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ElBishlawi H. (2008) Microbial, Geochemical, and Physical Responses to Biostimulation for U(VI) Reduction in Soil Columns
Jaffe P, ElBishlawi H, Kerkhoff L, Kukkadapu R, Long P, McGuinness L, Moon HS, Peacock A, Wilkins M & Williams K

Elbracht J. (2015) Distribution and Origin of Ground-Water Methane in Lower Saxony, Germany – A Regional Inventory
Schloemer S, Blumenberg M & Elbracht J

Elbrecht A. (2015) Glass Stability of Silicate Glasses with Sub-Alkaline Compositions
Misiti V, Elbrecht A, Davis M, Iezzi G, Vetere F, Cavallo A & Mollo S

Elburg Marlina (2018) Boron Isotope and REE Signatures and their Sources in Manganese Ores of the Kalahari Manganese Field
Blignaut L, Viljoen F, Elburg M & Tsikos H
(2015) How Robust is the Crustal Evolution Information from Detrital Zircon?
Andersen T, Elburg M & Kristoffersen M
(2015) Palaeoarchean Intermediate – Felsic Volcanics of the Toggekry Formation, Nondweni Greenstone Belt, RSA: A Rifted Volcanic Arc?
Elburg M, Jele N, Andersen T, Watkeys M, Agangi A & Hofmann A

Elburg Marlina A. (2023) The Silica-Saturated Pyroxenite of the Phalaborwa Complex (South Africa), and its Relation to the Coexisting Carbonatites
Sauer M & Elburg MA
(2023) Semiquantitative Modelling of Parameters Controlling Agpaitic Crystallization in Nepheline Syenite in the Pilanesberg Alkaline Complex, South Africa
Andersen T, Elburg MA & Friis H
(2021) Late-Orogenic Juvenile Magmatism of the Mesoproterozoic Namaqualand Province (South Africa) and its Relation to REE-Th Monazite-Iron Oxide Mineralization
Ballouard C, Elburg MA, Harlov DE, Tappe S, Knoper MW, Eglinger A & Andreoli MAG
(2019) Growth of New Lithosphere during the Period 2.3-2.0 Ga in the Birimian Supergroup of the Bui Belt of Ghana: Insights from Geochemistry
Agra NA, Elburg MA & Vorster C
(2019) Detrital Zircon from the Witwatersrand Supergroup: Reasons for Discordance
Elburg M, Kristoffersen M & Andersen T
(2019) Proterozoic Evolution of Central Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctica) from Rodinia to Gondwana
Wang C, Jacobs J, Elburg M & Läufer A
(2019) Radiation Damage and U-Pb Discordance in Detrital Zircon in Palaeoproterozoic Sandstones from South Africa
Andersen T & Elburg M
(2019) Carbonate-Bearing Source of Fluids in Leucocratic Granitoids Associated with Granulites of the Southern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Complex, South Africa: A Case of Study of Carbonate-Silicate Inclusions in Garnet
Mityaev A, Safonov O, Yapaskurt V, Varlamov D, Shcherbakov V, van Reenen D, Belyanin G & Elburg M
(2017) A Potassic Magma Series in the Pilanesberg Alkaline Complex?
Elburg M, Andersen T, Mahlaku M, Cawthorn G & Kramers J
(2017) Controls on the HFSE Mineralogy of Alkaline Rocks: Peralkalinity vs. Volatiles
Andersen T & Elburg M
(2017) Large Igneous Provinces (LIP) and the Subcontinental Lithosphere of the Kaapvaal Craton (South Africa) from the Mesoarchean to the Present
Humbert F & Elburg MA
(2014) Influence of Regional Tectonics on Crustal Petrogenesis & Eruption Style
Smet I & Elburg M
(2011) Volcanism on Methana (W Aegean Arc): Magma Mixing, Crustal Contamination & Mantle Sources
Smet I, De Pelsmaeker E, Elburg M, Vanhaecke F & Andersen T
(2009) Volcanism in the Saronic Gulf (W Aegean): Geochemical Indications for Across-Arc Variations?
Smet I, Elburg M & Vanhaecke F
(2009) Along-Arc Variations in the Aegean: Contrasting Aegina-Methana-Poros, Santorini and Nisyros
Elburg M, Smet I & Vanhaecke F
(2007) Dehydration Processes Determine fO2 of Arc and Intraplate Magmas
Elburg M & Kamenetsky V
(2007) New Insights into Peralkaline Magma Chamber Processes in the Naivasha Area, Kenya Dome
Tchalikian A, Nebel O, Elburg MA, Andriessen PAM & Davies GR
(2006) Low-Calcium Olivine Crystals in Subduction-Related Magmas: Messengers From the Mantle or the Magma Chamber?
Elburg M, Kamenetsky VS, Arculus R & Thomas R
(2004) Mixing of high-Ca Arc-Related Melts in Lombok (Indonesia)
Elburg M, Kamenetsky V, Sobolev A & Foden J
(2002) Sangeang Api: Upper Plate Magma Chamber Processes and the Origin of Alkaline Arc Lavas
Foden J, Elburg M & Turner S
(2002) Geochemical Response to Arc-Continent Collision on Alor, Sunda-Banda Arc, Indonesia
Elburg M, Foden J, van Bergen M & Zulkarnain I

Eldad S. (2011) Adsorption and Oxidative Transformation of Aromatic Acids by Fe(III)-Montmorillonite
Polubesova T, Eldad S & Chefetz B

Eldam R. (2015) Geochemical Characterization of Subsurface Variation on Contrasting Hillslope Aspects, Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory
Eldam R, Navarre-Sitchler A, Singha K & Hinckley E-L

Eldam Pommer R. (2020) Co-evolved Geomechanical and Geochemical Rock Properties in a Contact Metamorphosed, Shale-Hosted Watershed
Navarre-Sitchler A & Eldam Pommer R
(2017) Lithologic Control on Weathering Processes in the East River Valley, Gothic, CO, USA
Eldam Pommer R, Navarre-Sitchler A & Sams B

Elder C.D. (2023) Isotopic Fingerprints of Fluvial-Derived Greenhouse Gases Document Pervasive Permafrost Thaw
Schwab MS, Elder CD, Xu X, Czimczik CI & Miller CE

Elder L. (2019) Cretaceous Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures from Bulk Foraminiferal Clumped Isotope Thermometery
Dawson R, Affek H, Elder L, Bostock H, Goldklang M, Pagani M & Hull P
(2017) New Perspectives on the Cenozoic ∂7Li Record
Henehan M, Abell R, Tsong R, Kalderon-Asael B, Planavsky N, Burke J, Elder L, Foster G, Davis C, Maas A, Elliott T, Schmidt D & Hull P
(2017) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Bulk Planktonic Foraminifera
Canavan R, Hull P, Elder L, Goldklang M, Affek H & Pagani M

Elderfield H. (2016) Diagenesis Determined by Synchrotron X-Ray CT – Insights from the Ontong Java Plateau
Read E, Branson O, Redfern S, Rau C & Elderfield H
(2015) Submicron Measurements of Mg Isotopes in Biogenic Carbonates Using LA-MC-ICPMS
Sadekov A, Lloyd N, Misra S, Mewes A, Shuttleworth S, Langer G, Bijma J & Elderfield H
(2015) Major Cation, Carbon System and Trace Element Chemistry in Pore Waters from the Iberian Margin: Implications for Paleoproxies
Greaves M, Elderfield H, Hodell D, Skinner L, Sevilgen D, Grauel A-L, de la Fuente M, Misra S & Daunt C
(2015) Controls on Sr/Ca Incorporation into Benthic Foraminifera Tests – A Down-Core and Intra-Shell Variability Perspective
Kerr J, Sadekov A & Elderfield H
(2015) Porewater δ7Li Profile of IODP Expedition 339 – An Insight into Clay Dewatering
Misra S, Miller M, Hodell D & Elderfield H
(2015) Atlantic and Pacific Deep Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling Changes during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Piotrowski A, Howe J, Rennie V, Clegg J & Elderfield H
(2014) Ostracod Trace Element Proxies: More Complexity, Less Certainty
Branson O, Redfern S, Molina S, Elmore A & Elderfield H
(2013) Geochemical Proxy Nanostructure of Foraminifera by X-Ray Imaging: STXM and Tomography
Redfern S, Branson O, Elderfield H, Tylisczak T & Rau C
(2013) Evidence for Increased Southern Ocean Waters in the Tropical Intermediate Indian Ocean during the Last Deglaciation
Rashid H, Elderfield H, Gourlan A & Smith M
(2013) Ocean Geochemistry and Paleoproxies: Deep Ocean Carbonate Ion Through Six Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
Elderfield H
(2013) The Coordination of Boron in Foraminiferal Calcite
Branson O, Redfern S, Kaczmarek K, Tyliszczak T & Elderfield H
(2012) Improved Analytical Method for Determination B Isotopes by Magnetic Sector ICP-MS
Misra S, Kerr J, Greaves M & Elderfield H
(2010) Emerging Global Deep Ocean Carbonate Ion Concentrations Since the Last Glacial Age
Yu J, Broecker W & Elderfield H
(2009) Carbonate Burial, Circulation and CO2 Release at Terminations
Rickaby R & Elderfield H
(2008) Indian Ocean Circulation and Productivity during the Last Glacial Cycle
Piotrowski A, Banakar V, Scrivner A & Elderfield H
(2008) Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Surface Water pCO2 in the Northern Arabian Sea Since 29 ka
Palmer M, Brummer G-J, Cooper MJ, Elderfield H, Greaves M, Reichart G-J, Schouten S & Yu J-M
(2007) Biominerals, Proxies, Vital Effects, and Ocean Palaeochemistry
Elderfield H
(2006) How do marine carbonate Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca proxies constrain Cenozoic ocean history
Elderfield H, Rickaby R & Henderiks J
(2006) High resolution trace metal analysis of benthic foraminifera reveal nutrient excursions in Antarctic Intermediate Water
Cook M, Elderfield H, Zahn R & Pahnke K
(2006) Algal Constraints on the Cenozoic History of Atmospheric CO2
Henderiks J, Rickaby R & Elderfield H
(2006) The Mg isotope budget of the modern ocean: Constraints from riverine Mg isotope ratios
Tipper E, Galy A, Gaillardet J, Bickle M, Elderfield H & Carder E
(2006) Blooming Coccolithophores
Rickaby R, Stoll H, Henderiks J, Shaw S & Elderfield H
(2005) Magnesium Isotopes in Bacterial Dolomites: A Novel Approach to the Dolomite Problem
Carder E, Galy A, McKenzie J, Vasconcelos C & Elderfield H
(2005) Mechamisms of Mg Isotopes Fractionation during CaCO<->3<$> Biomineralisation
Dessert C, Galy A & Elderfield H
(2004) The Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Oceanic Water Masses
Carder E, Galy A & Elderfield H
(2004) Ge/Si and Ge Isotope Systematic in Marine Sediments
Rouxel O, Galy A & Elderfield H
(2002) Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Paleothermometry: Expected Advances and Unexpected Consequences
Elderfield H
(2002) Reconstructing Alboran Sea Hydrography during the Last Organic Rich Layer Formation
Cacho I, Sierro F, Shackleton N, Elderfield H & Grimalt J

Eldin G. (2015) Rare Earth Elements in the Coral and Solomon Seas (Pandora-GEOTRACES)
Pham V, Jeandel C, Leleu T, Grenier M, Rousseau T, Ganachaud A & Eldin G

Eldrett J. (2020) Changing Inputs of Continental and Submarine Weathering Sources of Sr to the Oceans during OAE 2
Nana Yobo L, Brandon A, Lau K, Holmden C & Eldrett J
(2019) Cr Isotope Response to OAE 2 Recorded in the Eagle Ford Formation, Western Interior Seaway
Nana Yobo L, Holmden C, Brandon A & Eldrett J
(2019) Limited Molybdenum Isotope Change in the Oceans Associated with Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
Dickson A, Jenkyns H, Porcelli D, Idiz E, Sweere T, Murphy M, Ruhl M, Eldrett J & van den Boorn S
(2018) Stable Sr Isotopes of Carbonate Fractions as Tracer for Weathering Activity during OAE2
Nana Yobo L, Brandon A, Eldrett J & Minisini D
(2018) Seawater 187Os/188Os Variations during the Mid-Cenomanian Event
Lauckner L, Brandon A, Eldrett J & Minisini D
(2018) Isotopic Constraints on the Molybdenum Cycle in the Late Cretaceous
Dickson A, Sweere T, Ruhl M, Murphy M, Jenkyns H, Idiz E, Porcelli D, Henderson G, van den Boorn S & Eldrett J
(2009) Evolution of Sea Surface Temperatures in the Eocene and Oligocene Reconstructed Using Organic Proxies
Schouten S, Bohaty S, Houben S, Bijl P, Sluijs A, Eldrett J, Harding I, Sinninghe Damste J & Brinkhuis H

Eldridge Daniel (2023) Investigating Impact of Halide Concentration on Cs Partitioning between Fluids and Melts
Rose KG, Boukhalfa H, Rahn T, Campe C, Eldridge D, Miller H & Rock MJ
(2020) An Experimental and Theoretical Calibration of CH4-H2-H2O Hydrogen Isotopic Equilibrium from 3-200℃
Stolper D, Turner A, Eldridge D, Bill M, Conrad M, Korol R & Miller T
(2019) Methane Clumped Isotope Compositions from Ethane Pyrolysis Experiments
Eldridge D, Lloyd M & Stolper D
(2019) Experimental Calibration of methane-H2-H2O Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation Factor from 4-160℃
Turner A, Eldridge D, Bill M, Conrad M & Stolper D
(2014) Sulfur Isotope Fractionations during The Oxidation of Sulfur Compounds
Eldridge D & Farquhar J
(2013) Oxygen Isotope Equilibrium between Sulfite and Water
Wankel S, Bradley A, Eldridge D & Johnston D
(2012) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Effects during Sulfite and Bisulfite Oxidation in Aqueous Solution
Eldridge D, Kim S-T & Farquhar J

Eldridge Daniel L. (2017) The Role of Reversibility and S Intermediates in the S Metabolism
Farquhar J, Leavitt W, Guo W, Eldridge D & Bojanova D
(2017) New Raman Constraints on the Bisulfite Isomer Quotient: Implications for Isotope Fractionations in Aqueous Systems
Eldridge DL, Mysen B & Cody G

Eldridge E.L. (2022) Geogenic Radon Emissions Affected by Atmospheric Pressure – Evidence from a Breathing Well
Ryan C, Verma S, Morais TA & Eldridge EL

Eleazar P. (2014) A Laboratory-Free Method to Measure Dissolved CH4 in Gassy Lakes
Issa I, Yoshida Y, Doris K, Takeshi O, Wilson F, Eleazar P, Alain F, Kusakabe M, Saigo O, Boris C, Daniel S, Nkamdjou S & Gregory T

Elefsen S. (2007) Direct Evidence of the Feedback between Climate and Weathering
Gislason S, Oeklers E, Eiriksdottir E, Kardjilov M, Gisladottir G, Sigfusson B, Snorrason A, Elefsen S, Hardardottir J & Torssander P
(2005) The Effect of Climate, Vegetation, Rock Age, and Human Activity on Basalt Weathering Rates in NE-Iceland
Gislason S, Eiriksdottir E, Sigfusson B, Snorrason A, Elefsen S, Hardardottir J, Karjilov M, Oelkers E, Torssander P & Gisladottir G
(2004) River Water in NE Iceland: S Isotopes, Fe and Mn Concentrations
Torssander P, Gislason S, Eiriksdóttir E, Elefsen S, Mörth C & Snorrason Á
(2002) A Quantitative Field Based Study of Basalt/Basaltic Glass Weathering and its Role in Carbon Fixation
Gislason SR, Kardjilov MI, Gisladottir G, Eiriksdottir ES, Sigfusson B & Elefsen S

Eleftheriadis K. (2009) Impact of Fine, Coarse and PM10 Size Fractions on the Solution of Positive Matrix Factorization Analysis of Atmospheric Aerosol Data
Karanasiou A & Eleftheriadis K
(2009) Volatility of Nuclei Mode Arctic Aerosol
Eleftheriadis K, Vratolis S, Karanasiou A, Biskos G & Ondráček J

Eleish A. (2022) Mineral Network Analysis: Exploring Mineralization and Mineralizing Environments via Machine Learning and Large Data Resources
Morrison SM, Hazen R, Prabhu A, Williams JR, Eleish A & Fox P
(2022) Evidence for Phanerozoic Crustal Oxidation from the Evolution of Manganese Minerals
Hummer DR, Golden JJ, Hystad G, Downs RT, Eleish A, Liu C, Ralph J, Morrison SM, Meyer MB & Hazen RM
(2021) Linking Plate Tectonic Settings and Microbial Functions on a Global Scale
Bastoni D, Buongiorno J, Morrison S, Hazen R, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Barry P, Bekaert D, Zahirovic S, Cordone A & Giovannelli D
(2020) Assessing the Classification of Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains Using Cluster Analysis
Boujibar A, Zhang S, Howell S, Hystad G, Prab A, Narkar S, Eleish A, Morrison S, Liu N, Stephan T, Alexander C, Hazen R & Nittler L
(2020) Mineral Affinity Analysis: Predicting Unknown Mineral Occurrences with Machine Learning
Morrison SM, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Narkar S, Fox P, Golden JJ, Downs RT, Perry S, Burns PC, Ralph J & Hazen RM
(2019) Network Analysis on Geochemical and Biological Signatures from Cerro Negro Volcano and Implications for Life on Ancient Martian
Huang F, Fischer A, Collins C, Eleish A, Fox P, Hynek B, McCollom T, Prabhu A & Rogers K
(2019) Machine Learning in Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison S, Pan F, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Fox P, Gagne O, Downs RT, Bristow TF, Rampe EB, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Achilles CN, Ming DW, Yen AS, Treiman AH, Morris RV, Chipera SJ, Craig PI, Tu VM & Hazen RM
(2017) Carbon Mineral Network Analysis: A Big Data Geobiology Study
Hazen R, Eleish A, Liu C, Morrison S, Meyer M, Fox P, Hummer D, Downs R, Golden J, Pires A, Hystad G & Ralph J
(2017) Network Analysis Applications: Exploring Geosphere and Biosphere Co-evolution with Big Data Techniques
Morrison SM, Eleish A, Liu C, Hummer DR, Giovannelli D, Meyer MB, Fox P, Downs RT, Golden JJ, Pires A, Hystad G, Ralph J & Hazen RM
(2017) Ecology and Evolution of Manganese Minerals: Implications for the Redox History of Earth and Life
Hummer D, Hazen R, Eleish A, Liu C, Morrison S, Downs R, Golden J, Pires A, Hystad G & Meyer M

Elemans C. (2015) Redox Control on Basal Animal Behavior and Metabolism
Mills D, Vargas S, Hasler-Sheetal H, Elemans C, Wörheide G & Canfield D

Elena A. (2023) An Atomistic Study of the Incorporation of Noble Gas in Silicate Minerals: Lattice Incorporation
Pinilla C, Lora A, Elena A & Allan N

Elena Krista (2017) Integration of Synchrotron-Based Spectroscopic Techniques and Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Measurements to Define Reaction Mechanisms Controlling Contaminant Transport
Ptacek C, Jamieson-Hanes J, Shrimpton H, Veeramani H, Elena K, Liu P, Wang A, Amos R & Blowes D

Elena Krista M.A. (2018) Application of Synchrotron-Based Spectroscopic Techniques and Laboratory Transport Studies to Understand Cycling of Mercury in a Riverine Environment
Wang AO, Elena KMA, Fellin S, Corriveau M, Ptacek CJ, Blowes DW, Finfrock Z, Paktunc D, Landis RC, Dyer JA, Mack EE & Grosso NR

Elert K. (2023) Micropillars Formation via Anisotropic Dissolution of Calcite Leads to Hydrophobicity
Santoro De Vico F, Rodríguez-Navarro C, Elert K & Ruiz-Agudo E
(2017) Crystallization and Colloidal Stabilization of Ca(OH)2 in the Presence of Additives
Burgos-Cara A, Ruiz-Agudo E, Elert K, Di Lorenzo F & Rodriguez-Navarro C

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