz C & Woodruff D
(2018) Systemic Swings in End-Permian Climate from Siberian Traps Carbon and Sulfur Outgassing
Black B, Neely R, Lamarque J-F, Elkins-Tanton L, Kiehl J, Shields C, Mills M & Bardeen C
(2014) Non-Chondritic 142Nd and Archean 142Nd and 182W Variability Reconciled by Magma Ocean Crystallization and Overturn
Brown S, Elkins-Tanton L & Walker R
(2013) Origin and Evolution of Volatiles in Rocky Airless Bodies
Elkins-Tanton L
(2013) Sulfur Isotopic Evidence for Sources of Volatiles in Siberian Traps Magmas
Black B, Hauri E, Brown S & Elkins-Tanton L
(2013) Dripping, Thinning, Melt Injection, Metasomatism: Geochemical Consequences of Small-Scale Convection Under Continents
Elkins-Tanton L
(2011) Understanding Late Accretion on the Earth, Moon, and Mars
Bottke W, Walker R, Day J, Nesvorny D & Elkins-Tanton L
(2009) Magnetic Records of Early Planetary Differentiation
Weiss B, Carporzen L, Elkins-Tanton L, Stanley S, Ebel D & Berdahl J

Elkins-Tanton Lindy (2017) HSE Removal from the Lunar Mantle and the Timeline of the Lunar Bombardment
Morbidelli A, Nesvorny D, Laurenz V, Marchi S, Rubie D, Elkins-Tanton L & Jacobson S

Ellam Rob (2016) The Late Miocene Sorbas Basin: Precessional Variability of 87Sr/86Sr and Implications for Marginal Basin Hydrologic Budgets
Modestou S, Flecker R, Simon D, Gutjahr M, Kouwenhoven T, Marzocchi A & Ellam R

Ellam Robert (2017) 10Be/9Be in FeMn Crust 3514-6: A Record of Paleoceanographic Changes
Modestou S, Rodes A, Gutjahr M, Fietzke J, Bolhao Muinos S, Ellam R & Flecker R
(2017) Methane Isotopologue Measurements by High Resolution IRMS
Clog M, Ellam R & Froehlich U

Ellam Robert Marc (2015) Initial Results from the SUERC 253 Ultra: A New High Resolution Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer for Isotopologue Analysis
Ellam R, Newton J, Hilkert A, Schwieters J & Deerberg M
(2015) Precessional Variation in Seawater-Derived Late Miocene Pb Isotopes
Modestou S, Gutjahr M, Fietzke J, Rodés Á, van der Schee M, Frank M, Muiños S, Ellam R & Flecker R
(2015) Picrite-Basalt Associated to Ethiopian-Yemeni CFB and their Relevance to Mantle Plume Processes
Natali C, Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Ellam RM, Savo A, Siena F & Stuart F
(2015) The Nature of the Early Cenozoic Alkaline Mafic Magmatism: Implications for Mantle Source
Deniz K, Kadioglu YK, Stuart FM, Ellam RM, Boyce AJ & Barfod D
(2014) Potassium Isotope Geochemistry and Magmatic Processes
Morgan L, Higgins J, Davidheiser-Kroll B, Lloyd N, Faithfull J & Ellam R
(2013) Potassium Stable Isotopic Compositions Measured by High-Resolution MC-ICP-MS
Morgan L, Lloyd N, Ellam R, Simon J & Tappa M
(2012) In situ Geochemical Characterization of Experimental Partial Melts
Meade F, Masotta M, Troll V, Freda C, Dahren B, Davidson J & Ellam R
(2012) Can Nd Tell us About Mediterranean Outflow Water?
Ivanovic R, Gutjahr M, Flecker R, Valdes P, Kouwenhoven T, Rickli J, Ellam R & Nicodemou A
(2011) Integration of the Intrusive and Extrusive Cycles of Palaeogene Igneous Activity in N.E. Ireland
McKenna C, Gamble JA, Renne PR, Ellam RM, Fitton JG & Lyle P
(2010) Baffin Island Picrites Contain Normal Terrestrial 142Nd/144Nd: Implications for the Source of High 3He/4He in Deep Earth
de Leeuw GAM, Carlson RW, Ellam RM & Stuart FM
(2010) Tectonic Controls on the Timing and Chemistry of Palaeogene Flood Basalt Volcanism in NE Ireland
McKenna C, Gamble J, Renne P, Fitton G, Ellam R & Lyle P
(2010) Observations on the Distribution of High 3He/4He in OIB
Ellam R & Stuart F
(2010) Coupled CO2-leakage and in situ Fluid-Mineral Reactions in a Natural CO2 Reservoir, Green River, Utah
Kampman N, Burnside N, Bickle M, Shipton Z, Ellam R & Chapman H
(2009) Osmium Isotope Insights into High 3He/4He Mantle and Convecting Mantle in the North Atlantic
Dale CW, Pearson DG, Starkey NA, Stuart FM, Ellam RM, Larsen LM, Fitton JG & Macpherson CG
(2009) The Age and Peterogenesis of Palaeogene Flood Basalt Volcanism in NE Ireland
McKenna C, Gamble J, Renne P, Fitton G, Ellam R, Stuart F & Lyle P
(2009) The Influence of Crustal Composition on Magmatic Differentiation Across Five Major Crustal Terranes: The British-Irish Palaeocene Igneous Province (BPIP)
Troll VR, Nicoll G, Meade F, Ellam R, Emeleus H & Gamble J
(2008) The Origin of the High 3He/4He, High Temperature Early Iceland Plume
Starkey N, Stuart F, Ellam R, Fitton G, Basu S & Larsen L
(2008) Is There a Hidden Primordial 3He-Rich Reservoir in the Deep Earth?
Stuart F, Basu S, Ellam R, Fitton G & Starkey N
(2008) Pb, Sr and Nd Isotopic Constraints on the Evolving Provenance of the Red River
Clift P, Ellam R, Hinton R & Tan MT
(2007) Short-Term Geochemical Variation within a Single Eruption Event: Mount Edgecumbe Volcano, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Gardner MF, Carroll LD, Gamble JA, Ellam RM, Troll VR & Price RC
(2007) Lithosphere/Asthenosphere Interaction in a Plume Region: Evidence from Ethiopian Mantle Xenoliths
Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Ellam RM, Natali C, Siena F & Stuart FM
(2007) Spinel-Lherzolite Xenoliths from the Hoggar Swell: Evidence for Intracratonic Asthenosphere Upwelling and Lithosphere Rejuvenation
Beccaluva L, Azzouni-Sekkal A, Benhallou A, Bianchini G, Ellam RM, Marzola M, Siena F & Stuart F
(2007) No Role for Discrete, Depleted High 3He/4He Mantle
Starkey N, Stuart F, Ellam R, Fitton G, Basu S & Larsen L
(2007) Crustal Contamination in the British and Irish Palaeogene Igneous Province: Mechanisms, Timing and Implications for the Formation of Granitic Magmas
Meade FC, Troll VR, Chew DM, Ellam RM, Font L & Chadwick JP
(2007) Generation and Emplacement of Granitic Magmas at the Paleocene Rum Igneous Complex, Northwest Scotland
Nicoll G, Troll V, Donaldson C, Ellam R & Emeleus H
(2006) Determining the Extent of Depleted Uranium Contamination in Soils at a Weapons Test Site: An Isotopic Investigation
Oliver I, Mackenzie A, Ellam R, Graham M & Farmer J
(2005) The Development of <+>129<$>I/<+>127<$>I Ratios in Scottish Sea Water
Schnabel C, Olive V, Atarashi-Andoh M, Dougans A, Ellam R, Freeman S, Maden C, Stocker M, Synal H & Wacker L
(2005) <+>129<$>I/<+>127<$>I Ratios in Surface Waters of the English Lake District
Atarashi-Andoh M, Schnabel C, Cook G, Dougans A, Ellam R, Freeman S, MacKenzie A, Maden C, Olive V & Sheng X
(2004) He-Isotope Characteristics of Geochemically Enriched Basalts from the Snaefellsnes Peninsula, Western Iceland
Williams A, Stuart F, Ellam R, Fitton G, Johansen T & Trønnes R
(2004) HRDM: The Common High 3He/4He Reservoir in Earth Mantle
Stuart F & Ellam R
(2004) Sr and Nd Evidence for Successive Contamination of the Slieve Gullion Ring Dyke Magmas, Co. Armagh, Ireland
Troll V, Chadwick J, Ellam R, McDonnell S, Meighan I & Emeleus C
(2004) 129I/127I Ratios in the Scottish Hydrosphere
Schnabel C, Olive V, Dougans A, Ellam R, Freeman S, Xu S & Wacker L
(2004) Source of Radiogenic He in the Mantle Wedge: Constraints from Italian Plio-Quaternary Volcanism
Martelli M, Di liberto V, Ellam R, Nuccio P & Stuart F
(2000) Isotopic Variability of Sr and Nd in Lateritic Deposits from the Deccan Traps, India: Evidence for an Input of Aeolian Material to the Laterites
Mason TFD, Widdowson M, Ellam RM & Oxburgh R
(2000) Constraints on Magma Sources in the North Atlantic Ocean from the Isotope Geochemistry of Basalts from Jan Mayen and Snaefellsness, Iceland
Stuart F, Ellam R, Fitton G & Raistrick M
(2000) What Really Controls Mica Rb-Sr Closure Temperature?
Jenkin GR, Ellam R, Rogers G & Stuart F

Ellefesen K.J. (2021) Bayesian Mapping of Stream-Bed Sediment Samples, Grouped by Watershed
Wang B, Ellefesen KJ & Goldman MA

Ellefsen K. (2012) Critical Zone Weathering of Glacial Till in the Prairie Potholes Region: A Major Control on Wetland Ecology
Morrison J, Goldhaber M, Mills C & Ellefsen K

Ellemann-Olesen R. (2004) Solid Solutions in the Titanite Structure Field
Ellemann-Olesen R & Malcherek T
(2004) Exploration of Structural Phase Transitions in Transition Metal Oxides of the Titanite Structure Type
Malcherek T & Ellemann-Olesen R

Eller K. (2012) Discharge-Driven Harmful Algal Blooms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
MacIntyre H, Liefer J, Novoveska L, Burnett W, Su N, Eller K, Smith W, Dorsey C, Peterson R & Viso R

Eller V. (2013) Hg Isotope Fractionation Among Atmospheric Mercury Species Above a Coastal Suburban Environment (Pensacola, Florida, USA)
Perrot V, Eller V, Landing W & Salters V

Ellgood R. (2002) Use of Geochemical and Isotope Tools to Evaluate Nitrate Attenuation in Riparian Wetlands in Agricultural Landscape in Southern Ontario
Aravena R, Brown C, Schiff SL & Ellgood R

Elling Felix (2023) Spatial Patterns of Fossil Carbon Mobilisation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Hollingsworth EH, Pancost RD, Dickson AJ, Badger M, Elling F, Freeman KH, Baczynski A & Inglis GN
(2017) Factors Controlling the 13C Contents of Archaeal GDGTs in the Water Column and Sediments
Pearson A, Hurley S, Elling F, Shah Walter S, Jasper C & Schubotz F

Elling Felix J (2021) Archaeal Niche Partitioning and Non-Temperature Effects on the TEX86 Paleotemperature Proxy in Planktonic Communities from the Gulf of Mexico
Elling FJ, Warren C, Nigro LM, Goldenstein NI, Teske A & Hinrichs K-U

Elling Felix J. (2019) Prospects for an Archaeal Lipid Paleobarometer
Pearson A, Hurley S, Elling F & Close H
(2019) Nitrogen Loss and Carbon Cycle Feedbacks during Past Marine Anoxia
Elling FJ, Hemingway JD, Polik CA & Pearson A
(2018) Impacts of Paleoecology on the TEX86 Paleotemperature Proxy
Polik CA, Elling FJ & Pearson A
(2018) Magnitude of the Marine Carbon Isotope Excursion during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Constrained Through Archaeal Biomarkers
Elling FJ, Doeana K, Kusch S & Pearson A
(2018) Carbon Isotope Fractionation in the 3HP/4HB Pathway
Pearson A, Wilkes E, Hurley S & Elling F
(2018) Calibrating Geostable Lipid Profiles to Archaeal Bioenergetic State
Zhou A, Amenabar M, Elling F, Weber Y, Boyd E, Pearson A & Leavitt W
(2015) Physiological and Ecological Constraints on TEX86 and GDGT Provenance Revealed by Pure Culture Experiments and Quinone Biomarkers
Elling FJ, Becker KW, Könneke M, Schröder JM, Hurley SJ, Mußmann M, Pearson A & Hinrichs K-U
(2015) Archaeal Lipids in Transition: Characterization of Lipids and Sequences in the Orca Basin, Gulf of Mexico
Warren C, Elling F, Goldenstein N, Hinrichs K-U & Pagani M
(2015) Environmental and Physiological Influences on the TEX86 Proxy
Hurley S, Elling F, Könneke M, Lipp J, Jahn O, Dutkiewicz S, Follows M, Hinrichs K-U & Pearson A

Elliot M. (2017) Modern and Holocene Hydrological Variations of the NE Atlantic Inferred from Nd Isotopic Composition Analyzed on Seawater and Deep-Sea Corals
Colin C, Bonneau L, Dubois-Dauphin Q, Pons-Branchu E, Douville E, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Elliot M, Douarin M, Mienis F, Frank N, Swingedouw D & Eynaud F
(2012) High Resolution Reservoir Age Reconstructions from Cold-Water Corals in the North-Eastern Atlantic during the Holocene (~ 1700 -4800 cal yr BP)
Douarin M, Elliot M, Sinclair D, Moreton SG, Noble SR, Long D & Roberts JM
(2009) Mid-Late Pleistocene Deep-Water Circulation in the Southwestern Subtropical Pacific
Russon T, Elliot M, Kissel C, Cabioch G, De Deckker P & Corrège T
(2006) High-resolution paleoclimate of the MIS 11 interglacial (423-360 ka) using geochemical proxies in giant Tridacna clams
Ayling BF, Chappell J, McCulloch MT, Gagan MK & Elliot M

Elliott A. (2012) Size-Associated Distribution of Ferrous and Ferric Iron in Two Algonquin Park Lakes
Reid M, Elliott A & Warren L
(2012) Microbial-Mineral-Metal Interactions in Suspended Aquatic Floc
Elliott AVC, Plach JM, Droppo IG & Warren LA
(2011) Suspended Floc: Links between Microbial Ecology, FeOOH and Trace Element Dynamics
Warren L, Elliott A & Plach J

Elliott B A (2005) Oxygen Isotopes in Zircon from A-Type Granites in Southern Finland: An Indicator of Separate Terrains?
Elliott B, Peck W, Ramo T, Vaasjoki M & Nironen M
(2005) A-Type Granites and AMCG Suites; An Isotopic Study from SE Finland
Rämö OT, Elliott BA, Peck WH, Johanson B & Alviola R

Elliott Barrett (2020) Geochemistry and Glacial Dispersal Patterns of Kimberlite Indicator Minerals in the South Slave Province, NT
Campbell D, Zurevinski S & Elliott B
(2019) Till Geochemistry and Lithogeochemical Exploration for a Concealed Kimberlite
Wickham A, Winterburn P & Elliott B
(2018) Till Geochemistry and Lithogeochemical Exploration for a Concealed Kimberlite
Wickham A, Winterburn P & Elliott B

Elliott Beverley (2015) Ge Enrichments in Sedimentary Rocks in Gale Crater, Mars
Berger J, Schmidt M, Gellert R, Campbell JL, Elliott B, King P, Ming D, Perrett G, Thompson L & VanBommel S

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